The animated film "New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure" will be released on October 1. Now download the "Beijing Youth Daily" APP, take a screenshot of the "Entertainment" channel homepage, send it to the WeChat public account "Cultural Guest" backend, and atta

entertainment 1186℃

animated movie " New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure " will be released on October 1. Now download the "Beijing Youth Daily" app, take a screenshot of the "Entertainment" channel homepage, send it to the WeChat public account "Cultural Guest" backend, and attach a sentence about your expectations for the movie, and you will have the opportunity to watch the movie for free.

The animated film 'New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure' will be released on October 1. Now download the 'Beijing Youth Daily' APP, take a screenshot of the 'Entertainment' channel homepage, send it to the WeChat public account 'Cultural Guest' backend, and atta - Lujuba

As the sixth film of the classic animated IP "Big Head Son", the National Day animated film "New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure" produced by CCTV Animation Group of China Central Radio and Television tells the story of Big Head Son and Little Head Dad encountered an unexpected situation while experiencing the new product "Mini Paradise" and was ejected into the real world in a mini state. The usually tiny flowers, plants and insects became giants to them. The world from a mini perspective has hidden dangers, but it also brings new fun and adventures. The film leads the audience into the magical microscopic world through the story setting of shrinking bodies. In "adventure scenes" such as geckos as big as dinosaurs and hens turning into fighter jets in seconds, they can explore the mysteries of nature and experience the technological power of artificial intelligence . .

The animated film 'New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure' will be released on October 1. Now download the 'Beijing Youth Daily' APP, take a screenshot of the 'Entertainment' channel homepage, send it to the WeChat public account 'Cultural Guest' backend, and atta - Lujuba

"Big-Headed Son and Small-Headed Dad" is a classic animation IP full of national sentiments, which has accompanied three generations of people to grow up happily together. This time it is still the dubbing team that the audience is familiar with. China Central Radio and Television hosts Ju Ping and Chen Yi continue to voice the apron mother and the big-headed son, while the small-headed father is voiced by the host Ren Luyu. The theme song was sung by Cai Guoqing and his son Cai Chengxun. The warm father-son combination played a tender movement of parent-child love.

The animated film 'New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure' will be released on October 1. Now download the 'Beijing Youth Daily' APP, take a screenshot of the 'Entertainment' channel homepage, send it to the WeChat public account 'Cultural Guest' backend, and atta - Lujuba

In addition, the movie also discusses the parent-child relationship. The small-headed father resists the big-headed son to explore nature and make friends with insects out of protection; the big-headed son cannot understand his father's restraint in the name of love, and the father and son have a moment of conflict. Conflicts and knots that are difficult to resolve... Faced with the issues of child growth and parent-child relationship, the film explores scientific, reasonable and effective parent-child communication methods in an entertaining and educational way, conveying the "friend-like parent-child relationship" "Getting along" mode allows children of all ages to enjoy entertainment while also learning ways to better express love and get along between parents and children.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Gong Lifang

Tags: entertainment