As one of the mainstream branches of contemporary themes, anti-gang criminal investigation dramas have reached their peak in recent years after more than ten years of development, especially "Hurricane", which will be launched in 2021 and launched in 2023. It is a classic and pop

Anti-black criminal investigation dramas, as one of the mainstream branches of contemporary themes, have reached their peak in recent years after more than ten years of development, especially "Hurricane", which will be launched in 2021 and launched in 2023. , is a landmark classic and popular hit.

"Crazy" is an anti-gang criminal investigation drama that will be launched in early 2023. The drama is directed by Xu Jizhou and stars Zhang Yi, Zhang Songwen, Li Yitong, Zhang Zhijian, Wu Gang and others. Not only is the creative team strong, but the actors are also recognized as capable.

Since the launch of "Hurry", the show has skyrocketed just like its title. Not only did it beat out all new works in terms of ratings, but it also set an unprecedented high score of 9.3 in word-of-mouth, becoming a hot hit that year and even in the past five years. top of the list.

After the ending of "Hurry Up", due to the abrupt end of the plot, many viewers bluntly said that they did not watch enough, and the endings of many characters were not clear, so expectations for a sequel arose.

Of course, for a work, the most fundamental factor in whether to start a sequel is whether it has the foundation and resources. In terms of basics, "Cyclonus" itself is an original script, so if you want to start the second part, you just need to create another script.

As for capital, the main thing that matters is the prospect of generating income. To put it bluntly, it means whether the audience's voice and support are high. Only when the audience is broad can the most investment be attracted. It's clear that "Rush" fully meets and exceeds this goal.

Now that the prerequisites for launching a sequel to "Hurry Up" have been fully met, as long as the actors are found and an excellent script is completed, it will be put on the schedule just around the corner.

Recently, as many platforms and drama studios have successively started to warm up the new works to be shot in 2024, "Hurricane 2" has also officially appeared in the audience's sight.

"Rush 2" will be launched in January, the list of eight leading actors has been announced, and the setting of the new male protagonist has caused controversy.

According to the news that has appeared so far, it can be seen that the preparations for the second part of the drama "Cyclone" have been started for some time, because there are obvious signs of improvement in the actors and scripts, and there are also tentative reports. opening time. Next, I will give a brief introduction to each of them one by one.

First, the tentative opening time of "Hurry 2"

It can be seen from the relevant information and preparation progress of "Hurry 2" that the tentative opening time of the show is in late January, roughly on the 25th before and after.

Second, the starring candidates of "Hurry 2"

As we all know, a good work cannot be separated from the interpretation of a group of outstanding actors. This "Hurry" is extremely obvious, if it were not for the talents of Zhang Yi, Zhang Songwen and others With the support of the actors, the show may not be so popular.

Now, facing the strong start of the second part, the return of the powerful leading actors in the past will inevitably become one of the main sources of popularity of the show. Among them, Zhang Yi, Li Yitong, Zhang Zhijian, Wu Gang and other nearly ten powerful actors have the most support. .

In addition, the upcoming "Hurricane 2" has also invited many new starring actors to join. After all, the main line of the story has undergone qualitative changes, including Wang Yang and Liu Yijun, who are mainly veteran actors. , Zeng Li, as well as newly popular actors Tan Jianci, Zhang Xincheng, Li Landi, Zhang Tianyang and others.

Third, the script development of "Hurry 2" and the setting of the male protagonist

The script development of "Hurry 2" is based on the first part. The main line will revolve around the people who are on the side of justice and the undercover dark forces. The two male protagonists are similar to many works of the same type that have appeared in recent years. The joining of two popular male protagonists is a deliberate arrangement for this purpose, but it has been questioned by many viewers.

You must know that the biggest advantage of "Hurious" is its unique script development. Nowadays, with the same male protagonist setting, it is inevitable that it will overturn. Of course, as candidates for the new male lead, Tan Jianci and Zhang Xincheng's acting skills are still very good, but it is still unclear whether they can create greater glory based on their predecessors. What do you think about this?