To contribute to the development of the industrialization of Chinese traditional music, the 2024 Beijing Traditional Music Festival-Chinese Music (National Instrumental Music) Performance was officially launched recently, and the performance will last until November. The Bei

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has contributed to the industrialization development of Chinese traditional music. The 2024 Beijing Traditional Music Festival-Chinese Music (National Instrumental Music) Performance was officially launched recently, and the performance will last until November.

To contribute to the development of the industrialization of Chinese traditional music, the 2024 Beijing Traditional Music Festival-Chinese Music (National Instrumental Music) Performance was officially launched recently, and the performance will last until November.      The Bei - Lujuba

The Beijing Traditional Music Festival focuses on displaying the excellent traditional music of China and the world's various ethnic groups, and discusses the current situation and development strategies of traditional music in China and around the world under the background of globalization. The Chinese National Instrumental Music Performance held during the period was co-sponsored by the China Conservatory of Music and the Beijing Musicians Association. There were ten categories including erhu, pipa, zhongruan, guzheng, guqin, dulcimer, bamboo flute, suona, sheng, and Chinese percussion. The Chinese National Instrumental Music major is open to affiliated high schools, universities, and graduate students majoring in instrumental music from all music conservatories, art schools, and comprehensive universities in China. Registration is free. The performance event specially invited Li Xincao, president of the China Conservatory of Music, to serve as the general artistic consultant, internationally renowned conductor Ye Cong to serve as the chairman of the art committee, Han Xin'an, Yan Huichang, and Wu Yuxia to serve as art committee advisors, and Professor Wang Zhongshan, director of the Chinese Music Department of the China Conservatory of Music. Serving as the chairman of the jury, one hundred well-known traditional Chinese music performers, educators, composers and conductors from domestic music schools and art academies will be invited to serve as review experts to provide authoritative control.

According to the organizer, this exhibition invites musicians from home and abroad to participate together, and welcomes outstanding young students to exchange and practice with the open and inclusive spirit of national music. All performances are open to the public. During the final evaluation period, different forms of academic lectures and forums will be held. In addition, outstanding representatives of the performance will be specially invited to participate in the closing concert of the Beijing Traditional Music Festival in December.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Tian Wanting

editor/Gong Lifang

Tags: entertainment