The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th

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The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top-figured 85 flower artist. After a day of warm-up, it was finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected that the relationship was exposed, and the man was an amateur.

Oh my god!

Which amateur boy is so lucky to win Jiang Yan’s heart?

She is a real treasure girl. Not only is she beautiful, she has a good figure, and she has two sweet dimples when she smiles.

As an actor, her acting skills are also very good. She won the Magnolia Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Yao Yuling in "North and South". Her performance in the Chinese restaurant was also deeply loved by everyone.

is the real person who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. Whoever marries him will be lucky.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

As an actor, Jiang Yan has been in the industry for 19 years and has played many good roles. She is the cute little woman with childishness in "My Youth Meets You";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

in "A Beautiful Life" Xu Doudou, a patient with fear of marriage;

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

"The Most Beautiful Retrograde" "Zhou Xingyan, a nurse in a tertiary hospital";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

He Yao who is in love but not in "Ideal City";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Gu Xiaonan, a full-time wife in "Happy Duo";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Farther away is the cool and sexy in "The Legend of Medical Clinic" Liu Ruoxin, etc.;

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

The above are all hers, but of course not all of them.

Many more people know her through variety shows such as "Longing for Life", "Wild Kitchen" and "Chinese Restaurant".

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

In these programs, she allowed the audience to see another side of her. They couldn't help but sigh that Jiang Yan is not only good-looking and good at acting, she also loves life, loves to laugh, loves food, loves cooking, and can also do handicrafts. .

can be said to be omnipotent. The most admirable thing about

is that no matter what life throws at her, she always greets her with a smile.

For example, as an actor, she does not complain when her role is replaced by others;

As a girl who yearns for love, she does not regret herself when she falls in love with the wrong person, but stops the loss in time. She is always so sunny and makes people feel comfortable.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan also has a name, called "Er Fat".

Maybe you are curious, she is so good-looking and has such a sexy figure, how come she has such a country girl name?

This is probably why everyone likes her more and more.

Because she is real, down-to-earth, and unpretentious. No matter what the outside world says, she is always honest and kind. This is why Song Dandan likes her and recognizes her as his goddaughter.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Song Dandan loved this goddaughter so much that he really loved her as his own daughter.

not only cares about her in life, but also publicly supports her when she is wronged, and will take her with her when there is a good show.

The fate of the two people began in 2006 in "The War of Lao Niu's Family". At that time, Song Dandan had a good impression of this little girl who was very well-behaved, beautiful, good at cooking, and didn't talk much.

In 2012, the two collaborated again, playing mother and daughter in "Lao Mi's Marriage".

After the first scene, Song Dandan praised:

This feels so right! This play is so comfortable!

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

This is not only Song Dandan’s recognition of Jiang Yan’s performance, but also her recognition.

As a result, before the filming was finished, she couldn't help but recognize Jiang Yan as her goddaughter.

Not only that, she also directly posted a photo of the two of them on social platforms and responded to everyone's question, "Who is Er Pang?"

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Er Pang is my goddaughter who I take seriously. She lives with me now. Like Batu, she has Pisces type O blood. She is a very well-behaved, pretty and good at acting. I love her very much.

It can be seen that Song Dandan, who only has one son, Batu, really loves Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan also loves this godmother very much. She usually calls her "little mom".

When we are together, we will cook delicious food for her. When we are not together, we will often greet her, share small jokes, and celebrate birthdays with her, just like mother and daughter.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

As for the name "Er Fatty", Jiang Yan has followed her for a long time.

Jiang Yan is a girl from Dalian. She was born in February 1986 from a wealthy family. She has been a beauty since she was a child, with round eyes and a rosy face. She is cute and beautiful.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan has been the apple of her parents' eyes since she was a child. Her mother often dresses her up beautifully. Of course Jiang's mother is also a great beauty. The two mother and daughter go out together and are fashionable.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

html When she was five years old, Jiang Yan’s favorite thing was dancing. Her mother thought girls were good at dancing, so she sent her to learn to dance.

When the dance teacher saw Jiang Yan, he said to Jiang's mother: "This child has good conditions. Many people have to practice for several years to develop arches in their feet. She has reached the standard now. You have to train your child well!"

Hearing the teacher say this Jiang's mother felt happy when she praised her children, but it was a pity that Jiang Yan did not persevere.

Regarding this, Jiang’s mother still regretted a little, blaming herself for being heartless and not letting her daughter persist. At that time, she “just wanted girls to have a good temperament when dancing.”

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

However, this dance dream came true later in the TV series "Happy Duo", and Jiang Yan became addicted to dance.

Many people are attracted to this character.

Because Gu Xiaonan, who is dancing in black, is beautiful and agile, and coupled with Jiang Yan’s height of 172cm, it is absolutely stunning.

Of course, in order to play this role and dance well, Jiang Yan also worked hard and lost 12 pounds after filming.

Back to the name "Er Fat", after Jiang Yan's dream of dancing was shattered, she fell in love with acting again.

At that time, her favorite thing to watch was Ng Meng Tat. She watched every one of his works in a loop. Starting from "The Tricky Expert", she could follow every line and even learned to call him "Dad" from Stephen Chow.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan and her father

Jiang Yan’s father also dotes on her very much.

In order to make her happy, he often imitated scenes from Ng Mang-tat's plays to make her happy.

Not only that, when her family saw that she liked comedy so much, they even told her, "When you grow up, you should also be an actress."

I thought it was just a joke at first, but I didn’t expect that I actually got my wish and became an actor, starting from comedy.

After graduating from high school, Jiang Yan was admitted to the acting department of the Beijing Film Academy. She already liked food and became even more indulgent after passing the exam. During the holidays, she ate and drank so much that she weighed more than 120 pounds.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

In fact, with Jiang Yan’s height and weight, she is not considered fat. It’s just that the girls studying acting all have thin arms and legs. Compared with them, Jiang Yan looks strong and fat.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Indeed, looking at the stills of Jiang Yan in college, she is a bit round, but she is not the fattest in the class, she is the second fattest.

From this, he got the nickname "Two Fatty".

Jiang Yan didn’t mind this nickname. She still had to eat and drink, and she didn’t deliberately lose weight.

Not only that, she is also willing to share, and often shares delicious food and drinks with her classmates, which also makes her very popular.

This habit of sharing and helping others continues to this day.

Almost every time she joins the group, she is the one who prepares delicious food for everyone, brings delicious food, and takes care of everyone.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan is good at acting, professional and dedicated, and can climb a loose tiled house more than ten meters high for filming.

In order not to delay the progress of the crew, I have to persevere even when I am sick and hospitalized. I am not squeamish or arrogant at all.

She has always been so modest and low-key. Some people wonder why Jiang Yan is so tepid despite her good looks, good resources, and a godmother like Song Dandan.

This is because she is low-key and down-to-earth. She does not chase fame and fortune, but follows her own pace and enjoys her own happiness and joy in the ordinary.

This is why everyone likes her, because she is neither arrogant nor impetuous, does not fight or grab, and is approachable.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

In the eyes of "Swallows" (the name of Jiang Yan's fans), Jiang Yan is a filial, kind, optimistic, cheerful, simple and contented girl who is also a little confused and carefree;

In the eyes of colleagues who have worked with her, She plays well and has a good personality. She is a real actress.

Jiang Yan deserves everything good, including love.

But she fell in love with the wrong person. In 2012, Jiang Yan and Zhu Yuchen collaborated on the TV series "Don't Call Me Brother".

While on the set, Jiang Yan, as always, fed her colleagues a variety of delicacies prepared by herself.

Once Zhu Yuchen brought home the coir raincoat cucumbers she made. When Zhu Yuchen saw it, she asked her son:

"Who made this for you?" Asked, he answered truthfully, Tell who made it for everyone.

Mother Zhu looked at the cucumber and said:

This kid can do it, and his knife skills are good.

Do you have a boyfriend?

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

When his mother said this, Zhu Yuchen understood what she meant.

She is so good-looking and can cook, so she must have one.

Zhu’s mother refused to give up: “You should ask.”

In this way, Zhu Yuchen chased Jiang Yan, and they were together.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

However, this relationship did not end well.

Zhu’s mother is a person who has a strong desire to control and treats her son in every detail.

She hopes to find a daughter-in-law who puts her son first in everything like herself, otherwise she will not be able to catch her eye.

And Jiang Yan has been pampered since she was a child. She is also an independent and outstanding girl. How can she be willing to be someone's mother?

She has also tried hard. After all, she is serious and really wants to find someone she loves deeply.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

But it was obvious that Zhu Yuchen was not suitable for her.

During their relationship, they often quarreled. When she was angry, she would doubt whether Zhu Yuchen really loved her.

Are you looking for me just because I can cook and take care of people?

Do you think I am suitable for you, or do you think I am suitable to be a wife?

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan just wanted a positive answer.

Perhaps, Zhu Yuchen still felt that his mother’s opinion was more important, and the two finally parted ways.

After the breakup, Jiang Yan focused on her career and also looked forward to love.

However, in these years, she has adopted the attitude of "preferring to be less than indiscriminate". When there is a movie, she will get into the kitchen and cook a delicious meal to share with her parents.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Or travel;

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Reading, fitness...

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Now the 38-year-old has been revealed to be in a new relationship, which is a happy thing for those who like her, because She deserves all the good things she deserves.

I wish Jiang Yan and Erpang that they will get what they want and be happy.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top-figured 85 flower artist. After a day of warm-up, it was finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected that the relationship was exposed, and the man was an amateur.

Oh my god!

Which amateur boy is so lucky to win Jiang Yan’s heart?

She is a real treasure girl. Not only is she beautiful, she has a good figure, and she has two sweet dimples when she smiles.

As an actor, her acting skills are also very good. She won the Magnolia Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Yao Yuling in "North and South". Her performance in the Chinese restaurant was also deeply loved by everyone.

is the real person who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. Whoever marries him will be lucky.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

As an actor, Jiang Yan has been in the industry for 19 years and has played many good roles. She is the cute little woman with childishness in "My Youth Meets You";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

in "A Beautiful Life" Xu Doudou, a patient with fear of marriage;

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

"The Most Beautiful Retrograde" "Zhou Xingyan, a nurse in a tertiary hospital";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

He Yao who is in love but not in "Ideal City";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Gu Xiaonan, a full-time wife in "Happy Duo";

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Farther away is the cool and sexy in "The Legend of Medical Clinic" Liu Ruoxin, etc.;

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

The above are all hers, but of course not all of them.

Many more people know her through variety shows such as "Longing for Life", "Wild Kitchen" and "Chinese Restaurant".

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

In these programs, she allowed the audience to see another side of her. They couldn't help but sigh that Jiang Yan is not only good-looking and good at acting, she also loves life, loves to laugh, loves food, loves cooking, and can also do handicrafts. .

can be said to be omnipotent. The most admirable thing about

is that no matter what life throws at her, she always greets her with a smile.

For example, as an actor, she does not complain when her role is replaced by others;

As a girl who yearns for love, she does not regret herself when she falls in love with the wrong person, but stops the loss in time. She is always so sunny and makes people feel comfortable.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan also has a name, called "Er Fat".

Maybe you are curious, she is so good-looking and has such a sexy figure, how come she has such a country girl name?

This is probably why everyone likes her more and more.

Because she is real, down-to-earth, and unpretentious. No matter what the outside world says, she is always honest and kind. This is why Song Dandan likes her and recognizes her as his goddaughter.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Song Dandan loved this goddaughter so much that he really loved her as his own daughter.

not only cares about her in life, but also publicly supports her when she is wronged, and will take her with her when there is a good show.

The fate of the two people began in 2006 in "The War of Lao Niu's Family". At that time, Song Dandan had a good impression of this little girl who was very well-behaved, beautiful, good at cooking, and didn't talk much.

In 2012, the two collaborated again, playing mother and daughter in "Lao Mi's Marriage".

After the first scene, Song Dandan praised:

This feels so right! This play is so comfortable!

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

This is not only Song Dandan’s recognition of Jiang Yan’s performance, but also her recognition.

As a result, before the filming was finished, she couldn't help but recognize Jiang Yan as her goddaughter.

Not only that, she also directly posted a photo of the two of them on social platforms and responded to everyone's question, "Who is Er Pang?"

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Er Pang is my goddaughter who I take seriously. She lives with me now. Like Batu, she has Pisces type O blood. She is a very well-behaved, pretty and good at acting. I love her very much.

It can be seen that Song Dandan, who only has one son, Batu, really loves Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan also loves this godmother very much. She usually calls her "little mom".

When we are together, we will cook delicious food for her. When we are not together, we will often greet her, share small jokes, and celebrate birthdays with her, just like mother and daughter.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

As for the name "Er Fatty", Jiang Yan has followed her for a long time.

Jiang Yan is a girl from Dalian. She was born in February 1986 from a wealthy family. She has been a beauty since she was a child, with round eyes and a rosy face. She is cute and beautiful.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan has been the apple of her parents' eyes since she was a child. Her mother often dresses her up beautifully. Of course Jiang's mother is also a great beauty. The two mother and daughter go out together and are fashionable.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

html When she was five years old, Jiang Yan’s favorite thing was dancing. Her mother thought girls were good at dancing, so she sent her to learn to dance.

When the dance teacher saw Jiang Yan, he said to Jiang's mother: "This child has good conditions. Many people have to practice for several years to develop arches in their feet. She has reached the standard now. You have to train your child well!"

Hearing the teacher say this Jiang's mother felt happy when she praised her children, but it was a pity that Jiang Yan did not persevere.

Regarding this, Jiang’s mother still regretted a little, blaming herself for being heartless and not letting her daughter persist. At that time, she “just wanted girls to have a good temperament when dancing.”

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

However, this dance dream came true later in the TV series "Happy Duo", and Jiang Yan became addicted to dance.

Many people are attracted to this character.

Because Gu Xiaonan, who is dancing in black, is beautiful and agile, and coupled with Jiang Yan’s height of 172cm, it is absolutely stunning.

Of course, in order to play this role and dance well, Jiang Yan also worked hard and lost 12 pounds after filming.

Back to the name "Er Fat", after Jiang Yan's dream of dancing was shattered, she fell in love with acting again.

At that time, her favorite thing to watch was Ng Meng Tat. She watched every one of his works in a loop. Starting from "The Tricky Expert", she could follow every line and even learned to call him "Dad" from Stephen Chow.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan and her father

Jiang Yan’s father also dotes on her very much.

In order to make her happy, he often imitated scenes from Ng Mang-tat's plays to make her happy.

Not only that, when her family saw that she liked comedy so much, they even told her, "When you grow up, you should also be an actress."

I thought it was just a joke at first, but I didn’t expect that I actually got my wish and became an actor, starting from comedy.

After graduating from high school, Jiang Yan was admitted to the acting department of the Beijing Film Academy. She already liked food and became even more indulgent after passing the exam. During the holidays, she ate and drank so much that she weighed more than 120 pounds.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

In fact, with Jiang Yan’s height and weight, she is not considered fat. It’s just that the girls studying acting all have thin arms and legs. Compared with them, Jiang Yan looks strong and fat.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Indeed, looking at the stills of Jiang Yan in college, she is a bit round, but she is not the fattest in the class, she is the second fattest.

From this, he got the nickname "Two Fatty".

Jiang Yan didn’t mind this nickname. She still had to eat and drink, and she didn’t deliberately lose weight.

Not only that, she is also willing to share, and often shares delicious food and drinks with her classmates, which also makes her very popular.

This habit of sharing and helping others continues to this day.

Almost every time she joins the group, she is the one who prepares delicious food for everyone, brings delicious food, and takes care of everyone.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan is good at acting, professional and dedicated, and can climb a loose tiled house more than ten meters high for filming.

In order not to delay the progress of the crew, I have to persevere even when I am sick and hospitalized. I am not squeamish or arrogant at all.

She has always been so modest and low-key. Some people wonder why Jiang Yan is so tepid despite her good looks, good resources, and a godmother like Song Dandan.

This is because she is low-key and down-to-earth. She does not chase fame and fortune, but follows her own pace and enjoys her own happiness and joy in the ordinary.

This is why everyone likes her, because she is neither arrogant nor impetuous, does not fight or grab, and is approachable.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

In the eyes of "Swallows" (the name of Jiang Yan's fans), Jiang Yan is a filial, kind, optimistic, cheerful, simple and contented girl who is also a little confused and carefree;

In the eyes of colleagues who have worked with her, She plays well and has a good personality. She is a real actress.

Jiang Yan deserves everything good, including love.

But she fell in love with the wrong person. In 2012, Jiang Yan and Zhu Yuchen collaborated on the TV series "Don't Call Me Brother".

While on the set, Jiang Yan, as always, fed her colleagues a variety of delicacies prepared by herself.

Once Zhu Yuchen brought home the coir raincoat cucumbers she made. When Zhu Yuchen saw it, she asked her son:

"Who made this for you?" Asked, he answered truthfully, Tell who made it for everyone.

Mother Zhu looked at the cucumber and said:

This kid can do it, and his knife skills are good.

Do you have a boyfriend?

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

When his mother said this, Zhu Yuchen understood what she meant.

She is so good-looking and can cook, so she must have one.

Zhu’s mother refused to give up: “You should ask.”

In this way, Zhu Yuchen chased Jiang Yan, and they were together.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

However, this relationship did not end well.

Zhu’s mother is a person who has a strong desire to control and treats her son in every detail.

She hopes to find a daughter-in-law who puts her son first in everything like herself, otherwise she will not be able to catch her eye.

And Jiang Yan has been pampered since she was a child. She is also an independent and outstanding girl. How can she be willing to be someone's mother?

She has also tried hard. After all, she is serious and really wants to find someone she loves deeply.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

But it was obvious that Zhu Yuchen was not suitable for her.

During their relationship, they often quarreled. When she was angry, she would doubt whether Zhu Yuchen really loved her.

Are you looking for me just because I can cook and take care of people?

Do you think I am suitable for you, or do you think I am suitable to be a wife?

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Jiang Yan just wanted a positive answer.

Perhaps, Zhu Yuchen still felt that his mother’s opinion was more important, and the two finally parted ways.

After the breakup, Jiang Yan focused on her career and also looked forward to love.

However, in these years, she has adopted the attitude of "preferring to be less than indiscriminate". When there is a movie, she will get into the kitchen and cook a delicious meal to share with her parents.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Or travel;

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Reading, fitness...

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Now the 38-year-old has been revealed to be in a new relationship, which is a happy thing for those who like her, because She deserves all the good things she deserves.

I wish Jiang Yan and Erpang that they will get what they want and be happy.

The paparazzi broke the news about the new relationship of the top 85-figure artist. After a day of warm-up, they finally revealed that the heroine is Jiang Yan. The paparazzi photographed her and a man returning to their residence together after many parties. It was suspected th - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment