Famous wusheng performing artist, national first-class director, winner of the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the Chinese Opera Performance Society, winner of the "Outstanding Contribution Award" of the Fujian Peking Opera Company Li Youbin, born in 1938, a native of Beijing, na

Famous wusheng performing artist, national first-level director

Winner of the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the Chinese Opera Performance Society

Winner of the "Outstanding Contribution Award" of the Fujian Peking Opera Company

Li Youbin, born in 1938, Beijing native, national first-level director, famous wusheng performer artist. Winner of the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the Chinese Opera Performance Society, winner of the "Outstanding Contribution Award" of the Fujian Peking Opera Company, a member of the Chinese Opera Directors Association, a member of the Chinese Dramatists Association, a visiting professor of the Shanghai Academy of Opera, and a graduate tutor of the Academy of Chinese Opera.

Mr. Li Youbin started practicing martial arts with his father Li Shengbin when he was 10 years old. At the age of 12, he went on stage to act. In June 1949, he followed his father to join the Peking Opera Troupe of the Political Department of the Tenth Corps of the Third Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army as a soldier actor. In 1953, he transferred to the Peking Opera Troupe of Fujian Province as a Wusheng actor. In 1959, he performed "Jiepaiguan" and "White Water Beach" in Shanghai. Dramas such as "Four Heroes Village" were very effective, and later went to Nanjing to perform "Flaming Mountain" for more than 20 performances. In 1965, he was seconded to the Shanghai Youth Peking and Kunming Opera Troupe to star in "The Great Wall of the South China Sea" with Li Bingshu, Qi Shufang, Zhu Wenhu and others, starring "Ou Yingcai".

started his career as an actor and opera director in 1971. He has written and directed dramas such as "The King's Hate", "Flaming Mountain", "Little Five Righteousness" and "The True and False Monkey King". He has been hired as a teacher and director by various local opera art groups. . In 1980, the play "The True and False Monkey King" written and directed was performed for more than 500 performances in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Fujian and other places. The performances were sold out and had a great influence. In 1982, "The Monkey King" was produced as a Peking Opera film by Zhujiang Film Studio. It achieved excellent box office results and received great response at home and abroad. It was frequently broadcast on CCTV's Opera Channel as an excellent opera film.

Mr. Li Youbin traveled to Japan three times to participate in cultural exchange activities. In 1995, he directed "Mu Guiying's Battle of the Liao Soldiers" and "Wukong Bajie Fights Gangsters" which caused a sensation in Japan. In 1999, he was invited by Mr. Tsuda Tadahiko of Japan and the China Foreign Performance Company , went to Japan to perform in Shandong Province Peking Opera Theater's "Girls of the Yang Family"; in 2002, he directed "The Fourth Sister Zhang Descends to Earth" and other dramas again to perform in Japan, and received high praise from Japanese friends and audiences.

After retiring in 2000, Mr. Li Youbin still persisted in teaching opera. With his persistence in passing on the art of Peking Opera from generation to generation, he passed on his performance skills and experience to the younger generations without reservation. He was hired as a graduate tutor by the China Academy of Opera and went to various places across the country. The Peking Opera Troupe teaches plays. He taught Ruan Xuedong, a third-generation martial arts actor in our academy, "Fighting Zidu" and Li Zhe, a fourth-generation martial arts actor, "Wusong Fights the Tiger" and "White Water Beach". He was hired to teach in Taiwan and taught Taiwanese martial arts actor Dai Liwu "Fighting Zidu", "Jiepaiguan", "Wu Song Fights the Tiger" and other dramas. Served as the artistic director of the Peking Opera film project "Havoc in Heaven", the director of the youth version of "The Monkey King", taught the fifth generation martial arts actor Li Xianke "Fighting the City", and was selected into the Fujian Province famous old artist legacy program to teach the fifth generation Young actor Sun Fengkun "Battle of Jizhou" and professor Li Xianke "Jiepaiguan".

Mr. Li Youbin is a witness to the founding and development of Fujian Peking Opera. He has contributed many outstanding artistic works to the development of Fujian Peking Opera, dedicated his life to the inheritance and development of Peking Opera art, and made outstanding contributions to the promotion of China’s excellent traditional culture. Generation after generation of Fujian opera workers have grown up under his guidance, and their talents are all over the world. All colleagues at the Fujian Peking Opera Theater express our deepest condolences for the passing of Mr. Li Youbin! Mr.

’s style will last forever!

[Source: Fujian Peking Opera Art Inheritance and Protection Center]

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