Text | Editor: Nan Nan In many film and television dramas, the protagonist is lucky enough to survive despite being pierced by thousands of arrows, and the audience has long been accustomed to it. However, once the screenwriter changes his direction, the originally beloved protag

Text | Editor: Nannan

In many film and television dramas, the protagonist can still survive despite being pierced by thousands of arrows, and the audience has long been accustomed to it.

However, once the screenwriter changes his direction, the originally well-loved protagonist cannot escape the fate of being forced to "get a box lunch".

But in many cases, it is not the actor's schedule that crashes, but the screenwriter's deliberate decision.

Whether the much-anticipated protagonist can have the last laugh depends entirely on the screenwriter's whim.

Next, let’s take a look at the protagonists of several dramas whose fate was suddenly changed by the screenwriter.

"The Female Generals of the Yang Family"

"After Zhang Zhiyao, there will be no more Yang Zongbao"

In 1998, "The Daughters of the Female Generals of the Yang Family Should Be Strong" was a hit.

Zhang Zhiyao became famous with his role as Yang Zongbao and was deeply loved by the audience.

TV series tells the story of the daughters of Yang family generals who fought bravely to protect their families and country.

Yang Zongbao, played by Zhang Zhiyao in the play, is the eldest son of the Yang family. He is a perfect male protagonist who is handsome, wealthy, wise and courageous. However, what the audience never expected is


Such a fascinating male lead actually quit the crew after just 9 episodes because he died in battle!

Yang Zongbao was ambushed by the enemy Ren Daoan in a battle. In the end, he was outnumbered and shot by thousands of arrows, and died young.

This incident made countless female viewers who were obsessed with him feel sad and asked one after another whether the screenwriter's arrangement was too hasty.

There are many theories circulating about the reason why Zhang Zhiyao suddenly "offlined" after only appearing in 9 episodes.

The most reliable theory is that there was a delay in the filming progress at that time,

and Zhang Zhiyao had other subsequent film and television work schedules and was unable to continue to participate in the filming.

So the screenwriter could only let Yang Zongbao be killed hastily to end the scene.

It is also said that Zhang Zhiyao was temporarily ill and applied to return to Hong Kong for treatment , resulting in the inability to shoot.

Of course, there are also rumors that Zhang Zhiyao wants to go out to play.

Therefore, Zhang Zhiyao took the initiative to plead with the producer to let Yang Zongbao leave the show early.

Regardless of the reason, Yang Zongbao's death has undoubtedly become a major regret for this drama.

Not only is he brilliant in strategy and martial arts, he also has a "perfect love" with the heroine Mu Guiying.

The sweet show of affection between the two in the play was talked about by countless boys and girls.

The audience was mesmerized by this golden couple. Unexpectedly, the love line would come to an abrupt end in an instant.

The scene of Yang Zongbao lying in a pool of blood is still fresh in my memory and has become a shocking classic scene in this drama.

"The Number One in the World"

The ancient costume martial arts drama "The Number One in the World" released in 2005 tells a story full of grievances and machinations.

The show brings together many popular stars.

includes Guo Jinan, Li Yapeng, Huo Jianhua, Ye Xuan, Huang Shengyi, Gao Yuanyuan, etc.

The plot has ups and downs, and the fate of the heroine Shangguan Haitang is the most worrying.

The character Shangguan Haitang is impressive.

She is smart and witty, has strong martial arts skills and is closely related to Duan Tianya.

Duan Tianya loved Xue Ji deeply, but Xue Ji was unlucky and died early.

Later, Duan Tianya married Xue Ji’s sister Piaoxu.

Although Haitang admired Duan Tianya in her heart, she couldn't bear it when she considered that Duan Tianya already had a wife.

Fortunately, Duan Daxia's younger brother Gui Hai Yida loves Haitang deeply.

After countless separations, they finally put aside their grudges and decided to grow old together.

However, just before her happy life was about to begin, Haitang encountered a misfortune.

Sister-in-law Piaoxu's "abandoned" martial arts turned out to be just a lie.

Haitang was unprepared and was fatally struck by Piaoxu.

Haitang's death was so sudden that it caught countless viewers off guard.

She and Gui Hai Yida have gone through a lot of hardships and should have had a happy ending.

did not expect to die as soon as the offensive was turned, which made people sigh.

Regarding her death, there were rumors that the film had to be completed due to schedule issues.

However, this statement was later denied by Xuan Ye herself.

Begonia's tragic ending has always been a lasting regret in this drama.

6 years have passed and "The Best in the World" has long become a classic.

But every time it is mentioned, everyone still can’t help but sigh.

If Haitang had not left, what kind of touching love story would have continued between her and Gui Hai Yida.

This kind of vague reverie has made this show legendary.

"Shuiyue Cave"

Yin Tianqiu is definitely the biggest troublemaker in "Shuiyue Cave".

He has a wonderful character

A young man with a rough life experience but high aspirations.

He is talented, highly skilled in martial arts, and has a great enemy. He is destined to achieve a great cause.

According to the early plot settings, he is expected to become the owner of the village in the future and change the fate of more people.

He also has a young and touching love affair with his sweetheart Pearl.

The audience has placed unlimited expectations on this character, hoping that he will take revenge and become successful.

However, the plot turned unexpectedly.

Yin Tianchou, who was still studying in middle school, was discovered by the enemy while performing a secret mission. He was later murdered and died young.

This sudden tragedy not only caught the audience off guard.

also brought an end to the life of this young man who could have accomplished a lot.

The sweet first love and the longing for a better future came to an abrupt end.

In fact, the real reason for Yin Tianchou's death was the schedule problem of the actor who played him, Shi Xiaolong.

At that time, "Water Moon Cave Sky" was still in the process of filming, and the script was written while filming.

This puts extremely high demands on the cooperation of the participating actors.

However, Shi Xiaolong, who is only 15 years old, is about to start school and cannot keep up with the filming schedule for a long time.

Faced with this situation, the screenwriter could only end the role of Yin Tianqiu hastily.

otherwise the shooting progress will only be further delayed.

Yin Tianqiu's departure changed the direction of the entire plot.

Those viewers who had high hopes for him still remember the regret of his untimely death.

"Symphony of Destiny"

In 2011, Yang Mi and Feng Shaofeng became famous with "Gong Lock Heart Jade".

The following year, the two collaborated on a modern bloody drama "Symphony of Destiny".

The play tells the story of two sisters An Qi (played by Yang Mi) and Anna (played by Guo Zhenni) who fell in love with Liu Chenxi (played by Feng Shaofeng) at the same time.

Angel is kind and gentle, a typical Mary Sue character.

Anna is vicious and jealous, full of villain settings.

In order to get Liu Chenxi's love, Anna did anything to hurt her biological sister.

She even went to study abroad disguised as An Qi and did many excessive things.

One night, Anna got emotional and threatened to tell Angel the fact that she was an illegitimate daughter.

Liu Chenxi was afraid that An Qi would not be able to accept this fact and wanted to stop Anna.

But the angry Anna did not listen to the dissuasion and got in the car to leave.

Upon seeing this, Liu Chenxi hurriedly crossed the alley and tried to stop Anna's car, but was knocked to the ground by Anna's kick on the accelerator.

Surprisingly, Anna actually did not choose to call the police for emergency treatment, but ran away.

Shortly after she drove away, An Qi, who was driving home, passed by the scene and found the dying Liu Chenxi.

An Qi shouted for help and frantically tried to treat her, but did not call the emergency number.

Under her fierce "fighting", Liu Chenxi died quickly.

Liu Chenxi’s sudden and unexpected death had a major impact on the development of the plot.

Angel, who was originally the heroine, ended up being imprisoned for covering Anna.

The plot settings are quite absurd and difficult to understand.

"Eight Heroes"

In 2005, the costume drama "Eight Heroes" directed by Wang Jing became a hit.

This series has a star-studded cast of popular idols and powerful actors.

Among them, the most eye-catching one was Edison Chen, who was popular at the time.

He plays the second male lead, Xie Jialin, a rich man with a flamboyant and unruly personality.

Hsieh Jialin's role is quite a breakthrough. It not only brings out Edison Chen's personal charm, but also gives him another classic role besides "Initial D".

It’s no wonder that fans love the character of Tse Jialin so much and hope that he can exist for a long time.

However, what people didn’t expect was that this originally promising character ended up tragically being killed by the heroine in just the first six episodes.

This sudden reversal undoubtedly caught countless viewers off guard and questioned the screenwriter's decision.

The screenwriter later revealed that this abrupt arrangement was actually due to actors' schedule issues.

It is reported that the heroine Chu Xiangxiang was originally the guest actor Fan Bingbing in . She only had a role in the first six episodes.

The second male lead, Edison Chen, was also unable to continue participating in the film due to schedule, so he had to exit the production at the same time as the female lead.

For this reason, the screenwriter had to rewrite the script in a hurry so that the two of them could finish it at the same time.

In other words, the tragedy of Xie Jialin's character was purely caused by the actor's scheduling problem.

This is undoubtedly unacceptable to fans and viewers.

The role of Hsieh Jialin matches Edison Chen so well that it could have become his most outstanding masterpiece after "Initial D".

It has both youthful vitality and rebelliousness. It is a rare opportunity to perfectly interpret the new generation of gentleman knights.

Many viewers bluntly said that if it were not for the actor's schedule, Hsieh Jialin could have become one of Edison Chen's most unforgettable roles.


An unexpected time travel brought Yi Xiaochuan to the ancient Qin Dynasty.

For Yi Xiaochuan, life after time travel is a brand new experience.

He needs to learn horseback riding and archery, and needs to adapt to the lifestyle of the ancients. He needs to face the intrigues and dangers.

At first, he always missed the convenience of modern life late at night, missed the food heated in the microwave, missed the mobile phone and the computer.

However, when he got used to the pace of ancient life and saw the glory of this ancient empire, Yi Xiaochuan's world view also changed.

He no longer simply categorizes ancient civilizations as "backward", but appreciates their unique beauty and charm.

In the process of Yi Xiaochuan adapting to ancient life, he met two women who had a profound influence on him-Lü Su and Princess Yushu.

Lu Su is a well-educated lady in the traditional sense.

She is gentle and considerate, generous in manner and well-informed.

After she rescued Yi Xiaochuan, she fell in love with him.

In order to take care of Yi Xiaochuan who was infected with the plague, Lu Su was willing to risk his life and stay by his bed day and night.

Just when the relationship between the two was heating up and they were looking forward to sweetness, the gears of fate suddenly turned.

The death of Lu Suxiang, who was only eighteen years old, brought a sad end to this young love.

At this time, this 50-episode TV series has not yet progressed to one fifth.

Everyone asked the screenwriter why he wanted to write such a beautiful woman to death.

If Lu Su does not die, she and Yi Xiaochuan will have a beautiful love.

Later, Yi Xiaochuan met Yu Shu again and started a love affair. The settings of


are really unacceptable.


The sudden departure of the leading actor changed the plot and disappointed the audience.

But life is like this, there are always surprises.

The protagonist's vision will also be limited and he will behave in a puzzling way.

Birth, old age, illness and death always happen in an instant. No one can figure out


Maybe writing the protagonist to death will make the plot more realistic.