How infuriating! Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation. Things started a few months ago, wit

entertainment 1305℃

is so infuriating!

Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

The matter started a few months ago. A piracy incident surrounding their father and son’s avatars and original videos haunted them like a nightmare. Despite many efforts, the problem did not seem to be completely cured.

Since June this year, a pair of unidentified and cunning people have openly impersonated Chen Peisi and his son on many well-known overseas video platforms, and copied their original videos carefully created on the domestic Douyin platform verbatim. , a single frame was transported to foreign cyberspace without modification.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this kind of behavior is just for the attractive advertising revenue - once the number of video views increases, the advertising fees will be in the pocket. However, in this Internet age with increasing copyright awareness, such blatant infringement still makes people feel powerless.

But what is even more shocking and outrageous is that these counterfeiters did not stop at simple video transfers. They took advantage of the reputation of Chen Peisi and his son to spread a series of ridiculous and inflammatory remarks on the Internet. From smearing the motherland to anti-social remarks, he used all possible means, as if to drag the innocent father and son into the whirlpool of public opinion and make them bear unwarranted charges.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

Regarding all this, Mr. Chen Peisi seemed quite helpless. Although he has a pivotal position in the art field, he seems to be unable to cope with advanced short videos.

On weekdays, he stars in most of the jokes he collaborates with his son Chen Dayu, while the subsequent video editing, publishing and other tasks are all handled by his son and his team. So when the storm hit, they were almost caught off guard.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

Faced with this sudden storm, his son Chen Dayu did not choose to remain silent. He first tried to make a real-name report through the formal channels of the external platform, hoping that the platform would pay attention to and deal with this infringement.

However, reality poured cold water on him. The external platform does not seem to be too interested in this kind of incident. Perhaps due to traffic considerations or management negligence, his report did not receive any effective feedback.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

In desperation, Chen Dayu could only turn to domestic legal channels. On August 6, he and his father went to the police station to report the crime, hoping that the police would intervene in the investigation and clear their names. However, after the police learned about the situation, they said that the domestic police did not have any good way to deal with the infringements that occurred on the Internet, which put them in trouble again.

Fortunately, in their desperate situation, a righteous lawyer in the United States reached out to them on August 11. The lawyer was not only willing to assist them remotely in handling the matter, but also used a series of legal means to finally successfully ban the imposter account on August 16 and delete all the moved videos. This victory made Chen Peisi and his son temporarily relieved.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

However, only two weeks later, new fake accounts sprung up again.These accounts continue to move their videos and publish highly inflammatory remarks, as if they are declaring war on Chen Peisi and his son and continuing to challenge their bottom line.

Faced with this situation, Chen Dayu felt helpless and angry. He posted a video on Douyin, publicly revealing the truth of the matter and reminding netizens not to be deceived. Under the video, netizens left messages to support them, expressing their belief in their character, and also expressing strong condemnation of this egregious infringement.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

The short video plagiarism controversy has not yet subsided, and Chen Peisi and his son are still working hard to cure this problem. It is indeed difficult, but there is no way. Teacher Chen Peisi is a celebrity after all. If you don't resist, the people who carry the infringement will become more unscrupulous. By then, it will still be Chen Peisi and his son who will have their reputations damaged.

is so infuriating!

Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

The matter started a few months ago. A piracy incident surrounding their father and son’s avatars and original videos haunted them like a nightmare. Despite many efforts, the problem did not seem to be completely cured.

Since June this year, a pair of unidentified and cunning people have openly impersonated Chen Peisi and his son on many well-known overseas video platforms, and copied their original videos carefully created on the domestic Douyin platform verbatim. , a single frame was transported to foreign cyberspace without modification.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this kind of behavior is just for the attractive advertising revenue - once the number of video views increases, the advertising fees will be in the pocket. However, in this Internet age with increasing copyright awareness, such blatant infringement still makes people feel powerless.

But what is even more shocking and outrageous is that these counterfeiters did not stop at simple video transfers. They took advantage of the reputation of Chen Peisi and his son to spread a series of ridiculous and inflammatory remarks on the Internet. From smearing the motherland to anti-social remarks, he used all possible means, as if to drag the innocent father and son into the whirlpool of public opinion and make them bear unwarranted charges.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

Regarding all this, Mr. Chen Peisi seemed quite helpless. Although he has a pivotal position in the art field, he seems to be unable to cope with advanced short videos.

On weekdays, he stars in most of the jokes he collaborates with his son Chen Dayu, while the subsequent video editing, publishing and other tasks are all handled by his son and his team. So when the storm hit, they were almost caught off guard.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

Faced with this sudden storm, his son Chen Dayu did not choose to remain silent. He first tried to make a real-name report through the formal channels of the external platform, hoping that the platform would pay attention to and deal with this infringement.

However, reality poured cold water on him. The external platform does not seem to be too interested in this kind of incident. Perhaps due to traffic considerations or management negligence, his report did not receive any effective feedback.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

In desperation, Chen Dayu could only turn to domestic legal channels. On August 6, he and his father went to the police station to report the crime, hoping that the police would intervene in the investigation and clear their names. However, after the police learned about the situation, they said that the domestic police did not have any good way to deal with the infringements that occurred on the Internet, which put them in trouble again.

Fortunately, in their desperate situation, a righteous lawyer in the United States reached out to them on August 11. The lawyer was not only willing to assist them remotely in handling the matter, but also used a series of legal means to finally successfully ban the imposter account on August 16 and delete all the moved videos. This victory made Chen Peisi and his son temporarily relieved.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

However, only two weeks later, new fake accounts sprung up again.These accounts continue to move their videos and publish highly inflammatory remarks, as if they are declaring war on Chen Peisi and his son and continuing to challenge their bottom line.

Faced with this situation, Chen Dayu felt helpless and angry. He posted a video on Douyin, publicly revealing the truth of the matter and reminding netizens not to be deceived. Under the video, netizens left messages to support them, expressing their belief in their character, and also expressing strong condemnation of this egregious infringement.

How infuriating!      Recently, the famous artist Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu encountered an unprecedented online plagiarism incident. This plagiarism storm not only disturbed their lives, but also seriously damaged their reputation.      Things started a few months ago, wit - Lujuba

The short video plagiarism controversy has not yet subsided, and Chen Peisi and his son are still working hard to cure this problem. It is indeed difficult, but there is no way. Teacher Chen Peisi is a celebrity after all. If you don't resist, the people who carry the infringement will become more unscrupulous. By then, it will still be Chen Peisi and his son who will have their reputations damaged.

Tags: entertainment