The performance market, which has been dormant for three years, has exploded this year, especially in large-scale concerts and music festivals where you and I will perform after you sing. Fans grabbing tickets have become a daily activity in entertainment consumption. The long-lo

The performance market, which has been dormant for three years, has exploded this year, especially in large-scale concerts and music festivals. Fans grabbing tickets have become a daily activity in entertainment consumption. The long-lost excitement is back, and with it comes some troubles, such as "scalpers selling tickets at high prices", "live singing of 'overturning'", "it was hard to get tickets but they were 'pillar tickets' and 'step tickets'". Recently, there are Well-known bands have been questioned about "lip-syncing", and performances by famous singers have caused dissatisfaction among fans due to issues with ticket purchase time and refund rules... Netizens can't help but sigh: No matter how popular the market is, it cannot "test" the enthusiasm of fans in such a succession.

The performance market, which has been dormant for three years, has exploded this year. Various large-scale concerts and music festivals have continued one after another, seeming to have regained its former liveliness and vitality. This event is undoubtedly exciting news for music lovers and fans. They can once again feel the charm and passion of live performances and enjoy the happiness and touch brought by music. However, as the market recovers and performances increase, some problems begin to emerge.

However, as the market recovers and performances increase, some problems begin to emerge. First of all, the existence of ticket scalpers has caused ticket prices to soar, putting financial pressure on fans.

The ticket prices for some popular performances have even been raised to ridiculous levels, which has discouraged many fans. Secondly, the phenomenon of "rollover" in live singing also worries people. Some singers made mistakes or performed poorly during their performances, leaving the audience disappointed and dissatisfied. This not only affects the audience's experience, but also has a negative impact on the singer's reputation and image.

In addition, some fans also encountered difficulties in grabbing tickets. The tickets they spent a lot of time and energy to grab turned out to be "pillar tickets" or "step tickets." Such a location is not only not conducive to viewing, but may also make fans feel unfair and dissatisfied. Recently, an incident involving a well-known band being questioned about "lip-syncing" has attracted widespread attention. This not only calls into question the integrity of the orchestra, but also the supervision and regulation of the entire performance market.

In addition, the performances of famous singers also caused dissatisfaction among fans due to ticket purchase time and refund rules. Some fans encountered difficulties purchasing tickets, and unclear refund rules left some confused and dissatisfied.

has experienced a year of rapid development. The performance market will eventually return to "rational prosperity". The audience will not be infinitely tolerant. What everyone is looking forward to is a truly high-level and sincere concert.