"It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!" August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci

entertainment 2557℃

"What an airplane adventure! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this kind of harassment!" August 29 On the same day, Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an incident she encountered on an online social platform. Her bravery has been praised by many netizens!

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

"Bald man" harasses young girl on plane? !

"Brave Sister" came to the rescue

html On the afternoon of August 27, Ms. Huang traveled alone on a flight from Shenzhen to Hangzhou. When the plane was in standby before takeoff, a middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the row in front of her caught her attention.

"I was in the window seat. There was a little girl in the second year of high school sitting in front of me. She was fair and clean, and she was traveling alone. In the middle seat in the front row was a middle-aged man with a shaved head and wearing a A pair of glasses. Because they were seated next to each other, the man started chatting with the little sister as soon as they got on the plane. I listened carefully in the back row. He kept asking how old the little sister was and what school she went to. , Which countries have you been to, do you have money..." Ms. Huang said.

At first, Ms. Huang thought the man just liked to chat, but one move made her intolerable. "The man's entire body was leaning against the girl, occupying most of the space. The little girl must have been very frightened and could only curl up and cling to the cabin. This kind of behavior was really beyond my control in the back seat at the time. Bear with it!" Ms. Huang said.

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

The plane had not taken off at that time, so Ms. Huang picked up her mobile phone and asked one of her male friends, "Because I was afraid that I was too sensitive, so I first asked other male friends for their advice to see if this situation was harassment. . As a result, my male friend told me directly that this was harassment and that I had to stop it!" Ms. Huang said.

Out of protection for the girl, Ms. Huang went straight to the point and asked to change seats with the girl. "The little girl probably wanted to change seats, but she was embarrassed to say it in front of the 'bald man'. Although the first change of seats was unsuccessful, I also understand the girl's situation. In this urgent and threatening situation, It’s really hard to say it in this state,” Ms. Huang said.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man’s behavior also caused dissatisfaction among other passengers on the plane, and some passengers called the flight attendant.

"In addition to me, everyone else also noticed something strange. At that time, the flight attendant came over and asked the little sister if she wanted to change seats. The little sister asked in a low voice if she could upgrade? But unfortunately, it was no longer possible to upgrade that day." Huang The lady said that the flight attendant then directly called the air police on the plane. "The air police said there was an empty seat in front of him and asked the little girl if she wanted to change seats?" In the end, the little girl successfully changed to the empty seat in front of her, Huang said. The lady felt a lot more at ease.

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

After the little girl changed seats, the middle man in the front row turned to ask Ms. Huang and said, "Why did you change seats with the little girl?" Ms. Huang responded directly: "I did the right thing, why should I follow her? "Explain?" Although

helped the little girl out, Ms. Huang did not realize that this behavior might affect her personal safety. After the plane took off, the middle-aged man turned his head several times to observe his condition.

"Fortunately, the enthusiastic man in the seat next to me communicated with the flight attendant and the police in advance. After the plane landed, they had contacted the police, doctors, ground staff and other personnel on the ground to ensure my safety. In fact, at that moment, I still felt very warm. "Yes, when you protect the weak, someone will protect you!" Ms. Huang said: "I am also very grateful to the passengers who helped me and the crew of Longlong Airlines. They are very sharp and resourceful! They also gave me a lot of help. Great confidence."

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

The boundary of "harassment" is actually difficult to define. Why would you come forward in this situation? "In this case, when you speak out loud, some people may think you are making a fuss, but if you don't speak out, you won't Go and stop it. If you swallow your anger too much, it will only encourage this bad thing to happen again! Compared to that little sister, I am an adult in my 30s and have the responsibility and obligation to lend a helping hand. "Ms. Huang said.

Netizens swiped the screen: Like "Brave Sister"!

Ms. Huang posted her experience on the online platform, and many netizens supported and liked it!

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

What should I do if I encounter harassment on the plane?

How should those who secretly photograph, harass, or molest people on the plane defend their rights from a legal perspective?

Hangbangxia lawyer Wang Yang said: “According to the provisions of Article 42, Paragraph 6, of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, voyeurism, secret photography, Anyone who eavesdrops on or spreads the privacy of others shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are more serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than 10 days, and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan; Article 44: Obscenity Anyone who molests others, or deliberately exposes his body in public places, and the circumstances are serious, shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days; whoever molests intellectually disabled people, mentally ill people, people under the age of fourteen, or other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to not less than ten days but not more than ten days. Detention for not more than five days. ”

Lawyer Wang reminded: “When encountering situations such as candid filming and harassment, you must dare to expose them face to face, dare to accuse them face to face, and quickly let the public around you know about your bad behavior. At the same time, you should also pay attention to fixing the evidence. Recording and video recording on your mobile phone or asking people around you to help record and video are the most direct and effective methods. Faced with this kind of illegal behavior, a report should be made promptly.

"What an airplane adventure! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this kind of harassment!" August 29 On the same day, Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an incident she encountered on an online social platform. Her bravery has been praised by many netizens!

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

"Bald man" harasses young girl on plane? !

"Brave Sister" came to the rescue

html On the afternoon of August 27, Ms. Huang traveled alone on a flight from Shenzhen to Hangzhou. When the plane was in standby before takeoff, a middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the row in front of her caught her attention.

"I was in the window seat. There was a little girl in the second year of high school sitting in front of me. She was fair and clean, and she was traveling alone. In the middle seat in the front row was a middle-aged man with a shaved head and wearing a A pair of glasses. Because they were seated next to each other, the man started chatting with the little sister as soon as they got on the plane. I listened carefully in the back row. He kept asking how old the little sister was and what school she went to. , Which countries have you been to, do you have money..." Ms. Huang said.

At first, Ms. Huang thought the man just liked to chat, but one move made her intolerable. "The man's entire body was leaning against the girl, occupying most of the space. The little girl must have been very frightened and could only curl up and cling to the cabin. This kind of behavior was really beyond my control in the back seat at the time. Bear with it!" Ms. Huang said.

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

The plane had not taken off at that time, so Ms. Huang picked up her mobile phone and asked one of her male friends, "Because I was afraid that I was too sensitive, so I first asked other male friends for their advice to see if this situation was harassment. . As a result, my male friend told me directly that this was harassment and that I had to stop it!" Ms. Huang said.

Out of protection for the girl, Ms. Huang went straight to the point and asked to change seats with the girl. "The little girl probably wanted to change seats, but she was embarrassed to say it in front of the 'bald man'. Although the first change of seats was unsuccessful, I also understand the girl's situation. In this urgent and threatening situation, It’s really hard to say it in this state,” Ms. Huang said.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man’s behavior also caused dissatisfaction among other passengers on the plane, and some passengers called the flight attendant.

"In addition to me, everyone else also noticed something strange. At that time, the flight attendant came over and asked the little sister if she wanted to change seats. The little sister asked in a low voice if she could upgrade? But unfortunately, it was no longer possible to upgrade that day." Huang The lady said that the flight attendant then directly called the air police on the plane. "The air police said there was an empty seat in front of him and asked the little girl if she wanted to change seats?" In the end, the little girl successfully changed to the empty seat in front of her, Huang said. The lady felt a lot more at ease.

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

After the little girl changed seats, the middle man in the front row turned to ask Ms. Huang and said, "Why did you change seats with the little girl?" Ms. Huang responded directly: "I did the right thing, why should I follow her? "Explain?" Although

helped the little girl out, Ms. Huang did not realize that this behavior might affect her personal safety. After the plane took off, the middle-aged man turned his head several times to observe his condition.

"Fortunately, the enthusiastic man in the seat next to me communicated with the flight attendant and the police in advance. After the plane landed, they had contacted the police, doctors, ground staff and other personnel on the ground to ensure my safety. In fact, at that moment, I still felt very warm. "Yes, when you protect the weak, someone will protect you!" Ms. Huang said: "I am also very grateful to the passengers who helped me and the crew of Longlong Airlines. They are very sharp and resourceful! They also gave me a lot of help. Great confidence."

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

The boundary of "harassment" is actually difficult to define. Why would you come forward in this situation? "In this case, when you speak out loud, some people may think you are making a fuss, but if you don't speak out, you won't Go and stop it. If you swallow your anger too much, it will only encourage this bad thing to happen again! Compared to that little sister, I am an adult in my 30s and have the responsibility and obligation to lend a helping hand. "Ms. Huang said.

Netizens swiped the screen: Like "Brave Sister"!

Ms. Huang posted her experience on the online platform, and many netizens supported and liked it!

'It's really a plane 'adventure'! I have encountered this kind of wretched man who harassed girls before. Although I was panicking at the time, I had to stand up to protect the little sister and stop this harassment!' August 29 , Ms. Huang (pseudonym) from Hangzhou shared an inci - Lujuba

What should I do if I encounter harassment on the plane?

How should those who secretly photograph, harass, or molest people on the plane defend their rights from a legal perspective?

Hangbangxia lawyer Wang Yang said: “According to the provisions of Article 42, Paragraph 6, of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, voyeurism, secret photography, Anyone who eavesdrops on or spreads the privacy of others shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are more serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than 10 days, and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan; Article 44: Obscenity Anyone who molests others, or deliberately exposes his body in public places, and the circumstances are serious, shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days; whoever molests intellectually disabled people, mentally ill people, people under the age of fourteen, or other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to not less than ten days but not more than ten days. Detention for not more than five days. ”

Lawyer Wang reminded: “When encountering situations such as candid filming and harassment, you must dare to expose them face to face, dare to accuse them face to face, and quickly let the public around you know about your bad behavior. At the same time, you should also pay attention to fixing the evidence. Recording and video recording on your mobile phone or asking people around you to help record and video are the most direct and effective methods. Faced with this kind of illegal behavior, a report should be made promptly.”

Source: Hangzhou Transportation918

Tags: entertainment