Watch dome movies, science and technology interdisciplinary practical activities, creative markets, scientific exploration... On September 29, "Scientific Exploration of Digital Intelligence and Intangible Cultural Heritage" - the 2024 "Science Festival" of primary and secondary

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Watch full-dome movies, science and technology interdisciplinary practical activities, creative markets, scientific exploration... On September 29, "Scientific Exploration of Digital Intelligence and Intangible Cultural Heritage" - 2024 Fengtai District Primary and Secondary Schools "Science Festival" To kick off the event, teachers and students from primary and secondary schools in Fengtai District brought their own scientific and technological projects and achievements to the site for demonstration and explanation, and experienced and interacted in various interesting scientific activities.

This is the first "Science Festival" for primary and secondary schools in Fengtai District. It is hosted by the Fengtai District Education Committee and hosted by the Innovation Talent Development Center of Beijing Institute of Education, Fengtai Branch (hereinafter referred to as the "Innovation Center"). It will last for two and a half months and will be held on campus. A series of activities such as science theme carnival and home-school community co-education carnival.

Watch dome movies, science and technology interdisciplinary practical activities, creative markets, scientific exploration... On September 29, 'Scientific Exploration of Digital Intelligence and Intangible Cultural Heritage' - the 2024 'Science Festival' of primary and secondary  - Lujuba

The artificial intelligence robot developed by a small team in Fengtai "shakes hands" with the audience. Photo by Beijing News reporter Feng Qi

"Fancy" science and technology experience projects attract primary and secondary school students

"What scientific principles are contained in the design of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests?" "Can I give you a hug?" At the launch ceremony of the Science Festival, a small team from Fengtai brought Artificial intelligence robots come to the scene. The robot was incubated and guided by the school's R&D and Innovation Center. In addition to asking questions and communicating with people, the robot can also hug and shake hands with people. After hearing the instructions, the robot raised its arms to "hug", which made the audience burst into laughter. The

Innovation Center has cooperated with resource units to develop innovative courses, which are closely integrated with the protection of intangible cultural heritage buildings on the south central axis, cultural tourism promotion and other themes. The above-mentioned robot is an intelligent display of the results of the central axis curriculum by the Fengtai District No. 1 Primary School team. At the

event, Fengtai School, the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, also demonstrated the results of its middle school artificial intelligence drone course. "Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to the protection of cultural relics. Our drone system can identify, monitor and prompt when people or other debris are approaching cultural relics." Under the operation of the team members through the remote control, the drone upgraded Go to the air, rotate around the model of the Temple of Heaven and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests on the booth, and perform scanning and recognition. The recognized image can be displayed on the big screen in real time.

In the "Science Exploration" section of the Science Festival, the science and technology experience projects brought by teachers and students from various schools attracted a large number of students to come and watch. In the exhibition area of ​​Beijing No. 10 Middle School, a student was carefully assembling various electronic components. “I want to make a rotating top,” the student explained. Yang Xue, director of the Innovation Talent Training Center of Beijing No. 10 Middle School, introduced that the school’s characteristic school-based curriculum was showcased this time. Practical projects suitable for different grades were designed, such as tracking cars, perpetual calendars, fountain speakers, voice-activated lights, and heart-shaped running lights... …"Let students do hands-on operations to understand the technical principles behind them and cultivate concentration and interest in science."

Watch dome movies, science and technology interdisciplinary practical activities, creative markets, scientific exploration... On September 29, 'Scientific Exploration of Digital Intelligence and Intangible Cultural Heritage' - the 2024 'Science Festival' of primary and secondary  - Lujuba

Students watched the "brain-controlled" drone lifting project. Photographed by Beijing News reporter Feng Qi

Children put on electrode caps and "brain-controlled" the lifting and lowering of drones and the galloping of cars. They learned scientific and technological knowledge and understood the applications of brain-computer interfaces in different fields; they watched as they participated in programming. The "Mecha Master" robots fight with each other or perform different dance postures; they show off their self-developed intelligent line patrol car, which completes food delivery according to a certain route. It can climb stairs and self-unload, improving the efficiency of food delivery... The children are full of fun. It’s a great time to play in the ocean of technology.

will go into the community to hold the "Home-school-Community Co-education Carnival"

"Gongyue Jinshui" interactive area, where you can experience using magnetic components and build a stone arch bridge based on the model; in the "Jianlou Qianjin" interactive area, you can watch the model of the Jianlou Qianjin gate , compare which mode is the most labor-saving to use the jack gate; in the "Block Tower Sound Transmission" interactive area, you can stand outside the low arch and listen to the resonance effect of the sound... The science festival also displayed the resources of the exhibition hall co-constructed with the school The above is the "Science and Technology South Central Axis" course developed under the guidance of the Innovation Center and implemented by Taipingqiao School in Fengtai District, Beijing. It integrates geography, physics and other interdisciplinary practices into the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. Content has changed the traditional way of subject learning.

Watch dome movies, science and technology interdisciplinary practical activities, creative markets, scientific exploration... On September 29, 'Scientific Exploration of Digital Intelligence and Intangible Cultural Heritage' - the 2024 'Science Festival' of primary and secondary  - Lujuba

Students experienced using magnetic components to build a stone arch bridge based on the model.Photo by Beijing News reporter Feng Qi

In addition, the innovation center has also signed a number of high-quality external resource bases such as the China Science and Technology Museum, the National Oceanographic Museum, the National Museum of Zoology, the China Aerospace Museum, and the Beijing Science Center to integrate these High-quality resources and subject teaching are combined to develop unique courses in Fengtai District.

"Children must move from efficiently mastering the known to learning to explore the unknown. This is the core task given to educators by the times." In the micro lecture session, Chen Zheng, associate professor of the School of Physical Science and Engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University, cultivated from innovative talents When talking about concepts and paths, it is mentioned that the main battlefield of science education is the classroom, and education inside and outside schools must cooperate with each other and advance separately.

"Without a base, it is not feasible to only talk about the cultivation of innovative talents." Chen Zheng pointed out that scientific education needs to do the first three steps: establish sensory experience for children, cultivate their knowledge and skills, guide their thinking methods, and then To carry out innovative exploration, "If the first three steps are done well and good soil is formed, top innovative talents will 'emerge' on their own."

"We have always advocated the concept of big science education." Sun Zhen, director of the Innovation Center, pointed out In order to involve more schools, teachers, and students, this Science Festival invited primary school students to design a logo; 18 warm-up activities were added to bring the spirit of scientists into the campus; in addition to carrying out resource unit practices, subject teaching seminars, and on-campus science themes In addition to carnivals and organizations participating in whitelist events, we will also go into the community to hold a "Home-School-Community Co-education Carnival" to let more parents understand science education and support and cooperate with students to participate in science activities.

Sun Zhen expressed that he hopes that through the holding of this science festival, he hopes to stimulate the interest of primary and secondary school students in learning, cultivate their scientific spirit, scientific thinking and innovation ability, and improve their scientific literacy through inquiry; at the same time, it will improve the regional innovation talent training mechanism Explore and carry out innovative practices in the introduction of external resources, tapping the school's internal potential, discovering and cultivating top students, and assisting with artificial intelligence to promote the formation of regional science education synergies.

Beijing News reporter Feng Qi

editor Miao Chenxia proofreader Jia Ning

Tags: entertainment