Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series "Mortal Song" is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark. The TV series "Mortal Song" is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha

entertainment 3416℃

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang

The TV series " Mortal Song " is popular. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.

The TV series "Mortal Song" is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zhang Ruonan, Qin Junjie, Zhang Zhehua, Chen Haoyu, etc. .

From the very beginning, from the scene at the traffic light, Shen Lei was like a man on the street who was despised by Xie Meilan, but Shen Lei was not like that. In his own opinion and in the opinion of us viewers, he was a dignified man. Graduates from 985 colleges and universities have a Beijing household registration. They have more time to rest and don't have to work overtime all day long. Although the money they receive is not as much as others, they can still live a real life.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

However, in the face of reality, Shen Lei was not indifferent to Xie Meilan like a man. For more than 400,000 yuan of targeted drugs, he still owed his uncle 100,000 yuan. In addition, he also wanted to replace his mother with a 260,000 yuan tomb. .

In fact, sometimes, some things are specially prepared for the rich, such as the recognized aristocratic schools, private schools, and these very expensive tombs. Xie Meilan does not feel guilty because she borrowed 400,000 from Mr. Lu. , but felt that Mr. Lu could easily lend 400,000, so he had a weak dislike for Shen Lei.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Xie Meilan is really cruel.

When Xie Meilan insisted on taking leave to abort the child, Shen Lei had absolutely no way of knowing.

However, after Xie Meilan fainted, Shen Lei, the immediate family member, was notified.

Indirectly, Shen Lei learned that his child had been aborted by the child's mother.

When Xie Meilan kept saying that she did not want to have children in a rented house, was Shen Lei always feeling guilty?

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Shen Lei’s apology.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba: When Xie Meilan’s mother was critically ill, she did not beg for mercy and help from the director.

: When Xie Meilan chose to bury her mother with a cemetery worth 260,000 yuan, she agreed without saying a word.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba: When Xie Meilan asked to buy a car, she nodded in agreement without saying a word.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Shen Lei is not a fool.

He knew that he nodded, what did it mean?

If Xie Meilan's mother was not sick, the young couple would still be living a happy life.

However, a serious illness made the already stretched life of these two people even more dilapidated.

When Shen Lei went to his sister and brother-in-law to complain in the middle of the night, Na Wei understood it as soon as he heard it.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Xie Meilan has already found her next home. Only

would say such embarrassing words, but I think they are innocuous.

Xie Meilan never made her position clear from the beginning to the end. The reason why she and Shen Lei got together was because they were from similar backgrounds. The two of them lived a good life, and there was still progress in their lives. At least they would not worry about their household registration or their children's schooling. As for the house, if the two of them work hard, there is still hope. With the help of my sister, it will be a happy ending.

However, Xie Meilan was exposed to tens of millions of investments and people with high net worth. In Xie Meilan's eyes, those mature people were the objects of yearning. Then her husband Shen Lei was ordinary, even When I am short of money, I hate it very much.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

The purpose is self-evident and the goal is clear.

At this time, in addition, Mr. Lu regards 400,000 as child's play. The purpose is self-evident, and the target is Xie Meilan.

In fact, Xie Meilan did not bother to think about it. Although Mr. Lu is young, it does not mean that he does not have a family.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Could it be that the 400,000 that Mr. Lu lent was wasted like this? It seemed that he was lending a favor, but he actually wanted to use the money in exchange for more things.

If Xie Meilan and Mr. Lu get along well, of course, the money will not have to be paid back. However, the guilt and pain in her heart will accompany her for a lifetime, and even Mr. Lu will look down on her.

The early stage of love is sweet, even when you can’t get it, it’s beautiful.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

After getting it, will she still cherish it?

Especially under such a premise, will Xie Meilan willingly give up a person who truly loves her because she pursues her Mr. Lu so much?

There will come a day when Xie Meilan will regret it. There was once a marriage before her, but she did not cherish it and was so ambitious. She expected a life that could be settled once and for all, or even love at her fingertips, or even a life without worries forever, or even Next to a money tree.

As everyone knows, life is not as beautiful as imagined. People are realistic, not to mention smart businessmen.

What Shen Lei never expected was that his sister could say such words. It turned out that his wife disliked him for having no interest, no money, and no future.

Xie Meilan is waiting for a result, which is divorce.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

has always wanted to cling to Mr. Lu, but it has not stopped yet.

If there is a wise man who can enlighten her, then in comparison, Shen Lei is the person worthy of a lifetime.

Follow Mr. Lu, unless he is single, but if he is single, why would he target such a poor, married woman.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

It’s not because he can use the power and money in his hands to get everything this woman wants, and then control her to death.

After thinking about it from another’s perspective, I realized how absurd and sad Xie Meilan’s actions were.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang

The TV series " Mortal Song " is popular. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.

The TV series "Mortal Song" is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zhang Ruonan, Qin Junjie, Zhang Zhehua, Chen Haoyu, etc. .

From the very beginning, from the scene at the traffic light, Shen Lei was like a man on the street who was despised by Xie Meilan, but Shen Lei was not like that. In his own opinion and in the opinion of us viewers, he was a dignified man. Graduates from 985 colleges and universities have a Beijing household registration. They have more time to rest and don't have to work overtime all day long. Although the money they receive is not as much as others, they can still live a real life.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

However, in the face of reality, Shen Lei was not indifferent to Xie Meilan like a man. For more than 400,000 yuan of targeted drugs, he still owed his uncle 100,000 yuan. In addition, he also wanted to replace his mother with a 260,000 yuan tomb. .

In fact, sometimes, some things are specially prepared for the rich, such as the recognized aristocratic schools, private schools, and these very expensive tombs. Xie Meilan does not feel guilty because she borrowed 400,000 from Mr. Lu. , but felt that Mr. Lu could easily lend 400,000, so he had a weak dislike for Shen Lei.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Xie Meilan is really cruel.

When Xie Meilan insisted on taking leave to abort the child, Shen Lei had absolutely no way of knowing.

However, after Xie Meilan fainted, Shen Lei, the immediate family member, was notified.

Indirectly, Shen Lei learned that his child had been aborted by the child's mother.

When Xie Meilan kept saying that she did not want to have children in a rented house, was Shen Lei always feeling guilty?

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Shen Lei’s apology.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba: When Xie Meilan’s mother was critically ill, she did not beg for mercy and help from the director.

: When Xie Meilan chose to bury her mother with a cemetery worth 260,000 yuan, she agreed without saying a word.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba: When Xie Meilan asked to buy a car, she nodded in agreement without saying a word.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Shen Lei is not a fool.

He knew that he nodded, what did it mean?

If Xie Meilan's mother was not sick, the young couple would still be living a happy life.

However, a serious illness made the already stretched life of these two people even more dilapidated.

When Shen Lei went to his sister and brother-in-law to complain in the middle of the night, Na Wei understood it as soon as he heard it.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Xie Meilan has already found her next home. Only

would say such embarrassing words, but I think they are innocuous.

Xie Meilan never made her position clear from the beginning to the end. The reason why she and Shen Lei got together was because they were from similar backgrounds. The two of them lived a good life, and there was still progress in their lives. At least they would not worry about their household registration or their children's schooling. As for the house, if the two of them work hard, there is still hope. With the help of my sister, it will be a happy ending.

However, Xie Meilan was exposed to tens of millions of investments and people with high net worth. In Xie Meilan's eyes, those mature people were the objects of yearning. Then her husband Shen Lei was ordinary, even When I am short of money, I hate it very much.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

The purpose is self-evident and the goal is clear.

At this time, in addition, Mr. Lu regards 400,000 as child's play. The purpose is self-evident, and the target is Xie Meilan.

In fact, Xie Meilan did not bother to think about it. Although Mr. Lu is young, it does not mean that he does not have a family.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

Could it be that the 400,000 that Mr. Lu lent was wasted like this? It seemed that he was lending a favor, but he actually wanted to use the money in exchange for more things.

If Xie Meilan and Mr. Lu get along well, of course, the money will not have to be paid back. However, the guilt and pain in her heart will accompany her for a lifetime, and even Mr. Lu will look down on her.

The early stage of love is sweet, even when you can’t get it, it’s beautiful.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

After getting it, will she still cherish it?

Especially under such a premise, will Xie Meilan willingly give up a person who truly loves her because she pursues her Mr. Lu so much?

There will come a day when Xie Meilan will regret it. There was once a marriage before her, but she did not cherish it and was so ambitious. She expected a life that could be settled once and for all, or even love at her fingertips, or even a life without worries forever, or even Next to a money tree.

As everyone knows, life is not as beautiful as imagined. People are realistic, not to mention smart businessmen.

What Shen Lei never expected was that his sister could say such words. It turned out that his wife disliked him for having no interest, no money, and no future.

Xie Meilan is waiting for a result, which is divorce.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

has always wanted to cling to Mr. Lu, but it has not stopped yet.

If there is a wise man who can enlighten her, then in comparison, Shen Lei is the person worthy of a lifetime.

Follow Mr. Lu, unless he is single, but if he is single, why would he target such a poor, married woman.

Text: Qingyuan Yangyang The TV series 'Mortal Song' is a hit. Everything is caused by money. Na Wei sees the clues, but Shen Lei is kept in the dark.      The TV series 'Mortal Song' is currently on the air. This drama is directed by Jian Chuanxi and stars Yin Tao, Wang Xiao, Zha - Lujuba

It’s not because he can use the power and money in his hands to get everything this woman wants, and then control her to death.

After thinking about it from another’s perspective, I realized how absurd and sad Xie Meilan’s actions were.

#Mortal Song#

Tags: entertainment