The recently hit movie "Wild Child" is based on the real incident of "Wandering Brothers" and tells the story of "brother thief" Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and "brother orphan" Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig

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The recently hit movie " Wild Child " is based on the real incident of "The Wandering Brothers". It tells the story of the "thief brother" Ma Liang ( Wang Junkai) and the "orphan brother" Xuan Xuan (Guan Zixie) in The story of relying on each other in the storm not only aroused the audience's attention and reflection on "children in social difficulties", but also made many people wonder about the similarities and differences between the experiences of "wandering brothers" in reality and the artistically presented character stories in the movie. place.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

The true story of the "Wandering Brothers" dates back to 2017, when the police in Weinan, Shaanxi Province cracked a series of thefts. Two people involved in the case, one is 21-year-old Ma Liang (pseudonym) who is responsible for stealing, and the other is an 8-year-old boy Xuanxuan (pseudonym) who is responsible for selling the stolen goods.

The most strange thing about the whole incident is that why two children who are not related by blood and are 13 years apart live together on the street?

In fact, this is related to their common growth experience. Both of them are "de facto orphans" (minors whose parents are still alive, but in fact cannot provide financial support and care), which has become their emotional connection and resonance. .

"Wild Child" has a lot of emphasis on the portrayal of Xuan Xuan's family, which is similar to the prototype in reality - Xuan Xuan's parents gave birth to him when he was very young, and later they each had new families and children. When people break up, they throw their children to their elderly grandfather.

Xuanxuan’s sister had a similar experience, and her grandfather could only support his two children and his disabled wife by collecting scraps in a village in the city. Therefore, Xuanxuan did not go to school when he was 8 years old, so he could only wander around and starve all day long. Get cold.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

As for Ma Liang's past, there are only some memory fragments in the movie, which are relatively obscure. In fact, Ma Liang's parents are still alive, but his mother abandoned him and left the family when he was very young. After his mother left, Ma Liang's father also went out to work, and he and his sister stayed with relatives for a time.

At first, her mother and her siblings had some intermittent contact. Ma Liang lived with her mother for a while, but then her mother formed a new family and Ma Liang returned to his father's side. He became more and more He is taciturn and unwilling to go to school anymore.

In fact, Ma Liang's father is not as indifferent to his children as Xuan Xuan's father, but he has been working outside all year round, and it has gradually become difficult for father and son to communicate. When they return home, they have nothing to say.

When he grew up to the age of fourteen or fifteen, Ma Liang began to run away from home, running away for a while before going back, and then basically never came home.

In the opinion of Xuan Xuan's grandfather, because Ma Liang can buy Xuan Xuan delicious food and play with his mobile phone, his grandson is willing to stay with this brother.

But in fact, two lonely hearts met, Xuanxuan met Ma Liang, and the two children with similar family backgrounds may have provided each other with warmth and companionship.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

In the movie "Wild Child", two people found an abandoned house, picked up some furniture from the recycling bin, and started living in the house.

In reality, their living conditions are even worse. It can be said that they use the sky as a covering and the earth as a hut. They could only lay an old door panel among the dead branches and leaves in the woods outside the village in the city, and cover it with a thin shabby quilt. This was their home.

This unrelated brother takes great care of Xuan Xuan, telling him stories and singing to him at night. In winter, they would cuddle up next to the snowdrifts and lie on the wasteland and count the stars.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

Before Ma Liang met Xuanxuan, he often stayed in one place for a short period of time and then left, but after arriving in Weinan, he abnormally stayed here for a long time.

Just like what is shown in the movie, Ma Liang actually tried to leave. For example, he hid behind the wall and pretended to leave, but his younger brother called him while looking for him; another time, Ma Liang ran in front, and his younger brother cried behind him. He was chasing after him, but he couldn't bear it and had to stop. His younger brother hugged him.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

When asked why he didn't leave, Ma Liang said that it was because he was about the same age as Xuanxuan when his mother left him, and her mother left without looking back.

Maybe he looked at Xuanxuan as if he saw his childhood self, and wanted to make up for the pain and regret he felt at that time. At the end of the

movie, Xuan Xuan successfully enrolls in school. The movie focuses on Ma Liang's efforts to find a school for Xuan Xuan; in reality, Xuan Xuan found a school that admitted him under special circumstances with the efforts of the police officer handling the case, Zhou Jiao, and even His books, miscellaneous fees and meals were waived.

The recently hit movie " Wild Child " is based on the real incident of "The Wandering Brothers". It tells the story of the "thief brother" Ma Liang ( Wang Junkai) and the "orphan brother" Xuan Xuan (Guan Zixie) in The story of relying on each other in the storm not only aroused the audience's attention and reflection on "children in social difficulties", but also made many people wonder about the similarities and differences between the experiences of "wandering brothers" in reality and the artistically presented character stories in the movie. place.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

The true story of the "Wandering Brothers" dates back to 2017, when the police in Weinan, Shaanxi Province cracked a series of thefts. Two people involved in the case, one is 21-year-old Ma Liang (pseudonym) who is responsible for stealing, and the other is an 8-year-old boy Xuanxuan (pseudonym) who is responsible for selling the stolen goods.

The most strange thing about the whole incident is that why two children who are not related by blood and are 13 years apart live together on the street?

In fact, this is related to their common growth experience. Both of them are "de facto orphans" (minors whose parents are still alive, but in fact cannot provide financial support and care), which has become their emotional connection and resonance. .

"Wild Child" has a lot of emphasis on the portrayal of Xuan Xuan's family, which is similar to the prototype in reality - Xuan Xuan's parents gave birth to him when he was very young, and later they each had new families and children. When people break up, they throw their children to their elderly grandfather.

Xuanxuan’s sister had a similar experience, and her grandfather could only support his two children and his disabled wife by collecting scraps in a village in the city. Therefore, Xuanxuan did not go to school when he was 8 years old, so he could only wander around and starve all day long. Get cold.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

As for Ma Liang's past, there are only some memory fragments in the movie, which are relatively obscure. In fact, Ma Liang's parents are still alive, but his mother abandoned him and left the family when he was very young. After his mother left, Ma Liang's father also went out to work, and he and his sister stayed with relatives for a time.

At first, her mother and her siblings had some intermittent contact. Ma Liang lived with her mother for a while, but then her mother formed a new family and Ma Liang returned to his father's side. He became more and more He is taciturn and unwilling to go to school anymore.

In fact, Ma Liang's father is not as indifferent to his children as Xuan Xuan's father, but he has been working outside all year round, and it has gradually become difficult for father and son to communicate. When they return home, they have nothing to say.

When he grew up to the age of fourteen or fifteen, Ma Liang began to run away from home, running away for a while before going back, and then basically never came home.

In the opinion of Xuan Xuan's grandfather, because Ma Liang can buy Xuan Xuan delicious food and play with his mobile phone, his grandson is willing to stay with this brother.

But in fact, two lonely hearts met, Xuanxuan met Ma Liang, and the two children with similar family backgrounds may have provided each other with warmth and companionship.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

In the movie "Wild Child", two people found an abandoned house, picked up some furniture from the recycling bin, and started living in the house.

In reality, their living conditions are even worse. It can be said that they use the sky as a covering and the earth as a hut. They could only lay an old door panel among the dead branches and leaves in the woods outside the village in the city, and cover it with a thin shabby quilt. This was their home.

This unrelated brother takes great care of Xuan Xuan, telling him stories and singing to him at night. In winter, they would cuddle up next to the snowdrifts and lie on the wasteland and count the stars.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

Before Ma Liang met Xuanxuan, he often stayed in one place for a short period of time and then left, but after arriving in Weinan, he abnormally stayed here for a long time.

Just like what is shown in the movie, Ma Liang actually tried to leave. For example, he hid behind the wall and pretended to leave, but his younger brother called him while looking for him; another time, Ma Liang ran in front, and his younger brother cried behind him. He was chasing after him, but he couldn't bear it and had to stop. His younger brother hugged him.

The recently hit movie 'Wild Child' is based on the real incident of 'Wandering Brothers' and tells the story of 'brother thief' Ma Liang (played by Wang Junkai) and 'brother orphan' Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) who depended on each other in the wind and rain. , not only trig - Lujuba

When asked why he didn't leave, Ma Liang said that it was because he was about the same age as Xuanxuan when his mother left him, and her mother left without looking back.

Maybe he looked at Xuanxuan as if he saw his childhood self, and wanted to make up for the pain and regret he felt at that time. At the end of the

movie, Xuan Xuan successfully enrolls in school. The movie focuses on Ma Liang's efforts to find a school for Xuan Xuan; in reality, Xuan Xuan found a school that admitted him under special circumstances with the efforts of the police officer handling the case, Zhou Jiao, and even His books, miscellaneous fees and meals were waived.

Tags: entertainment