It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of "When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" exceeded expectations. Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny. It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul

entertainment 8442℃

It is easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of "When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" exceeded expectations.

Quack is so funny, and it makes me cry.

is not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the drama truly captures the spiritual appeal of Principal Zhang Guimei and the girls.

The famous "I am a mountain" has not yet appeared in the first 6 episodes (it is available in episode 7 of the trailer), but you can feel the real power of "I am a mountain".

Come on, expand.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

1, falling onto the map with laughter and tears

Beginning Zhang Guimei (played by Song Jia) rode a small broken car into the mountains. At the house she went to, the little girl was busy While working hard to feed pigs, the child’s father was drunk in broad daylight. Save people and sleep in a pig pen.

Who is more like a pig, a human or a pig? It’s hard to say.

The pile of empty wine bottles at home is higher than the courtyard wall.

In just a few shots, the family's situation is quickly explained clearly, and the characteristics of the characters are also highlighted. It is intuitive, delicate and impactful.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The little girl Gu Yu (played by Lan Xiya) works quickly, with a face that is half agile, half ignorant and half confused. , with texture like oil painting.

Here is the noisy and shabby marriage proposal team, trying to devour the young girl under the inertia of bad habits and under the guise of joy; over there is the brave teacher Zhang arguing with reason, blocking the road and angrily saying: She is only fourteen Do you know the marriage law? Do you feel bad about making this money as a matchmaker?

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

In the end, Teacher Zhang wrote an IOU of 30,000 yuan, saved Gu Yu from the drunkard, took her with him, and made her the first student of the female high school.

You see, there are problems on top of problems right from the beginning, with conservative ideas, lack of funds, limited conditions, and endless difficulties.

In the past, Zhou Bureau and Ma County did not believe that the women’s high school could be established, and prepared to “give you a few classes ready-made” to fool the students. Later, teacher Yao Xiaoshan enrolled in the mountain school and was miserably regarded as a human trafficker.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The play faces all difficulties, but the process is not blindly gloomy. On the contrary, it has a sense of lightness and joy.

Zhou Bureau and Ma County are always part of my smile.

Zhou Ju, played by Nie Yuan, not only has an excellent sense of proportion and a copy-paste-like realism, but also has the light joy of being shocked into an abstract emoticon every minute; the fat man of the Iron Triangle did not touch gold this time, but also Instead of being an unreliable chef, he became a very typical educator in charge.

started out as a conservative, rigid, and routine "backward" fooling master. Gradually, she was inspired by Teacher Zhang, and gradually understood that she did not have to turn a blind eye to the difficulties and just live with them. Gradually she understood that the impossible fantasy in the sky might really become a mountain in the world, and gradually became her true love. With our comrades and support, every drop of water becomes a river and the sand gathers into a tower.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Principal Zhang invited us to dinner twice, once for a "Hongmen Banquet" and once for a work meal, which was very interesting.

Last time, two leaders intuitively felt the expectations of children who dropped out of school. They sat stiffly at the dining table, watching the little girl who was forced to drop out of school busy being ordered around, and still thinking about her homework in the gaps. The two of them were sitting there without hearing about her suffering or noticing her difficulties. Face to eat? Physiological father and "parental officer" in a broad sense, the former is unaware of his debt to his children, while the latter is ashamed of himself.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The last time was during the recruitment "mascot" week. I and Teacher Zhang casually dealt with some rice noodles on the steps in front of the job market. A piece of ham sausage was divided into two halves to give a different taste. Zhou Ju, who was afraid of the difficulties at first, was gradually bombarded by Teacher Zhang's constant demands for money and money, and was gradually transformed into a escort who charged into the battle like her.

You see, Teacher Zhang woke up not only the girls in the mountains, but also those in the county who felt that the predicament was too deep and the shortcomings had been accumulated for too long, and they had no intention of crossing the mountains.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The wonderful thing is that whether it is "looting" the leaders (bushi) or recruiting teachers and students, the play presents a mixture of bitterness, sweetness, laughter and tears.

The conversational skills of several people getting along have a real sense of furry landing, the unexpected joy of punching someone to death, and the appeal of gradually becoming united in hardships.

is the light in suffering, a dot of blue waves, a bay of stars and moon in the thousands of miles of yellow sand, and a never-ending red song deep in the chaotic mountains.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

. The group of mountain flowers with branches and leaves is like

. The few girls in the previous episodes have sutras that are difficult to recite.

Gu Yu was trapped in the embarrassment of his original family. He gave himself up and "give up on himself" by selling himself into the marriage market in exchange for 30,000 yuan for his alcoholic father and younger brother. There was a time when I couldn't distinguish the ambiguous boundary between exploitation and familial responsibility, there was a time when I struggled with longing, and there was another time when I decided to walk into the ancient "30,000" grave in despair at the age of 14.

She was somewhat sober and self-aware, somewhat fierce and self-reliant, but she was once forced to give up in despair in order to support her family. Tough and strong at heart, half frustrated and half upbeat in action.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Liu Xiying, a young girl who works happily on the mountainside, works happily and contentedly, and does not think there is any problem with underage dating and marrying. What she learned is that it is okay to marry from the mountains to a village, and it is even more okay to marry into a town. She has poor grades, is not good at reading, and has no interest in books.

is three-quarters of the wild scenery, three-cents of naivety and looseness, and three-cents of original ignorance and joy.

The two girls have very different attitudes towards blind dates. Gu Yu is sad, knowing that this is tantamount to "selling oneself", while Liu Xiying is happy. She has lived in a strange inertia for a long time and is too young to notice it. distortion.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The former is a girl’s nature, which is worn away by heavy pressure every inch. It is too early to fission in the wind and frost, and it is too early to bear the heavy pressure with a young and weak body.

The latter is someone who is not aware of the hardships at all, is chattering happily, and still has a natural optimism.

You see, no matter whether you are sad or happy, whether you are consciously aware that you are unable to resist, or whether you are running happily without any awareness, it is very impactful.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Cai Guizhi has excellent grades, but her father is exhausted from hard work outside and always beats her sick mother when she comes home. In order to protect her mother, she once refused the olive branch of a free female high school.

Ninghua’s parents died young, and he and his grandfather were dependent on each other. Grandpa, if you have money to buy me medicine, you might as well buy me tobacco leaves. Neither his grandfather nor his grandson are interested in the importance of education. Ninghua is willing to go to school because his daughter Pay high living expenses and treat it as a way to make a living.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Cai Guizhi and Ning Hua, one is determined to study and change his destiny, but is trapped in the desolation of the lay disciples, guarding the restless blood at home;

A world beyond the mountains of Wuxin seems to be muddling along in the face of suffering, with tenacity and strength. Ling Yun, but I still don’t know where to go.

The former is trapped by real conditions and burdened by a violent father, while the latter is confused by a confused vision and an ancient puzzle.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

In a sense, "When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" is a new Yuefu in the mountains. It writes about several very typical girls, but it does not stop at a few little girls, but has branches, leaves and roots, three or two strokes. It depicts an ancient stagnant ecological chain.

is not a distant superior perspective, nor is it an arrogant consumption of suffering and the compensatory pleasure of "then I'm pretty good"; nor is it a flattering perspective that glorifies virtues, nor is it a errand that beautifies all behaviors and completes tasks for tasks.

, with a sense of humanistic concern, writes about the pain of being buried deep in the mountains, and the real sense of strength that grows out of the soil.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Three, flesh and blood mortals mountain

html How should 2 film and television dramas depict Principal Zhang Guimei? Everyone knows her amazing deeds.

It is easy to be restrained when portraying such a well-known hero. Because in the hearts of everyone, she has the aura of a god and a great elevation of a hero.

It is easy to be too far away from "mortal".

The difficult thing is not to write about an omnipotent hero, but to write about how a mortal person can accomplish feats that even gods and golden fingers cannot point out.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

She is sick and weak, and Zhou Bureau Ma County gossiped behind her back that "this eldest sister is in her fifties and still has all kinds of illnesses."

She was struggling, and people often stabbed her in the back "either for fame or profit."

She has nothing. She needs money but no money, no school but no school, no teachers but no teachers. She has been "begging" all the way.

How on earth did she pass the test?

html Of course there is no overall answer in the 26 episodes, but the 6 episodes have already shown that the partial answers are neat, practical and sincere.

What’s good about “When the Mountain Flowers Bloom” is not that it’s a rigid and sporadic story, but that it writes about great people with flesh and blood.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

I particularly like this version of Teacher Zhang played by Song Jia. It has a sense of joy and a real sense of life.

speaks loudly, walks fast, and often has unexpected cute smiles.

heard Zhou Bureau Ma Xian muttering behind his back and raised his head, "He's cursing me again."

rushed to the Zhou Bureau’s office, without saying a single word of greeting, and was told, “I need to pay more.”

The new teacher was in love with his female colleagues, and his whole heart was filled with the girl's "I'll go with you". She stretched out her head and said "Follow me, me".

The office manager of the office manager chattered non-stop. She emphasized: "If you say that again, I will deduct 50 yuan from you."

The joys, sorrows and joys are all fresh and full-bodied.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

has the ability to build bridges across mountains and rivers. He is good at alms and dealing with problems. His EQ, IQ, and especially adversity quotient are excellent.

The way she overcomes difficulties in the play is certainly not a false golden finger. Every step is moving and full of light. Sometimes it is a little cleverness that gets through the hurdle in front of her first, but more often it is the great kindness and great wisdom of Zhou Zheng who has everyone in mind. .

When there is injustice on the road, we must fight against it, scold it, and rack our brains to get the girls in the mountains to study.

has a heart of gold and bones of mountains and rivers.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

I cried in every episode of the first 6 episodes.

I was crying when Teacher Zhang recited the names of the girls and the age when she dropped out of school during the meeting. I was crying when she handed her work diary to Ma County. I was crying when the little girl who dropped out of school recited her brother's text skillfully. Female high school students finally When school started, I was crying when she led everyone to climb mountains and cross rivers in the storm.

The little girls haven’t even officially started classes yet, and they are already crying so hard. I can’t imagine how I will cry when they finally get the admission notice.

Suffering itself is not worthy of praise. What is touching is not the suffering, but the power to grow from desperate situations.

Look, in her thin and frail body, there are mountains and rivers that are more powerful than mountains and more turbulent than rivers.

bend down gently and embrace every little flower and grass in the abandoned mountains;

look up with determination, supporting the magnificent dream higher than the mountain.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Comfortable conclusion

The mountains and rivers are layered together and separated by thousands of miles. The girls in the mountains have to break out of the fate of being bound and bloom into flowers that are frosty and snowy. It's too difficult. The play's presentation of "difficulties" and "breaking difficulties" has texture and texture.

has the power of spiritual example, but it is not a matter of shouting slogans or falsely claiming value.

has a light and joyful feeling of landing, but it will not undermine Zhou Zheng’s sense of power and background dilemma.

is full of moving tears, but it is not embarrassing and sensational, nor is it a desperate and obscure tragedy, but the power of rushing forward in adversity, predicament, and desperate circumstances.

They are not someone’s vine branches, they are mountains.

It is easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of "When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" exceeded expectations.

Quack is so funny, and it makes me cry.

is not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the drama truly captures the spiritual appeal of Principal Zhang Guimei and the girls.

The famous "I am a mountain" has not yet appeared in the first 6 episodes (it is available in episode 7 of the trailer), but you can feel the real power of "I am a mountain".

Come on, expand.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

1, falling onto the map with laughter and tears

Beginning Zhang Guimei (played by Song Jia) rode a small broken car into the mountains. At the house she went to, the little girl was busy While working hard to feed pigs, the child’s father was drunk in broad daylight. Save people and sleep in a pig pen.

Who is more like a pig, a human or a pig? It’s hard to say.

The pile of empty wine bottles at home is higher than the courtyard wall.

In just a few shots, the family's situation is quickly explained clearly, and the characteristics of the characters are also highlighted. It is intuitive, delicate and impactful.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The little girl Gu Yu (played by Lan Xiya) works quickly, with a face that is half agile, half ignorant and half confused. , with texture like oil painting.

Here is the noisy and shabby marriage proposal team, trying to devour the young girl under the inertia of bad habits and under the guise of joy; over there is the brave teacher Zhang arguing with reason, blocking the road and angrily saying: She is only fourteen Do you know the marriage law? Do you feel bad about making this money as a matchmaker?

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

In the end, Teacher Zhang wrote an IOU of 30,000 yuan, saved Gu Yu from the drunkard, took her with him, and made her the first student of the female high school.

You see, there are problems on top of problems right from the beginning, with conservative ideas, lack of funds, limited conditions, and endless difficulties.

In the past, Zhou Bureau and Ma County did not believe that the women’s high school could be established, and prepared to “give you a few classes ready-made” to fool the students. Later, teacher Yao Xiaoshan enrolled in the mountain school and was miserably regarded as a human trafficker.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The play faces all difficulties, but the process is not blindly gloomy. On the contrary, it has a sense of lightness and joy.

Zhou Bureau and Ma County are always part of my smile.

Zhou Ju, played by Nie Yuan, not only has an excellent sense of proportion and a copy-paste-like realism, but also has the light joy of being shocked into an abstract emoticon every minute; the fat man of the Iron Triangle did not touch gold this time, but also Instead of being an unreliable chef, he became a very typical educator in charge.

started out as a conservative, rigid, and routine "backward" fooling master. Gradually, she was inspired by Teacher Zhang, and gradually understood that she did not have to turn a blind eye to the difficulties and just live with them. Gradually she understood that the impossible fantasy in the sky might really become a mountain in the world, and gradually became her true love. With our comrades and support, every drop of water becomes a river and the sand gathers into a tower.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Principal Zhang invited us to dinner twice, once for a "Hongmen Banquet" and once for a work meal, which was very interesting.

Last time, two leaders intuitively felt the expectations of children who dropped out of school. They sat stiffly at the dining table, watching the little girl who was forced to drop out of school busy being ordered around, and still thinking about her homework in the gaps. The two of them were sitting there without hearing about her suffering or noticing her difficulties. Face to eat? Physiological father and "parental officer" in a broad sense, the former is unaware of his debt to his children, while the latter is ashamed of himself.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The last time was during the recruitment "mascot" week. I and Teacher Zhang casually dealt with some rice noodles on the steps in front of the job market. A piece of ham sausage was divided into two halves to give a different taste. Zhou Ju, who was afraid of the difficulties at first, was gradually bombarded by Teacher Zhang's constant demands for money and money, and was gradually transformed into a escort who charged into the battle like her.

You see, Teacher Zhang woke up not only the girls in the mountains, but also those in the county who felt that the predicament was too deep and the shortcomings had been accumulated for too long, and they had no intention of crossing the mountains.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The wonderful thing is that whether it is "looting" the leaders (bushi) or recruiting teachers and students, the play presents a mixture of bitterness, sweetness, laughter and tears.

The conversational skills of several people getting along have a real sense of furry landing, the unexpected joy of punching someone to death, and the appeal of gradually becoming united in hardships.

is the light in suffering, a dot of blue waves, a bay of stars and moon in the thousands of miles of yellow sand, and a never-ending red song deep in the chaotic mountains.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

. The group of mountain flowers with branches and leaves is like

. The few girls in the previous episodes have sutras that are difficult to recite.

Gu Yu was trapped in the embarrassment of his original family. He gave himself up and "give up on himself" by selling himself into the marriage market in exchange for 30,000 yuan for his alcoholic father and younger brother. There was a time when I couldn't distinguish the ambiguous boundary between exploitation and familial responsibility, there was a time when I struggled with longing, and there was another time when I decided to walk into the ancient "30,000" grave in despair at the age of 14.

She was somewhat sober and self-aware, somewhat fierce and self-reliant, but she was once forced to give up in despair in order to support her family. Tough and strong at heart, half frustrated and half upbeat in action.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Liu Xiying, a young girl who works happily on the mountainside, works happily and contentedly, and does not think there is any problem with underage dating and marrying. What she learned is that it is okay to marry from the mountains to a village, and it is even more okay to marry into a town. She has poor grades, is not good at reading, and has no interest in books.

is three-quarters of the wild scenery, three-cents of naivety and looseness, and three-cents of original ignorance and joy.

The two girls have very different attitudes towards blind dates. Gu Yu is sad, knowing that this is tantamount to "selling oneself", while Liu Xiying is happy. She has lived in a strange inertia for a long time and is too young to notice it. distortion.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

The former is a girl’s nature, which is worn away by heavy pressure every inch. It is too early to fission in the wind and frost, and it is too early to bear the heavy pressure with a young and weak body.

The latter is someone who is not aware of the hardships at all, is chattering happily, and still has a natural optimism.

You see, no matter whether you are sad or happy, whether you are consciously aware that you are unable to resist, or whether you are running happily without any awareness, it is very impactful.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Cai Guizhi has excellent grades, but her father is exhausted from hard work outside and always beats her sick mother when she comes home. In order to protect her mother, she once refused the olive branch of a free female high school.

Ninghua’s parents died young, and he and his grandfather were dependent on each other. Grandpa, if you have money to buy me medicine, you might as well buy me tobacco leaves. Neither his grandfather nor his grandson are interested in the importance of education. Ninghua is willing to go to school because his daughter Pay high living expenses and treat it as a way to make a living.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Cai Guizhi and Ning Hua, one is determined to study and change his destiny, but is trapped in the desolation of the lay disciples, guarding the restless blood at home;

A world beyond the mountains of Wuxin seems to be muddling along in the face of suffering, with tenacity and strength. Ling Yun, but I still don’t know where to go.

The former is trapped by real conditions and burdened by a violent father, while the latter is confused by a confused vision and an ancient puzzle.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

In a sense, "When the Mountain Flowers Bloom" is a new Yuefu in the mountains. It writes about several very typical girls, but it does not stop at a few little girls, but has branches, leaves and roots, three or two strokes. It depicts an ancient stagnant ecological chain.

is not a distant superior perspective, nor is it an arrogant consumption of suffering and the compensatory pleasure of "then I'm pretty good"; nor is it a flattering perspective that glorifies virtues, nor is it a errand that beautifies all behaviors and completes tasks for tasks.

, with a sense of humanistic concern, writes about the pain of being buried deep in the mountains, and the real sense of strength that grows out of the soil.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Three, flesh and blood mortals mountain

html How should 2 film and television dramas depict Principal Zhang Guimei? Everyone knows her amazing deeds.

It is easy to be restrained when portraying such a well-known hero. Because in the hearts of everyone, she has the aura of a god and a great elevation of a hero.

It is easy to be too far away from "mortal".

The difficult thing is not to write about an omnipotent hero, but to write about how a mortal person can accomplish feats that even gods and golden fingers cannot point out.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

She is sick and weak, and Zhou Bureau Ma County gossiped behind her back that "this eldest sister is in her fifties and still has all kinds of illnesses."

She was struggling, and people often stabbed her in the back "either for fame or profit."

She has nothing. She needs money but no money, no school but no school, no teachers but no teachers. She has been "begging" all the way.

How on earth did she pass the test?

html Of course there is no overall answer in the 26 episodes, but the 6 episodes have already shown that the partial answers are neat, practical and sincere.

What’s good about “When the Mountain Flowers Bloom” is not that it’s a rigid and sporadic story, but that it writes about great people with flesh and blood.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

I particularly like this version of Teacher Zhang played by Song Jia. It has a sense of joy and a real sense of life.

speaks loudly, walks fast, and often has unexpected cute smiles.

heard Zhou Bureau Ma Xian muttering behind his back and raised his head, "He's cursing me again."

rushed to the Zhou Bureau’s office, without saying a single word of greeting, and was told, “I need to pay more.”

The new teacher was in love with his female colleagues, and his whole heart was filled with the girl's "I'll go with you". She stretched out her head and said "Follow me, me".

The office manager of the office manager chattered non-stop. She emphasized: "If you say that again, I will deduct 50 yuan from you."

The joys, sorrows and joys are all fresh and full-bodied.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

has the ability to build bridges across mountains and rivers. He is good at alms and dealing with problems. His EQ, IQ, and especially adversity quotient are excellent.

The way she overcomes difficulties in the play is certainly not a false golden finger. Every step is moving and full of light. Sometimes it is a little cleverness that gets through the hurdle in front of her first, but more often it is the great kindness and great wisdom of Zhou Zheng who has everyone in mind. .

When there is injustice on the road, we must fight against it, scold it, and rack our brains to get the girls in the mountains to study.

has a heart of gold and bones of mountains and rivers.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

I cried in every episode of the first 6 episodes.

I was crying when Teacher Zhang recited the names of the girls and the age when she dropped out of school during the meeting. I was crying when she handed her work diary to Ma County. I was crying when the little girl who dropped out of school recited her brother's text skillfully. Female high school students finally When school started, I was crying when she led everyone to climb mountains and cross rivers in the storm.

The little girls haven’t even officially started classes yet, and they are already crying so hard. I can’t imagine how I will cry when they finally get the admission notice.

Suffering itself is not worthy of praise. What is touching is not the suffering, but the power to grow from desperate situations.

Look, in her thin and frail body, there are mountains and rivers that are more powerful than mountains and more turbulent than rivers.

bend down gently and embrace every little flower and grass in the abandoned mountains;

look up with determination, supporting the magnificent dream higher than the mountain.

It’s easy to be thankless when photographing well-known role models, but the completion of 'When the Mountain Flowers Bloom' exceeded expectations.      Quack is so funny, and Aow is so funny.      It's not embarrassing and funny, nor is it cheap sensationalism, but the play trul - Lujuba

Comfortable conclusion

The mountains and rivers are layered together and separated by thousands of miles. The girls in the mountains have to break out of the fate of being bound and bloom into flowers that are frosty and snowy. It's too difficult. The play's presentation of "difficulties" and "breaking difficulties" has texture and texture.

has the power of spiritual example, but it is not a matter of shouting slogans or falsely claiming value.

has a light and joyful feeling of landing, but it will not undermine Zhou Zheng’s sense of power and background dilemma.

is full of moving tears, but it is not embarrassing and sensational, nor is it a desperate and obscure tragedy, but the power of rushing forward in adversity, predicament, and desperate circumstances.

They are not someone’s vine branches, they are mountains.

Tags: entertainment