Recently, a piece on the Douyin platform titled "I bump into my dad every day after get off work" quickly became popular, with the number of likes soaring to more than two million. The video uses concrete and straightforward lens language to record the heartwarming scene of an au

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Recently, a piece on the Douyin platform titled "I bump into my dad every day after get off work" quickly became popular, with the number of likes soaring to more than two million. The video uses concrete and straightforward lens language to record the heartwarming scene of an author's "unexpected encounter" with his father on his way to get off work every day. By the end of the video, netizens suddenly realized, "It turns out that I came to pick you up from get off work on purpose!"

The warm story behind the "accidental encounter"

Recently, a piece on the Douyin platform titled 'I bump into my dad every day after get off work' quickly became popular, with the number of likes soaring to more than two million. The video uses concrete and straightforward lens language to record the heartwarming scene of an au - Lujuba

Recently, a piece on the Douyin platform titled 'I bump into my dad every day after get off work' quickly became popular, with the number of likes soaring to more than two million. The video uses concrete and straightforward lens language to record the heartwarming scene of an au - Lujuba

(The copywriting in the video, netizens praised it as "like a poem")

The protagonist of the video, Ms. Qiu, is a 31-year-old brand copywriter in Changsha, and her father is 64 years old. , retired and living in his hometown. At the end of February this year, because his daughter went to Changsha to start a new job, her father used the excuse of taking a walk to appear on her way to get off work every day. Ms. Qiu told reporters: "Maybe he didn't want to burden me psychologically, and he said he met me by chance while walking." She told reporters that her father really liked walking, so she thought he might have happened to come over until she noticed that his father always stopped where she got off the car and stopped moving forward. The two maintained this tacit understanding tacitly, "He would not say clearly that he was coming to pick me up, and I would accompany him to pretend to be confused."

Some time ago, Ms. Qiu's father had returned to his hometown to live. Father, Ms. Qiu created this video.

The resonance behind the popularity of the video

Recently, a piece on the Douyin platform titled 'I bump into my dad every day after get off work' quickly became popular, with the number of likes soaring to more than two million. The video uses concrete and straightforward lens language to record the heartwarming scene of an au - Lujuba

"The concrete love of others shocked me and left me speechless." This is a hot comment under the video, which has received more than 500,000 likes so far. When talking about why the video became popular, Ms. Qiu confessed to reporters, "I only found the answer from the comment area." After the spread of the

video, it inspired countless netizens to share the heartwarming stories between themselves and their father, and share the same style. "Dad", while for other netizens, "father's love" is a very heavy topic. Some said that their original families were not very happy, and talked about their unsatisfactory relationship with their father. Ms. Qiu revealed to reporters: "Another netizen said that his family had treated him in this way, but he didn't know how to cherish it at the time. After watching the video, he suddenly realized it. I felt very happy when I saw this comment."

Ms. Qiu said that the success of the video surprised her, and what moved her even more was the collection of stories about father's love that were triggered by her and completed by everyone in the comment area. "I just wrote a beginning. It is everyone's comments that make this story more complete and richer."

Recently, a piece on the Douyin platform titled 'I bump into my dad every day after get off work' quickly became popular, with the number of likes soaring to more than two million. The video uses concrete and straightforward lens language to record the heartwarming scene of an au - Lujuba

Recently, a piece on the Douyin platform titled 'I bump into my dad every day after get off work' quickly became popular, with the number of likes soaring to more than two million. The video uses concrete and straightforward lens language to record the heartwarming scene of an au - Lujuba

(Another piece of work released by Ms. Qiu after the video went viral)

"Happy Ordinary People" vision

The widespread dissemination of the video , also reflects a subtle change in social mentality. "I really didn't expect that my video would become a hit. A dozen years ago, a story like this might just be a small piece of tofu in a magazine. In recent years, I have found that people are paying more and more attention to life. I have cried many times in the comment section these past few days." Ms. Qiu told reporters.

When asked about Ms. Qiu’s tips for improving “happiness” in this era, she told reporters: “My New Year’s wish this year is to be an ordinary person, because it is actually quite difficult to be an ordinary person. As you can see I am very happy in my video, but in fact I have gone through some difficulties with my father to get to where I am today, so I cherish him every day.”

What does a “happy ordinary person” look like? Ms. Qiu told reporters: "Ordinary people have stable jobs, have people to talk to when they are happy or sad, are generally healthy, and have no serious illnesses. This way they have surpassed many people. I am also working towards this goal. .”

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhong Jinhan

Tags: entertainment