"Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other famous brand bags are on sale for only a few hundred yuan in the live broadcast room. Are you excited?" On November 1, a reporter learned from the Guangzhou Baiyun District Market Supervision Bureau that a few days ago, Guangzhou Baiyun The

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"Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other famous brand bags are available for only a few hundred yuan at a 'flash sale' in the live broadcast room. Are you tempted?" On November 1, reporters learned from the Guangzhou Baiyun District Market Supervision Bureau that Guangzhou City The Baiyun District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau successfully detected a case of counterfeit goods sold through online live broadcast. The suspect sold counterfeit brand-name handbags through a live broadcast on a short video platform. A total of more than 100 "Chanel" handbags that had not been sold were seized on site. The trademark owner identified the products as infringing the exclusive rights of the registered trademark "Chanel".

In recent years, online live streaming has become increasingly popular. The low product prices in the live broadcast room and the attractive sales words of the anchors have made many consumers excited. Based on their daily experience in law enforcement and case handling, law enforcement officers found that there are traces of some common routines used by unscrupulous merchants around the sale of counterfeit and shoddy products. First of all, unscrupulous merchants will use keywords such as "minor defects, missing items, clearance" as titles, and even spend money to buy traffic to attract viewers into the live broadcast room to watch. In order to avoid platform supervision, the anchor deliberately did not directly mention specific brand names such as LV and coach during the live broadcast. Instead, he used industry slang such as Lvbao and Koujia instead. He also consciously covered the brand logo with his hands or black tape. . When introducing products, they will constantly use phrases such as "original, original, you know which one this is" to imply that they are selling fake handbags that are imitations of authentic brand name products.

'Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other famous brand bags are on sale for only a few hundred yuan in the live broadcast room. Are you excited?' On November 1, a reporter learned from the Guangzhou Baiyun District Market Supervision Bureau that a few days ago, Guangzhou Baiyun The - Lujuba

In the purchase links, merchants will also use unbranded logo handbags or other irrelevant decorative dolls as product images. Different purchase links usually have the same product images and product introductions, with only slight differences in price. In order to enable buyers to distinguish the styles corresponding to different links, the anchor uses hand-held physical objects to introduce "This bag is link No. 1, this bag is link No. 2" in the live broadcast room to help consumers distinguish. . Consumers place orders and receive counterfeit handbags with complete brand logos, packaging, instructions and even receipts. According to

law enforcement officials, unscrupulous merchants take full advantage of some consumers’ greed for cheap and sell fake products at one-tenth or even one percent of the genuine products. Little do they know that counterfeit handbags often use inferior materials, live broadcast room There are many counterfeit handbags that sell for hundreds or even thousands of yuan, but the purchase price is only tens of yuan. In order to reduce costs, manufacturers use a large amount of low-quality glue and leather during the production process, so that counterfeit handbags often emit a pungent smell, and leaving them at home for a long time may cause certain harm to people's health.

In recent years, despite the continuous crackdowns by regulatory authorities and active rectification by e-commerce platforms, the sale of fake goods has always been prohibited. Law enforcement officials reminded that cutting off the profit chain of manufacturing and selling counterfeits requires coordinated efforts from all parties. Each e-commerce platform strengthens product access review, live broadcast inspections, and violation handling; consumers should also improve their own awareness and use official and legal channels. Purchase legitimate goods and report counterfeit goods to the relevant departments promptly.

Text/Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Reporter: Yang Chaolu, He Yingsi Correspondent: Xie Nianmingtu/Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Reporter: Liao Xueming Correspondent: Xie Nianming Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Peng Wenqiang

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