Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral dissertation was accused of 444 typos

Source: Overseas Network

Tsai Ing-wen (Source: Zhongshi Electronic News )

Overseas Network, November 29th, Tsai Ing-wen's "Thesis Gate" continued to ferment, National Chengchi University National Relations Center researcher Yan Zhensheng yesterday (28th ) said that he carefully read the official doctoral dissertation of Tsai Ing-wen and found 444 typos, and he used both American and British English, and even the punctuation was wrong, so that his post-it notes were "not enough".

integrated news from Taiwan media such as "United Daily News" and "China Times Electronic News", the island's "Legislative Yuan Education and Culture Committee" yesterday held a "public hearing to establish the principle of objectivity and fairness in handling cases that violate academic ethics", focusing on Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral dissertation. The "public hearing" was chaired by Chen Xuesheng, a "legislator" of the Kuomintang, and no DPP attended. Therefore, only representatives who questioned the problems of the paper attended that day, and no one defended Tsai Ing-wen.

Yan Zhensheng of National Chengchi University said that since Tsai Ing-wen put his doctoral dissertation in the library for public viewing, he spent a week "smell the fragrance". He said that the dissertation was about 400 pages long, and the original document contained too many spelling errors, making it difficult for the doctoral dissertation oral examination committee to accept it.

Yan Zhensheng questioned Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral dissertation (source: Zhongshi Electronic News)

Yan Zhensheng bluntly said that the first time he found more than 100 typos, the second time he saw more than 400 typos, and many misspelled words should not be spelled There are many mistakes that even middle school students know, so you should find a middle school student to proofread. For example, "Until" is spelled "Untill" and he has to label it, so many typos that he can only put one color on a page, and even the label is not enough. If this is the original dissertation, it is hard to imagine that this is a doctoral dissertation with a "1 and a half" degree. According to the 14-page paper errata provided by Yan Zhensheng, Tsai Ing-wen's paper has 444 typos.

"Twenty or thirty typos in my doctoral dissertation made me unbearable," Yan Zhensheng said. Tsai Ing-wen's dissertation has more than 400 typos, and I don't know how it passed the review. He also said that even the basic punctuation marks of the paper are wrong, and the layout skips a lot of pages. As for the typesetting "left-right alignment" and "left-aligned", which are used interchangeably in the paper, he questioned why the same specification was not used. In addition, the hyphenation of Chinese and English words in the paper is not handled according to the rules, and the spelling of British English and American English is used interchangeably. Yan Zhensheng sarcastically said that if "poison" instead of "fish" appeared on the menu of a Michelin restaurant, would it be acceptable?

Yan Zhensheng said that if a paper has a great discussion, but the format does not conform, academic journals will not publish it. If this dissertation is approved as a doctoral dissertation, many professors in Taiwan will also begin to doubt the LSE (London School of Economics) Ph.D., "Are you at this level?" He hopes that all professors who support Tsai Ing-wen can spend two weeks like him. , read it once a week, after reading it, "see if you can still support Tsai Ing-wen?"

Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral dissertation errata. (Source: Taiwan media)

also reported that according to Taiwan media "New Head Shell", Honorary Professor He Defen of National Taiwan University said on the spot that the most important issue of integrity is the issue of Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral dissertation. He questioned Tsai Ing-wen for 36 years and lied from beginning to end. Taiwanese media person Peng Wenzheng questioned the three versions of Tsai Ing-wen's graduation certificate. He said, "The vice principals who sign are different. How can one person graduate with three graduation certificates, and which one is the real one?"

Regarding the absence of the DPP, Chen Xuesheng, a "legislator" of the Kuomintang, said that today is not a "private execution ground", but a public live broadcast, inviting people from all over the world to come. The party is an "absentee coward".

When the paper was questioned, Tsai Ing-wen's office repeated the same old tune that "false information is intended to mislead and discredit". In this regard, netizens on the island questioned, "How the DPP can quarrel and make fools. Today, no one dares to go to the public hearing. It can be seen how guilty they are? They know that Tsai Ing-wen is a liar!" , "This can't be blamed on the doctor. After the money is paid, the responsibility for writing is handed over. The typo is the responsibility of the receiver." Overseas Network/Zhu Xiao)

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