What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight? Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre

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What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

You are also lucky. What is the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?

Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and scary. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many creators are more worried about the short-lived content inspiration and commercial value. After all, the gap is the most difficult emotion to fill.

From pictures and texts to videos, traffic and monetization have always been the two core issues faced by content creators. The essence is the challenge of moving from "creation" to "continuous creation", and from "support" to "sustained operation".

At the 2024 Kuaishou Photosynthetic Creator Conference, we saw more possibilities for ordinary creators to achieve "sustaining operations". Kuaishou provides a new traffic distribution mechanism. Under this mechanism, the number of fans and the monetization potential of an expert may not be linearly related. As long as there is good content, mid-to-low-end experts can still leverage the commercial value of super-head-level ones.

Good content + new traffic mechanism is equivalent to adding an invisible "leverage" for small and medium-sized experts to monetize. With the help of this "leverage", since the second quarter of this year, Kuaishou has successively produced Wang Beisi, Fu Niuniu, Mingming Jie and other mid-level experts who have sold tens of millions of GMV in a single game.

For the millions of people who are active in Kuaishou, this may be like walking into a lottery station with a banner saying "Congratulations to the lottery players on this website for winning the first prize of Double Color Ball", and their sense of belief in continuing to invest in creation is strengthened. One point.


High-quality experts "gold content":

With goods gmv can reach 5 times the number of fans

In the past year, more than a million content experts on Kuaishou have begun to try live streaming to bring goods. For mid-waist and tail experts, if they want to stand out from millions of peers selling goods, they need to have two brushes:

For example, Dalian food blogger @富niuniu, in her short video, she not only shows her home cooking skills, There are also down-to-earth life skills and the pursuit of quality life, through which we can create a "longing for life" for fans. When

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

was delivering shrimp paste in a short video, she looked like an exquisite and wealthy hostess, nibbling on a green onion, and casually reminded fans that raw onions should be flat and dark in color, as they taste sweeter. Once you hear it, you will find the wisdom of life that only those who frequent the vegetable market will have. Turning around, she made Michelin-level exquisite home-cooked dishes such as Northeastern cold noodles, big bones with pickled vegetables, fried saury, and braised shrimp tails in front of the camera. The son of "Fu Niu Niu" even revealed that in order to study food, the family has dozens of pots and chopping boards for personal use.

The true state of mindful living and the positioning of "finely decorated" home-cooked dishes have allowed her to gain 1.98 million followers in 3 years. A large number of fans are naturally attracted by the kitchen utensils, kitchen appliances, seasonings, ingredients, etc. used by "Fu Niu Niu".

With the foundation of short video delivery, “Funiu Niu” launched Kuaishou’s first live broadcast of delivery on July 27 this year. Within 7 hours, her live broadcast room attracted more than 1.86 million online viewers, with a total order volume of more than 150,000. In the end, nearly 2 million fans achieved more than 10 million GMV for their first live broadcast.

Two months ago, @王北思, a content expert in the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", launched his first live broadcast in Northeast China. With 2.1 million+ fans at the time, she earned nearly 10 million GMV in 13 hours, and her sales figures in a single game were comparable to those of a major anchor with 10 million fans.

Different from the professional persona of "Fu Niu Niu", Wang Beisi relied on the image of a bold Sichuan girl and a good wife from the Northeast to record the rural life in Yichun, Heilongjiang in a short video. In the camera, she is doing farm work with her parents-in-law, planting pepper seedlings and digging wild vegetables; she is also cooking at home, cooking elbows in an iron pot and making pickled cabbage dumplings with style.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

With her real-life content and image of being bold, capable, and outspoken, Wang Beisi’s followers increased by 1 million in the first year of running her account, and to 2 million in the second year. In short videos, she cooked beef sauce and picked food. Scenes such as Yichun fungus are being chased by fans asking for related products to be "put on the shelves", and the reputation is good, so live streaming has become a natural thing.

Another Kuaishou “Sannong” expert @明明佳’s performance in carrying goods even surprised her colleagues. In a single live broadcast on August 12, Sister Mingming set a personal record of 11.48 million in turnover, and she had less than 1.5 million fans before the broadcast, which is equivalent to 7 times the number of fans that GM can achieve in a single live broadcast. This is evident from the high stickiness of his fans and their trust in the talent.

Sister Mingming and her family are ordinary Northeastern people. From a single mother setting up a street stall in the county to a content creator returning to the village to shoot short videos, Sister Mingming had no institutional support or professional training all the way. She accumulated experience and popularity by herself through each piece of down-to-earth content and interaction with fans. of. Vegans like

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

are not uncommon in the rural areas of Northeast China. The reason why Sister Mingming came out is that in addition to the fan base she has photographed about rural family life, her changes in life trajectory and personal growth performance in the past two years have also made the label clearer and stronger. In her short videos, the content such as the joy after reorganizing the family, the mutual support of a family or even a village, the unswerving love for hometown, and the charity and giving back to society after earning money can easily make veterans empathize.

This sense of identity and trust has become the key to sales in the live broadcast room.

Judging from platform trends, more and more content creators are beginning to transform into e-commerce experts: In the first half of 2024, the number of Kuaishou experts who started selling goods increased by 56.4% year-on-year. Among this wave of content experts seeking to monetize e-commerce, a group of mid-level experts such as @富niuniu, @王北四在 Northeast, and @明明杰 often have GMVs exceeding 10 million in a single live broadcast, and their performance in delivering goods is not inferior to that of Sitting On. As a top anchor with tens of millions of fans, this also allows more waist and tail experts to see the hope of long-term operation on the platform.

In the era of traditional e-commerce and live broadcast e-commerce 1.0, the number of fans limited the monetization efficiency; now, this logic is being broken bit by bit. Judging from the "content-to-e-commerce" trend emerging on the Kuaishou platform, creators with low fan followings can also achieve high sales through high-quality content.

At the Photosynthetic Creator Conference, the relevant person in charge of Kuaishou shared some on-site observations: The conventional thinking of creators is to first create content, cultivate fans, and then convert, but now this path is no longer inevitable - —Some influencers with less than 10,000 fans have monthly sales of over 100,000 yuan; there are even more exaggerated figures, with influencers with 20,000 or 30,000 fans, the monthly sales can reach about 3 to 5 million yuan.

According to previous data, Kuaishou has nearly 30,000 content experts with 1 million to 5 million fans, and more than 560,000 potential authors with more than 10,000 fans. There is huge room for e-commerce monetization.

In contrast, Wang Jianwei, senior vice president of Kuaishou, head of the e-commerce division and commercialization division, repeatedly emphasized at the meeting that "good content makes good business". The logic behind it is not difficult to understand - for content experts, good Content is the starting point. It not only brings its own traffic, but also creates consumer demand. The final demand is converted into business and contributes to the platform gmv.


How many thresholds must be passed to transfer content to e-commerce?

The transformation from content to e-commerce is not accomplished overnight. The premiere of tens of millions of GMVs and millions of GMVs can only prove the initial success. How to stabilize the momentum and achieve sustainable operations requires content experts to accumulate capabilities based on the ecological characteristics of the platform community.

According to our observation, experts with strong monetization capabilities have strong private domain operation experience. This is because Kuaishou is a community of semi-acquaintances built on trust. Private domain and social interaction have always been the basis for differentiation of its community. Whether it is e-commerce, brand advertising, or knowledge payment, various monetization models have been established. based on long-term trust.

For example, there is a detail in Wang Beisi’s sharing that is particularly impressive. She replies to hundreds of fan comments and private messages every day, all the way up to the maximum number of replies. "This is how relationships are communicated through private messages." If fans are attracted to the beef sauce she cooks, she cooks it and divides it into packages. Welfare will be delivered to old fans one by one. A fan said, "Your cooking tastes great," and she replied in a nagging manner, "Sisters, are you good at cooking? Make something delicious."...

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

Kuaishou is probably the only one with such deep interaction between masters and fans. The latest data shows that more than 75% of Kuaishou's daily active users interact with creators in scenes such as follow pages and pan-private domains. As of July 2024, the number of pun private messages per capita on Kuaishou has increased by 39% year-on-year.

As a platform, Kuaishou naturally hopes to continuously consolidate the private domain interaction between content experts and fans through the upgrade of product algorithms, and then guide these private domain traffic to the public domain for monetization. In this way, content experts who switch to e-commerce can also maintain stable traffic and interactive popularity in the live broadcast room.

The second is supply chain capabilities. When summarizing his successful experience in the premiere, Wang Beisi mentioned one point: the shipment exceeded expectations. She spent a month preparing to select products. Most of the 95 products sold in the live broadcast room are local agricultural specialties in the Northeast, such as Yichun forest black fungus, Yichun soybeans, Northeastern rice dumplings, dried cranberries, and the popular beef sauce. It was originally developed by herself. For this reason, she also built a 60,000-square-meter factory, which will be put into production in early September. On September 8, as the "leader of happy villages", Wang Beisi will also launch a new live broadcast to bring goods.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

▲The Yichun forest black fungus shown in Wang Beisi’s video

Fu Niu Niu also has her own supply chain, and her husband is in charge of it behind the scenes. In comparison, Mingmingjie is relatively weak in product selection in the supply chain and relies more on platform assistance. E-commerce waiters can directly come down to help connect supply sources and guide product selection. They will help experts match people and goods based on fan portraits. Take Sister Mingming's annual welfare live broadcast as an example. The waiters helped select nearly a hundred kinds of products in the early stage, covering more than 30 categories, and the price range was concentrated between 40 yuan and 300 yuan.

Furthermore, the transformation path is not necessarily limited to large-scale live broadcasts. You can use the platform traffic baton to open up business scenarios as much as possible. From the current industry trends, the three e-commerce scenarios of live broadcast, short video and pan-shelf have their own advantages, and the latter two are becoming important supplements to live broadcast e-commerce. In the first quarter of this year, the number of GMVs using short videos to promote goods increased by 2 times year-on-year, while the number of GMVs using pictures and texts to promote goods increased by 19 times year-on-year. In July this year, the number of Kuaishou short video creators increased by 41% year-on-year, while the number of shelf buyers increased by 89% year-on-year.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

You are also lucky. What is the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?

Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and scary. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many creators are more worried about the short-lived content inspiration and commercial value. After all, the gap is the most difficult emotion to fill.

From pictures and texts to videos, traffic and monetization have always been the two core issues faced by content creators. The essence is the challenge of moving from "creation" to "continuous creation", and from "support" to "sustained operation".

At the 2024 Kuaishou Photosynthetic Creator Conference, we saw more possibilities for ordinary creators to achieve "sustaining operations". Kuaishou provides a new traffic distribution mechanism. Under this mechanism, the number of fans and the monetization potential of an expert may not be linearly related. As long as there is good content, mid-to-low-end experts can still leverage the commercial value of super-head-level ones.

Good content + new traffic mechanism is equivalent to adding an invisible "leverage" for small and medium-sized experts to monetize. With the help of this "leverage", since the second quarter of this year, Kuaishou has successively produced Wang Beisi, Fu Niuniu, Mingming Jie and other mid-level experts who have sold tens of millions of GMV in a single game.

For the millions of people who are active in Kuaishou, this may be like walking into a lottery station with a banner saying "Congratulations to the lottery players on this website for winning the first prize of Double Color Ball", and their sense of belief in continuing to invest in creation is strengthened. One point.


High-quality experts "gold content":

With goods gmv can reach 5 times the number of fans

In the past year, more than a million content experts on Kuaishou have begun to try live streaming to bring goods. For mid-waist and tail experts, if they want to stand out from millions of peers selling goods, they need to have two brushes:

For example, Dalian food blogger @富niuniu, in her short video, she not only shows her home cooking skills, There are also down-to-earth life skills and the pursuit of quality life, through which we can create a "longing for life" for fans. When

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

was delivering shrimp paste in a short video, she looked like an exquisite and wealthy hostess, nibbling on a green onion, and casually reminded fans that raw onions should be flat and dark in color, as they taste sweeter. Once you hear it, you will find the wisdom of life that only those who frequent the vegetable market will have. Turning around, she made Michelin-level exquisite home-cooked dishes such as Northeastern cold noodles, big bones with pickled vegetables, fried saury, and braised shrimp tails in front of the camera. The son of "Fu Niu Niu" even revealed that in order to study food, the family has dozens of pots and chopping boards for personal use.

The true state of mindful living and the positioning of "finely decorated" home-cooked dishes have allowed her to gain 1.98 million followers in 3 years. A large number of fans are naturally attracted by the kitchen utensils, kitchen appliances, seasonings, ingredients, etc. used by "Fu Niu Niu".

With the foundation of short video delivery, “Funiu Niu” launched Kuaishou’s first live broadcast of delivery on July 27 this year. Within 7 hours, her live broadcast room attracted more than 1.86 million online viewers, with a total order volume of more than 150,000. In the end, nearly 2 million fans achieved more than 10 million GMV for their first live broadcast.

Two months ago, @王北思, a content expert in the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", launched his first live broadcast in Northeast China. With 2.1 million+ fans at the time, she earned nearly 10 million GMV in 13 hours, and her sales figures in a single game were comparable to those of a major anchor with 10 million fans.

Different from the professional persona of "Fu Niu Niu", Wang Beisi relied on the image of a bold Sichuan girl and a good wife from the Northeast to record the rural life in Yichun, Heilongjiang in a short video. In the camera, she is doing farm work with her parents-in-law, planting pepper seedlings and digging wild vegetables; she is also cooking at home, cooking elbows in an iron pot and making pickled cabbage dumplings with style.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

With her real-life content and image of being bold, capable, and outspoken, Wang Beisi’s followers increased by 1 million in the first year of running her account, and to 2 million in the second year. In short videos, she cooked beef sauce and picked food. Scenes such as Yichun fungus are being chased by fans asking for related products to be "put on the shelves", and the reputation is good, so live streaming has become a natural thing.

Another Kuaishou “Sannong” expert @明明佳’s performance in carrying goods even surprised her colleagues. In a single live broadcast on August 12, Sister Mingming set a personal record of 11.48 million in turnover, and she had less than 1.5 million fans before the broadcast, which is equivalent to 7 times the number of fans that GM can achieve in a single live broadcast. This is evident from the high stickiness of his fans and their trust in the talent.

Sister Mingming and her family are ordinary Northeastern people. From a single mother setting up a street stall in the county to a content creator returning to the village to shoot short videos, Sister Mingming had no institutional support or professional training all the way. She accumulated experience and popularity by herself through each piece of down-to-earth content and interaction with fans. of. Vegans like

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

are not uncommon in the rural areas of Northeast China. The reason why Sister Mingming came out is that in addition to the fan base she has photographed about rural family life, her changes in life trajectory and personal growth performance in the past two years have also made the label clearer and stronger. In her short videos, the content such as the joy after reorganizing the family, the mutual support of a family or even a village, the unswerving love for hometown, and the charity and giving back to society after earning money can easily make veterans empathize.

This sense of identity and trust has become the key to sales in the live broadcast room.

Judging from platform trends, more and more content creators are beginning to transform into e-commerce experts: In the first half of 2024, the number of Kuaishou experts who started selling goods increased by 56.4% year-on-year. Among this wave of content experts seeking to monetize e-commerce, a group of mid-level experts such as @富niuniu, @王北四在 Northeast, and @明明杰 often have GMVs exceeding 10 million in a single live broadcast, and their performance in delivering goods is not inferior to that of Sitting On. As a top anchor with tens of millions of fans, this also allows more waist and tail experts to see the hope of long-term operation on the platform.

In the era of traditional e-commerce and live broadcast e-commerce 1.0, the number of fans limited the monetization efficiency; now, this logic is being broken bit by bit. Judging from the "content-to-e-commerce" trend emerging on the Kuaishou platform, creators with low fan followings can also achieve high sales through high-quality content.

At the Photosynthetic Creator Conference, the relevant person in charge of Kuaishou shared some on-site observations: The conventional thinking of creators is to first create content, cultivate fans, and then convert, but now this path is no longer inevitable - —Some influencers with less than 10,000 fans have monthly sales of over 100,000 yuan; there are even more exaggerated figures, with influencers with 20,000 or 30,000 fans, the monthly sales can reach about 3 to 5 million yuan.

According to previous data, Kuaishou has nearly 30,000 content experts with 1 million to 5 million fans, and more than 560,000 potential authors with more than 10,000 fans. There is huge room for e-commerce monetization.

In contrast, Wang Jianwei, senior vice president of Kuaishou, head of the e-commerce division and commercialization division, repeatedly emphasized at the meeting that "good content makes good business". The logic behind it is not difficult to understand - for content experts, good Content is the starting point. It not only brings its own traffic, but also creates consumer demand. The final demand is converted into business and contributes to the platform gmv.


How many thresholds must be passed to transfer content to e-commerce?

The transformation from content to e-commerce is not accomplished overnight. The premiere of tens of millions of GMVs and millions of GMVs can only prove the initial success. How to stabilize the momentum and achieve sustainable operations requires content experts to accumulate capabilities based on the ecological characteristics of the platform community.

According to our observation, experts with strong monetization capabilities have strong private domain operation experience. This is because Kuaishou is a community of semi-acquaintances built on trust. Private domain and social interaction have always been the basis for differentiation of its community. Whether it is e-commerce, brand advertising, or knowledge payment, various monetization models have been established. based on long-term trust.

For example, there is a detail in Wang Beisi’s sharing that is particularly impressive. She replies to hundreds of fan comments and private messages every day, all the way up to the maximum number of replies. "This is how relationships are communicated through private messages." If fans are attracted to the beef sauce she cooks, she cooks it and divides it into packages. Welfare will be delivered to old fans one by one. A fan said, "Your cooking tastes great," and she replied in a nagging manner, "Sisters, are you good at cooking? Make something delicious."...

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

Kuaishou is probably the only one with such deep interaction between masters and fans. The latest data shows that more than 75% of Kuaishou's daily active users interact with creators in scenes such as follow pages and pan-private domains. As of July 2024, the number of pun private messages per capita on Kuaishou has increased by 39% year-on-year.

As a platform, Kuaishou naturally hopes to continuously consolidate the private domain interaction between content experts and fans through the upgrade of product algorithms, and then guide these private domain traffic to the public domain for monetization. In this way, content experts who switch to e-commerce can also maintain stable traffic and interactive popularity in the live broadcast room.

The second is supply chain capabilities. When summarizing his successful experience in the premiere, Wang Beisi mentioned one point: the shipment exceeded expectations. She spent a month preparing to select products. Most of the 95 products sold in the live broadcast room are local agricultural specialties in the Northeast, such as Yichun forest black fungus, Yichun soybeans, Northeastern rice dumplings, dried cranberries, and the popular beef sauce. It was originally developed by herself. For this reason, she also built a 60,000-square-meter factory, which will be put into production in early September. On September 8, as the "leader of happy villages", Wang Beisi will also launch a new live broadcast to bring goods.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

▲The Yichun forest black fungus shown in Wang Beisi’s video

Fu Niu Niu also has her own supply chain, and her husband is in charge of it behind the scenes. In comparison, Mingmingjie is relatively weak in product selection in the supply chain and relies more on platform assistance. E-commerce waiters can directly come down to help connect supply sources and guide product selection. They will help experts match people and goods based on fan portraits. Take Sister Mingming's annual welfare live broadcast as an example. The waiters helped select nearly a hundred kinds of products in the early stage, covering more than 30 categories, and the price range was concentrated between 40 yuan and 300 yuan.

Furthermore, the transformation path is not necessarily limited to large-scale live broadcasts. You can use the platform traffic baton to open up business scenarios as much as possible. From the current industry trends, the three e-commerce scenarios of live broadcast, short video and pan-shelf have their own advantages, and the latter two are becoming important supplements to live broadcast e-commerce. In the first quarter of this year, the number of GMVs using short videos to promote goods increased by 2 times year-on-year, while the number of GMVs using pictures and texts to promote goods increased by 19 times year-on-year. In July this year, the number of Kuaishou short video creators increased by 41% year-on-year, while the number of shelf buyers increased by 89% year-on-year.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

▲Picture source: Kuaishou Q2 financial report

Among them, short video combined with live broadcast has the effect of 1+1 greater than 2. Content methods such as live broadcast warm-up, live broadcast slicing, short video traffic drainage, etc. can extend the live broadcast sales on a rolling basis and expand the efficiency of the live broadcast field. . Pan-shelf shelves further lower the threshold for bringing goods.

On the basis of good content, private domain operation skills and product control capabilities, it is easy for content experts to switch to e-commerce.


How can small and medium-sized experts take advantage of the platform to "leverage",

How can content and business be "in the same direction"?

The success of Fu Niu Niu and Wang Beisi is partly related to the dividends released by the new traffic distribution mechanism of the platform.

From the expert level, supporting more middle- and lower-end e-commerce creators is a focus of Kuaishou’s e-commerce policy. At the Photosynthetic Creator Conference, Kuaishou announced that it will use more than 70 billion traffic to create the Fuyao Plan to help experts break through the scale of live broadcasts. At the same time, more traffic support will be provided for scenarios such as short video delivery and live broadcast of hot product slicing to help experts achieve explosive sales.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

From a global perspective, at the beginning of this year, Kuaishou quietly explored reconstructing the traffic distribution mechanism—the “new private domain mechanism.” Through the linkage model of public and private domain traffic, fans and experts, content and business can go in both directions.

As a community platform, balancing the needs of creators and users and realizing the synchronization of content and commerce is not only a core proposition, but also a dynamically changing operating philosophy, which requires constantly iterative algorithm mechanisms to be embedded into platform products.

According to Gai Kun, Kuaishou’s senior vice president and head of the main site business and community science line, the “new private domain” explanation is that the platform will use algorithms to identify loyal fans of the celebrity. Even if they do not open the celebrity’s personal homepage, Kuaishou will We will recommend the works of experts to them in the public domain, so that the public domain and private domain combined have a reach rate of more than 80% of loyal fans.

By triggering user comments, likes and other interactive behaviors in the public domain, the master can obtain additional traffic and convert it into fans for private domain operations; and the private domain interaction of loyal fans can allow the master to operate in the public domain A stable exposure is obtained, thus forming a positive cycle.

Wang Beisi, Sister Mingming, and Fu Niuniu all experienced a new round of fan increase through live broadcasts. For example, Sister Mingming found that she had more than 60,000 more fans after the live broadcast of her remarriage anniversary with her "fourth brother" ended. During the warm-up period and the day of the live broadcast, Fu Niuniu gained 79,000 followers.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

Sister Mingming recommended products in the live broadcast room

The core of the "new private domain" traffic distribution, on the surface it is to open the boundaries of the public and private domain traffic pools, but in fact it requires the masters to pay more attention to the maintenance of trust relationships with fans and cultivate loyalty. Fans are strengthening private domain barriers in order to achieve long-term operations in Kuaishou. The prerequisite for establishing loyal interaction is good content, so we will see Kuaishou launch a series of operational tools focusing on high-quality content such as "User Love".

Regarding the future support direction of the Photosynthesis Project, Huang Mimi, the author and content ecological business leader of Kuaishou, revealed that in the future, Kuaishou’s core wants to support high-quality content that is highly liked by users, has long-term consumption value, and has user stickiness. Specific to the group of people, we will tend to support creators who have been operating on the platform for a long time, are highly diligent, and are willing to grow with the platform. In terms of content, we will focus on supporting categories such as agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the second dimension, and useful content.In terms of genres, new genres such as Chinese videos have attracted much attention.

With the joint action of many "levers", it is possible that more Wang Beisi will emerge among the millions of Kuaishou delivery experts. They may not have tens of millions of GMV in their first live broadcast, or break existing sales records, but at the very least, more and more diverse middle- and lower-end experts are exploring e-commerce monetization, which is conducive to the flourishing growth of the entire creator ecosystem.

Content and business go in the same direction. It also provides small and medium-sized experts with the confidence to continue operating and helps more people find new solutions to traffic and monetization. In this way, even if one day the creative content suddenly becomes popular all over the Internet, the content experts will not be too worried about gains and losses.

continues to produce good content, and there is always nothing wrong.

In terms of genres, new genres such as Chinese videos have attracted much attention.

With the joint action of many "levers", it is possible that more Wang Beisi will emerge among the millions of Kuaishou delivery experts. They may not have tens of millions of GMV in their first live broadcast, or break existing sales records, but at the very least, more and more diverse middle- and lower-end experts are exploring e-commerce monetization, which is conducive to the flourishing growth of the entire creator ecosystem.

Content and business go in the same direction. It also provides small and medium-sized experts with the confidence to continue operating and helps more people find new solutions to traffic and monetization. In this way, even if one day the creative content suddenly becomes popular all over the Internet, the content experts will not be too worried about gains and losses.

continues to produce good content, and there is always nothing wrong.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

You are also lucky. What is the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?

Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and scary. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many creators are more worried about the short-lived content inspiration and commercial value. After all, the gap is the most difficult emotion to fill.

From pictures and texts to videos, traffic and monetization have always been the two core issues faced by content creators. The essence is the challenge of moving from "creation" to "continuous creation", and from "support" to "sustained operation".

At the 2024 Kuaishou Photosynthetic Creator Conference, we saw more possibilities for ordinary creators to achieve "sustaining operations". Kuaishou provides a new traffic distribution mechanism. Under this mechanism, the number of fans and the monetization potential of an expert may not be linearly related. As long as there is good content, mid-to-low-end experts can still leverage the commercial value of super-head-level ones.

Good content + new traffic mechanism is equivalent to adding an invisible "leverage" for small and medium-sized experts to monetize. With the help of this "leverage", since the second quarter of this year, Kuaishou has successively produced Wang Beisi, Fu Niuniu, Mingming Jie and other mid-level experts who have sold tens of millions of GMV in a single game.

For the millions of people who are active in Kuaishou, this may be like walking into a lottery station with a banner saying "Congratulations to the lottery players on this website for winning the first prize of Double Color Ball", and their sense of belief in continuing to invest in creation is strengthened. One point.


High-quality experts "gold content":

With goods gmv can reach 5 times the number of fans

In the past year, more than a million content experts on Kuaishou have begun to try live streaming to bring goods. For mid-waist and tail experts, if they want to stand out from millions of peers selling goods, they need to have two brushes:

For example, Dalian food blogger @富niuniu, in her short video, she not only shows her home cooking skills, There are also down-to-earth life skills and the pursuit of quality life, through which we can create a "longing for life" for fans. When

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

was delivering shrimp paste in a short video, she looked like an exquisite and wealthy hostess, nibbling on a green onion, and casually reminded fans that raw onions should be flat and dark in color, as they taste sweeter. Once you hear it, you will find the wisdom of life that only those who frequent the vegetable market will have. Turning around, she made Michelin-level exquisite home-cooked dishes such as Northeastern cold noodles, big bones with pickled vegetables, fried saury, and braised shrimp tails in front of the camera. The son of "Fu Niu Niu" even revealed that in order to study food, the family has dozens of pots and chopping boards for personal use.

The true state of mindful living and the positioning of "finely decorated" home-cooked dishes have allowed her to gain 1.98 million followers in 3 years. A large number of fans are naturally attracted by the kitchen utensils, kitchen appliances, seasonings, ingredients, etc. used by "Fu Niu Niu".

With the foundation of short video delivery, “Funiu Niu” launched Kuaishou’s first live broadcast of delivery on July 27 this year. Within 7 hours, her live broadcast room attracted more than 1.86 million online viewers, with a total order volume of more than 150,000. In the end, nearly 2 million fans achieved more than 10 million GMV for their first live broadcast.

Two months ago, @王北思, a content expert in the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", launched his first live broadcast in Northeast China. With 2.1 million+ fans at the time, she earned nearly 10 million GMV in 13 hours, and her sales figures in a single game were comparable to those of a major anchor with 10 million fans.

Different from the professional persona of "Fu Niu Niu", Wang Beisi relied on the image of a bold Sichuan girl and a good wife from the Northeast to record the rural life in Yichun, Heilongjiang in a short video. In the camera, she is doing farm work with her parents-in-law, planting pepper seedlings and digging wild vegetables; she is also cooking at home, cooking elbows in an iron pot and making pickled cabbage dumplings with style.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

With her real-life content and image of being bold, capable, and outspoken, Wang Beisi’s followers increased by 1 million in the first year of running her account, and to 2 million in the second year. In short videos, she cooked beef sauce and picked food. Scenes such as Yichun fungus are being chased by fans asking for related products to be "put on the shelves", and the reputation is good, so live streaming has become a natural thing.

Another Kuaishou “Sannong” expert @明明佳’s performance in carrying goods even surprised her colleagues. In a single live broadcast on August 12, Sister Mingming set a personal record of 11.48 million in turnover, and she had less than 1.5 million fans before the broadcast, which is equivalent to 7 times the number of fans that GM can achieve in a single live broadcast. This is evident from the high stickiness of his fans and their trust in the talent.

Sister Mingming and her family are ordinary Northeastern people. From a single mother setting up a street stall in the county to a content creator returning to the village to shoot short videos, Sister Mingming had no institutional support or professional training all the way. She accumulated experience and popularity by herself through each piece of down-to-earth content and interaction with fans. of. Vegans like

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

are not uncommon in the rural areas of Northeast China. The reason why Sister Mingming came out is that in addition to the fan base she has photographed about rural family life, her changes in life trajectory and personal growth performance in the past two years have also made the label clearer and stronger. In her short videos, the content such as the joy after reorganizing the family, the mutual support of a family or even a village, the unswerving love for hometown, and the charity and giving back to society after earning money can easily make veterans empathize.

This sense of identity and trust has become the key to sales in the live broadcast room.

Judging from platform trends, more and more content creators are beginning to transform into e-commerce experts: In the first half of 2024, the number of Kuaishou experts who started selling goods increased by 56.4% year-on-year. Among this wave of content experts seeking to monetize e-commerce, a group of mid-level experts such as @富niuniu, @王北四在 Northeast, and @明明杰 often have GMVs exceeding 10 million in a single live broadcast, and their performance in delivering goods is not inferior to that of Sitting On. As a top anchor with tens of millions of fans, this also allows more waist and tail experts to see the hope of long-term operation on the platform.

In the era of traditional e-commerce and live broadcast e-commerce 1.0, the number of fans limited the monetization efficiency; now, this logic is being broken bit by bit. Judging from the "content-to-e-commerce" trend emerging on the Kuaishou platform, creators with low fan followings can also achieve high sales through high-quality content.

At the Photosynthetic Creator Conference, the relevant person in charge of Kuaishou shared some on-site observations: The conventional thinking of creators is to first create content, cultivate fans, and then convert, but now this path is no longer inevitable - —Some influencers with less than 10,000 fans have monthly sales of over 100,000 yuan; there are even more exaggerated figures, with influencers with 20,000 or 30,000 fans, the monthly sales can reach about 3 to 5 million yuan.

According to previous data, Kuaishou has nearly 30,000 content experts with 1 million to 5 million fans, and more than 560,000 potential authors with more than 10,000 fans. There is huge room for e-commerce monetization.

In contrast, Wang Jianwei, senior vice president of Kuaishou, head of the e-commerce division and commercialization division, repeatedly emphasized at the meeting that "good content makes good business". The logic behind it is not difficult to understand - for content experts, good Content is the starting point. It not only brings its own traffic, but also creates consumer demand. The final demand is converted into business and contributes to the platform gmv.


How many thresholds must be passed to transfer content to e-commerce?

The transformation from content to e-commerce is not accomplished overnight. The premiere of tens of millions of GMVs and millions of GMVs can only prove the initial success. How to stabilize the momentum and achieve sustainable operations requires content experts to accumulate capabilities based on the ecological characteristics of the platform community.

According to our observation, experts with strong monetization capabilities have strong private domain operation experience. This is because Kuaishou is a community of semi-acquaintances built on trust. Private domain and social interaction have always been the basis for differentiation of its community. Whether it is e-commerce, brand advertising, or knowledge payment, various monetization models have been established. based on long-term trust.

For example, there is a detail in Wang Beisi’s sharing that is particularly impressive. She replies to hundreds of fan comments and private messages every day, all the way up to the maximum number of replies. "This is how relationships are communicated through private messages." If fans are attracted to the beef sauce she cooks, she cooks it and divides it into packages. Welfare will be delivered to old fans one by one. A fan said, "Your cooking tastes great," and she replied in a nagging manner, "Sisters, are you good at cooking? Make something delicious."...

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

Kuaishou is probably the only one with such deep interaction between masters and fans. The latest data shows that more than 75% of Kuaishou's daily active users interact with creators in scenes such as follow pages and pan-private domains. As of July 2024, the number of pun private messages per capita on Kuaishou has increased by 39% year-on-year.

As a platform, Kuaishou naturally hopes to continuously consolidate the private domain interaction between content experts and fans through the upgrade of product algorithms, and then guide these private domain traffic to the public domain for monetization. In this way, content experts who switch to e-commerce can also maintain stable traffic and interactive popularity in the live broadcast room.

The second is supply chain capabilities. When summarizing his successful experience in the premiere, Wang Beisi mentioned one point: the shipment exceeded expectations. She spent a month preparing to select products. Most of the 95 products sold in the live broadcast room are local agricultural specialties in the Northeast, such as Yichun forest black fungus, Yichun soybeans, Northeastern rice dumplings, dried cranberries, and the popular beef sauce. It was originally developed by herself. For this reason, she also built a 60,000-square-meter factory, which will be put into production in early September. On September 8, as the "leader of happy villages", Wang Beisi will also launch a new live broadcast to bring goods.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

▲The Yichun forest black fungus shown in Wang Beisi’s video

Fu Niu Niu also has her own supply chain, and her husband is in charge of it behind the scenes. In comparison, Mingmingjie is relatively weak in product selection in the supply chain and relies more on platform assistance. E-commerce waiters can directly come down to help connect supply sources and guide product selection. They will help experts match people and goods based on fan portraits. Take Sister Mingming's annual welfare live broadcast as an example. The waiters helped select nearly a hundred kinds of products in the early stage, covering more than 30 categories, and the price range was concentrated between 40 yuan and 300 yuan.

Furthermore, the transformation path is not necessarily limited to large-scale live broadcasts. You can use the platform traffic baton to open up business scenarios as much as possible. From the current industry trends, the three e-commerce scenarios of live broadcast, short video and pan-shelf have their own advantages, and the latter two are becoming important supplements to live broadcast e-commerce. In the first quarter of this year, the number of GMVs using short videos to promote goods increased by 2 times year-on-year, while the number of GMVs using pictures and texts to promote goods increased by 19 times year-on-year. In July this year, the number of Kuaishou short video creators increased by 41% year-on-year, while the number of shelf buyers increased by 89% year-on-year.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

▲Picture source: Kuaishou Q2 financial report

Among them, short video combined with live broadcast has the effect of 1+1 greater than 2. Content methods such as live broadcast warm-up, live broadcast slicing, short video traffic drainage, etc. can extend the live broadcast sales on a rolling basis and expand the efficiency of the live broadcast field. . Pan-shelf shelves further lower the threshold for bringing goods.

On the basis of good content, private domain operation skills and product control capabilities, it is easy for content experts to switch to e-commerce.


How can small and medium-sized experts take advantage of the platform to "leverage",

How can content and business be "in the same direction"?

The success of Fu Niu Niu and Wang Beisi is partly related to the dividends released by the new traffic distribution mechanism of the platform.

From the expert level, supporting more middle- and lower-end e-commerce creators is a focus of Kuaishou’s e-commerce policy. At the Photosynthetic Creator Conference, Kuaishou announced that it will use more than 70 billion traffic to create the Fuyao Plan to help experts break through the scale of live broadcasts. At the same time, more traffic support will be provided for scenarios such as short video delivery and live broadcast of hot product slicing to help experts achieve explosive sales.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

From a global perspective, at the beginning of this year, Kuaishou quietly explored reconstructing the traffic distribution mechanism—the “new private domain mechanism.” Through the linkage model of public and private domain traffic, fans and experts, content and business can go in both directions.

As a community platform, balancing the needs of creators and users and realizing the synchronization of content and commerce is not only a core proposition, but also a dynamically changing operating philosophy, which requires constantly iterative algorithm mechanisms to be embedded into platform products.

According to Gai Kun, Kuaishou’s senior vice president and head of the main site business and community science line, the “new private domain” explanation is that the platform will use algorithms to identify loyal fans of the celebrity. Even if they do not open the celebrity’s personal homepage, Kuaishou will We will recommend the works of experts to them in the public domain, so that the public domain and private domain combined have a reach rate of more than 80% of loyal fans.

By triggering user comments, likes and other interactive behaviors in the public domain, the master can obtain additional traffic and convert it into fans for private domain operations; and the private domain interaction of loyal fans can allow the master to operate in the public domain A stable exposure is obtained, thus forming a positive cycle.

Wang Beisi, Sister Mingming, and Fu Niuniu all experienced a new round of fan increase through live broadcasts. For example, Sister Mingming found that she had more than 60,000 more fans after the live broadcast of her remarriage anniversary with her "fourth brother" ended. During the warm-up period and the day of the live broadcast, Fu Niuniu gained 79,000 followers.

What's the difference between winning a lottery ticket and making a video that went viral overnight?      Content creators will probably tell you that the latter scene is both joyful and terrifying. Compared with the disappointment of not being selected by the algorithm, many cre - Lujuba

Sister Mingming recommended products in the live broadcast room

The core of the "new private domain" traffic distribution, on the surface it is to open the boundaries of the public and private domain traffic pools, but in fact it requires the masters to pay more attention to the maintenance of trust relationships with fans and cultivate loyalty. Fans are strengthening private domain barriers in order to achieve long-term operations in Kuaishou. The prerequisite for establishing loyal interaction is good content, so we will see Kuaishou launch a series of operational tools focusing on high-quality content such as "User Love".

Regarding the future support direction of the Photosynthesis Project, Huang Mimi, the author and content ecological business leader of Kuaishou, revealed that in the future, Kuaishou’s core wants to support high-quality content that is highly liked by users, has long-term consumption value, and has user stickiness. Specific to the group of people, we will tend to support creators who have been operating on the platform for a long time, are highly diligent, and are willing to grow with the platform. In terms of content, we will focus on supporting categories such as agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the second dimension, and useful content.In terms of genres, new genres such as Chinese videos have attracted much attention.

With the joint action of many "levers", it is possible that more Wang Beisi will emerge among the millions of Kuaishou delivery experts. They may not have tens of millions of GMV in their first live broadcast, or break existing sales records, but at the very least, more and more diverse middle- and lower-end experts are exploring e-commerce monetization, which is conducive to the flourishing growth of the entire creator ecosystem.

Content and business go in the same direction. It also provides small and medium-sized experts with the confidence to continue operating and helps more people find new solutions to traffic and monetization. In this way, even if one day the creative content suddenly becomes popular all over the Internet, the content experts will not be too worried about gains and losses.

continues to produce good content, and there is always nothing wrong.

Tags: entertainment