When I walked into the theater, I found that "I" appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the

entertainment 7664℃

walked into the theater and found "I" appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage

Me who was looking at the program book , Me who was chatting , Me who was looking at the screen


The bell rang, and the whole audience Quietly

Two men in black holding cameras walked onto the center of the stage.

Gradually, the performance continued.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The curtain opened. Two drama actors walked down the circular steps.

Following their steps,

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba2 meters Guizhou Diaojiaolou appeared. In front of the audience, a murder occurred in the pool on the right side of the stage. On the left, unusual villagers were observing these events.

After the murder, the movie curtain that filled the stage slowly lowered.

An opening song ignited the scene of the

stage suspense masterpiece "Heart Maze".

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The suspense drama "Heart Maze" has set off as a dark horse since its performance. The climax of the stage

aroused heated discussion across the Internet

broke out of the industry and won several word-of-mouth rankings , exploded sales

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The story told in "Heart Maze" is not difficult to understand. It can be explained in a simple sentence: one coffin, two There is a corpse, and three families are fighting over it, each with their own agenda.

But its narrative method has made it the best among suspense dramas. uses in reverse order, , and to narrate to disrupt the timeline. The suspense is interlocked, allowing the audience to open up the "God" perspective. , which is more difficult than suspense. It depends on how you suspense. The text

comes from the movie of the same name released in 2015. Screenwriter and director Xin Yukun became famous with this debut film, and won multiple awards and topped the list of Chinese-language movies on Douban that year.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The stage play version of "The Labyrinth of the Heart" uses the combination of actor interpretation and stage technology to make the already absurd story even more hilarious. Actors have to face the real-time camera lens to shoot , and return to the stage to perform live performance . Acting skills need to be retracted and released under different media received by the audience, which requires actors to switch between sense of proportion. It brought a great test.

The whole drama will use Guizhou dialect as the main language to interpret the storyline to the audience. Paired with the musical works "Yulin Ling" and "Er Niang" by Guizhou musician Yao Shisan, the complex and strong father-son relationship in the play is highlighted. The cruelty of the truth and the coercion of desire on people in the whole story are vividly analyzed, which makes the theater sigh when the light changes from dark to bright.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

An audience member said about the change in perception after watching the performance, "When I saw the promotional materials of "Maze of the Heart" in the early stage, I thought it was a relatively serious suspense drama. Unexpectedly, the black humor that appeared from time to time made me solve the story with joy. It is said that this plot is adapted from a real incident. This relatively relaxed interpretation really surprised me. It turns out that when the concept of the rule of law is weak, the so-called 'order' is so ridiculous and pathetic."

Every character in "The Maze of the Heart" seems to be wandering on the edge of the law and breaking through the bottom line of morality. Each has its own helplessness and absurdity. Their choices make the story not only suspenseful about the murder, but also show the understanding of human nature and desire. The utmost ridicule.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

What adds to this bizarre plot is the stage beauty that carries all the audience’s expectations - 2-meter Guizhou Diaojiaolou and 4 electronic screens of different sizes. A total of 14 7.6-meter vans were rented to transport all stage equipment. The stage scenery weighs about 9,000 pounds , and each construction requires 28,678 steel nails.

"Heart Maze" uses real scenes and photography combined with , integrating dramatic scenes and image montage , switching freely between subjective and objective perspectives, and the scenes are quickly connected and repeated.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

As a mountain village that highlights Guizhou characteristics, "Heart Maze" built a stilted building about 12 meters high with a turntable on the ground inside the theater.The main building is a stilt-type wooden frame structure, and the column and beam structure of ancient Chinese architecture are used to increase support points, reduce the weight of the scenery, and help the operation of the turntable.

There are seven different spaces in the entire stilt building, which are connected by a zigzag staircase in the center of the building. Actors shuttle through the stairs to different rooms to interpret different stories, which are interlocking.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

With the main stilted building as the center, a two-story small building was independently built on the left side of the stage. The specially-made "villager witnessing position" allows the audience to watch the performance up close as witnesses on the stage.

The "villagers" gathered before the opening. The staff led the audience into the theater and walked up to the second floor from the secret passage to take their seats. The floor on the second floor was made of transparent plexiglass and iron mesh. The "villagers" could pass through the iron mesh. Net takes a peek at the drama happening on the first floor.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

On the right side of the stage is a hillside equipped with underwater real-time shooting cameras.

"Heart Maze" greatly enhances the hierarchical relationship of image language and the logical relationship of shots and pictures, and sets up video manifestation media from different angles, from old televisions to contemporary theater screens, from flat to three-dimensional, and for the first time attempts to use water. Underground shooting and aerial photography, multi-layered virtual and real images are blended with performances, expanding the ultimate possibilities of image visual effects in theater mode.

expresses a sense of logical dislocation through the combination of real scenes and real shots. Audiences watching from different angles may get completely contradictory answers. The audience accepts it, and can even choose to accept the visual picture they think it is, and get the answer in their mind.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The costumes and props of "Heart Maze" are also very famous.

The clothes, pants and even silk scarves worn by the actors are all "old" clothes unearthed from the large warehouse of the Shanghai Dramatic Art Center. The name of the theater troupe marked on the clothes tag is still the predecessor of the Shanghai Dramatic Art Center - Shanghai People The Art Theater (founded in 1950), Shanghai Youth Repertory Theater (founded in 1957), and Shanghai Repertory Theater (1973-1978) used to be the older generation such as Zhou Jingchun, Ma Chuntai, Wang Xiangpu, Jiang Jun, and Wei Zongwan. The clothes worn by the actors during the performance.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

Stills of "Second Spring" in 1973 (Shanghai Repertory Theater) - Accountant Zhao's Mao suit

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

Stills of "The Female Mayor" in 1983 (Shanghai People's Art Theatre) - Huang Huan's mother's shirt

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

Group photo of "OK, Stock" in 1993 (Shanghai Youth Repertory Theater) - Xiaofeng's Sweater

The stage play "Heart Maze" has a total of nearly 300 props . The atmosphere created by all the props must be returned to around 2000.

Based on the trapezoidal structure of the house on stilts, we chose smaller objects of the same type, such as hand-shred calendars.

The most special props are the production of coffins and charred corpses. The actual coffin is made of solid wood and has a certain weight. It is very inconvenient to transport it as a stage prop. Therefore, lighter plywood was used to customize the prop coffin in the play.

The charred corpse is a difficult point in the production of props for this drama. The prop team read a lot of theories and teaching materials, and then used practices such as burning waste wood and burning pig skin to study how to make charred corpses that have never been seen or done before. The corpse is made more realistic.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

This is another masterpiece by director He Nian after "The Abyss". During the creative process, in order to find a different breakthrough in the continuation of style, he and his team repeatedly updated their requirements.

"I hope to be able to continue creating while , can also continuously improve the quality and surprise the audience through repeatedly upgraded works. When we see "Heart Maze" being presented on the stage, when we see "Heart Maze" being recognized by the audience, we are also delighted. It can make every creator feel their own leap.

walked into the theater and found "I" appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage

Me who was looking at the program book , Me who was chatting , Me who was looking at the screen


The bell rang, and the whole audience Quietly

Two men in black holding cameras walked onto the center of the stage.

Gradually, the performance continued.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The curtain opened. Two drama actors walked down the circular steps.

Following their steps,

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba2 meters Guizhou Diaojiaolou appeared. In front of the audience, a murder occurred in the pool on the right side of the stage. On the left, unusual villagers were observing these events.

After the murder, the movie curtain that filled the stage slowly lowered.

An opening song ignited the scene of the

stage suspense masterpiece "Heart Maze".

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The suspense drama "Heart Maze" has set off as a dark horse since its performance. The climax of the stage

aroused heated discussion across the Internet

broke out of the industry and won several word-of-mouth rankings , exploded sales

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The story told in "Heart Maze" is not difficult to understand. It can be explained in a simple sentence: one coffin, two There is a corpse, and three families are fighting over it, each with their own agenda.

But its narrative method has made it the best among suspense dramas. uses in reverse order, , and to narrate to disrupt the timeline. The suspense is interlocked, allowing the audience to open up the "God" perspective. , which is more difficult than suspense. It depends on how you suspense. The text

comes from the movie of the same name released in 2015. Screenwriter and director Xin Yukun became famous with this debut film, and won multiple awards and topped the list of Chinese-language movies on Douban that year.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The stage play version of "The Labyrinth of the Heart" uses the combination of actor interpretation and stage technology to make the already absurd story even more hilarious. Actors have to face the real-time camera lens to shoot , and return to the stage to perform live performance . Acting skills need to be retracted and released under different media received by the audience, which requires actors to switch between sense of proportion. It brought a great test.

The whole drama will use Guizhou dialect as the main language to interpret the storyline to the audience. Paired with the musical works "Yulin Ling" and "Er Niang" by Guizhou musician Yao Shisan, the complex and strong father-son relationship in the play is highlighted. The cruelty of the truth and the coercion of desire on people in the whole story are vividly analyzed, which makes the theater sigh when the light changes from dark to bright.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

An audience member said about the change in perception after watching the performance, "When I saw the promotional materials of "Maze of the Heart" in the early stage, I thought it was a relatively serious suspense drama. Unexpectedly, the black humor that appeared from time to time made me solve the story with joy. It is said that this plot is adapted from a real incident. This relatively relaxed interpretation really surprised me. It turns out that when the concept of the rule of law is weak, the so-called 'order' is so ridiculous and pathetic."

Every character in "The Maze of the Heart" seems to be wandering on the edge of the law and breaking through the bottom line of morality. Each has its own helplessness and absurdity. Their choices make the story not only suspenseful about the murder, but also show the understanding of human nature and desire. The utmost ridicule.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

What adds to this bizarre plot is the stage beauty that carries all the audience’s expectations - 2-meter Guizhou Diaojiaolou and 4 electronic screens of different sizes. A total of 14 7.6-meter vans were rented to transport all stage equipment. The stage scenery weighs about 9,000 pounds , and each construction requires 28,678 steel nails.

"Heart Maze" uses real scenes and photography combined with , integrating dramatic scenes and image montage , switching freely between subjective and objective perspectives, and the scenes are quickly connected and repeated.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

As a mountain village that highlights Guizhou characteristics, "Heart Maze" built a stilted building about 12 meters high with a turntable on the ground inside the theater.The main building is a stilt-type wooden frame structure, and the column and beam structure of ancient Chinese architecture are used to increase support points, reduce the weight of the scenery, and help the operation of the turntable.

There are seven different spaces in the entire stilt building, which are connected by a zigzag staircase in the center of the building. Actors shuttle through the stairs to different rooms to interpret different stories, which are interlocking.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

With the main stilted building as the center, a two-story small building was independently built on the left side of the stage. The specially-made "villager witnessing position" allows the audience to watch the performance up close as witnesses on the stage.

The "villagers" gathered before the opening. The staff led the audience into the theater and walked up to the second floor from the secret passage to take their seats. The floor on the second floor was made of transparent plexiglass and iron mesh. The "villagers" could pass through the iron mesh. Net takes a peek at the drama happening on the first floor.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

On the right side of the stage is a hillside equipped with underwater real-time shooting cameras.

"Heart Maze" greatly enhances the hierarchical relationship of image language and the logical relationship of shots and pictures, and sets up video manifestation media from different angles, from old televisions to contemporary theater screens, from flat to three-dimensional, and for the first time attempts to use water. Underground shooting and aerial photography, multi-layered virtual and real images are blended with performances, expanding the ultimate possibilities of image visual effects in theater mode.

expresses a sense of logical dislocation through the combination of real scenes and real shots. Audiences watching from different angles may get completely contradictory answers. The audience accepts it, and can even choose to accept the visual picture they think it is, and get the answer in their mind.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

The costumes and props of "Heart Maze" are also very famous.

The clothes, pants and even silk scarves worn by the actors are all "old" clothes unearthed from the large warehouse of the Shanghai Dramatic Art Center. The name of the theater troupe marked on the clothes tag is still the predecessor of the Shanghai Dramatic Art Center - Shanghai People The Art Theater (founded in 1950), Shanghai Youth Repertory Theater (founded in 1957), and Shanghai Repertory Theater (1973-1978) used to be the older generation such as Zhou Jingchun, Ma Chuntai, Wang Xiangpu, Jiang Jun, and Wei Zongwan. The clothes worn by the actors during the performance.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

Stills of "Second Spring" in 1973 (Shanghai Repertory Theater) - Accountant Zhao's Mao suit

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

Stills of "The Female Mayor" in 1983 (Shanghai People's Art Theatre) - Huang Huan's mother's shirt

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

Group photo of "OK, Stock" in 1993 (Shanghai Youth Repertory Theater) - Xiaofeng's Sweater

The stage play "Heart Maze" has a total of nearly 300 props . The atmosphere created by all the props must be returned to around 2000.

Based on the trapezoidal structure of the house on stilts, we chose smaller objects of the same type, such as hand-shred calendars.

The most special props are the production of coffins and charred corpses. The actual coffin is made of solid wood and has a certain weight. It is very inconvenient to transport it as a stage prop. Therefore, lighter plywood was used to customize the prop coffin in the play.

The charred corpse is a difficult point in the production of props for this drama. The prop team read a lot of theories and teaching materials, and then used practices such as burning waste wood and burning pig skin to study how to make charred corpses that have never been seen or done before. The corpse is made more realistic.

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

This is another masterpiece by director He Nian after "The Abyss". During the creative process, in order to find a different breakthrough in the continuation of style, he and his team repeatedly updated their requirements.

"I hope to be able to continue creating while , can also continuously improve the quality and surprise the audience through repeatedly upgraded works. When we see "Heart Maze" being presented on the stage, when we see "Heart Maze" being recognized by the audience, we are also delighted. It can make every creator feel their own leap.”

When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba

Produced by: Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center | Producer: Zhang Huiqing | Producer: Tian Shui | Art Director: Yu Rongjun | Planning: Jia Jinghui | Producer: Wang Jue | Screenwriter: Chen Lu, Ma Tian | Director: He Nian | Stage design Design: Sang Qi, Wang Jiadi | Music Producer: Yao Shisan | Composer: Zhang Bo | Lighting Design: Wang Beijun | Costume Design: Hu Xiaohui | Props Design: Liu Yiping, Zhu Chenqi | Technical Design: Xu Xiangen | Sound Design: Qian Jie |Stage managers: Wang Qi, Yang Luxia|*Adapted from the film "Maze of the Heart" produced by Beijing Haiping Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

Photographers: Jiang Yun, Yin Liqian

Actors: Gu Xin, Fan Yilin, Leng Han, Liu Xiaoliang, Wang Weishuai , Xu Zihao, He Yi, You Mei, Wang Cang, Wang Yining, Hu Weiwei, Liu Xubin, Yang Qiong, Zhu Chenqi

* It is recommended for audiences over 16 years old to watch

* Specific performance information and lineup are subject to the announcement of the theater on the day

Waiting for you to call Open the fog to see the truth

Qiantang International Theater Festival

The suspense drama "The Maze of the Heart"

Continues the reputation of "Abyss Theater"

Performance time: Time:

September 14, 2024 19:30 (Saturday)

Performance time:

About 120 minutes (No intermission)

Performance location:

Performance ticket price:


When I walked into the theater, I found that 'I' appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage. I was reading the program book, chatting, and looking at the screen... The bell rang, and the audience quietly walked out of the room with two men in black holding cameras. As the - Lujuba0 (sold out)

Double package % off , three person package % off

* Only ÂĽ 680/480/380 ticket

*Recommended for children over 16 years old

Tags: entertainment