Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On September 7, “Tickets for Dao Lang’s Chengdu concert sold out in seconds” continued to be on the hot search list. The online concert on August 30 made Daolang "explosion" and also brought Zizhong, a county in Sichuan that was previously unkno

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Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing

On September 7, “Tickets for Dao Lang’s Chengdu concert sold out in seconds” continued to be on the hot search list. The online concert on August 30 made Daolang "explosion" and also brought Zizhong, a county in Sichuan that was previously unknown to the public, into the eyes of the people across the country.

What many people don’t know is that Zizhong is not only the hometown of Daolang, but also the hometown of Chang Hong, the teacher of Confucius. In addition to knowing astronomy, meteorology, and the calendar, Chang Hong is also good at music and can be called a leader in the music world. The originator of.



Confucius "learned the rituals of entering the Zhou Dynasty"

made a special trip to Chang Hong to ask for music knowledge

Chang Hong (about 56 BC 5 years - 492 BC), courtesy name Shu, a native of Zizhong County, Sichuan Province, Dr. Zhou Chaoxian, a famous scholar and politician in ancient my country , educator, astronomer.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On September 7, “Tickets for Dao Lang’s Chengdu concert sold out in seconds” continued to be on the hot search list. The online concert on August 30 made Daolang 'explosion' and also brought Zizhong, a county in Sichuan that was previously unkno - Lujuba

Confucius asked Lehong about music on the art wall of Zizhong No. 1 Middle School (picture provided by the interviewee)

Confucius made a special trip to "ask Lehong" about music and astronomy knowledge with Chang Hong during the "Entering the Zhou Dynasty" period. Han Yu's "Shi Shuo" of the Tang Dynasty said: "Confucius's teachers Tanzi and Chang Hong..." Cao Xuequan's "Records of Scenic Spots in Sichuan" of the Ming Dynasty recorded: "Confucius tasted the music of Chang Hong, and he bled three years after his death. Turn into blue."

Cao Yongsheng, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a director of the China Reportage Society, and a temporary deputy director of the Zizhong County Culture and Tourism Bureau from Neijiang City, told the story of "Chang Hong teaches music". It turned out that Confucius had long admired Chang Hong's reputation and talents in Qi State. In the second year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (518 BC), he visited Chang Hong to ask for advice on the similarities, differences and differences between Shao music and Wu music. Confucius expressed his gratitude to Chang Hong for his erudite teachings. The following year, he went to Qi State to listen to the performance of Shao music. He was so happy that he danced with joy and was so drunk that he "didn't know the taste of meat in March." The meeting between Confucius and Chang Hong was called "Visiting Hong to Ask for Music" in history.

According to legend, Confucius often quoted Chang Hong's insights, and Confucius's revision of the "Le Jing" mostly benefited from the second draft of Chang Hong's original "Le Jing".



Tuojiang River has given birth to a number of intangible cultural heritage music

Folk songs sing the scenes of the ancestors working

"Zizhong is My hometown is the place where I was born.” At the online concert, Daolang spoke affectionately of his love for Zizhong. of affection and attachment. He said that when he was a child, he often played the piano and sang to the Tuojiang River, using the river as an audience. He imagined that he would hold this concert at the door of his home. Unexpectedly, his dream came true.

In fact, the Tuojiang River not only nourished a group of singers represented by Daolang, but also gave birth to rich intangible cultural heritage music such as Zizhong Tiggong chants, Hakka folk songs, and Wang's bamboo qin.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On September 7, “Tickets for Dao Lang’s Chengdu concert sold out in seconds” continued to be on the hot search list. The online concert on August 30 made Daolang 'explosion' and also brought Zizhong, a county in Sichuan that was previously unkno - Lujuba

Workers chant the slogan while working (picture provided by the interviewee)

The reporter learned from the Zizhong County Culture and Tourism Bureau that the slogan of the worker is a folk song spread by the working people in Zizhong while working. Ballads have a history of thousands of years.

Lianggong chants can be divided into "lifting singing" and "sitting singing" according to different music rhythms. Namely "fast-leg chant" and "slow-leg chant", the Zizhong Tigong chant sung in dialect has the characteristics of original folk music, which is primitive, simple, high-pitched and loud, humorous. In January 2016, Zizhong Tiggong Haozi was officially listed on the Neijiang City Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Project List.

Daolang grew up. Zhang Song, who also grew up in the Zizhong County Cultural Troupe, told reporters that the Zizhong County Cultural Troupe once performed the program "Tuojiang Haozi". Later, Daolang adapted the song and used his heroic voice to sing about the boatmen. bravery and tenacity.



Organize Changhong music and art performances to benefit the people

Puppet troupe enters the campus and performs hundreds of performances every year

In recent years, Zizhong has continued to explore Changhong culture, Changhong Music and Art, vigorously cultivate Changhong cultural brand, Changhong music and art brand, Accelerate the formation of the brand effect of Music City and continuously enhance its visibility, reputation and influence.

Sun Xiaoyan, a staff member of the Art Section of the Zizhong County Culture and Tourism Bureau, said that Zizhong County has held three consecutive Changhong Music and Art Benefit Performance Seasons, performing dramas, children's plays, ballets, concerts, etc. at the Changhong Theater. There were 16 performances last year, each with an attendance rate of 75%, benefiting 12,000 people. "This year's performance is still in the procurement process and is expected to start in October." Sun Xiaoyan said.

Whether it is traditional cultural education or artistic and cultural cultivation, we must start from childhood. Take Zizhong County's national intangible cultural heritage representative project - the Zizhong Medium-sized Rod Puppet Show as an example. Since 2009, the Zizhong County Puppet Troupe has performed hundreds of performances on campus every year, basically covering urban and rural schools in Zizhong County.

At Daolang’s alma mater, Li Guojun, a music teacher at Zizhong No. 1 Middle School and deputy secretary-general of the Neijiang Musicians Association, said that in his music class, he not only tells students historical stories about Chang Hong, but also leads students to appreciate Daolang. The famous song, which won the "Five One Project Award" from the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, allows students to understand the culture of their hometown.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing

On September 7, “Tickets for Dao Lang’s Chengdu concert sold out in seconds” continued to be on the hot search list. The online concert on August 30 made Daolang "explosion" and also brought Zizhong, a county in Sichuan that was previously unknown to the public, into the eyes of the people across the country.

What many people don’t know is that Zizhong is not only the hometown of Daolang, but also the hometown of Chang Hong, the teacher of Confucius. In addition to knowing astronomy, meteorology, and the calendar, Chang Hong is also good at music and can be called a leader in the music world. The originator of.



Confucius "learned the rituals of entering the Zhou Dynasty"

made a special trip to Chang Hong to ask for music knowledge

Chang Hong (about 56 BC 5 years - 492 BC), courtesy name Shu, a native of Zizhong County, Sichuan Province, Dr. Zhou Chaoxian, a famous scholar and politician in ancient my country , educator, astronomer.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On September 7, “Tickets for Dao Lang’s Chengdu concert sold out in seconds” continued to be on the hot search list. The online concert on August 30 made Daolang 'explosion' and also brought Zizhong, a county in Sichuan that was previously unkno - Lujuba

Confucius asked Lehong about music on the art wall of Zizhong No. 1 Middle School (picture provided by the interviewee)

Confucius made a special trip to "ask Lehong" about music and astronomy knowledge with Chang Hong during the "Entering the Zhou Dynasty" period. Han Yu's "Shi Shuo" of the Tang Dynasty said: "Confucius's teachers Tanzi and Chang Hong..." Cao Xuequan's "Records of Scenic Spots in Sichuan" of the Ming Dynasty recorded: "Confucius tasted the music of Chang Hong, and he bled three years after his death. Turn into blue."

Cao Yongsheng, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a director of the China Reportage Society, and a temporary deputy director of the Zizhong County Culture and Tourism Bureau from Neijiang City, told the story of "Chang Hong teaches music". It turned out that Confucius had long admired Chang Hong's reputation and talents in Qi State. In the second year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (518 BC), he visited Chang Hong to ask for advice on the similarities, differences and differences between Shao music and Wu music. Confucius expressed his gratitude to Chang Hong for his erudite teachings. The following year, he went to Qi State to listen to the performance of Shao music. He was so happy that he danced with joy and was so drunk that he "didn't know the taste of meat in March." The meeting between Confucius and Chang Hong was called "Visiting Hong to Ask for Music" in history.

According to legend, Confucius often quoted Chang Hong's insights, and Confucius's revision of the "Le Jing" mostly benefited from the second draft of Chang Hong's original "Le Jing".



Tuojiang River has given birth to a number of intangible cultural heritage music

Folk songs sing the scenes of the ancestors working

"Zizhong is My hometown is the place where I was born.” At the online concert, Daolang spoke affectionately of his love for Zizhong. of affection and attachment. He said that when he was a child, he often played the piano and sang to the Tuojiang River, using the river as an audience. He imagined that he would hold this concert at the door of his home. Unexpectedly, his dream came true.

In fact, the Tuojiang River not only nourished a group of singers represented by Daolang, but also gave birth to rich intangible cultural heritage music such as Zizhong Tiggong chants, Hakka folk songs, and Wang's bamboo qin.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On September 7, “Tickets for Dao Lang’s Chengdu concert sold out in seconds” continued to be on the hot search list. The online concert on August 30 made Daolang 'explosion' and also brought Zizhong, a county in Sichuan that was previously unkno - Lujuba

Workers chant the slogan while working (picture provided by the interviewee)

The reporter learned from the Zizhong County Culture and Tourism Bureau that the slogan of the worker is a folk song spread by the working people in Zizhong while working. Ballads have a history of thousands of years.

Lianggong chants can be divided into "lifting singing" and "sitting singing" according to different music rhythms. Namely "fast-leg chant" and "slow-leg chant", the Zizhong Tigong chant sung in dialect has the characteristics of original folk music, which is primitive, simple, high-pitched and loud, humorous. In January 2016, Zizhong Tiggong Haozi was officially listed on the Neijiang City Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Project List.

Daolang grew up. Zhang Song, who also grew up in the Zizhong County Cultural Troupe, told reporters that the Zizhong County Cultural Troupe once performed the program "Tuojiang Haozi". Later, Daolang adapted the song and used his heroic voice to sing about the boatmen. bravery and tenacity.



Organize Changhong music and art performances to benefit the people

Puppet troupe enters the campus and performs hundreds of performances every year

In recent years, Zizhong has continued to explore Changhong culture, Changhong Music and Art, vigorously cultivate Changhong cultural brand, Changhong music and art brand, Accelerate the formation of the brand effect of Music City and continuously enhance its visibility, reputation and influence.

Sun Xiaoyan, a staff member of the Art Section of the Zizhong County Culture and Tourism Bureau, said that Zizhong County has held three consecutive Changhong Music and Art Benefit Performance Seasons, performing dramas, children's plays, ballets, concerts, etc. at the Changhong Theater. There were 16 performances last year, each with an attendance rate of 75%, benefiting 12,000 people. "This year's performance is still in the procurement process and is expected to start in October." Sun Xiaoyan said.

Whether it is traditional cultural education or artistic and cultural cultivation, we must start from childhood. Take Zizhong County's national intangible cultural heritage representative project - the Zizhong Medium-sized Rod Puppet Show as an example. Since 2009, the Zizhong County Puppet Troupe has performed hundreds of performances on campus every year, basically covering urban and rural schools in Zizhong County.

At Daolang’s alma mater, Li Guojun, a music teacher at Zizhong No. 1 Middle School and deputy secretary-general of the Neijiang Musicians Association, said that in his music class, he not only tells students historical stories about Chang Hong, but also leads students to appreciate Daolang. The famous song, which won the "Five One Project Award" from the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, allows students to understand the culture of their hometown.

Tags: entertainment