"Bo Yang's Vernacular Version of Zizhi Tongjian" is released for the first time as a hardcover collector's edition

Recently, Oriental Publishing House grandly launched the hardcover collection edition of " Bo Yang's Vernacular Edition Zi Zhi Tong Jian " (all eighteen volumes). This set of books, Mr. Bo Yang , was written from the age of sixty-four to the age of seventy-three, and 12 million words were finally completed. In 1993, it was first published by Yuanliu Publishing Company in the form of 72 paperback books. It is the hard work of the famous writer Mr. Bo Yang for ten years. The "reference" of the old emperors has become the "mirror" of the modern people.

Mr. Bo Yang said: "If you don't read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" carefully, it is impossible to understand China, understand Chinese people, understand Chinese politics, and look forward to China's future." Tiandikuan

Bo Yang, born in Kaifeng, Henan in 1920, formerly known as Guo Dingsheng, is a famous Chinese writer. In addition to the collection of essays "The Ugly Chinese" and the historical work " Outline of Chinese History ", which are most well-known to mainland readers, he also has more than 170 works including novels, essays, poems, reportage, and historical works. "Bo Yang's Vernacular Version of Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is one of the three widely influential works of Bo Yang. It is as famous as "The Ugly Chinese" and "The Outline of Chinese History". The style of his works is especially praised for his extensive coverage, sharp writing style and profound content. In the second half of the 20th century, Bo Yang created shocking waves among Chinese at home and abroad with his works, and was even considered the greatest essayist after Lu Xun and .

Bo Yang once said with a smile that he is "an old man who has gone through vicissitudes". Like the intellectuals of his time, Bo Yang has experienced national disasters and continuous civil wars; Even imprisoned. But the reason why Bo Yang became Bo Yang is that his fate of ups and downs has never taken away his conscience of telling the truth. Bo Yang has already surpassed his identity as a writer and historian. He is not only a witness of history, but also an actor of cultural and social reform. The vicissitudes of this "old man" are worth recording because this period of history is worth remembering, and this brave and fearless soul is also worthy of comfort and respect. Bo Yang once said: "I'm covered in wounds all over my body, and it's very difficult to break through myself. I can't lick all the wounds, but I still want to fly."

created by dictation in Bo Yang's rare years In "Memoirs of Bo Yang", the writer often put down the pen in the middle of writing, stared at Bo Yang, and sighed: "Why are your disasters endless?" Blowout period. The pseudonym "Bo Yang" began to appear officially. When choosing essays, what Bo Yang cares about is its sharpness.

But the sharpness of the essays also hurt Bo Yang himself. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison by the then Taiwan authorities just because of a translation error, and he served a total of 9 years and 26 days in prison. During his imprisonment, Bo Yang experienced torture, family disintegration, information isolation, and was once in danger of being shot. Under the pressure, he began to mutter to himself, became delirious, and had to beg his fellow sufferers to help him stay awake with their fists. Regarding this experience, the Japanese writer Mr. Huang Wenxiong once quoted a Japanese proverb, saying that Bo Yang is a "person who has returned from seeing hell". Unwilling to admit defeat, Bo Yang seeks a way out in a complex and difficult environment, accumulating life energy bit by bit, illuminating the darkness of the present, and even insight into the blind corners of history. And the light that makes Bo Yang's life shine is writing.

Bo Yang is considered an "unclassifiable writer". Its "unclassifiable" means that from 1951 to 2006, when he sealed his pen, he wrote more than 20 million words. His creative career can be divided into ten years of novels, ten years of essays, ten years of prison, five years of columns, and ten years of "Tongjian".

Mainland readers know Bo Yang since 1988 when Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House introduced and distributed The Ugly Chinese. As soon as it came out, the Chinese world caused an uproar. Bo Yang's history writing career began when he was imprisoned. In 1972, Bo Yang was escorted to an isolated island with monstrous waves——Green Island. Sometimes he can read some ancient books (information is segregated in the prison, only ancient books can have some exceptions), and sometimes he is not allowed to read anything. The long days in prison have no boundaries. In order to drive away despair and give his mind some sustenance, Bo Yang chose to read "Twenty-Five Histories". Bo Yang's view of history has begun to mature: writing history for the common people, not for the emperorWang Jiangxiang wrote the family tree and wrote the words and deeds. Amidst the sound of huge waves beating against the rocks, Bo Yang sat behind the cell wall and secretly completed three works: " Chronology of Chinese History ", "Genealogy of Chinese Emperors, Queens, Princes and Princesses" and "Compendium of Chinese History". After he was released from prison, the three books were published. "Compendium of Chinese History" is especially popular with readers because of its profound and unique viewpoints and interesting and readable language.

Bo Yang has grander plans. The idea of ​​

translating "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" was also a seed planted in the prison cell. In Bo Yang's view, Zizhi Tongjian is one of the most valuable history books in China. This book, which Columbia University professor Tang Degang called "one book can determine the world", has been criticized because of the inconsistencies in classical Chinese. , In the past hundred years, it has almost become a dead book. Therefore, he decided to translate "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" into modern Chinese .

From 1983 to 1993, it was ten years since Bo Yang started to write the vernacular version of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian". These ten years almost became another new "prison" career for Bo Yang, and the study room became a prison cell. "On average, every month I have to read at least about 40,000 words of original classical Chinese (including punctuation and annotations), write a first draft of about 75,000 words, and submit a proof draft of about 150,000 words, as well as necessary maps and appendices. Ten years have been like a day, no Sunday, no holiday, no cloudy, no sunny..." Bo Yang sighed.

In fact, "Ten Years of Tongjian" is far more than ten years: starting from the 1980s, it took Bo Yang ten years to translate "Tongjian" into vernacular; Bo Yang, who produced a more precise map of China, revised the current place-name notes in the "Tongjian" according to the latest geographical division of the mainland at that time, presided over the drawing of an accurate historical map about the events recorded in the "Tongjian"; and set about The new vernacular version of "Tongjian" was compiled with a new style, and it was the beginning of the 21st century when "Bo Yang Edition Tongjian Chronicle" was completed.

Do not sing hymns for the king Only speak for the common people about "people"

Bo Yang announced that he was 86 years old. His last work was the preface to the reprint of " Bo Yang said " which was about to be published in mainland China at that time.

At the end of the preface, he wrote:

"I use 'Bo Yang's Day' to read history and put forward my analysis and criticism of traditional history from different angles. In addition to training myself to face the history of my country honestly, I also Trying to make people who read history get rid of the past practice of literati and bureaucrats being dependent on the powerful, opening eyes and protecting the shortcomings of the emperors who are in power, and even providing the most unconscionable rationalization theory for their cruel atrocities. I still want to say that my view of history is not necessarily I can grasp the whole picture of history, and I get rid of the burden of traditional culture. I don't sing praises for the king, but only for the common people, for the position and dignity of a "human", speak the words of "human", and re-create from the perspective of "people-oriented". Examine history."

On April 29, 2008, Bo Yang died of respiratory failure at Gengsin Hospital in Xindian, Taiwan, at the age of eighty-nine. In accordance with his last wish, his family scattered his ashes in the waters near Green Island. Two years later, under the escort of his wife and children, some of Bo Yang's ashes were buried in Fushouyuan Cemetery in Xinzheng, Henan, his hometown. Sing praises, and only speak human words for the common people.”

judges emperors and generals as ordinary Chinese people, and focuses on ordinary Chinese people who have been submerged in history. The most important feature of Zhitongjian. In addition, Bo Yang's vernacular version of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" has several bold innovations: one is to skip the year name and adopt a simple AD calendar; the other is not to use the change of dynasty as a chapter, but to use the century as the unit , put the dynasty, country title, and year title in a secondary position to give people an overall view of history; the third is to use the emperor's name instead of posthumous titles, and restore every emperor who once held the ultimate power to a "person". In addition, he added 1,500 maps by himself. In addition to innovation, there is also the inheritance of traditional spirit. In ancient times, there were " Tai Shigong said" and "Chen Guang said", which are historians who record their own opinions and opinions after objectively recording historical events. Bo Yang imitated the example and commented on the history of "Bo Yang said". However, Sima Guang's "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" was written for the emperor and ministers, while Bo Yang wrote it for the common people today. He is glad that he was born in this era and can learn from a broader perspective In the information, to observe the truth of the facts.

Based on today’s perspective, Bo Yang’s ten-year language translation"Tong Jian", which has a dialogue with history, Sima Guang, and many Confucian elites, has 862 "Bo Yang's sayings", which is undoubtedly another more important achievement, following Hu Sanxing " After Zizhi Tongjian Yin Zhu, Yan Yan's "Zizhi Tongjian Supplement", Wang Fuzhi's "Du Tongjian Lun" and so on, "Tongjian Xue" made more achievements in the 20th century. The new values ​​of modern democracy, the rule of law, and human rights that Bo Yang advocated also put an end to the traditional theory of praise. In the year when

wrote "Bo Yang's Edition of Zi Zhi Tong Jian", Bo Yang was sixty-four years old and already had gray hair. By the time he was seventy-three years old, he had finally completed the tens of thousands of words, and Bo Yang's gray hair was already full. "Bo Yang Edition Zi Zhi Tong Jian" was printed in 10,000 copies per volume. In Taiwan with a population of 20 million at that time, such a book as "Tong Jian" was not easy to be favored, which was an amazing sales volume. And the part that has been well received by readers is none other than "Bo Yang's Saying". Historian Tang Degang even commented passionately: "Bo Yang's Edition of Zizhi Tongjian is his tablet in the history of cultural transformation!"

"I was arrested today twenty-five years ago. With today's glory, I will definitely not feel so sad." On March 7, 1993, when Yuanliu Publishing Company celebrated the publication of the book for Bo Yang, Bo Yang said so.

What is even more gratifying is that this set of books has been popular for nearly forty years so far. The famous historian Tang Degang said: "I should be playing the side drum for "Bo Yang Edition Zi Zhi Tong Jian" (vernacular version), Hu Shi, Liang Qichao and Li Ao have all listed dozens of bibliographies that must be read for modern college and middle school students. If someone wants me to create a similar bibliography, then I will "one book will set the world "——"Tong Jian of Zi Zhi". If you don't understand the original text, then read "Bo Yang Edition Zi Zhi Tong Jian" (vernacular version). The reason is that as a modern Chinese intellectual, if you want to know something about China's inherent civilization , the most practical and feasible job is to read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"."

Regarding the hardcover collection edition newly launched by Oriental Publishing House, the planner Wang Lili said in an interview: "This set of books can make Readers can easily understand the history of China in 1362, and learn from the experience and lessons of success and failure of the ancients in self-cultivation, family management, life, governance, selection and appointment of people, etc. This publication is the first time to use a full set of 18 volumes in hardcover, with paper for the cover Selected imported black cardboard, supplemented with special custom textures, to show the sense of history. The title of the cover is gilded to highlight the collection value of "Bo Yang Vernacular Edition Zi Zhi Tong Jian". Because 18 volumes (72 volumes) The volume of the book is relatively large, and two exquisite gift boxes were specially designed to pay tribute to Mr. Bo Yang with the editor's ingenuity." For this publication, Liu Wenrui, a professor of Northwest University who studied "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" was specially invited Liu Wenrui The teacher wrote a wonderful preface, and he commented that (Bo Yang's "Tongjian" work) comes from his self-awareness of wild rather than domesticated, it is a lush growth of weeds, not a garden pruned by a gardener; it is a road that can satisfy people's hunger and thirst Side stalls, not reserved private rooms in the Royal Hotel; mass ballads from elegance to vulgarity, rather than bel canto singing from vulgarity to elegance; cultural references that introduce ancient books into real life, rather than imperial dreams that lead today's people to ancient times .

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Chu Wenjing

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