Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On September 15, the movie "Wild Child" released the "I Want to Have a Family" social special, where the main creators shared their original creative intentions. The film is directed by Yin Ruoxin, the director of "My Sister". It is based o

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Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On September 15, the movie "Wild Child" released the "I Want to Have a Family" social special, and the main creators shared their original creative intentions. The film is directed by "My Sister" director Yin Ruoxin. It is based on the real incident of "The Wandering Brothers" that has touched countless audiences. It tells the story of the "thief brother" Ma Liang (Wang Junkai) and the "orphan brother" The story of Xuan Xuan (played by Guan Zixie) relying on each other in the wind and rain.

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On September 15, the movie 'Wild Child' released the 'I Want to Have a Family' social special, where the main creators shared their original creative intentions. The film is directed by Yin Ruoxin, the director of 'My Sister'. It is based o - Lujuba

Ma Liang (left) and "orphan brother" Xuan Xuan.

The film restores the real life of the characters through a large number of delicate details, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the joys and sorrows of the "wild children". At the same time, through the in-depth portrayal of Uncle Wen's criminal gang, it reveals the "quagmire" these "wild children" fell into, and the complex emotions about their "struggle to survive" and "helpless surrender" in the "abyss", making " The difficult living conditions of "Wild Children" are more vividly presented to the audience. While the film shows the audience the real life picture of "wild children", it also exposes the social issue of "being born without nourishment". This group of "wild children" who are "unloved by their fathers and unloved by their mothers" are growing like barbarians precisely because their parents were seriously absent during their growth, their lives and education were not guaranteed, and they behaved entirely on instinct. of weeds. The lead actor Wang Junkai analyzed the reasons why Ma Liang went deep into the quagmire from the perspective of his character. "The harm caused to him by his experiences and the various unfair treatments he suffered in society made him appear to have given up on himself." Just like the leading actor . Deng Jiajia said: "These 'wild children' are not 'bad children'." They have no companionship, no education, no care, and they just "want to survive." Director Yin Ruoxin expressed the original intention of the creation: "We hope that more love and care will come to these children."

editor, Tong Na

proofreader, Lu Qian

Tags: entertainment