What are the strongest T0 lineups in lol fighting spirit arena? Recently, League of Legends has opened the Soul Fighting Arena mode. Some friends want to know what the strong lineups are. Today, the editor of Youxia.com will bring you a list of the strongest T0 lineups in LoL Sou

What are the strongest T0 lineups in

lol Soul Fighting Arena? Recently, League of Legends has opened the Soul Fighting Arena mode. Some friends want to know what the strong lineups are. Today, the editor of Youxia.com will bring you a list of the strongest T0 lineups in LoL Soul Fighting Arena. I hope it can help everyone.

lol Fighting Soul Arena's strongest T0 lineup

1. Cuishen + Poodle

1. Use the mechanism of Cuishen letting go of the grass and the poodle jumping from the grass, combined with the enhancement of the exclusive driver;

2. The poodle takes the exclusive driver and then ties it up Cuishen, after leaping from the grass, is forced to return to Cuishen and then attack. This routine requires disabling Poppy and Rock Bird.

2. Cuishen + Annie

1. Cuishen can summon Xiaoju after level 6, and Annie can summon Tibbers after level 6. It just so happens that these two heroes have control skills;

2. After getting the ultimate refresh, the field can simultaneously There are 2 Xiaoju and 2 Tibbers, allowing 6 to fight 2. You control the enemy from behind and let the summons fight. It is weak before level 6.

3. Big Tou + Zyra/Joker

1. Big Tou’s mechanism for cooperating with these two heroes is similar. The core revolves around summons;

2. Don’t fight head-on with the opponent, wait for the opponent to attack, and strengthen the core more casually.

4. Mingzhu + Big Mouth/Mouse

1. The core is the universal sight, preferably with the Symphony of War. The universal sight can increase the range of the Big Mouth or the Rat by more than 100 points. With the Mingzhu, the range is still Can be added;

2. If you can get the Symphony of War, the deadly rhythm is full, and you can kill enemies with half a screen click. The disadvantage is that it is fragile. Once Mirio's control skills are used up after you get close, you can only wait to die.

5. Alchemy + Snake Girl

1. Alchemy and Snake Girl can achieve the effect of double binding, and they are both poisonous. For core strengthening, you can choose cutting-edge inventor, which can achieve unlimited punishment Luden;

2. For core strengthening, choose Infernal Conduit, which can inflict unlimited traps on the enemy. Poison, burn, slow down.

6. Vampire + Werewolf

1. The core is that both heroes use moonstone regenerators to add blood to each other. The core enhancement is preferably to reduce skill CD and shield;

2. After forming, it is difficult to kill unless one of them is killed first. .

7. Tetsuo + Mantis

Mantis took the core-enhanced exclusive driver and tied it to Tetsuo. When Tetsuo got big, he directly pulled him into the small dark room, triggering Mantis's helplessness, and it was easy to fight 2 against 1.

8. Wet Nurse + Nila

1. In the later stages, you can’t kill them at all. Nila’s passive shield plus the wet nurse’s mutual milking make it easy to strengthen;

2. As long as you can survive to the later stages, the enemy cannot be beaten at all. Disadvantages It is weak in the early stage.

The above is the entire list of the strongest T0 lineup in lol Soul Fighting Arena. Friends who want to know more related strategies can continue to pay attention to Youxia.com. The latest and most complete strategies will be pushed to you every day. Don’t miss it.

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