On December 1, the TV series "The Good Luck Man" premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,

entertainment 5623℃
html On December 1, the TV series "The Good Luck Man" premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei , Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the shortcomings of parents in urban life. Based on the current plot content, this TV series lacks real life, and the personality design of some characters is too weird, causing the overall distortion of the characters and the story. In terms of the specific arrangement of the plot, there is too much deliberate content, and the inevitable content is too much. Less, which also results in poor overall quality of the play.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

It can be seen from the opening plot of "The Good Luck Man" that the screenwriter wants to explore the inevitable conflicts in life and work through the differences in the personalities of husband and wife. However, it may be that the screenwriter's lack of ability to observe and control life has caused the creation of many scenes to lose the reality of life. For example, the most cautious aspect of this TV series is that the couple goes for emotional counseling together.

Psychological counseling is not a big problem in modern urban society. However, this psychological counseling activity still belongs to the middle class and above. When "The Good Luck Man" came on, it did not show the personality conflict between the husband and wife, but started with a psychological consultation. In fact, it inadvertently brought this TV series to a high-level state. What's most scary about today's urban life dramas is this kind of height. Once up there, the audience will be critical - there are no poor people in "The Good Luck Man", it's a shortcoming of domestic dramas, etc.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

In the opening plot, this problem does exist. All the characters lack the real pain of life. No one faces financial problems. Urban life dramas, once the couple's financial life issues are separated, are actually doomed to be left hanging. For couples who struggle all day long for food, rice, oil and salt, couple dramas like "The Good Luck Man" are out of reach and far "above" everyone's lives. Obviously, this TV series did not find stories in the real life of urban couples to form real thinking.

The weird designs of some characters make this TV series that lacks real life even worse. Characters shaped by following the true principles of life make it easier for TV series to gain a sense of reality. And a character shaped by conflict for the sake of conflict can easily become weird. In "The Good Luck Man", the hero's mother is not a common character in life, but a strange character. This kind of character that lacks real life can certainly bring a lot of weird and dumbfounding plots to the drama. However, if there is too much of this kind of content, it will easily turn the entire TV series into a farce.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

"The Good Luck Man" also lacks rational considerations in shaping the heroine's character. In the play, the heroine is portrayed as a "very straightforward" person at work. Especially the character-building section of the heroine at the beginning, which cannot be done by the private hospital where I am located, I immediately recommended the patient to the Provincial Children's Hospital. From the audience's point of view, such a doctor is simply a good doctor that can only be met by burning incense. And what about the male protagonist? He does not approve of the heroine's approach and thinks she is wrong. In fact, this is a matter of principle.

The heroine has the bottom line of professional ethics to practice medicine, but the hero does not. He criticized the heroine's approach. These two personalities are, of course, different. However, these two personalities are certainly not complementary. The two people are completely opposite in terms of values. Under such circumstances, how did the two fall in love freely and get married? This fundamentally lacks narrative rationality. Just like, Jia Baoyu, who is free in love by nature, actually married Xue Baochai, who "just change everything". Moreover, the two of them are still in a free love. Isn't this funny?

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

"The Good Luck Man" has natural flaws in the design of the major characters' personalities. Not only the male and female protagonists, but also not just the male protagonist's mother, the character design of many characters in the play lacks rationality and diversity.For example, the character designs of the twin brothers and sisters lacked diversity, causing the two characters to have no drama when they were put together, and were more like background panels. This is a technical failure of the screenwriter. Yuan Bullet has regressed very obviously in script creation technology. The Douban score of "The Good Luck Man" is likely to be lower than that of Yuan Dan's " Little Couple ".

In addition, this TV series has too much deliberate content in the arrangement of specific scenes, and there is almost no necessary content, which also results in the poor quality of this TV series. After the character's personality is properly arranged, the character will come alive and drive the story. However, the character arrangement of "The Good Luck Man" is unreasonable and the characters cannot survive. Therefore, the screenwriter can only rely on the screenwriter to create some bloody plots to achieve plot development.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

Therefore, as soon as this TV series started, it had the same bloody plot. In this family, two women in a row discovered that their men had cheated on them. One is to catch someone in bed, the other is to catch someone in a car. Then, both women divorced. This is the "gassho" of script creation. Only freshmen majoring in screenplay make the mistake of "putting their palms together". Yuan Bullet, you really shouldn’t. Couldn't the younger sister get a divorce after her wedding for a different reason than the eldest sister?

For another example, my younger sister did not go on her honeymoon on her wedding day, but went home directly and said she wanted a divorce. This contradiction and conflict exists, but it is not pushed in the real direction. Under normal circumstances, everyone needs to inquire about the reasons for breaking off the engagement. But who knows, no one asked along this line of thinking, not even the little sister said anything. In this family, no one in the family asked the groom's side unless the younger sister said anything. No contact information? Forget about not asking, the role of a father comes to talk to his daughter in the middle of the night. Based on the nagging without knowing the truth, the last sense of reality has been lost.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

Based on the above, I think "The Good Luck Man" is very poor at the script level. The screenwriter may want to explore the truth about married life, but because the screenwriter lacks the ability to observe real life, design real characters, and write logical stories that are consistent with real life, the script quality of this TV series is not up to standard. Logic is the sword of Damocles hanging over screenwriter Yuan Bullet.

html On December 1, the TV series "The Good Luck Man" premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei , Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the shortcomings of parents in urban life. Based on the current plot content, this TV series lacks real life, and the personality design of some characters is too weird, causing the overall distortion of the characters and the story. In terms of the specific arrangement of the plot, there is too much deliberate content, and the inevitable content is too much. Less, which also results in poor overall quality of the play.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

It can be seen from the opening plot of "The Good Luck Man" that the screenwriter wants to explore the inevitable conflicts in life and work through the differences in the personalities of husband and wife. However, it may be that the screenwriter's lack of ability to observe and control life has caused the creation of many scenes to lose the reality of life. For example, the most cautious aspect of this TV series is that the couple goes for emotional counseling together.

Psychological counseling is not a big problem in modern urban society. However, this psychological counseling activity still belongs to the middle class and above. When "The Good Luck Man" came on, it did not show the personality conflict between the husband and wife, but started with a psychological consultation. In fact, it inadvertently brought this TV series to a high-level state. What's most scary about today's urban life dramas is this kind of height. Once up there, the audience will be critical - there are no poor people in "The Good Luck Man", it's a shortcoming of domestic dramas, etc.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

In the opening plot, this problem does exist. All the characters lack the real pain of life. No one faces financial problems. Urban life dramas, once the couple's financial life issues are separated, are actually doomed to be left hanging. For couples who struggle all day long for food, rice, oil and salt, couple dramas like "The Good Luck Man" are out of reach and far "above" everyone's lives. Obviously, this TV series did not find stories in the real life of urban couples to form real thinking.

The weird designs of some characters make this TV series that lacks real life even worse. Characters shaped by following the true principles of life make it easier for TV series to gain a sense of reality. And a character shaped by conflict for the sake of conflict can easily become weird. In "The Good Luck Man", the hero's mother is not a common character in life, but a strange character. This kind of character that lacks real life can certainly bring a lot of weird and dumbfounding plots to the drama. However, if there is too much of this kind of content, it will easily turn the entire TV series into a farce.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

"The Good Luck Man" also lacks rational considerations in shaping the heroine's character. In the play, the heroine is portrayed as a "very straightforward" person at work. Especially the character-building section of the heroine at the beginning, which cannot be done by the private hospital where I am located, I immediately recommended the patient to the Provincial Children's Hospital. From the audience's point of view, such a doctor is simply a good doctor that can only be met by burning incense. And what about the male protagonist? He does not approve of the heroine's approach and thinks she is wrong. In fact, this is a matter of principle.

The heroine has the bottom line of professional ethics to practice medicine, but the hero does not. He criticized the heroine's approach. These two personalities are, of course, different. However, these two personalities are certainly not complementary. The two people are completely opposite in terms of values. Under such circumstances, how did the two fall in love freely and get married? This fundamentally lacks narrative rationality. Just like, Jia Baoyu, who is free in love by nature, actually married Xue Baochai, who "just change everything". Moreover, the two of them are still in a free love. Isn't this funny?

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

"The Good Luck Man" has natural flaws in the design of the major characters' personalities. Not only the male and female protagonists, but also not just the male protagonist's mother, the character design of many characters in the play lacks rationality and diversity.For example, the character designs of the twin brothers and sisters lacked diversity, causing the two characters to have no drama when they were put together, and were more like background panels. This is a technical failure of the screenwriter. Yuan Bullet has regressed very obviously in script creation technology. The Douban score of "The Good Luck Man" is likely to be lower than that of Yuan Dan's " Little Couple ".

In addition, this TV series has too much deliberate content in the arrangement of specific scenes, and there is almost no necessary content, which also results in the poor quality of this TV series. After the character's personality is properly arranged, the character will come alive and drive the story. However, the character arrangement of "The Good Luck Man" is unreasonable and the characters cannot survive. Therefore, the screenwriter can only rely on the screenwriter to create some bloody plots to achieve plot development.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

Therefore, as soon as this TV series started, it had the same bloody plot. In this family, two women in a row discovered that their men had cheated on them. One is to catch someone in bed, the other is to catch someone in a car. Then, both women divorced. This is the "gassho" of script creation. Only freshmen majoring in screenplay make the mistake of "putting their palms together". Yuan Bullet, you really shouldn’t. Couldn't the younger sister get a divorce after her wedding for a different reason than the eldest sister?

For another example, my younger sister did not go on her honeymoon on her wedding day, but went home directly and said she wanted a divorce. This contradiction and conflict exists, but it is not pushed in the real direction. Under normal circumstances, everyone needs to inquire about the reasons for breaking off the engagement. But who knows, no one asked along this line of thinking, not even the little sister said anything. In this family, no one in the family asked the groom's side unless the younger sister said anything. No contact information? Forget about not asking, the role of a father comes to talk to his daughter in the middle of the night. Based on the nagging without knowing the truth, the last sense of reality has been lost.

On December 1, the TV series 'The Good Luck Man' premiered on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. This TV series stars Tong Dawei, Zhang Xiaofei and other actors. It tells the story of the family's shortcomings in urban life. Based on the current plot content,  - Lujuba

Based on the above, I think "The Good Luck Man" is very poor at the script level. The screenwriter may want to explore the truth about married life, but because the screenwriter lacks the ability to observe real life, design real characters, and write logical stories that are consistent with real life, the script quality of this TV series is not up to standard. Logic is the sword of Damocles hanging over screenwriter Yuan Bullet.(Text/Ma Qingyun)

Tags: entertainment