The TV series "Mortal Song" tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij

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The TV series " Mortal Song " tells the story of six people, Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, different work experiences, and encounter setbacks in life. Living in Beijing, they are even a family. Na Juan and Na Wei are brothers, and Shen Lei is Na Wei's brother-in-law and Shen Lin's younger brother. This relationship indeed makes the whole story very interesting.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Compared with the three female protagonists, the three male protagonists actually have distinct personalities. Na Wei is the more stable one, while Na Juan and Shen Lei are the two extremes. Of course, although Na Wei seems to be very stable, in fact, he is not very stable in his work. He belongs to the kind of involution who prefers to cheat and play tricks. To put it bluntly, he is a typical veteran in the workplace. In terms of ability, he has no ability and no ability. His ability is actually based on cheating and sneaking.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

The reason why we say Na Wei is not without reason. We know that Na Wei is the vice president of "Every Day" and the director of the marketing department. He is considered a senior executive. However, what this person encounters in the new plot is It can be seen that he is actually not stable. Zhao Pengju used all kinds of methods to press for debts. In order to keep his job, he actually ran away from his wife with scolding, and finally gave him the money helplessly. There are actually three ways to do this: upper, middle and lower. To solve it, he chose the most deceptive one.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

The best policy is to go through the judicial process and sue Xu Yichao, which will not only relieve Qin Lingling, but also make Wang Ruizhi speechless, and also make Zhao Pengju stop the infringement. Zhongce just wanted to make it clear to Qin Lingling and his wife that he could not give this person 800,000 yuan. Qin Lingling might not believe it, but that was not important. What was important was that this person at least showed that he had been tricked by Wang Ruizhi. .

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

But he chose the last resort, and one can imagine the result. In the end, because of this incident, Na Wei even lost the compensation for his dismissal. The reason why Na Wei was said to be a cheater was the reason why he was fired. He had no core competitiveness, no business ability, and could not write a marketing plan. These were all things he took from his subordinates and used for performance. , and he held back the wine in front of Wang Ruizhi and was on call 24 hours a day. It was thanks to this spirit of acting like a cow that he achieved his current achievements. Moreover, he also liked to take advantage of small things, using the name of the company to hold birthday banquets for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and using public funds to eat and drink in the name of the company. In the end, he was discovered by Qin Lingling, and was fired. In addition to the company's affairs, he even lost the compensation. No.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Needless to say, Na Juan is a typical roll king who can work day and night. For him, it is hard work and struggle. This is the reason why this person can earn more than 100,000 yuan a month. What he often said was that our ability to work overtime proves that we have stable jobs and are not unemployed. This person has a panic disorder about unemployment, so he keeps working overtime, hurting himself and others, and requires Li Xiaoyue to work hard as well.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Comparatively speaking, Shen Lei is the kind of person who is completely flat. He is arrogant and unwilling to work hard. He graduated from a prestigious school and has an iron job. His monthly income is not high, but he is content with the status quo and is satisfied with this life. , and Xie Meilan was lost in drunkenness, using her own mother's death, choosing a cemetery, and not being able to buy a house as excuses, and aborted their children to prepare for divorce from Shen Lei. In the end, Shen Lei was cheated on, and Xie Meilan divorced, and Shen Lei couldn't bear being cheated on, so he finally went to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion without telling everyone.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

It can be said that the three male protagonists of this drama have very different personalities. The three of them are also the three most typical types of people in the workplace. Na Wei is a veteran in the workplace, Shen Lei is the kind of person who is completely flat and has no ambition to make progress, and Na Junze They are the kind of people who are workaholics and book kings. Each of these three types of people has different endings. Today we will talk about the three endings of the three male protagonists of this drama.

Na Wei

Na Wei is Na Juan’s eldest brother and Shen Lei’s brother-in-law. He is actually a typical workplace veteran, nothing special. Ability, no core competitiveness. Of course, he is quite good at being a cow and a horse. This person He acted as humble as he wanted in front of Wang Ruizhi, but that was what he had to do in order to survive in the workplace. He was good at the banquet culture, and he was eventually fired by Qin Lingling.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

After he was fired, he did a lot of things, such as starting a business with Li Xiaoyue and opening a public relations company, but it failed in the end. The customer service debt was not repaid, and hundreds of thousands of payments were made to him overnight. At the bottom of the valley, starting a business was considered to be close to failure. It can only be said that Na Wei did not have good connections in this area. Without enough business support, he could only fail. Later, he started driving an online ride-hailing service, but he was not good at it and didn't earn much. He could earn dozens to one or two hundred yuan a day, and it was difficult to even get a mortgage.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

However, in the end, Wang Ruizhi finally returned to secular life because he was forced by Chen Lingling to destroy his family, and he made a comeback with his little lover, preparing to start a business with Na Wei. And Na Wei took a fancy to his connections and went to Shanghai. Judging from Wang Ruizhi's connections and entrepreneurial experience, the possibility of success this time was still very high, especially although Qin Lingling almost brought down the company. , but at least the foundation and framework of the company are still there. Na Wei should be able to get back the 800,000 yuan in payment in the end, be able to start a successful business, and regain his position as vice president.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Na Juan

Compared with his elder brother Na Wei, Na Juan is luckier. I have already achieved an annual income of one million and bought a large house of more than 160 square meters. Moreover, this person’s salary is still rising. The most important thing is that he has core competitiveness. It’s a pity that this person has panic disorder. He is afraid of losing his job. He is constantly introverted. He is deaf and is afraid that others will find out and give himself a concussion. , but later suffered a panic attack and he was fired from the company.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

However, after he recovered, he continued to fight and soon found a high-paying job. After all, as a master's degree graduate from a prestigious school, he is still young and has a certain reputation in the industry. He still has an annual income of around one million. After the transformation, the ending should not be bad, but emotionally this person broke up with Li Xiaoyue, but his income is stable and plenty, so the ending will not be worse than others, and there should be no emotional problems in the future.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Shen Lei

The worst person in comparison should be Shen Lei. After he and Xie Meilan divorced, he couldn't stand the stimulation and hid in He went to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion, quit his job that was an iron rice bowl, and later fell in love with Li Xiaoyue. He came down from the mountain to join the world, but he had no money in his pocket and no skills. Although he graduated from a prestigious school with a master's degree, he did not work hard or struggle when he was young. Even if he looked for a job, he could only find some low-paying jobs, and The kind that has to work overtime.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Shen Lei and Li Xiaoyue seem to get along very well at present. One does not like involution, and the other wants to enjoy themselves in time. They are both people who refuse involution. However, under the general environment, they can only adapt or be eliminated. They It's not a good thing to get together. In the end, Shen Lei will probably have to rely on his sister Shen Lin's help, otherwise he and Li Xiaoyue will have to be just like cows and horses to have a future.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

In short, the three male protagonists of this drama have three different endings. The luckiest one is Na Juan. He worked hard at the age when he should struggle most and achieved an annual salary of one million. Although he suffered from panic disorder, although It scared away Li Xiaoyue, but this one still had the best ending. Even if Na Wei finally started his own business, he might not be able to compare with him. In comparison, Shen Lei was the most miserable one. This one lost his youth. He also gave up his iron job. Even if he wanted to make money, he didn't have much chance. Without connections and resources, it would be difficult for him to turn around again in his life.

The TV series " Mortal Song " tells the story of six people, Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, different work experiences, and encounter setbacks in life. Living in Beijing, they are even a family. Na Juan and Na Wei are brothers, and Shen Lei is Na Wei's brother-in-law and Shen Lin's younger brother. This relationship indeed makes the whole story very interesting.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Compared with the three female protagonists, the three male protagonists actually have distinct personalities. Na Wei is the more stable one, while Na Juan and Shen Lei are the two extremes. Of course, although Na Wei seems to be very stable, in fact, he is not very stable in his work. He belongs to the kind of involution who prefers to cheat and play tricks. To put it bluntly, he is a typical veteran in the workplace. In terms of ability, he has no ability and no ability. His ability is actually based on cheating and sneaking.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

The reason why we say Na Wei is not without reason. We know that Na Wei is the vice president of "Every Day" and the director of the marketing department. He is considered a senior executive. However, what this person encounters in the new plot is It can be seen that he is actually not stable. Zhao Pengju used all kinds of methods to press for debts. In order to keep his job, he actually ran away from his wife with scolding, and finally gave him the money helplessly. There are actually three ways to do this: upper, middle and lower. To solve it, he chose the most deceptive one.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

The best policy is to go through the judicial process and sue Xu Yichao, which will not only relieve Qin Lingling, but also make Wang Ruizhi speechless, and also make Zhao Pengju stop the infringement. Zhongce just wanted to make it clear to Qin Lingling and his wife that he could not give this person 800,000 yuan. Qin Lingling might not believe it, but that was not important. What was important was that this person at least showed that he had been tricked by Wang Ruizhi. .

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

But he chose the last resort, and one can imagine the result. In the end, because of this incident, Na Wei even lost the compensation for his dismissal. The reason why Na Wei was said to be a cheater was the reason why he was fired. He had no core competitiveness, no business ability, and could not write a marketing plan. These were all things he took from his subordinates and used for performance. , and he held back the wine in front of Wang Ruizhi and was on call 24 hours a day. It was thanks to this spirit of acting like a cow that he achieved his current achievements. Moreover, he also liked to take advantage of small things, using the name of the company to hold birthday banquets for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and using public funds to eat and drink in the name of the company. In the end, he was discovered by Qin Lingling, and was fired. In addition to the company's affairs, he even lost the compensation. No.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Needless to say, Na Juan is a typical roll king who can work day and night. For him, it is hard work and struggle. This is the reason why this person can earn more than 100,000 yuan a month. What he often said was that our ability to work overtime proves that we have stable jobs and are not unemployed. This person has a panic disorder about unemployment, so he keeps working overtime, hurting himself and others, and requires Li Xiaoyue to work hard as well.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Comparatively speaking, Shen Lei is the kind of person who is completely flat. He is arrogant and unwilling to work hard. He graduated from a prestigious school and has an iron job. His monthly income is not high, but he is content with the status quo and is satisfied with this life. , and Xie Meilan was lost in drunkenness, using her own mother's death, choosing a cemetery, and not being able to buy a house as excuses, and aborted their children to prepare for divorce from Shen Lei. In the end, Shen Lei was cheated on, and Xie Meilan divorced, and Shen Lei couldn't bear being cheated on, so he finally went to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion without telling everyone.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

It can be said that the three male protagonists of this drama have very different personalities. The three of them are also the three most typical types of people in the workplace. Na Wei is a veteran in the workplace, Shen Lei is the kind of person who is completely flat and has no ambition to make progress, and Na Junze They are the kind of people who are workaholics and book kings. Each of these three types of people has different endings. Today we will talk about the three endings of the three male protagonists of this drama.

Na Wei

Na Wei is Na Juan’s eldest brother and Shen Lei’s brother-in-law. He is actually a typical workplace veteran, nothing special. Ability, no core competitiveness. Of course, he is quite good at being a cow and a horse. This person He acted as humble as he wanted in front of Wang Ruizhi, but that was what he had to do in order to survive in the workplace. He was good at the banquet culture, and he was eventually fired by Qin Lingling.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

After he was fired, he did a lot of things, such as starting a business with Li Xiaoyue and opening a public relations company, but it failed in the end. The customer service debt was not repaid, and hundreds of thousands of payments were made to him overnight. At the bottom of the valley, starting a business was considered to be close to failure. It can only be said that Na Wei did not have good connections in this area. Without enough business support, he could only fail. Later, he started driving an online ride-hailing service, but he was not good at it and didn't earn much. He could earn dozens to one or two hundred yuan a day, and it was difficult to even get a mortgage.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

However, in the end, Wang Ruizhi finally returned to secular life because he was forced by Chen Lingling to destroy his family, and he made a comeback with his little lover, preparing to start a business with Na Wei. And Na Wei took a fancy to his connections and went to Shanghai. Judging from Wang Ruizhi's connections and entrepreneurial experience, the possibility of success this time was still very high, especially although Qin Lingling almost brought down the company. , but at least the foundation and framework of the company are still there. Na Wei should be able to get back the 800,000 yuan in payment in the end, be able to start a successful business, and regain his position as vice president.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Na Juan

Compared with his elder brother Na Wei, Na Juan is luckier. I have already achieved an annual income of one million and bought a large house of more than 160 square meters. Moreover, this person’s salary is still rising. The most important thing is that he has core competitiveness. It’s a pity that this person has panic disorder. He is afraid of losing his job. He is constantly introverted. He is deaf and is afraid that others will find out and give himself a concussion. , but later suffered a panic attack and he was fired from the company.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

However, after he recovered, he continued to fight and soon found a high-paying job. After all, as a master's degree graduate from a prestigious school, he is still young and has a certain reputation in the industry. He still has an annual income of around one million. After the transformation, the ending should not be bad, but emotionally this person broke up with Li Xiaoyue, but his income is stable and plenty, so the ending will not be worse than others, and there should be no emotional problems in the future.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Shen Lei

The worst person in comparison should be Shen Lei. After he and Xie Meilan divorced, he couldn't stand the stimulation and hid in He went to Zhongnan Mountain to live in seclusion, quit his job that was an iron rice bowl, and later fell in love with Li Xiaoyue. He came down from the mountain to join the world, but he had no money in his pocket and no skills. Although he graduated from a prestigious school with a master's degree, he did not work hard or struggle when he was young. Even if he looked for a job, he could only find some low-paying jobs, and The kind that has to work overtime.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

Shen Lei and Li Xiaoyue seem to get along very well at present. One does not like involution, and the other wants to enjoy themselves in time. They are both people who refuse involution. However, under the general environment, they can only adapt or be eliminated. They It's not a good thing to get together. In the end, Shen Lei will probably have to rely on his sister Shen Lin's help, otherwise he and Li Xiaoyue will have to be just like cows and horses to have a future.

The TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - LujubaThe TV series 'Mortal Song' tells the story of Na Wei, Na Juan, Shen Lei, Shen Lin, Li Xiaoyue, and Xie Meilan, who have different educational backgrounds, different age groups, and different work experiences when they encounter setbacks in life. These six people all live in Beij - Lujuba

In short, the three male protagonists of this drama have three different endings. The luckiest one is Na Juan. He worked hard at the age when he should struggle most and achieved an annual salary of one million. Although he suffered from panic disorder, although It scared away Li Xiaoyue, but this one still had the best ending. Even if Na Wei finally started his own business, he might not be able to compare with him. In comparison, Shen Lei was the most miserable one. This one lost his youth. He also gave up his iron job. Even if he wanted to make money, he didn't have much chance. Without connections and resources, it would be difficult for him to turn around again in his life.

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