After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons. Who are you asking? The one who sat in the guest seat of "If You Are the One" back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme

entertainment 3093℃

Huang Han has not appeared in the last two episodes of the program after being criticized by netizens. The reason is unknown.

Who do you ask?

The one who sat in the guest seat of "If You Are the One" back then was the aunt with downturned eyebrows and a kind face who seemed to shove two homemade steamed meat buns into your hand when you met her.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

In addition to being a kind-hearted aunt, she also has a PhD in sociology from Nantah University and is a master in psychology. As for being an emotional expert on tour in major programs, it is her least worthy honor.

Unexpectedly, many years later she would do something wrong in "My Girl 2024":

The wise aunt in childhood memories appeared on a new era program, but all she said seemed to be outdated nonsense.

Times have progressed, but experts’ ideas seem to be regressing.

But in my opinion, the real "advance" and "retreat" behind this controversy may be exactly the opposite of what it looks like.

Let’s start from the restoration of the incident -

In the fourth episode of the program, Lu Yuxiao’s mother said that her daughter had enhanced her same-sex communication skills because she attended a girls’ school.

Huang Han asked at that time whether he would lack communication skills with the opposite sex. In the same issue, they also talked about the issue of elderly care.

Guests represented by Wu Xin proposed that the conditions of nursing homes in the future will be more advanced and more in line with the needs of the new generation, and they will be a good choice.

At this time Huang Han raised another objection -

Judging from my age

I certainly mind entering a nursing home

I You can imagine how helpless it is to enter a nursing home at such a stage of life. is not difficult to imagine The reason why she was criticized.

The first thing she encountered was the gender issue.

With the rise of female subject consciousness, there will inevitably be a stage where they separate themselves from the two genders and become independent. Huang Han's question may not be worthless, but it's really unpleasant.

netizens only asked, can’t girls’ schools cultivate healthy people?

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

The second thing is that she poured cold water on this generation of young people who are opposed to marriage and childbearing.

It’s 2024, why do we still have stereotypes about nursing homes? Is it because the network cable hasn’t been connected to the village yet?

"Qing Dynasty people" once became her keyword.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba


Things are not complicated.

Isn’t this another old school script that remembers a respected senior but overturned because his values ​​​​are too abstract?

But I have doubts in my heart.

In the past, emotional programs were paired, and today's emotional programs are divided;

In the past, emotional programs were blended, but today's emotional programs are on the sidelines;

But no matter in which era, Huang Han is a special existence. is not only different from the old-school drama wizards who are aggressive and only care about trivial matters, but also different from the recent life observers with cold eyes and eloquent words.

Huang Han is out of place in the new show. Could it be that she was out of place in the old show?

has a monopoly on the middle-aged and elderly market, such as "If You Are the One", and now it seems to be as noisy as a wet market.

Huang Han, who was born in a high school, was caught in the middle, like a peaceful Capibala that strayed into the rural goose pen.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Today’s emotional programs require more empathy, observation, and summary ability from guests.

They are often isolated in the studio, physically separated from the guests, but psychologically, they are required to accurately grasp human nature.

It is best to be good at hitting the nail on the head, giving a wake-up call, and inspiring people. is proficient in the art of being reasonable and unexpected. should output more words that nourish the audience's ears and brains.

In this orientation, Huang Han is almost like an unreasonable bully.

However, perhaps we have never thought about the essential value of these experts in emotional programs?

In January 2010, "If You Are the One" was launched, triggering a viewing frenzy.

Host Meng Fei was previously the host of a news commentary program and is known for his direct and spicy rhetoric. Not to mention


As a non-professional sales trainer, his approach is to sell ideas and sell beliefs.

Because his tone is too decisive, even if all he chews is some ideological swill, he can always pour chicken soup into the audience's prefrontal lobes.

Only five months after the program was launched, CCTV made repeated criticisms of the dating program, demanding that the program be rectified for vulgarity, hype, inflammatory and other issues.

It was at this time that Huang Han, who was born in a party school and had an excellent academic background, joined "If You Are the One".

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Source | "Yangcheng Evening News: If You Are the One Instead Plays the Warmth Card, Female Professor Talks about Blind Date "Like Class""

It can be seen that Huang Han parachuted into the program as a mediator back then, with the purpose of balancing the tendency of being too vulgar.

Nowadays, there are many academic stars in domestic entertainment. Liu Qing, Luo Xiang, Xue Zhaofeng, Chen Ming, etc. have become famous one after another and become guests of major programs.

But Huang Han, who entered the industry far before them, had not yet realized the audience's respect for intellectuals.

What’s interesting is that the audience’s criticism of Huang Han at that time was no different from today’s – was old-fashioned.

The emotional programs of that era particularly represented individuality, and dogmatism represented originality.

A female guest was unwilling to give up her career, so she refused to change city life for her boyfriend. However, an emotional mentor like Tu Lei would interpret this as "vanity and extravagance".

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Women in such an environment naturally have little initiative and can only follow the trend and adjust themselves.

For example, the observer Shana in "Ai Bao" seems to be on the same path as Tu Lei, always judging everything with sharp words.

But when the program changes, she can also talk about it, making people feel like spring breeze.

Comparing emotional programs in different periods, you will find that their concepts, pursuits, and connotations have undergone great changes.

Astragalus is a constant in the whole process.

She always talks about views that are different from popular thinking.

In one episode of "If You Are the One", Le Jia deliberately made trouble and quarreled with a female guest.

Female guest Xu Yali always tries and fails in love. Le Jia analyzed that it is because she spends her energy taking care of her brother all year round, which means that taking care of her brother has become Xu Yali's burden.

This is not essentially wrong -

Xu Yali’s brother was paralyzed due to a car accident and needed constant care. Xu Yali regards her brother as her most beloved person, and she is a doctor of medicine, so she has no obligation to do so.

However, this will inevitably make many men feel afraid.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

But when the female guest burst into tears and repeatedly asked Le Jia not to say such words again, what she received was Le Jia's tilted head, cold eyes, and a proud smile with the corners of her mouth raised.

- I think you are really not kind

- Why am I not kind?

Come and tell me how your brother is not a burden to you

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

At this moment, I only felt his arrogance in claiming to be a wise man, and how he put everyone Indifference used as a tool to show off one's intelligence and personality.

At that time, Meng Fei also stood from Lejia's perspective and tried to defend him with "I think you have misunderstood him."

Huang Han stood calmly but eye-catchingly in a neutral position at this moment -

"There is indeed a problem with Le Jia's expression and the communication between you two."

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Right, according to our current preferences, If she could stand up and be with two men It would be much more enjoyable if the host lifts the table and stands directly next to the female guest.

In the context of power imbalance, neutrality is the greatest extent that Huang Han can do to stand aside.

She has the characteristics of our parents' generation when speaking -

She speaks with caution, and when expressing her own opinions, she will try to take care of the other person's face.This euphemism that cannot be said clearly has become the reason why she has always been misunderstood.

Yes, her words were indeed not crisp and clear enough, and she did not have the kind of sharpness that pointed directly at people's hearts.

But on the other hand, because she has seen a lot and has enough experience, what she puts forward are often more popular and practical insights.

You must know that the popularity of "blind date" programs at that time was a factor that caused young people's emotional concepts and awareness of marriage and love to begin to change.

Although Huang Han is not a pioneer, he has been using his professional knowledge to quietly promote this change in thinking.

And this is the essence of an expert - to see the future before the public and to help this goal.

There is a male guest who is very representative. He is a man who wants to go on TV for a blind date. At the same time, because of the lack of sex education, he is completely afraid to have contact with the opposite sex. He even feels very guilty when watching adult movies.

The rapidly progressing society, the morality of standing still, the infinite expansion of material desires, and the suppressed emotions all year round. Many of the first wave of adults produced by the information society have felt at a loss due to these contradictions.

Huang Han’s idea of ​​​​solving the problem is very simple: drag everyone present into the water.

Don’t Huang Lei and Meng Fei stop watching this kind of movie? No reaction after watching it? This is just class, nothing is abnormal.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Next, he also mentioned the path problem of domestic sex education. What is taught in class is too shy and restrained, and what is seen on the Internet is too frivolous and romantic, which is not normal in nature.

These social problems have led to the marriage and love dilemma of this generation.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

As for her attitude towards women's issues, here is a simple example -

Back then, there was a celebrity named Bai Wanqing in the same emotional program "New and Old Mother". And she once made a sensational statement: "Chastity is the most valuable dowry a girl can give to her husband's family."

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

is this emoticon package

Huang Han’s response to the opinion of the next column group is this -

My body is my own, as long as girls know how to protect themselves.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - LujubaAfter Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Now it seems that this is certainly not a new and avant-garde point of view.

But more than ten years ago, the "chastity dowry theory" had a marketable TV environment, which was enough to be framed and used.

Now let’s go back and read Huang Han’s speech in "Girls". Her position is actually the same -

Her background makes it impossible for her to express her attitude based on intuition alone, but requires more thinking and investigation.

only provides some immediate attitudes and emotions to the public, which she thinks is a very "stupid" thing.

In other words, it is not responsible enough.In the incident at

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

, she did not directly deny this education model, but raised its potential limitations from the perspective of adolescent physiological development.

It was the

who was particularly interested in the opposite sex at that stage

but she actually didn't have this

Relationship stimulation

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Then he used the case of a girl who found it difficult to perceive "love" when she became an adult, pointing out that in fact, this education model has possible adverse effects.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

As a psychology expert, starting from practice and starting from cases is the basic academic ethics, and there is really nothing wrong with it.

As for the issue of nursing homes, it should be said that the view of Wu Xin and others who want to live in nursing homes is based on an outlook and expectation for the future.

Huang Han is not used to looking forward, she only grasps the current individual's psychological motivation -

Do you want to enter a nursing home

Do you want to be adopted

It’s not about getting old.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Getting old is a real and cruel thing.

As she said, real retirement life inevitably involves the decline of physical functions and the dilemma of being unable to take care of oneself.

As the person closest to the "old" on the field, her worries are much more specific.

I don’t know how to call it

In fact, you can live a good life

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Birth, old age, illness and death are the four major events in life. None of them should be placed in overly optimistic fantasies, but should have more careful planning.

Actually, when I checked the information, I found that Huang Han still has many independent and modern qualities.

She got her husband back after falling in love at first sight. She generously wrote love letters and played tricks, and finally took him home.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Huashang Daily "Huang Han: Husband is a graduate school classmate, a good marriage needs management"

In the program, she once talked about her rebellious daughter, and her tone was even more spicy and sincere.

This kind of doubt about motherhood is a taboo that many people feel is immoral even if they think about it, but she faced it so honestly.

I often doubt

Does she really love me

Or even I will doubt

Do I really love her

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Of course, compared to female intellectuals such as Li Yinhe and Dai Jinhua who are more popular with the public, Huang Han is still He is a relatively traditional person.

is limited by the interests of the audience and her own pragmatic orientation, and her thinking is indeed very limited.

For example, during the "If You Are the One" period, the public has always regarded her as an expert in the "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" conflict.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

But thinking about it from another angle, is it because she keeps talking about these old things because no one has ever asked her about anything else?

In fact, Huang Han has not changed much over the years, and what she does remains the same. She just relies on rational thinking, thinks more about everything, and leaves a little more room.

At that time, it was popular in "If You Are the One" to turn off the lights for the male guests. She would point out that love is not a battle, and she had to leave opportunities for the other person, which also cut off her own possibilities.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

This is a more experienced woman caring for her fellow man.

Judge others from high on the stage and decide the fate of the other party with a lamp in your hand. This seems to be a manifestation of power. But from Huang Han's perspective, giving each other opportunities gives them more choices and is a more practical way for women to fight for their own interests.

is just the prerequisite for doing this, which is to first recognize the reality and accept the reality.

From this point on, it may not meet the expectations of some people.

Ten years have passed since "If You Are the One" to today's "Girls". The content of the program has changed from the original blind pursuit of drama to now being able to reflect on life and human nature from the perspective of young people. This is a qualitative leap.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

And the audience level of the program seems to have made a huge leap -

In the past, people liked to join in the fun and turned a blind eye to the corrupt core hidden under all the exaggerated dramas.

Nowadays, people’s six senses are sharp, and any words that do not conform to the three views can trigger their verbal and written criticism.

Huang Han encountered this controversy, but the source was the "progress" of the audience.

This forms a "paradox of progress."

Huang Han is indeed of the old school. When you click on her Weibo, there is rarely any promotional or marketing content. However, she insists on updating her reading notes, an average of six per month. She only excerpts and does not comment on them, as if she has Take things very seriously.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

In this era, "progress" is a very low-cost thing. As long as you keep up with the fashionable ideology and arm yourself with various simple and crude slogans, you can launch trials and attacks on anyone.

It is extremely difficult to think too much about one thing with a "conservative" attitude, and you will inevitably be accused of blocking the trend of the times.

So, is the only use of this new knowledge to execute dissenters?

In an era that advocates fast-food criticism, it is much more difficult and valuable to be untimely cautious.

Huang Han has not appeared in the last two episodes of the program after being criticized by netizens. The reason is unknown.

Who do you ask?

The one who sat in the guest seat of "If You Are the One" back then was the aunt with downturned eyebrows and a kind face who seemed to shove two homemade steamed meat buns into your hand when you met her.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

In addition to being a kind-hearted aunt, she also has a PhD in sociology from Nantah University and is a master in psychology. As for being an emotional expert on tour in major programs, it is her least worthy honor.

Unexpectedly, many years later she would do something wrong in "My Girl 2024":

The wise aunt in childhood memories appeared on a new era program, but all she said seemed to be outdated nonsense.

Times have progressed, but experts’ ideas seem to be regressing.

But in my opinion, the real "advance" and "retreat" behind this controversy may be exactly the opposite of what it looks like.

Let’s start from the restoration of the incident -

In the fourth episode of the program, Lu Yuxiao’s mother said that her daughter had enhanced her same-sex communication skills because she attended a girls’ school.

Huang Han asked at that time whether he would lack communication skills with the opposite sex. In the same issue, they also talked about the issue of elderly care.

Guests represented by Wu Xin proposed that the conditions of nursing homes in the future will be more advanced and more in line with the needs of the new generation, and they will be a good choice.

At this time Huang Han raised another objection -

Judging from my age

I certainly mind entering a nursing home

I You can imagine how helpless it is to enter a nursing home at such a stage of life. is not difficult to imagine The reason why she was criticized.

The first thing she encountered was the gender issue.

With the rise of female subject consciousness, there will inevitably be a stage where they separate themselves from the two genders and become independent. Huang Han's question may not be worthless, but it's really unpleasant.

netizens only asked, can’t girls’ schools cultivate healthy people?

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

The second thing is that she poured cold water on this generation of young people who are opposed to marriage and childbearing.

It’s 2024, why do we still have stereotypes about nursing homes? Is it because the network cable hasn’t been connected to the village yet?

"Qing Dynasty people" once became her keyword.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba


Things are not complicated.

Isn’t this another old school script that remembers a respected senior but overturned because his values ​​​​are too abstract?

But I have doubts in my heart.

In the past, emotional programs were paired, and today's emotional programs are divided;

In the past, emotional programs were blended, but today's emotional programs are on the sidelines;

But no matter in which era, Huang Han is a special existence. is not only different from the old-school drama wizards who are aggressive and only care about trivial matters, but also different from the recent life observers with cold eyes and eloquent words.

Huang Han is out of place in the new show. Could it be that she was out of place in the old show?

has a monopoly on the middle-aged and elderly market, such as "If You Are the One", and now it seems to be as noisy as a wet market.

Huang Han, who was born in a high school, was caught in the middle, like a peaceful Capibala that strayed into the rural goose pen.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Today’s emotional programs require more empathy, observation, and summary ability from guests.

They are often isolated in the studio, physically separated from the guests, but psychologically, they are required to accurately grasp human nature.

It is best to be good at hitting the nail on the head, giving a wake-up call, and inspiring people. is proficient in the art of being reasonable and unexpected. should output more words that nourish the audience's ears and brains.

In this orientation, Huang Han is almost like an unreasonable bully.

However, perhaps we have never thought about the essential value of these experts in emotional programs?

In January 2010, "If You Are the One" was launched, triggering a viewing frenzy.

Host Meng Fei was previously the host of a news commentary program and is known for his direct and spicy rhetoric. Not to mention


As a non-professional sales trainer, his approach is to sell ideas and sell beliefs.

Because his tone is too decisive, even if all he chews is some ideological swill, he can always pour chicken soup into the audience's prefrontal lobes.

Only five months after the program was launched, CCTV made repeated criticisms of the dating program, demanding that the program be rectified for vulgarity, hype, inflammatory and other issues.

It was at this time that Huang Han, who was born in a party school and had an excellent academic background, joined "If You Are the One".

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Source | "Yangcheng Evening News: If You Are the One Instead Plays the Warmth Card, Female Professor Talks about Blind Date "Like Class""

It can be seen that Huang Han parachuted into the program as a mediator back then, with the purpose of balancing the tendency of being too vulgar.

Nowadays, there are many academic stars in domestic entertainment. Liu Qing, Luo Xiang, Xue Zhaofeng, Chen Ming, etc. have become famous one after another and become guests of major programs.

But Huang Han, who entered the industry far before them, had not yet realized the audience's respect for intellectuals.

What’s interesting is that the audience’s criticism of Huang Han at that time was no different from today’s – was old-fashioned.

The emotional programs of that era particularly represented individuality, and dogmatism represented originality.

A female guest was unwilling to give up her career, so she refused to change city life for her boyfriend. However, an emotional mentor like Tu Lei would interpret this as "vanity and extravagance".

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Women in such an environment naturally have little initiative and can only follow the trend and adjust themselves.

For example, the observer Shana in "Ai Bao" seems to be on the same path as Tu Lei, always judging everything with sharp words.

But when the program changes, she can also talk about it, making people feel like spring breeze.

Comparing emotional programs in different periods, you will find that their concepts, pursuits, and connotations have undergone great changes.

Astragalus is a constant in the whole process.

She always talks about views that are different from popular thinking.

In one episode of "If You Are the One", Le Jia deliberately made trouble and quarreled with a female guest.

Female guest Xu Yali always tries and fails in love. Le Jia analyzed that it is because she spends her energy taking care of her brother all year round, which means that taking care of her brother has become Xu Yali's burden.

This is not essentially wrong -

Xu Yali’s brother was paralyzed due to a car accident and needed constant care. Xu Yali regards her brother as her most beloved person, and she is a doctor of medicine, so she has no obligation to do so.

However, this will inevitably make many men feel afraid.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

But when the female guest burst into tears and repeatedly asked Le Jia not to say such words again, what she received was Le Jia's tilted head, cold eyes, and a proud smile with the corners of her mouth raised.

- I think you are really not kind

- Why am I not kind?

Come and tell me how your brother is not a burden to you

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

At this moment, I only felt his arrogance in claiming to be a wise man, and how he put everyone Indifference used as a tool to show off one's intelligence and personality.

At that time, Meng Fei also stood from Lejia's perspective and tried to defend him with "I think you have misunderstood him."

Huang Han stood calmly but eye-catchingly in a neutral position at this moment -

"There is indeed a problem with Le Jia's expression and the communication between you two."

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Right, according to our current preferences, If she could stand up and be with two men It would be much more enjoyable if the host lifts the table and stands directly next to the female guest.

In the context of power imbalance, neutrality is the greatest extent that Huang Han can do to stand aside.

She has the characteristics of our parents' generation when speaking -

She speaks with caution, and when expressing her own opinions, she will try to take care of the other person's face.This euphemism that cannot be said clearly has become the reason why she has always been misunderstood.

Yes, her words were indeed not crisp and clear enough, and she did not have the kind of sharpness that pointed directly at people's hearts.

But on the other hand, because she has seen a lot and has enough experience, what she puts forward are often more popular and practical insights.

You must know that the popularity of "blind date" programs at that time was a factor that caused young people's emotional concepts and awareness of marriage and love to begin to change.

Although Huang Han is not a pioneer, he has been using his professional knowledge to quietly promote this change in thinking.

And this is the essence of an expert - to see the future before the public and to help this goal.

There is a male guest who is very representative. He is a man who wants to go on TV for a blind date. At the same time, because of the lack of sex education, he is completely afraid to have contact with the opposite sex. He even feels very guilty when watching adult movies.

The rapidly progressing society, the morality of standing still, the infinite expansion of material desires, and the suppressed emotions all year round. Many of the first wave of adults produced by the information society have felt at a loss due to these contradictions.

Huang Han’s idea of ​​​​solving the problem is very simple: drag everyone present into the water.

Don’t Huang Lei and Meng Fei stop watching this kind of movie? No reaction after watching it? This is just class, nothing is abnormal.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Next, he also mentioned the path problem of domestic sex education. What is taught in class is too shy and restrained, and what is seen on the Internet is too frivolous and romantic, which is not normal in nature.

These social problems have led to the marriage and love dilemma of this generation.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

As for her attitude towards women's issues, here is a simple example -

Back then, there was a celebrity named Bai Wanqing in the same emotional program "New and Old Mother". And she once made a sensational statement: "Chastity is the most valuable dowry a girl can give to her husband's family."

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

is this emoticon package

Huang Han’s response to the opinion of the next column group is this -

My body is my own, as long as girls know how to protect themselves.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - LujubaAfter Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Now it seems that this is certainly not a new and avant-garde point of view.

But more than ten years ago, the "chastity dowry theory" had a marketable TV environment, which was enough to be framed and used.

Now let’s go back and read Huang Han’s speech in "Girls". Her position is actually the same -

Her background makes it impossible for her to express her attitude based on intuition alone, but requires more thinking and investigation.

only provides some immediate attitudes and emotions to the public, which she thinks is a very "stupid" thing.

In other words, it is not responsible enough.In the incident at

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

, she did not directly deny this education model, but raised its potential limitations from the perspective of adolescent physiological development.

It was the

who was particularly interested in the opposite sex at that stage

but she actually didn't have this

Relationship stimulation

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Then he used the case of a girl who found it difficult to perceive "love" when she became an adult, pointing out that in fact, this education model has possible adverse effects.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

As a psychology expert, starting from practice and starting from cases is the basic academic ethics, and there is really nothing wrong with it.

As for the issue of nursing homes, it should be said that the view of Wu Xin and others who want to live in nursing homes is based on an outlook and expectation for the future.

Huang Han is not used to looking forward, she only grasps the current individual's psychological motivation -

Do you want to enter a nursing home

Do you want to be adopted

It’s not about getting old.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Getting old is a real and cruel thing.

As she said, real retirement life inevitably involves the decline of physical functions and the dilemma of being unable to take care of oneself.

As the person closest to the "old" on the field, her worries are much more specific.

I don’t know how to call it

In fact, you can live a good life

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Birth, old age, illness and death are the four major events in life. None of them should be placed in overly optimistic fantasies, but should have more careful planning.

Actually, when I checked the information, I found that Huang Han still has many independent and modern qualities.

She got her husband back after falling in love at first sight. She generously wrote love letters and played tricks, and finally took him home.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Huashang Daily "Huang Han: Husband is a graduate school classmate, a good marriage needs management"

In the program, she once talked about her rebellious daughter, and her tone was even more spicy and sincere.

This kind of doubt about motherhood is a taboo that many people feel is immoral even if they think about it, but she faced it so honestly.

I often doubt

Does she really love me

Or even I will doubt

Do I really love her

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

Of course, compared to female intellectuals such as Li Yinhe and Dai Jinhua who are more popular with the public, Huang Han is still He is a relatively traditional person.

is limited by the interests of the audience and her own pragmatic orientation, and her thinking is indeed very limited.

For example, during the "If You Are the One" period, the public has always regarded her as an expert in the "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" conflict.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

But thinking about it from another angle, is it because she keeps talking about these old things because no one has ever asked her about anything else?

In fact, Huang Han has not changed much over the years, and what she does remains the same. She just relies on rational thinking, thinks more about everything, and leaves a little more room.

At that time, it was popular in "If You Are the One" to turn off the lights for the male guests. She would point out that love is not a battle, and she had to leave opportunities for the other person, which also cut off her own possibilities.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

This is a more experienced woman caring for her fellow man.

Judge others from high on the stage and decide the fate of the other party with a lamp in your hand. This seems to be a manifestation of power. But from Huang Han's perspective, giving each other opportunities gives them more choices and is a more practical way for women to fight for their own interests.

is just the prerequisite for doing this, which is to first recognize the reality and accept the reality.

From this point on, it may not meet the expectations of some people.

Ten years have passed since "If You Are the One" to today's "Girls". The content of the program has changed from the original blind pursuit of drama to now being able to reflect on life and human nature from the perspective of young people. This is a qualitative leap.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

And the audience level of the program seems to have made a huge leap -

In the past, people liked to join in the fun and turned a blind eye to the corrupt core hidden under all the exaggerated dramas.

Nowadays, people’s six senses are sharp, and any words that do not conform to the three views can trigger their verbal and written criticism.

Huang Han encountered this controversy, but the source was the "progress" of the audience.

This forms a "paradox of progress."

Huang Han is indeed of the old school. When you click on her Weibo, there is rarely any promotional or marketing content. However, she insists on updating her reading notes, an average of six per month. She only excerpts and does not comment on them, as if she has Take things very seriously.

After Huang Han was criticized by netizens, she did not appear on the show in the past two episodes for unknown reasons.      Who are you asking?      The one who sat in the guest seat of 'If You Are the One' back then was the aunt with downcast eyebrows and a kind face who seeme - Lujuba

In this era, "progress" is a very low-cost thing. As long as you keep up with the fashionable ideology and arm yourself with various simple and crude slogans, you can launch trials and attacks on anyone.

It is extremely difficult to think too much about one thing with a "conservative" attitude, and you will inevitably be accused of blocking the trend of the times.

So, is the only use of this new knowledge to execute dissenters?

In an era that advocates fast-food criticism, it is much more difficult and valuable to be untimely cautious.

Tags: entertainment