The Marvel movie dispute is fermented again, and many Marvel actors oppose Scorsese

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Following Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer and Marvel Cinematic Universe Architect Kevin Fitch one by one refuted Martin Scorsese’s comments on Marvel movies. Recently, a number of "Marvel" actors have joined the battle group. They all stood on the opposite side of Scorsese.

Captain America: It’s like saying that a certain kind of music is not music.

Regarding Martin Scorsese’s controversy over “Marvel movies are not movies”, Scarlett Johansson, who plays “Black Widow” in the Marvel Cinematic Universe She didn't express her opinion directly, she borrowed the mouth of others because of her high emotional intelligence.

"This is very interesting, because many people have mentioned to me in the past few days that several very respected directors think about the entire Marvel universe and the blockbuster series, such as'disgusting' or'movie 'Dead'. At first, I thought this statement was a bit outdated, and some people had to explain it to me, because these statements were very disappointing in some way, very sad."

The Marvel movie dispute is fermented again, and many Marvel actors oppose Scorsese - Lujuba

Scarlett Johansson said: "These people said to me:'I think what these big directors mean is that there is not much room for showing various types of movies or small-scale movies in real theaters, because theaters are occupied by all kinds of high-budget blockbusters. '" Chris Evans, who played "Captain America" ​​in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, added: "I think original content will inspire creative content. I think new things can keep creativity running. I believe we have enough. Space to accommodate all types of movies. It’s like saying that a certain type of music is not music.”

Black Panther: Scorsese’s new film is not even shown in theaters

Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans are This topic was discussed in the "Actor-to-Actor" event of "Variety" magazine, and Chadwick Bosman, who played "Black Panther" in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, also accepted the BBC and "The Independent" in the UK. "This topic was discussed in the joint interview. Compared with the slightly subtle expressions of "Black Widow" and "Captain America," the viewpoint of "Black Panther" is much sharper.

"The "mystery" that Martin Scorsese said is in "Black Panther". I think the interesting thing about this is that maybe he has watched "Black Panther", but he didn't understand it. One thing, he didn’t capture the feeling of uncertainty, the feeling of not knowing what will happen from this movie, because we’ve never been a superhero like the Panthers before.”

​​Chadwick Bosman Then he said: “We think that white people will kill us, we may disappear, so we will feel anxious. When the audience enjoys a movie, we hope to convey this anxiety through the movie. This is a culture, and it may also be a culture. This kind of inheritance from generation to generation, I don’t know. But I’m sure what we’re doing, so his remarks didn’t really affect me.” Martin Scorsese once criticized commercial blockbusters like Marvel Movies for “occupying the cinema.” , But the director deliberately ignored that his own expensive new film "The Irishman", but because of Netflix's distribution policy, will not be released on a large scale in cinemas, which has become a refutation of Chadwick Bosman. Pain points.

"I respect Martin (Scoses) very much because he is a genius in film." Chadwick Bosman continued: "But he said this when he was competing for awards for his film. , The time he said this was after he just made a movie for Netflix, so this will make people pay more attention to his movie, but his movie will not be released in theaters-this movie cannot Seen in the best way by people."

"Wolverine 3" director: It is wrong to regard Marvel movies as a goal

James Mangold, who once directed "Wolverine 3: Desperate War", recently This topic was also asked when promoting the new film "The King of Speed ​​Cars", and he believed that Martin Scorsese was wrong to regard "Marvel movies" as a target.

"I think the key to the problem is not whether a movie comes from a comic book, but more importantly, whether the filmmaker has absolute creative freedom." He used his own example: "When I created "Wolverine 3" 100% absolute freedom. I mean, what we make is the movie we really want to make."

But James Mangold also said that the core of Martin Scorsese’s complaint is not wrong, but these Shouldn't complainPoint to "Marvel movies" alone, but apply to a wider range of movies.

"Obviously he hasn't watched many Marvel movies. This is the only tragic part of his opinion. But the reality is that what he said couldn't be more true, but it doesn't have to be specific to a specific movie genre."

James Mangold Continue to say: "This is true for all types of movies. I have seen a lot of inferior comedies produced on the assembly line, and many adventure movies produced on the assembly line. These movies are like slap shots, and many of them are It’s showing off skills. So, not only comic movies, but also mainstream movies produced by many studios. Famous directors like Martin Scorsese, as well as other filmmakers, need to resist any kind of crude production in movies. Something."

"Spider-Man 3" actor: "The Irishman" has more special effects than any Marvel movie.

A famous American actor and producer, has participated in the "Ghost Man" series and "Spider-Man 3" Bruce Campbell, who criticized Martin Scorsese’s comments on Marvel movies as "all bullshit", because Scorsese’s latest "The Irishman" is even better than any Marvel in terms of special effects. There are many movies.

"Scoses laughed at Marvel movies? He is one of the greatest directors of our time, so when he says this, it hurts a lot."

​​Bruce Campbell is receiving "Empire" magazine In the interview, he said: "Because movies like Marvel movies are not easy to make, and these movies are different from "The Irishman" and do not need so many special effects. I can tell you clearly, "Irish "People" uses more computer special effects than any Marvel movie. In order to make Robert De Niro span from 9 to 108 years old in the film, they used a lot of digital special effects. In this respect, Scorsese is all bullshit." Bruce Campbell further pointed out that in fact, all movies are "nonsense." "Every movie is fake, nothing is true. If you want to make a real thing about "Never Compromise", it is not what "Never Compromise" looks like. There is nothing in the movie. The true story, even if they say they are shooting the real thing. So no one will say:'I am the real filmmaker, and the Marvel movies you made are stupid!'" He continued, "No, all 'S movies are bullshit. Every shot in every movie is bullshit. It's just that there is good bullshit, bad bullshit, boring bullshit. So what you see in the movie is fake. ”

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