The woman paid 120,000 yuan in premiums and returned 19,000 yuan in refunds. Is the insurance a lie?

Recently, some media reported an insurance claim case. A woman in Chongqing paid a premium of 120,000 yuan, but only got back 19,000 yuan when she surrendered the policy. Maybe many people will ask again, is the insurance company cheating again?

This woman is actually taking out life insurance for her child, and has paid more than 120,000 yuan in insurance premiums. But in fact, the woman received the corresponding survival insurance money, interest, bonus from the insurance company, and also applied for a policy loan. After comprehensive deduction, there was only more than 56,000 yuan left, and the insurance company returned a cash value of 19,000 yuan. About the overall loss of about 37,000 yuan.

Because insurance policies are all signed and agreed by me, and the risk reminders are also signed by me, and the insurance company also conducted a telephone call. Take 50% of the responsibility.

Commercial insurance, in fact, can generally be divided into consumer insurance and refundable insurance.

consumer insurance. If

is referring to the purchase of commercial consumer insurance, no money will be refunded, everyone should understand.

Purchasing consumer insurance is actually like buying a lottery. If you don’t “win the lottery”, you won’t get your insurance money back.

Common daily consumer insurance, such as aviation accident insurance for planes, passenger accident insurance for trains and cars, families with children will "call" school level insurance every year , and another example is the consumer insurance we buy Medical insurance, if you don't get sick, of course, you won't pay anything.

If the logic mentioned in the title is true, after purchasing insurance, if there is no danger, the principal should be returned. Then the insurance companies will go out of business one by one.

Return-type insurance.

Return-type insurance is actually a kind of return-based accumulation guarantee added to the consumption-type insurance.

Personal payment return type insurance, in addition to the normal consumer insurance expenses, there will be a sum of money kept by the insurance company to form the so-called "cash value".

The cash value of this part will gradually increase with the investment management of the insurance company (in fact, the insurance company will also withdraw the corresponding management fee), and as time goes by, the cash value will slowly increase to all the insurance premiums we paid in the past. After accumulating for a certain number of years, the money can be returned.

The conditions for the return of the so-called return-type insurance must be in accordance with the insurance contract. If an individual wants to break this agreement, he will have to bear the bitter consequences of breaching the contract, and the returned cash value is much lower than expected.

Notes on purchasing commercial insurance.

When buying commercial insurance, you should first understand the insurance you buy . Don't think that you really understand the insurance after simply reading the insurance leaflet, but read the insurance contract carefully. In particular, you need to understand how you can enjoy this insurance, and under what circumstances will you not be compensated? What will be the loss if a person stops insurance or surrenders ?

buy commercial insurance, but also buy according to your own needs. What protection do you need? Be sure to think clearly and don't copy what others say. Individuals should reasonably configure accident prevention insurance, medical insurance, pension insurance, etc., and make the layout as comprehensive and balanced as possible.

When purchasing commercial insurance, one should pay attention to personal affordability. Commercial insurance generally has no upper limit (although there are restrictions on minors participating in life insurance, mainly to prevent immoral things from happening), but there is an upper limit to personal affordability. It is generally recommended that the amount of money to participate in commercial insurance should not exceed 10% of the family's annual income, and the insurance amount is generally 6 to 10 times the family's annual income (of course, the higher the insurance amount, the higher the premium).

Like the situation mentioned above, you must figure out what is guaranteed for the 120,000 yuan you spent? If you are participating in commercial medical insurance, critical illness insurance, , accident insurance, etc., it is normal that there are no insurance loans if these accidents do not occur. However, during the period when I participated in the insurance, I can't say that I didn't enjoy the protection without the insurance company's greetings every day. Insurance companies are also a body of interests. They will try their best to avoid paying less insurance premiums and keep more profits. Therefore, the insured person and the insurance company are still a conflict of interests, and there must beTo recognize.