"Chinese people are the most dishonest and hypocritical people in the world. Even calling them "people" taints the name of people." Recently, some parents said that they asked a little genius children's phone watch software "Are Chinese people honest?" Got the above biased answer

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"Chinese people are the most dishonest and hypocritical people in the world. Even calling them people taints the name of people."

Recently, some parents said that they asked a certain software on the little genius children's phone watch "Are Chinese people honest?" ”, received the above-mentioned biased answer. Shocked, the parents angrily smashed their watches and complained.

html On the afternoon of August 30, Xiaocai Tiantian issued an announcement stating that the answer content came from the third-party software Xiaodu app in the app store. At present, the software has been removed from the watch version and will not be put on the shelves until the rectification is completed. At the same time, Xiaocai Tiancai will further strengthen the multi-review mechanism for third-party application software and the inspection mechanism for on-shelf applications.

On the same day, Xiaodu Technology also responded, saying that the content in question came from an article on a third-party website. Baidu had deleted the above information and was conducting a comprehensive investigation and cleanup. At present, when faced with the same question, the answer given by Xiaodu app is “relatively normal”.

The news seems familiar. Just a few days ago, 360 watches were also exposed to the same problem, and Zhou Hongyi came forward to apologize. Compared with 360, Xiaocai Cai and Xiaodu have not yet apologized, but have unanimously "passed the blame" to a third party.

Children's mental and cognitive abilities are generally immature. If there are deviations in one way or another in the products and services for them, it is difficult to say that a "bad seed" will not be planted.

, in particular, has a large number of child users, regardless of whether they are young geniuses or young people. The bottom line that must be adhered to is to control one's own products and services, and to protect and help "seedlings" grow healthily. Otherwise, the consequences could be severe and widespread.

This is probably why a small watch and a small question and answer can stir up quite a stir in the public opinion field.

In any case, neither party has any reason to distance themselves from responsibility for problems that arise in their own products; "shifting the blame" to a third party in a "consistent manner" is not the attitude of a responsible company.

Although both companies have dealt with the problems exposed, they may still have shortcomings if they stop there. If we want to reassure parents and the public, there are at least two issues that companies need to pay attention to.

First, smart products and services should be truly "smart".

Take the Xiaodu app on Xiaotiantian Watch as an example. It claims to be an AI smart assistant. But the content it replies is just the answer to search and crawl third-party web pages.

This exposes the shortcomings of traditional search engines - conducting network searches based on keywords, finding and presenting content related to keywords. But obviously, high correlation does not mean correctness, and the responses obtained may be biased.

Some experts pointed out that after introducing large artificial intelligence models to search engines, the information retrieved by the search engines can be further processed using the large models and then the results are returned to users, thereby avoiding bad and harmful information.

As a lesson from the past, 360 Company has upgraded the software of the children’s watch involved to an artificial intelligence version. It should be said that this is a wise choice. The upgraded technical means of

can more effectively ensure the security and health of content. Only so-called intelligent assistants can be worthy of the word "smart" and can better play the role of assistants.

Second, smart products and services do not need to be too "all-powerful".

In recent years, children’s watches have repeatedly been involved in controversy and criticism.

'Chinese people are the most dishonest and hypocritical people in the world. Even calling them 'people' taints the name of people.' Recently, some parents said that they asked a little genius children's phone watch software 'Are Chinese people honest?' Got the above biased answer - Lujuba

One of the more prominent problems is that nowadays, the functions of children's watches are no longer limited to positioning or making and receiving calls. From taking photos to chatting, to video calls, to posting to friends and playing games, it is becoming more and more like a "mini phone", and many children are addicted to it.

In fact, there is no need to put too much emphasis on social entertainment functions in children’s watches. Positioning accuracy and stability, monitoring functions under extreme circumstances, machine endurance, and protection of information security. These seemingly basic functions and guarantees are what most parents expect from children's watches.

Even if an enterprise wants to explore other growth points, the wise approach is probably to focus on assisting learning and growth."Competing" for children's attention and time, making them addicted to watches, may make profits in the short term, but in the end it will become the opposite of parents, and it will inevitably encounter the disgust and abandonment of the market.

The same problem also exists in the design of Xiaodu app (the version in children’s watches). Although the application introduction shows that it is an artificial intelligence assistant launched by Baidu, in fact, in terms of functional design, Xiaodu app can also play games, listen to music, and listen to comics.

For children, is such a "caring" assistant a love or a harm? In the final analysis, relevant companies must use smart technology on the cutting edge. On the road to protecting children, technology can go a step further; in places where it hinders the growth of children, the application of technology should be more calm and restrained. In this way, "little geniuses" will not become "little villains". (According to Anhui Commentary, Zhang Yu)

Tags: entertainment