Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the

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Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10th (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of movement and kicks; the drums are beating like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the auditorium are exciting... It’s another day. On Teachers' Day every year, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Xiongan New District, Hebei Province carry out "fancy" activities, which are full of ritual and innovation.

Since the establishment of Xiongan New Area more than seven years ago, various innovative elements have gathered here. On the fertile soil of the "City of the Future", a group of young teachers with new ideas and concepts in education continue to grow.

walked into Shijia Hutong Primary School in Xiong'an, and a unique rehearsal event for the poetry festival caught the reporter's attention. Several young teachers guided the students' dance postures, movements, and tones with each other's words, and many "sparks" were created during the cooperation. Different from the usual class-based activities, here students are mixed and teachers are dispersed. It is no longer the traditional class teacher responsibility system, but full participation.

"The Chinese teacher organizes poetry manuscripts, the music teacher rehearses dance moves, the physical education teacher organizes formation training, and the art teacher leads students to make props... If they are put together, the teachers of each subject will complement each other in cooperation and form a synergy. Wang Ying, assistant principal of Shijia Hutong Primary School in Xiongan, said that the training of young teachers has also moved from professional development to diversified growth.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Students of Xiongan Shijia Hutong Primary School exercise on the playground. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Cultivating a team of high-quality teachers is the key to promoting high-quality development of education in the new era. During the summer vacation that just ended, a group of young teachers in Xiongan New District took the time to "recharge" themselves and "learn" from education experts in Beijing, Tianjin and other places to prepare for the new semester. Zhang Xiaohan is one of them.

Zhang Xiaohan, who has just completed two years of teaching experience, is a newbie in the teaching team, but the application of various new teaching methods has long been commonplace in her classroom. She skillfully opened the smart education platform, and after connecting remotely, the scene of a class at Shijia Hutong Primary School in Beijing immediately appeared on the screen.

It turns out that this is a remote "double teacher class" spanning Beijing and Xionghai. In class, Zhang Xiaohan taught together with Gong Li, a senior teacher in Beijing. The two of us cooperate with each other, you start the introduction, and I organize the activities; you ask questions, and I am responsible for answering them. Students from both places resonated at the same frequency and were deeply involved.

According to Zhang Xiaohan, teachers from both places studied the course standards together before class and prepared lessons together; they cooperated tacitly during the class and talked about the knowledge like a cross talk; after class, they summarized and reflected together, and timely reflected on and improved the deficiencies in teaching. , which is an improvement for her.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Teachers at the Xiongan Campus of the Experimental Primary School in Chaoyang District, Beijing, give students a handicraft class. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

It is not uncommon for Su Jingbo, a young teacher at the Xiongan Campus of the Experimental Primary School in Chaoyang District, Beijing, to change roles halfway through the class, from teacher to "student".

It turns out that thanks to the assistance and cooperation between Beijing and Xionghai, mutual group patrols are held here every semester. Every time Chen Lihua, the principal of the Education Group, comes to the Xiongan campus, he always goes deep into the classroom and demonstrates in person. She came to Su Jingbo's class three times. Whenever she heard a key point, she would randomly come on stage to talk about the key points and provide guidance.

“I blushed when I first came to the podium, and now I have become a mentor to trainee teachers.” Su Jingbo said that only by absorbing the advantages while maintaining their own characteristics can young teachers make progress.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Students from the Anrongdong Branch of Beijing No. 80 Middle School are rehearsing the chorus. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

At the Xiongan Rongdong Branch of Beijing No. 80 Middle School, physical education teacher Dun Chunmei appeared in the rehearsal hall on time during daily club activities to lead dance-loving students of all grades to practice folk dances.

After graduating from Jilin Institute of Physical Education in 2021, Dun Chunmei has been committed to the research and teaching of sports dance. “Making physical education classes more ideological and artistic is my original intention and my innovation."Although

has only been teaching for three years, under the leadership of Dun Chunmei, a group of students have won awards in provincial competitions. "Xiong'an has given me a platform to grow and become talented. I also want to create opportunities for children and help them embark on a successful career. A bigger stage. "Dun Chunmei said.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Students of Duancun School in Anxin County assemble robots in the science and technology activity room. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Xu Tian, ​​a music teacher at Duancun School in Anxin County, also has just completed three years of teaching experience. When the reporter met him, he had just led his students to win the first prize at the county art festival, and was reviewing dance moves and adding new elements for performance in the next club tour.

“Our dance incorporates scenes. It includes various elements such as drama, hip-hop, modern dance, gymnastics, etc. It takes the theme of resisting school bullying as its theme. Through plotted and story-telling interpretations, succession, transition, and narration, it provides teachers, students and the general public with an artistic presentation. A warning to parents. "Xu Tian said.

"As a 'city of the future', Xiongan must cultivate and shape talents who can adapt to future social development. It is my responsibility as a young teacher in Xiongan to explore and practice new models of educating people. "Xu Tian said.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

For more exciting information, please download the "Jimu News" client in the application market. Please do not reprint without authorization. Welcome to provide news clues, and you will be paid once accepted. 24-hour report Material hotline 027-86777777.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10th (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of movement and kicks; the drums are beating like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the auditorium are exciting... It’s another day. On Teachers' Day every year, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Xiongan New District, Hebei Province carry out "fancy" activities, which are full of ritual and innovation.

Since the establishment of Xiongan New Area more than seven years ago, various innovative elements have gathered here. On the fertile soil of the "City of the Future", a group of young teachers with new ideas and concepts in education continue to grow.

walked into Shijia Hutong Primary School in Xiong'an, and a unique rehearsal event for the poetry festival caught the reporter's attention. Several young teachers guided the students' dance postures, movements, and tones with each other's words, and many "sparks" were created during the cooperation. Different from the usual class-based activities, here students are mixed and teachers are dispersed. It is no longer the traditional class teacher responsibility system, but full participation.

"The Chinese teacher organizes poetry manuscripts, the music teacher rehearses dance moves, the physical education teacher organizes formation training, and the art teacher leads students to make props... If they are put together, the teachers of each subject will complement each other in cooperation and form a synergy. Wang Ying, assistant principal of Shijia Hutong Primary School in Xiongan, said that the training of young teachers has also moved from professional development to diversified growth.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Students of Xiongan Shijia Hutong Primary School exercise on the playground. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Cultivating a team of high-quality teachers is the key to promoting high-quality development of education in the new era. During the summer vacation that just ended, a group of young teachers in Xiongan New District took the time to "recharge" themselves and "learn" from education experts in Beijing, Tianjin and other places to prepare for the new semester. Zhang Xiaohan is one of them.

Zhang Xiaohan, who has just completed two years of teaching experience, is a newbie in the teaching team, but the application of various new teaching methods has long been commonplace in her classroom. She skillfully opened the smart education platform, and after connecting remotely, the scene of a class at Shijia Hutong Primary School in Beijing immediately appeared on the screen.

It turns out that this is a remote "double teacher class" spanning Beijing and Xionghai. In class, Zhang Xiaohan taught together with Gong Li, a senior teacher in Beijing. The two of us cooperate with each other, you start the introduction, and I organize the activities; you ask questions, and I am responsible for answering them. Students from both places resonated at the same frequency and were deeply involved.

According to Zhang Xiaohan, teachers from both places studied the course standards together before class and prepared lessons together; they cooperated tacitly during the class and talked about the knowledge like a cross talk; after class, they summarized and reflected together, and timely reflected on and improved the deficiencies in teaching. , which is an improvement for her.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Teachers at the Xiongan Campus of the Experimental Primary School in Chaoyang District, Beijing, give students a handicraft class. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

It is not uncommon for Su Jingbo, a young teacher at the Xiongan Campus of the Experimental Primary School in Chaoyang District, Beijing, to change roles halfway through the class, from teacher to "student".

It turns out that thanks to the assistance and cooperation between Beijing and Xionghai, mutual group patrols are held here every semester. Every time Chen Lihua, the principal of the Education Group, comes to the Xiongan campus, he always goes deep into the classroom and demonstrates in person. She came to Su Jingbo's class three times. Whenever she heard a key point, she would randomly come on stage to talk about the key points and provide guidance.

“I blushed when I first came to the podium, and now I have become a mentor to trainee teachers.” Su Jingbo said that only by absorbing the advantages while maintaining their own characteristics can young teachers make progress.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Students from the Anrongdong Branch of Beijing No. 80 Middle School are rehearsing the chorus. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

At the Xiongan Rongdong Branch of Beijing No. 80 Middle School, physical education teacher Dun Chunmei appeared in the rehearsal hall on time during daily club activities to lead dance-loving students of all grades to practice folk dances.

After graduating from Jilin Institute of Physical Education in 2021, Dun Chunmei has been committed to the research and teaching of sports dance. “Making physical education classes more ideological and artistic is my original intention and my innovation."Although

has only been teaching for three years, under the leadership of Dun Chunmei, a group of students have won awards in provincial competitions. "Xiong'an has given me a platform to grow and become talented. I also want to create opportunities for children and help them embark on a successful career. A bigger stage. "Dun Chunmei said.

Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang, September 10 (Reporter Feng Weijian) The martial arts performances on the sports field are full of vitality with flashes of maneuvers and kicks; the drums sound like thunder, the dances are graceful, and the cultural and artistic programs in the  - Lujuba Students of Duancun School in Anxin County assemble robots in the science and technology activity room. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mou Yu

Xu Tian, ​​a music teacher at Duancun School in Anxin County, also has just completed three years of teaching experience. When the reporter met him, he had just led his students to win the first prize at the county art festival, and was reviewing dance moves and adding new elements for performance in the next club tour.

“Our dance incorporates scenes. It includes various elements such as drama, hip-hop, modern dance, gymnastics, etc. It takes the theme of resisting school bullying as its theme. Through plotted and story-telling interpretations, succession, transition, and narration, it provides teachers, students and the general public with an artistic presentation. A warning to parents. "Xu Tian said.

"As a 'city of the future', Xiongan must cultivate and shape talents who can adapt to future social development. It is my responsibility as a young teacher in Xiongan to explore and practice new models of educating people. "Xu Tian said.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

For more exciting information, please download the "Jimu News" client in the application market. Please do not reprint without authorization. Welcome to provide news clues, and you will be paid once accepted. 24-hour report Material hotline 027-86777777.

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