The Hong Kong movie "The Money-Saving Family" 17 years ago is little known but big names gather

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saving money means "saving money" in Cantonese. The

movie "Family Saving Money" was released in Hong Kong, China on June 6, 2002.

The Hong Kong movie 'The Money-Saving Family' 17 years ago is little known but big names gather - Lujuba

The film tells that Diana (Jung Yuling) hopes to have a good career and hopes to have a good family, but she is unemployed because of the financial crisis. After losing her job, she met Dahan Wei (Zeng Zhiwei), in order to get rid of poverty and Dahan Wei The story of his family's daughter Qian Wei (Mian Wei Yang) posing as his family to participate in TV games. The

"fake family" and a group of four arrived at the TV station, and the money-saving life began. Participating families live in a "money saving house" specially designed by the TV station. The house is fully equipped, but each item has to be charged.

The Hong Kong movie 'The Money-Saving Family' 17 years ago is little known but big names gather - Lujuba

In the seven-day time limit, everyone tried all the money-saving tricks, trying food everywhere, going to the cosmetics counter to make-up, and taking a bath in the public bathroom. Under the torment, some people secretly spend money, some love their children willing to sacrifice, some are young and ignorant, some stick to the rules of the game, and their humanity is fully revealed. Many of

's jokes are funny. I want to get the five dollars back when I take the bus, but I really want to laugh if I don't come back. The daughter of the gambling king really loves movies to play such a down-to-earth role.

The Hong Kong movie 'The Money-Saving Family' 17 years ago is little known but big names gather - Lujuba

Eason Chan plays the role of a TV director in the movie with a romantic scene with Qian.

The daughter role played by Miriam Yang in the play is simple and natural, which makes people feel sad and helpless in laughter. The

movie currently has a Douban score of 6.2. The reason for the low score is also because few people know the movie. The movie lineup of

is strong. This is an old movie more than ten years ago, so you can see the dodo sister Zheng Yuling, who is no longer filming, and E God and Laughing aunt Yang Qianhua, a pair of entertainment lovers who are rare in a century. The emotional drama is so sweet that it explodes, causing fans to kill in minutes.

Of course, the supporting role is also very brilliant, the sharp-eyed audience at the moment Chai Jiu and Li Yaoxiang appeared were shocked. In short, it is a good film with deep and connotation with tears in laughter. The score of

is so low that many people may regard it as a nonsense comedy. There are many philosophy of life in the movie, and the whole shooting method is also quite distinctive. The woman who admires vanity is down to earth. The young people who are so lofty and conscientious are working hard, and the broken family is reborn. , The kind-hearted girl finds true love... Unemployment survival lies persist, every line is justified and well laid out.

"Money Saving Family" puts the topic of negative equity in front of the audience. In the film, a game show that saves money is used to talk about the heavy topic of negative equity. I believe that many people have sympathy for the helplessness. When dreaming about the future, reality will still give you a cruel blow.

has to make people think of the most provincial girl in Japan who has been on the hot search recently.

The Hong Kong movie 'The Money-Saving Family' 17 years ago is little known but big names gather - Lujuba

A 33-year-old woman named Saki in Japan was named "Japan's Most Province Girl" by Japanese TV in 2019.

saved money and saved three thousand mansions!

However, her "saving" is not the same as the situation in the movie. It is reported that she used to earn 250,000 yen (16,000 yuan) per month, which is not negative equity, so she uses the "saving" money to come. Buying a house has something to do with your income. Of course, frugality is also the most important point!

Her "frugality" is unattainable and unimaginable by ordinary people. Saki never buys clothes and wears everything that others don't want. The furniture is picked up. Daily food expenses are controlled within 153 yen (10 yuan). Dinner was udon noodles for 2 yuan, so I was reluctant to buy a bowl, so I ate it directly with the pot. In addition to food,

spends money on transportation and utilities, and never spends extra money.

So in just a few years, she bought three houses, completed her life dream at the age of 34, retired early, and owned a cat coffee house, which can be regarded as fulfilling her dream of helping stray cats as a child .

A calculation problem: three houses, 10 million + 18 million + 27 million = 55 million yen, 15 years × 365 days = 5475 days, that is to say, she saves an average of 10,000 yen every day, which is typical , The rich is called thrift, and the poor are stingy. Girls like

are indeed rare, because women in contemporary society have to struggle with their inner shopping desires!

The things you want to buy are added to the shopping cart, but there is no payment. After two days, I waited for the shopping desire to disappear, You can cancel it and put it in the collection and never buy it. Isn't this the case for poor money-saving sisters?

In fact, money is really saved. Reasonable financial planning is very important, but it should not overcorrect and affect the quality of life.

Time is short, you can't always wrong yourself, learn to live, let yourself feel happy!

There are really different opinions about saving money. Some people think that spending money is to improve the quality of life, and they can't help but buy and buy! "Persist in" being a Yueguang clan!

But there are also some people who plan carefully, save as much as possible, and never spend every penny. These are also two groups.

chatted with friends, and everyone else complained that the money was not enough, but a friend had saved nearly 100,000 after working for two years. She said that she basically had nothing to consume except for food and accommodation, and she didn’t like to go. Dining in the restaurant...

so look! It's not that the money is not enough, but it depends on how you spend it.

is not actually advising everyone to live a life like an ascetic. After all, the ultimate goal of making money is consumption, but consumption should also be done according to one's ability and restrained.

Usually we look at ourselves in two ways: the present self and the future self

How can the future self save money for itself? You need to make a promise to save money in advance and keep the promise.

The environment is also a major factor. Everyone’s income does not affect the belief in saving money. To consume wisely is also a way of saving money. In fact, everyone has their own way of saving money. Necessary expenses and expenses, and then save a small vault of your own!

Self-discipline, frugality, not afraid of others' eyes, great!

After all, "self-discipline" can defeat everything. People who have dreams and are willing to work hard for it are really the most touching!

Tags: movie