Star Wars' first live-action spin-off, movie-level configuration, pre-order the drama for the first episode

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Star Wars' first live-action spin-off, movie-level configuration, pre-order the drama for the first episode - Lujuba

This year we have or will say goodbye to many of the favorite American dramas that have been chasing for many years- "Game of Thrones", "Holmes Basic Deduction", "Big Bang Theory", "Evil Force", "Legend of Fallen Street", "Homeland Security" and so on, with the end of these dramas, an era of American dramas also ends.

Star Wars' first live-action spin-off, movie-level configuration, pre-order the drama for the first episode - Lujuba

When an era ends, an era will rise. With the launch of new series produced by major TV stations and streaming media this fall, I see a new era has begun to rise.

first aired in the first half of the first half of the drama "Deadly Woman" , and then HBO aired "Watchmen" that split the film critics and the audience, and then "Dark Matter Trilogy" produced by BBC and HBO. broke the record when it started.

And now, to be precise, on the 12th of this month, Disney's own streaming media platform Disney+ aired the first episode and it was able to score 9.3 points on Douban, IMDB scored 9.1 points, and the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes was 94%. The play is-

"The Mandalorian"

Star Wars' first live-action spin-off, movie-level configuration, pre-order the drama for the first episode - Lujuba

This American drama is derived from the series of movies "Star Wars" . With the introduction of "Star Wars" into China, everyone is no longer unfamiliar with this movie IP, but to be honest Many people have just watched the Star Wars series of movies and know very little about the other content of this IP.

Star Wars IP can be said to be one of the most successful sci-fi series movies. At present, 10 Star Wars series movies have been released. There are 8 main plots, namely the prequel trilogy, the main story trilogy and the latest " The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi (Part 9 has not yet been released, but it's coming soon)

There are also two other stories, namely Rogue One and Solo.

In addition to movies, Star Wars has also launched a lot of derivative content in animation and books. In animation, there are "Rise of the Rebels", "The Clone Wars", Lego Star Wars series, etc., but in terms of live-action dramas, today I recommend This is the first one. At the beginning of November,

wrote a recommendation for the American TV series broadcast this month. At that time, I thought this TV series would have a strong fan tendency, so I didn’t put it on the key recommendation, because if I don’t know much about Star Wars, it’s easy to be like "The Force "Awakening" and "The Last Jedi" are not welcomed by most domestic audiences, but after watching it, it doesn't matter if it is not a Star Wars fan, because the plot of this drama is enough to attract passersby.

In order to make it easier for students who don’t understand the content of the story to understand the show, let’s talk about the background of the story first, but we are not a senior Star Wars fan and can only talk about the more superficial content.

First of all, the Mandalorian mentioned in the title "The Mandalorian" is an organizational group in the Star Wars series. It was originally a race with its own country and originated from the humanoid Tangen. They are one group. It is a fighting nation that supports the whole people, but after the "Mandalorian Excision" (a war of annihilation against the Mandalorians led by the Jedi), this race split between the orthodox and neo-Mandalorians, and the orthodox The Mandalorian maintains the original Mandalorian martial arts tradition, making him the most famous bounty hunter in Star Wars.

The Mandalorian first appeared in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back". At that time, the characters were Boba Fett and his "father" Jango Fett. It is reported that is the strongest hunter in the Empire. Ba Feit and Jango Feit, two super fighters, will make a stunning appearance, and our protagonist is the lone gunman galloping in the deep air outside the rights of the New Republic.

For the Mandalorians, their armor is a cultural symbol of them. Every Mandalorian warrior who wears armor puts his own history and blood and tears into their armor. The

armor defines what the Mandalorian is!

Helmet-The helmet of the Mandalorian armor is equipped with the iconic T-shaped eyepiece.

In addition, they prefer to use Mandalorian metal to make armor, which is a symbol of glory for them.

In the first episode, the male protagonist accepted an unknown reward for Mandalorian Metal, and then used that piece of metal to make a shoulder armor, and the remaining metal will help the orphans in the group. The importance of armor and this metal, and our hero is also an orphan .

and their other armor parts not only provide protection, but also install many weapons in them, like small rockets, hook locks and wrist blades, as well as small shields that resist blaster shots, flamethrowers, and shock wave launchers. , Is simply a humanoid mobile weapon arsenal. After a brief understanding of this ethnic background,

briefly talks about the plot of the first season. The special effects scenes, prop models and action scenes of are all movie-level .

The story time of this play is set before the fall of the empire and the appearance of the First Legion, which is between "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens" in the movie series.

Our male protagonist is a bounty hunter. For the bounty, he has to face this provocation and danger all the time, but whether it is the provocation of others or the attack of alien beasts, he can easily handle it. .

is just that even the strongest people have to live. Faced with less and less bounty, the male protagonist who has been cold and talking in front has to complain.

For the sake of money, he chose to accept a mission that could only be interviewed, but what he did not expect was that the stormtrooper of the empire was greeted him. When the two met, they were frightened, and faced four stormtroopers alone. Don't counsel.

is just a reward that the other party can hardly refuse, and that is the Mandalorian metal mentioned above, so our male protagonist followed the tracker's guidance to a planet.

also broke our first impression of the male protagonist here. I thought the male protagonist was a cold and invincible strong man, but he was only handsome for 20 minutes. When the new planet appeared on the stage, he was abused by the "little pony". It might be dead. The most funny thing about

is that the man taught him to ride the "little pony" section. Tsundere "little pony" was disobedient. The male protagonist was thrown off the "horse" several times, so he wanted to retreat.

is just the man who said "You are a Mandalorian, your ancestors rode the great secret dragon, of course you can ride this little pony," he was speechless. After

, ​​he found the location pointed by the tracker, where the climax of the first episode appeared, and another big pit appeared.

In fact, the most impressive and impressive part of this episode is not the hero, but the bounty robot IG-11 that appears here. This shootout is very exciting and it feels a bit like the gun in "Torn Doom" Fighting technique.

and the bounty robot IG-11 also has a funny attribute. Regardless of its spear fighting skills, it is very chic. When it finds that it is under siege, it will self-destruct at every turn. The male protagonist will be completely tempered by him. Let the play add some funny and funny colors, and the characters appear more vivid and full.

Waiting for them to find the mission goal, what we saw was an alien character exactly like Master Yoda. What does he have to do with Master Yoda?

Generally speaking, this drama has a grand background, there is no lack of story line and content, so it will not be a little dull like some dramas.

In addition, after watching the first episode, you can see that the plot is compact, the climax is constant, full of Star Wars elements and the content of science fiction films, and the characters are vivid and vivid, so whether you are a fan or not, this drama is all Not to be missed!

Here is Ouchaiyingdi, an in-depth film and television self-media creator who delivers film and television information to everyone, shares classic movies, popular dramas, and updates every day.

Everybody likes and pays attention, there will be more exciting content in the future!

Tags: movie