After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there

entertainment 5113℃

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of estar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there will be some news saying that SK is coming back, some are talking about going to other teams, and some are talking about returning to estar. Now we can give estar fans some reassurance, and we can tell that SK has no plans to return.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

estar's performance in the summer split was pretty good. He won several games on the following cards, but his upper limit was not high and he would be intimidated when he encountered a strong team. The performance of the five team members can only be said to be average. There is no need to share the blame, everyone has a share. The changes in the version are no longer suitable for the current estar. They always want to rest on their laurels and do not know how to adapt. It is almost impossible to create brilliance in the new version. Estar will not change much. Everyone has an honor, and they are not old enough to retire. They can still play, and the club can get by, so let's just go on.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

So here comes the question, why do everyone think that SK’s return can save estar? Is competition training or BP more important than the player’s operation? You can refer to what Lu Chenglin said. Anyway, he believes that competition training is more important and BP is more important, and Lu Chenglin has indeed proved this. Since those trouble-loving coaches left, have you noticed that the current competition is not as intense as before. It is difficult to distinguish the strength of the team, the winning or losing is unexpected, and only ag is the dominant team.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

bp is nothing more than banning the hero that makes you uncomfortable, so that the hero used by the players can perform well. Ranked players all ban heroes randomly, and they never pay attention to the restraint relationship between heroes. Peak game players are different. They pay more attention to the theory of restraint and pay more attention to BP. With the increase in new heroes, high-end game players believe that ban positions are not enough, and the ban positions began to be reformed in the S37 season. The planner has announced the relevant content of the reform, and the number of ban seats has been increased to 10.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

However, the planning still left some room, and nothing was done. Although both sides have 10 ban positions, and one side bans five heroes, everyone's ban positions are invisible to each other. As a result, both sides may repeatedly ban a strong hero. Therefore, although the number of ban positions has increased to 10, there are not 10 heroes who are actually in the ban position, maybe only seven or eight. In extreme cases, there may be only 5, which is one less than before the adjustment.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of estar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there will be some news saying that SK is coming back, some are talking about going to other teams, and some are talking about returning to estar. Now we can give estar fans some reassurance, and we can tell that SK has no plans to return.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

estar's performance in the summer split was pretty good. He won several games on the following cards, but his upper limit was not high and he would be intimidated when he encountered a strong team. The performance of the five team members can only be said to be average. There is no need to share the blame, everyone has a share. The changes in the version are no longer suitable for the current estar. They always want to rest on their laurels and do not know how to adapt. It is almost impossible to create brilliance in the new version. Estar will not change much. Everyone has an honor, and they are not old enough to retire. They can still play, and the club can get by, so let's just go on.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

So here comes the question, why do everyone think that SK’s return can save estar? Is competition training or BP more important than the player’s operation? You can refer to what Lu Chenglin said. Anyway, he believes that competition training is more important and BP is more important, and Lu Chenglin has indeed proved this. Since those trouble-loving coaches left, have you noticed that the current competition is not as intense as before. It is difficult to distinguish the strength of the team, the winning or losing is unexpected, and only ag is the dominant team.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

bp is nothing more than banning the hero that makes you uncomfortable, so that the hero used by the players can perform well. Ranked players all ban heroes randomly, and they never pay attention to the restraint relationship between heroes. Peak game players are different. They pay more attention to the theory of restraint and pay more attention to BP. With the increase in new heroes, high-end game players believe that ban positions are not enough, and the ban positions began to be reformed in the S37 season. The planner has announced the relevant content of the reform, and the number of ban seats has been increased to 10.

After several seasons of testing, the upper limit of eStar has been basically determined. It is difficult for this team to create another miracle. Their road to glory began to go downhill, and there was no hope. Some people place their hopes on SK's return, and every season there - Lujuba

However, the planning still left some room, and nothing was done. Although both sides have 10 ban positions, and one side bans five heroes, everyone's ban positions are invisible to each other. As a result, both sides may repeatedly ban a strong hero. Therefore, although the number of ban positions has increased to 10, there are not 10 heroes who are actually in the ban position, maybe only seven or eight. In extreme cases, there may be only 5, which is one less than before the adjustment.

Tags: entertainment