Xu Qiaoxin beat Chen Shizhong to make the blue camp boss dissatisfied? Media people: Highlight the importance of the generational change of the Kuomintang

Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin, a member of the Chinese Kuomintang, exposed photos of former "Minister of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong and his wife "fingers clasped", causing a stir in the political arena. However, according to the Taiwanese media "Wind Media", Xu's "beating Chen" action puzzled some KMT leaders and Taipei city councilors, believing that this move might stimulate the green camp to return to support Chen Shizhong.

"This view lacks sensitivity, has no tactical ability, and the worst thing is that it does not have a big picture." The media person Zhu Kaixiang posted a sharp criticism on Facebook. If there are such blue-camp people, it will highlight the importance of the generational change of the Kuomintang. , to deal with the DPP, we must pursue it with all our strength, either to annihilate it, or to hide for a while, and even more to say, "The KMT still dislikes it, who is it?" Anonymous next to me, it's so powerful, why don't you name yourself?" Other netizens on

said: "It is because of these so-called 'big men' that the Kuomintang will be reduced to this", "If it is blue today, tower green Ban has killed Lan long ago! I'm not polite to you", "The current political atmosphere is bloodthirsty, if you don't have a bit of wolfishness, you will definitely be eliminated, old Kuomintang people, you have to change your thinking." (Xue Yang/Editor)