Bo Yang: Derailed in marriage and married his lover, was divorced after being imprisoned for 9 years, and married Zhang Xianghua who was 19 years younger at the age of 60

He had studied in many schools, but he was expelled from the school repeatedly and never got a diploma. He was once "permanently expelled from school" by the Ministry of Education for falsifying his academic qualifications. But he loves reading and writing, and once he writes, he lives his life.

Ten years of novels, ten years of essays, ten years of historiography, and ten years of human rights. He is China's contemporary " Lu Xun ", and he is a rare "old cynic" who dares to face everything.

His life's works are rich, including "The Ugly Chinese" and "Bo Yang's Edition of Zizhi Tongjian". He is a well-known writer in Taiwan, China - Bo Yang .

wandered from inland to Taiwan for half a century, but he did not expect to be imprisoned in half a century. From the initial marriage arranged by the parents to the search for true love in his sixtieth year, Bo Yang has experienced five relationships in his life.

It was not until the appearance of Zhang Xianghua that she was not afraid of worldly eyes and didn't care about the 19-year age gap, and resolutely married him, his prodigal heart found the destination of love.

What kind of man can make a beautiful woman, regardless of such a big age difference, willingly marry him when he is almost 60 years old? What kind of woman is

, so that this flamboyant talent can calm down and stay by her side every step of the way?

Once the sea was too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud.

Three simple marriages

Bo Yang was born in Henan Province in 1920, and his original name was Guo Dingsheng. As a teenager, he experienced " September 18th Incident" and " July 7th Incident". He went to school intermittently for a few years, and he didn't get a half-paper diploma, but he fell in love with reading.

Bai Yang

When he was twenty years old, his parents arranged a marriage, and he married a woman he didn't know. Bo Yang likes reading and literature. But the wife can only be daily necessities.

How could the young prodigal son endure such loneliness.

There were wars and chaos, Bo Yang left his hometown and went to Chongqing. Five years after the beginning of this relationship, he started his second marriage in Chongqing.

If he hadn't met his teacher, maybe Bo Yang was an unknown passionate seed, and no one would know him.

In 1949, Bo Yang met his teacher and benefactor Wu Wenyi in Shanghai.

Wu Wenyi saw Bo Yang's talent and cherished it, so he invited him to Taiwan to develop together. Without hesitation, Bo Yang gave up the two meaningless relationships in his opinion, and followed his mentor to Taiwan, the treasure island.

With the help of his mentor, Bo Yang entered the Agricultural Vocational School and got a job as a personnel clerk.

With income from work and free time, is there anything happier than this for a person who likes to write? Soon, Bo Yang's first essay in his life was published in Free Talk.

This is the newspaper where great writers such as Lu Xun, Mao Dun , Ba Jin published their articles. Although his article had little response at the time, it was enough to arouse Bo Yang's interest and confidence in continuing to write.

In addition to writing, Bo Yang's leisure time is too boring. At the urging of a friend, he dated a local woman.

The first impression was not bad, Bo Yang didn't mention his two marriages in mainland China, the humor and humor unique to literati quickly captured the woman's heart.

This girl's name is Qi Yongpei, and she is a professor at National Taiwan University. As a high-level intellectual, Qi Yongpei's intelligence and feminine gentleness also attracted Bo Yang. The two

soon entered the palace of marriage. After marriage, the two had two children. Qi Yongpei continued to work as a professor in the university, and at the same time he was at home supporting his husband and raising his children, fulfilling the duties of a wife.

Stability in life, unity in career direction, and mutual understanding in literature, Bo Yang also felt that this marriage should be what he wanted.

He started writing while teaching at National Cheng Kung University.

the sacrifice of true love, in exchange for resolutely leaving

is justDuring this time, he met the fourth woman in his life.

The young Ni Minghua was studying in an English college at the time. Due to her parents’ status and connections in the literary world, she also attended this annual meeting organized by teaching personnel. As a university lecturer, Bo Yang naturally appeared in it.

This meeting caused waves in Bo Yang's plain heart again. He knew that his heart hadn't been this warm for a long time.

Soon, Ni Minghua and Bo Yang both fell in love.

Qi Yongpei naturally couldn't bear it. She ran to Bo Yang's workplace and made a big fuss. Naturally, the leaders of National Cheng Kung University had no choice but to talk to Bo Yang.

Unexpectedly, Bo Yang wrote the letter of resignation in front of the leader, leaving the principal stunned, and left in a huff. After

quit his job, Bo Yang and Qi Yongpei divorced, turned around and went to pursue Ni Minghua wholeheartedly. A thirty-eight-year-old man is as enthusiastic as a teenager in front of love.

lost his mind, and officially used the pseudonym "Bo Yang" to publish essay columns and novels in " Zili Evening News ".

Soon, this new writing star was rising in the literary world, and Bo Yang soon became famous.

Bo Yang's writing style is mainly essays, and at the same time, there are argumentative essays on current affairs and politics, criticizing the current society, with sharp writing styles, quite like Lu Xun. After he published a series of articles, Jiang Jingguo once approached him, hoping that he could restrain his edge.

Avoid unnecessary trouble for yourself. At this time, Bo Yang was in high spirits, and he always regarded himself as Lu Xun in his heart, so he didn't take this kind advice to heart at all.

Things that many people don't care about often lead to catastrophe.

The editor-in-chief of "China Daily" approached Bo Yang, hoping that Bo Yang and his wife Ni Minghua could work together to translate the American comic "Popeye".

Bai Yang has outstanding literary talents, and Ni Minghua is an English major. For this job, the two are naturally the best candidates, and they readily accept it.

In the translation of one of the chapters, the word "fellows" appeared. We all know this word means "partners".

But I don’t know whether Bo Yang wanted to imitate the tone of Chiang Kai-shek when he delivered a speech not long ago, or he wanted to express a kind of literati humor, so he actually translated this word into "comrades in the army and civilians of the whole country".

Soon, the Bureau of Investigation arrested Bo Yang on the charge of "insulting the state leader". If

wants to impose a crime, there is nothing to worry about. The year

is 1968. After Bo Yang was imprisoned, he was sentenced to death, which was later commuted to 12 years in prison.

At the beginning, Ni Minghua and Bo Yang still maintained close correspondence. Ni Minghua also visited him in prison many times. Not long after, Bo Yang didn't have anyone to visit him, and he didn't receive any reply from his wife.

Bo Yang muttered in his heart.

Until one day, a divorce agreement was brought in by the prison guards.

Bo Yang's head buzzed and went blank. Bo Yang is serious about this relationship, he has true feelings for Ni Minghua, and he doesn't believe his wife would be so unfeeling.

In order to express his determination, Bo Yang did not sign the divorce agreement, and used a hunger strike to express his determination to stick to love.

Ni Minghua did not come. She knew he had been on a hunger strike, and she knew she wanted her back.

Ni Minghua never appeared again from the beginning to the end.

On the twenty-first day, Bo Yang picked up a pen and signed the divorce agreement.

The prison where Bo Yang served his sentence in the later period was transferred to the Ludao Instructional Prison. Bo Yang has very good writing skills, so the prison arranged for him to work in the library.

Without the concern of love, Bo Yang put all his thoughts on reading and writing. In prison, he wrote the first drafts of three history books, among them " Outline of Chinese History ".

Bo Yang performed well in prison and was given the opportunity to reduce his sentence. He was released in 1976 after serving his sentence.

Waiting for half a century

After he was released from prison, Bo Yang had nowhere to go, so he had to stay at a friend's house. Once a friend held a small banquet at home. Taking this opportunity, he met the poetess Zhang Xianghua, and he has been with him for nearly half a century since then.

Zhang Xianghua and Bo Yang

At the banquet, Bo Yang's witty, humorous, and measured speech made Zhang Xianghua notice him immediately.

is over half a century old, has experienced many marriages, and spent eight years in prison. The gray-haired Bo Yang has long since faded from the frivolity and immaturity of his youth. Instead, he is mature and calm. optimism.

Zhang Xianghua was so caught up in Bo Yang's charm that he couldn't extricate himself.

In fact, Bo Yang had read Zhang Xianghua's poems before they met, and he was full of praise for her talent. After the banquet, the contact between the two became more and more frequent.

She knew his age, and knew every detail of his past. But just like this, Zhang Xianghua unexpectedly found that he had fallen into the quagmire of love without knowing when, and it got deeper and deeper.

It wasn't until the love letter written by Bo Yang himself for her was delivered to her, that Zhang Xianghua fell completely in the face of love.

confirmed their relationship, and the two discussed literature every day, going in and out of libraries and coffee shops together. Feelings heat up rapidly after constant communication and understanding.

On this day, Bo Yang knelt down on one knee with the ring in hand, and proposed to Zhang Xianghua.

This is naturally a pair of lovers who will not be blessed.

When Zhang Xianghua's parents and friends heard the news, they all firmly opposed it. Her father yelled angrily: "If you decide to marry him, don't set foot in this house again!"

Zhang Xianghua's mother took her hand, with tears in her eyes; "Daughter, this man is better than you!" He’s 19 years older than you! He’s been in prison! He’s much older than you and doesn’t have much savings, so you’ll have to suffer if you marry him!”

Zhang Xianghua didn’t say a word. The two old men burst into tears.

Zhang Xianghua bit her lip with a blue face. No one can shake her determination. She is going to marry Bo Yang. "Bo Yang is old and ugly, and Bo Yang is also poor, but even so, I am still willing to marry him!"

In 1978, their wedding was extremely simple.

lacks the blessings of relatives and the support of friends, but this does not affect Zhang Xianghua's happiness in marrying love in the slightest. Due to going against the wishes of his parents and facing the embarrassing life after marriage, Zhang Xianghua never spoke to his parents.

Bo Yang is a person with a criminal record, and it is difficult to find a job. Only Zhang Xianghua works outside, and at the same time relying on Bo Yang's meager manuscript fee, the two live a difficult but happy life.

Later, their lives finally ushered in a turning point.

In 1979, with the help of his wife, Bo Yang finally compiled the first drafts of his several historical books in prison, and the final draft of "Compendium of Chinese History" was published. The works published by

brought a lot of royalties, and the life of the couple finally improved.

Bo Yang is very busy, busy with writing, busy with appointments with various publishers. Zhang Xianghua had no skills at all, so she had to retire from her job, and while taking care of her husband, she ran outside to complete the work of Bo Yang's publishing.

In 1985, "The Ugly Chinese" was published. Once released, it was loved and disseminated by the majority of Chinese.

In 1993, "Bo Yang Edition Zi Zhi Tong Jian" was finalized, paperback 72 volumes, hardcover 36 volumes, and became the most valuable and most popular book in Taiwan for a while. Thirty years after

got married, Bo Yang entered into a high-production period of creation, and a large number of excellent works came out of this period. Bo Yang's writing is inseparable from his wife Zhang Xianghua's meticulous care of daily life, and the dedication of this "broker" in publishing work.

The last days

At the beginning of 2008, Bo Yang was hospitalized for pneumonia .

has written words all his life. Bo Yang, an octogenarian, is in the hospital bed, and what he cares most about is the reading problems of young people. He said to his wife: "It is difficult for young people nowadays to calm down and read articles. It is better to remake "The Ugly Chinese" into a cartoon and use animated pictures to influence young people."

Zhang Xianghua understands her husband Since then, I started to work on the editing and distribution of animation series.

Two months passed in a flash.

Back in April, Bo Yang already needed to use support equipment to breathe. When he was in good spirits, Bo Yang, with his wife's support, went out to meet guests and met a few friends.

At this time, Bo Yang was not able to speak. The wife looked at her husband's facial expressions and a few simple words, and relayed them to everyone. When Zhang Xianghua was speaking, Bo Yang kept nodding and smiling.

Zhang Xianghua is the only one who understands him best in his life.

Zhang Xianghua sat by the hospital bed and said softly to Bo Yang: "If I had to choose again, I would still choose you who are old and ugly."

In the early morning of April 29, 2008, Bo Yang died of illness in Gengshen Hospital, Xindian, Taiwan , at the age of 89.

From a prodigal son in love to a thousand dollars, from a youthful life to a dry age. Bo Yang had never done anything wrong, until he met Zhang Xianghua, his heart of a prodigal son finally found his home.

At the best age in his life, Zhang Xianghua is undoubtedly happy when he meets the person he loves the most.

Facing the mundane world and hardships, she chose love without hesitation, and Zhang Xianghua was the bravest.

The husband who was wounded by life was riddled with wounds, and in the next thirty years, his wounds were healed by his wife.

No one's life will be smooth sailing, and few people will be desperate in the world of love.

Zhang Xianghua filled Bo Yang's shortcomings with talent, assisted her husband's career with ability, filled the age gap with true feelings, and interpreted great love with his life.