Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach. The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall

entertainment 8788℃

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be the waves in front that beat the waves behind on the beach.

The ranks of top uncles and top aunts are gradually expanding, and those who are recognized by everyone are almost all middle-aged actors.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Today’s young actors will inevitably be questioned for their low recognition and poor image and temperament. On the contrary, middle-aged actors from the uncle circle and aunt circle have become the most popular ones.

Zhang Yi, Zhang Songwen, Wang Yang, Yu Hewei, etc., will set off a wave of discussion as soon as they appear.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Recently, middle-aged female celebrities such as Zhou Xun and Zeng Li have been frequently searched for due to their excellent condition and charming temperament.

For newcomers, their opponents are not only their peers, but also these uncles and aunts.

No, the middle-aged female star group has begun to expand their tricks again. Yuan Quan and Ma Yili attended the event together. While dreaming back to "My First Half of Life", everyone was once again attracted by the good condition of the two female stars.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

One, after seven years, Ma Yili has changed significantly.

Unconsciously, seven years have passed since "My First Half of Life".

At that time, the sisters Ma Yili and Yuan Quan were not only eye-catching in the drama, but they were also favored by major fashion magazines outside the drama, and they joined forces several times for business.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

When the two held hands to attend an event seven years ago, they were also dressed in black. At that time, Ma Yili wore a ponytail and Yuan Quan had a neat short haircut.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

This time it was Ma Yili who had the same short hair that Yuan Quan had back then, but Yuan Quan grew his hair long and pulled it behind his head.

Another wave of thick memories!

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

For this event, the two of them seemed to have discussed it in advance and both chose black skirts. However, Ma Yili wore a suspender style, while Yuan Quan wore a more tightly wrapped sleeveless hip skirt.

The two actors have their own tastes, but they all exude the confidence of mature women.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

However, compared to seven years ago, the two actors have changed a lot, especially Ma Yili, who has aged visibly to the naked eye.

The dress she attended the event on that day looked very slim. It can also be seen that Ma Yili has maintained a good figure, with the front and back curves and no excess fat on her body.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

But the condition of his face is not as good as it was seven years ago. The shape of his face looks bigger than before, especially the position of the mandible, which has expanded directly.

Short hair styling is very challenging for face shape, which makes Ma Yili look a bit old-fashioned without a small V-face.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

In addition, there are signs of looseness in the facial muscles and tired eyes. Compared with the youthful and beautiful girl with a ponytail on the red carpet seven years ago, she is indeed a completely different person.

Seven years will leave traces on anyone’s body. Ma Yili does not look as young as before, and she is also normal.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

But compared with Yuan Quan next to him, seven years have passed, but Yuan Quan seems to have grown up in reverse. Not only is his temperament much better than Ma Yili's, but his appearance is also getting better and better.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Second, the advantages of beauties with bone physiology are fully displayed, and the intellectual calmness of middle-aged women is the most charming

When the two walked hand in hand on the red carpet seven years ago, Yuan Quan, who had short hair, looked ten years older than Ma Yili, and his skin was not as good as the other's. Fair and tender, the facial features also have a strong sense of maturity.

But the advantage of beauties with beautiful bones is that they become more and more popular as they age. The older they get, the more mature their bones are, and the more they can support their facial muscles.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

This also caused her to face Ma Yili, a typical beautiful girl seven years ago. She was very different in appearance and temperament.

But Yuan Quan today is completely different from what he was seven years ago. He does not look like a foil next to Ma Yili, but instead shines brightly, even more outstanding than Ma Yili.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

The styles of the skirts chosen by the two are very similar. Yuan Quan's style even looks more conservative, but it does not affect the simple and elegant look of the black dress. It concaves the body curve and highlights her perfect figure.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Yuan Quan is not only much taller than Ma Yili, but his body proportions also look more like a supermodel. It can be seen from the position of the waistline, which is a typical 37 points.

also doesn’t have a trace of extra fat on her body, but it can be seen that she is very self-disciplined in daily life and has a sense of fitness that comes from persisting in fitness.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

At the event, her upright posture also highlighted her temperament, which was calm and generous.

Compared with the short hair style, long hair is obviously more suitable for Yuan Quan. The casual bangs are paired with a low bun, and the calm and artistic feeling comes out at once.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

There were many photos of Ma Yili and Yuan Quan from the same angle at the event that day. Yuan Quan not only had the advantage in body proportions and temperament, but also had an exceptionally elegant head-to-body ratio.

has a small head and face, a sharp jawline, and three-dimensional and exquisite facial features. Although she does not look like a girl, she is mature and charming enough.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

’s relaxed smile when facing the camera instantly made the words “poetry and calligraphy in one’s belly” come to life.

Many actors who have worked with Yuan Quan have mentioned before that Yuan Quan rarely plays with his mobile phone during breaks on the set, and almost always carries a book with him.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

A woman who has her own rhythm and is soaked in the fragrance of books is naturally like this. She has her own affinity and is beautiful and intellectual.

Judging from Yuan Quan's development in recent years, he is also sober and calm. He chooses roles that are suitable for his age and never plays young.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

At the same time, she is not obsessed with playing the heroine. As long as it is a good work, no matter how many times it is a supporting role, she can play an irreplaceable classic.

The most representative one is "Fengshen Part 1". Yuan Quan only played Queen Jiang, who had a very limited role in the film, and was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Hundred Flowers Award.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

's excellent strength has also accumulated good audience popularity for Yuan Quan.

Today, Yuan Quan lives an enviable life, with a happy family, steady career development, and getting younger and younger. Isn't this what many people are pursuing?

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba


Ma Yili’s transformation from overshadowing Yuan Quan to becoming a foil did not happen overnight.

The confidence brought by good works is exactly what Ma Yili lacks, especially after playing a tender role in "Dragon City", her reputation plummeted, and she was more or less affected.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Plus every time she attends an event, Ma Yili's condition keeps getting worse, and she looks like the increasingly rustic Sun Li.

For Ma Yili, good works are indispensable, which can bring her more confidence. At the same time, she also needs to change her aesthetics. Maybe she can learn from Sun Li and Yuan Quan and change her short hair to long hair, which will reduce the loss. The effect of age.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

This time, Yuan Quan can be said to have completely defeated Ma Yili. Facts have proved that a woman's advanced beauty has nothing to do with her age.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be the waves in front that beat the waves behind on the beach.

The ranks of top uncles and top aunts are gradually expanding, and those who are recognized by everyone are almost all middle-aged actors.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Today’s young actors will inevitably be questioned for their low recognition and poor image and temperament. On the contrary, middle-aged actors from the uncle circle and aunt circle have become the most popular ones.

Zhang Yi, Zhang Songwen, Wang Yang, Yu Hewei, etc., will set off a wave of discussion as soon as they appear.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Recently, middle-aged female celebrities such as Zhou Xun and Zeng Li have been frequently searched for due to their excellent condition and charming temperament.

For newcomers, their opponents are not only their peers, but also these uncles and aunts.

No, the middle-aged female star group has begun to expand their tricks again. Yuan Quan and Ma Yili attended the event together. While dreaming back to "My First Half of Life", everyone was once again attracted by the good condition of the two female stars.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

One, after seven years, Ma Yili has changed significantly.

Unconsciously, seven years have passed since "My First Half of Life".

At that time, the sisters Ma Yili and Yuan Quan were not only eye-catching in the drama, but they were also favored by major fashion magazines outside the drama, and they joined forces several times for business.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

When the two held hands to attend an event seven years ago, they were also dressed in black. At that time, Ma Yili wore a ponytail and Yuan Quan had a neat short haircut.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

This time it was Ma Yili who had the same short hair that Yuan Quan had back then, but Yuan Quan grew his hair long and pulled it behind his head.

Another wave of thick memories!

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

For this event, the two of them seemed to have discussed it in advance and both chose black skirts. However, Ma Yili wore a suspender style, while Yuan Quan wore a more tightly wrapped sleeveless hip skirt.

The two actors have their own tastes, but they all exude the confidence of mature women.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

However, compared to seven years ago, the two actors have changed a lot, especially Ma Yili, who has aged visibly to the naked eye.

The dress she attended the event on that day looked very slim. It can also be seen that Ma Yili has maintained a good figure, with the front and back curves and no excess fat on her body.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

But the condition of his face is not as good as it was seven years ago. The shape of his face looks bigger than before, especially the position of the mandible, which has expanded directly.

Short hair styling is very challenging for face shape, which makes Ma Yili look a bit old-fashioned without a small V-face.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

In addition, there are signs of looseness in the facial muscles and tired eyes. Compared with the youthful and beautiful girl with a ponytail on the red carpet seven years ago, she is indeed a completely different person.

Seven years will leave traces on anyone’s body. Ma Yili does not look as young as before, and she is also normal.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

But compared with Yuan Quan next to him, seven years have passed, but Yuan Quan seems to have grown up in reverse. Not only is his temperament much better than Ma Yili's, but his appearance is also getting better and better.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Second, the advantages of beauties with bone physiology are fully displayed, and the intellectual calmness of middle-aged women is the most charming

When the two walked hand in hand on the red carpet seven years ago, Yuan Quan, who had short hair, looked ten years older than Ma Yili, and his skin was not as good as the other's. Fair and tender, the facial features also have a strong sense of maturity.

But the advantage of beauties with beautiful bones is that they become more and more popular as they age. The older they get, the more mature their bones are, and the more they can support their facial muscles.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

This also caused her to face Ma Yili, a typical beautiful girl seven years ago. She was very different in appearance and temperament.

But Yuan Quan today is completely different from what he was seven years ago. He does not look like a foil next to Ma Yili, but instead shines brightly, even more outstanding than Ma Yili.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

The styles of the skirts chosen by the two are very similar. Yuan Quan's style even looks more conservative, but it does not affect the simple and elegant look of the black dress. It concaves the body curve and highlights her perfect figure.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Yuan Quan is not only much taller than Ma Yili, but his body proportions also look more like a supermodel. It can be seen from the position of the waistline, which is a typical 37 points.

also doesn’t have a trace of extra fat on her body, but it can be seen that she is very self-disciplined in daily life and has a sense of fitness that comes from persisting in fitness.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

At the event, her upright posture also highlighted her temperament, which was calm and generous.

Compared with the short hair style, long hair is obviously more suitable for Yuan Quan. The casual bangs are paired with a low bun, and the calm and artistic feeling comes out at once.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

There were many photos of Ma Yili and Yuan Quan from the same angle at the event that day. Yuan Quan not only had the advantage in body proportions and temperament, but also had an exceptionally elegant head-to-body ratio.

has a small head and face, a sharp jawline, and three-dimensional and exquisite facial features. Although she does not look like a girl, she is mature and charming enough.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

’s relaxed smile when facing the camera instantly made the words “poetry and calligraphy in one’s belly” come to life.

Many actors who have worked with Yuan Quan have mentioned before that Yuan Quan rarely plays with his mobile phone during breaks on the set, and almost always carries a book with him.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

A woman who has her own rhythm and is soaked in the fragrance of books is naturally like this. She has her own affinity and is beautiful and intellectual.

Judging from Yuan Quan's development in recent years, he is also sober and calm. He chooses roles that are suitable for his age and never plays young.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

At the same time, she is not obsessed with playing the heroine. As long as it is a good work, no matter how many times it is a supporting role, she can play an irreplaceable classic.

The most representative one is "Fengshen Part 1". Yuan Quan only played Queen Jiang, who had a very limited role in the film, and was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Hundred Flowers Award.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

's excellent strength has also accumulated good audience popularity for Yuan Quan.

Today, Yuan Quan lives an enviable life, with a happy family, steady career development, and getting younger and younger. Isn't this what many people are pursuing?

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba


Ma Yili’s transformation from overshadowing Yuan Quan to becoming a foil did not happen overnight.

The confidence brought by good works is exactly what Ma Yili lacks, especially after playing a tender role in "Dragon City", her reputation plummeted, and she was more or less affected.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

Plus every time she attends an event, Ma Yili's condition keeps getting worse, and she looks like the increasingly rustic Sun Li.

For Ma Yili, good works are indispensable, which can bring her more confidence. At the same time, she also needs to change her aesthetics. Maybe she can learn from Sun Li and Yuan Quan and change her short hair to long hair, which will reduce the loss. The effect of age.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Although the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, it is not necessarily that the waves behind push the waves ahead, it may also be that the waves ahead hit the waves behind on the beach.      The ranks of the top uncles and aunts are graduall - Lujuba

This time, Yuan Quan can be said to have completely defeated Ma Yili. Facts have proved that a woman's advanced beauty has nothing to do with her age.

Who do you think has more outstanding temperament?

Tags: entertainment