Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include "Mortal Song", "Young Master and Me", "Half-Mature Man and Woman", "Her Little Pear Dimple", "Laifu Hotel", "I'm

entertainment 1172℃

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting.

's representative works include "Mortal Song", "Young Master and Me", "Half-Mature Man and Woman", "Her Little Pear Dangle", "Laifu Hotel", "I'm Not a Poet", etc.

"You and I are both mortals, born in this world. Running around all day is hard, and we can't have a moment of leisure." A few lyrics describe the ups and downs and struggles of thousands of ordinary people in this world. As ordinary people, their lives may not be so glamorous and glamorous, but among the daily necessities, their strong and optimistic faces are still the most moving pictures in the world.

Recently, the new TV series "Mortal Song" launched by Noon Sunshine was launched. The play focuses on the lives of ordinary people. Once it was broadcast, it attracted a lot of attention and quickly triggered many hot search terms on the Internet, and the discussion remained high. "Mortal Song" tells the story of three "mortal" couples or lovers. Each of them has flaws and is not perfect, but at the same time, they also have advantages, highlights, and loveliness. After all, they are just a microcosm of many ordinary families. Although they are a mess, they are real and tangible.

In the play, Na Juan, played by Zhang Zhehua, is a highly educated and high-income programmer. Na Juan is excellent and capable, but his "Volume King" character also caused controversy. A few days ago, a cover news reporter had an exclusive interview with actor Zhang Zhehua and heard him talk about his understanding of the character Na Juan.

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Juan, picture source interviewee

Na Juan’s starting point is not wrong, the problem is the way of doing things

On the Internet, many clips of Na Juan have been widely circulated. One of the paragraphs is about him criticizing his girlfriend Li Xiaoyue for not seeking to make progress. The original words are "Li Xiaoyue, this is Beijing, 211 is as numerous as a dog, and 985 is everywhere. If you can't climb to the top of the pyramid, you will be a loser for the rest of your life and become a stumbling block for others." If you are a burden to society, you will never have a future!" After hearing this, Li Xiaoyue broke up with Na Juan on the spot. This speech was also said by some netizens to be "too daddy". Regarding the audience's comments, Zhang Zhehua said, "It's normal for everyone to have such a reaction. At the beginning, when I didn't understand Na Juan, I didn't like hearing what he said."

Talking about the controversy caused by Na Juan, Zhang Zhehua said frankly , "As the actor of Na Juan, I will think from his own perspective. I feel that everything he does is charting a path in life for himself. No matter whether the road is wide or narrow, rugged or magnanimous, , he will not be swayed. I agree with everyone that many of Na Juan's actions are indeed not acceptable, but if we use a more tactful approach, maybe there will be more room for acceptance by Na Juan. There is nothing wrong in what he is doing, he is following his own path."

Zhang Zhehua said that the character Na Juan is very real and concrete, and his sense of crisis is not without origin. "When Na Juan was young, his mother experienced a wave of layoffs and ran a stall in the market. He saw that his family had gone through such a difficult period during the crisis, so he vowed not to want people around him to lose their jobs. , or be troubled by money. Therefore, his starting point is not wrong, but his specific implementation is a bit too extreme, and he even wants to 'brainwash' others. This approach is still open to question," Zhang Zhehua said. Na Juan is a result-oriented person. No matter what the process is, he only values ​​the ideal result. "

Director Jian Chuanxi was very helpful to Zhang Zhehua in controlling Na Juan's character. "I have talked with Director Jian many times. We both believe that this character cannot be played for the sake of being "daddy". I want to play him because it is good for my family. I am unwilling to admit defeat and am afraid of losing my job. From then on, Act with this starting point."

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Jun, picture source interviewee

The scene where Na Jun is ill is the most difficult to act, and the performance point comes from the script

Before the official launch, Zhang Zhehua did a lot of preparation work, and also collected and compiled information about programmers and panic He said that the performance of Na Juan mainly came from the script. She created a complete character and then left a lot of breathing room for the character so that we can recreate it on this basis. "

At the same time, Zhang Zhehua also designed some performance details for Na Juan. "When entering the character, I started from his work and panic disorder, and it was smoother to follow this direction. "He said, "I think Na Juan is a very careful person. Not only because of the nature of his work, but also because he studies well. I thought that he should be very meticulous in his life. So I have a little design of my own, that is, every time Na Juan locks the car, he must see the car light up and make sure it is locked before I turn back. "

When talking about the most difficult scene to perform, Zhang Zhehua mentioned the part about panic attacks without hesitation. He said that it is difficult to measure the scale of this onset process. If the scale is not enough, the audience may not be able to experience the pain and discomfort. It’s comfortable, but if it’s too much, it doesn’t meet the symptoms of panic disorder. “You need to ‘measure’ while acting in a scene where you have a panic disorder. ‘Measurement’ means you have to jump out and watch your own performance. For scenes like this, The difficulty lies in this. You have to be immersed in it to fully experience it, and you also have to grasp the right balance, so you will be a little distracted and the performance will not be that enjoyable. "Zhang Zhehua said with a smile.

In the first scene of the attack, Zhang Zhehua and the director repeatedly observed and adjusted it, and then found the most appropriate scale through constant attempts. Because Na Juan had the disease many times in the play, the filming was not in order at that time. , so Zhang Zhehua also has to remember the order of each attack, and measure the condition by one point, two points and three points, so as to achieve a level of progression.

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Juan. Picture source interviewee

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Juan. Picture source interviewee

The relationship between Na Juan and Xiaoyue is not only love, but also obsession and compatibility.

Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, one graduated in 985 and admired hard work, while the other graduated in 2015 and hoped to enjoy themselves in time. After Na Juan said the word "waste" to Xiaoyue, an angry Xiaoyue proposed to break up, and Na Juan immediately said, "Let's break up! "After that, Na Juan started going on a blind date, but after several dates, Na Juan found that Xiaoyue was the best. This scene also triggered discussions among the audience on the Internet.

"I'm not making excuses for Na Juan. I really think it's because Na Juan didn't think clearly. He was also impulsive at the time, but after his anger subsided, he tried to communicate with Xiaoyue and found that Xiaoyue had blocked him. He was carried away by anger, so he did some unreasonable things. " Zhang Zhehua said, "But I think the relationship between Na Juan and Xiao Yue is very deep and very strong. It's just that the two people have different outlooks on life and attitudes towards their careers. In addition, Na Juan likes to control Xiao Yue. Yue, which led to the gradual accumulation of conflicts between them, and finally evolved into a big explosion. "

In Zhang Zhehua's view, Na Juan has many obsessions. He must live his life strictly according to the plan. Whenever this path deviates or is unexpected, he will feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Zhang Zhehua She believes that the relationship between Na Juan and Xiao Yue is not just because of love, but also includes Na Juan's anxiety about his age and obsession with getting married and having children. "Personally, I think this is actually the case. It's a bit selfish, or not pure enough, but from Na Juan's point of view, he actually included Xiaoyue as part of his plan. Although this is wrong, it is also wrong to say that Na Juan doesn't love Xiaoyue.”

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Na Juan and his girlfriend Li Xiaoyue, picture source official Weibo

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba


Cover news: The drama "Mortal Song" reflects It contains a lot of reality, but some netizens say that this drama is "selling anxiety". How do you think about it yourself? What about this statement?

Zhang Zhehua: I think it depends on your own mentality. Anxiety is definitely something that everyone has encountered. No matter how smooth a person's life is, there will be some big or small setbacks. In this process, I think it is most important to learn to accept everything that happens, and then face it bravely, so that you will not live a life that is too embarrassing (this is not a father-style preaching). (Laughs) It’s just my own little thought. I think our drama is quite heart-warming. As a big family walking on the downhill road of life, everyone is supporting each other, taking care of each other, and not giving up on each other. They are all holding hands. Let’s go together. I still feel quite warm after watching it.

Cover News: Are there any similarities between Na Juan and yourself? Are you planning to release a new drama for yourself? False?

Zhang Zhehua: I think I may not plan as clearly as he does and execute as decisively. Maybe I will take it step by step. If there is a suitable script, I will work hard. , if not, just enjoy your short vacation. I won’t think too much and make predictions. I will always act based on my first feeling. If I really like this character, I think I must do it. Show his best side.

cover news: Many people know you because of the comedy group "Master and Me", but you have actually got many new roles now. Will you reduce your energy in comedy in the future? What about assignment?

Zhang Zhehua: No, I am very happy when people call me Aotian on the street. If there is a suitable role in the future, I will also be willing to try it.

[If you have any news clues, please report it to us. Materials will be reimbursed once accepted.

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting.

's representative works include "Mortal Song", "Young Master and Me", "Half-Mature Man and Woman", "Her Little Pear Dangle", "Laifu Hotel", "I'm Not a Poet", etc.

"You and I are both mortals, born in this world. Running around all day is hard, and we can't have a moment of leisure." A few lyrics describe the ups and downs and struggles of thousands of ordinary people in this world. As ordinary people, their lives may not be so glamorous and glamorous, but among the daily necessities, their strong and optimistic faces are still the most moving pictures in the world.

Recently, the new TV series "Mortal Song" launched by Noon Sunshine was launched. The play focuses on the lives of ordinary people. Once it was broadcast, it attracted a lot of attention and quickly triggered many hot search terms on the Internet, and the discussion remained high. "Mortal Song" tells the story of three "mortal" couples or lovers. Each of them has flaws and is not perfect, but at the same time, they also have advantages, highlights, and loveliness. After all, they are just a microcosm of many ordinary families. Although they are a mess, they are real and tangible.

In the play, Na Juan, played by Zhang Zhehua, is a highly educated and high-income programmer. Na Juan is excellent and capable, but his "Volume King" character also caused controversy. A few days ago, a cover news reporter had an exclusive interview with actor Zhang Zhehua and heard him talk about his understanding of the character Na Juan.

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Juan, picture source interviewee

Na Juan’s starting point is not wrong, the problem is the way of doing things

On the Internet, many clips of Na Juan have been widely circulated. One of the paragraphs is about him criticizing his girlfriend Li Xiaoyue for not seeking to make progress. The original words are "Li Xiaoyue, this is Beijing, 211 is as numerous as a dog, and 985 is everywhere. If you can't climb to the top of the pyramid, you will be a loser for the rest of your life and become a stumbling block for others." If you are a burden to society, you will never have a future!" After hearing this, Li Xiaoyue broke up with Na Juan on the spot. This speech was also said by some netizens to be "too daddy". Regarding the audience's comments, Zhang Zhehua said, "It's normal for everyone to have such a reaction. At the beginning, when I didn't understand Na Juan, I didn't like hearing what he said."

Talking about the controversy caused by Na Juan, Zhang Zhehua said frankly , "As the actor of Na Juan, I will think from his own perspective. I feel that everything he does is charting a path in life for himself. No matter whether the road is wide or narrow, rugged or magnanimous, , he will not be swayed. I agree with everyone that many of Na Juan's actions are indeed not acceptable, but if we use a more tactful approach, maybe there will be more room for acceptance by Na Juan. There is nothing wrong in what he is doing, he is following his own path."

Zhang Zhehua said that the character Na Juan is very real and concrete, and his sense of crisis is not without origin. "When Na Juan was young, his mother experienced a wave of layoffs and ran a stall in the market. He saw that his family had gone through such a difficult period during the crisis, so he vowed not to want people around him to lose their jobs. , or be troubled by money. Therefore, his starting point is not wrong, but his specific implementation is a bit too extreme, and he even wants to 'brainwash' others. This approach is still open to question," Zhang Zhehua said. Na Juan is a result-oriented person. No matter what the process is, he only values ​​the ideal result. "

Director Jian Chuanxi was very helpful to Zhang Zhehua in controlling Na Juan's character. "I have talked with Director Jian many times. We both believe that this character cannot be played for the sake of being "daddy". I want to play him because it is good for my family. I am unwilling to admit defeat and am afraid of losing my job. From then on, Act with this starting point."

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Jun, picture source interviewee

The scene where Na Jun is ill is the most difficult to act, and the performance point comes from the script

Before the official launch, Zhang Zhehua did a lot of preparation work, and also collected and compiled information about programmers and panic He said that the performance of Na Juan mainly came from the script. She created a complete character and then left a lot of breathing room for the character so that we can recreate it on this basis. "

At the same time, Zhang Zhehua also designed some performance details for Na Juan. "When entering the character, I started from his work and panic disorder, and it was smoother to follow this direction. "He said, "I think Na Juan is a very careful person. Not only because of the nature of his work, but also because he studies well. I thought that he should be very meticulous in his life. So I have a little design of my own, that is, every time Na Juan locks the car, he must see the car light up and make sure it is locked before I turn back. "

When talking about the most difficult scene to perform, Zhang Zhehua mentioned the part about panic attacks without hesitation. He said that it is difficult to measure the scale of this onset process. If the scale is not enough, the audience may not be able to experience the pain and discomfort. It’s comfortable, but if it’s too much, it doesn’t meet the symptoms of panic disorder. “You need to ‘measure’ while acting in a scene where you have a panic disorder. ‘Measurement’ means you have to jump out and watch your own performance. For scenes like this, The difficulty lies in this. You have to be immersed in it to fully experience it, and you also have to grasp the right balance, so you will be a little distracted and the performance will not be that enjoyable. "Zhang Zhehua said with a smile.

In the first scene of the attack, Zhang Zhehua and the director repeatedly observed and adjusted it, and then found the most appropriate scale through constant attempts. Because Na Juan had the disease many times in the play, the filming was not in order at that time. , so Zhang Zhehua also has to remember the order of each attack, and measure the condition by one point, two points and three points, so as to achieve a level of progression.

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Juan. Picture source interviewee

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Zhang Zhehua plays Na Juan. Picture source interviewee

The relationship between Na Juan and Xiaoyue is not only love, but also obsession and compatibility.

Na Juan and Li Xiaoyue, one graduated in 985 and admired hard work, while the other graduated in 2015 and hoped to enjoy themselves in time. After Na Juan said the word "waste" to Xiaoyue, an angry Xiaoyue proposed to break up, and Na Juan immediately said, "Let's break up! "After that, Na Juan started going on a blind date, but after several dates, Na Juan found that Xiaoyue was the best. This scene also triggered discussions among the audience on the Internet.

"I'm not making excuses for Na Juan. I really think it's because Na Juan didn't think clearly. He was also impulsive at the time, but after his anger subsided, he tried to communicate with Xiaoyue and found that Xiaoyue had blocked him. He was carried away by anger, so he did some unreasonable things. " Zhang Zhehua said, "But I think the relationship between Na Juan and Xiao Yue is very deep and very strong. It's just that the two people have different outlooks on life and attitudes towards their careers. In addition, Na Juan likes to control Xiao Yue. Yue, which led to the gradual accumulation of conflicts between them, and finally evolved into a big explosion. "

In Zhang Zhehua's view, Na Juan has many obsessions. He must live his life strictly according to the plan. Whenever this path deviates or is unexpected, he will feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Zhang Zhehua She believes that the relationship between Na Juan and Xiao Yue is not just because of love, but also includes Na Juan's anxiety about his age and obsession with getting married and having children. "Personally, I think this is actually the case. It's a bit selfish, or not pure enough, but from Na Juan's point of view, he actually included Xiaoyue as part of his plan. Although this is wrong, it is also wrong to say that Na Juan doesn't love Xiaoyue.”

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba

Na Juan and his girlfriend Li Xiaoyue, picture source official Weibo

Cover News Trainee Reporter Lei Yunhan and Zhang Zhehua, an actor, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a major in acting. His representative works include 'Mortal Song', 'Young Master and Me', 'Half-Mature Man and Woman', 'Her Little Pear Dimple', 'Laifu Hotel', 'I'm - Lujuba


Cover news: The drama "Mortal Song" reflects It contains a lot of reality, but some netizens say that this drama is "selling anxiety". How do you think about it yourself? What about this statement?

Zhang Zhehua: I think it depends on your own mentality. Anxiety is definitely something that everyone has encountered. No matter how smooth a person's life is, there will be some big or small setbacks. In this process, I think it is most important to learn to accept everything that happens, and then face it bravely, so that you will not live a life that is too embarrassing (this is not a father-style preaching). (Laughs) It’s just my own little thought. I think our drama is quite heart-warming. As a big family walking on the downhill road of life, everyone is supporting each other, taking care of each other, and not giving up on each other. They are all holding hands. Let’s go together. I still feel quite warm after watching it.

Cover News: Are there any similarities between Na Juan and yourself? Are you planning to release a new drama for yourself? False?

Zhang Zhehua: I think I may not plan as clearly as he does and execute as decisively. Maybe I will take it step by step. If there is a suitable script, I will work hard. , if not, just enjoy your short vacation. I won’t think too much and make predictions. I will always act based on my first feeling. If I really like this character, I think I must do it. Show his best side.

cover news: Many people know you because of the comedy group "Master and Me", but you have actually got many new roles now. Will you reduce your energy in comedy in the future? What about assignment?

Zhang Zhehua: No, I am very happy when people call me Aotian on the street. If there is a suitable role in the future, I will also be willing to try it.

[If you have any news clues, please report it to us. Materials will be reimbursed once accepted.Follow us on WeChat for reporting materials: ihxdsb, reporting materials qq: 3386405712】

Tags: entertainment