On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late

entertainment 6088℃

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of taking a family portrait with her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children. Yang Yi also posted a long post lamenting that her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Later, Luo Zhongqian retweeted his beloved wife's updates and attached three love emoticons, which vividly showed the warmth and happiness of a family of four.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi revealed that this was the first time for the two babies to take a photo shoot. Although the weather was very hot, the babies were very cooperative and the whole shooting process went very smoothly. I have to say, Pearl and her brother are both great!

In the picture below, our pearl baby is super cute. Xiao Nizi has perfectly inherited the good-looking genes from her parents. Her big eyes are so beautiful. She also wears cute little hairpins and a beautiful look. She is really cute to a new level. Little Pearl looks more like her mother Yang Yi, especially when she smiles, she looks like "little Yang Yi". The more she looks at her, the more beautiful she becomes. When she grows up, she will be just like her mother, a super beauty.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

My younger brother has medium-long hair with some curls at the end, which is very cute. The little guy is wearing overalls and carrying a small bag. The overall look is full of cuteness and is so adorable.

The younger brother and older sister both inherited the big eyes from their parents, but the younger brother's facial features are more similar to those of his father, Luo Zhongqian. When facing the camera, his younger brother smiled innocently, and his smile looked very much like his father Luo Zhongqian. Therefore, Pearl and her brother are like their mother and their father. They are really perfect.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Pearl and her brother took cute group photos at different scenic spots. Xiao Nizi’s camera sense is very good, and her expressions and movements are also adorable. Just because the weather was too hot, Pearl's bangs were soaked with sweat and stuck to her forehead. Fortunately, Xiao Nizi didn't care at all and was still immersed in taking beautiful photos.

Compared to the quirkiness of my sister, my brother is a bit younger after all, and his expression is not as good as my sister’s. This cute look is really cute no matter how you look at it. The two siblings have the same style and good looks, one is more eye-catching than the other.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

As soon as the screen changed, Pearl and her brother started playing wildly with airplane toys again. Both siblings had a great time. Pearl and her brother smiled so brightly, one looked like "little Yang Yi", and the other looked like a mini version of Luo Zhongqian. Both siblings were so grown-up.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Pearl holds her brother's little hand with her little hand, and the two siblings run forward. This picture is indeed very loving. Yang Yi and her husband Luo Zhongqian quietly "hided" behind. Although the camera was a bit blurry, the happy smiles on the couple's faces could not be hidden. The family of four was extremely happy.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

"Daughter Slave" Luo Zhongqian braved the scorching sun to play with his daughter's airplane toys. The happiness on the old father's face was so eye-catching. Pearl was having so much fun with her dad, and she was so adorable running and smiling.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi and her husband Luo Zhongqian each held a baby and smiled brightly at the camera. They were a family of four. They were really very loving. Yang Yi, who was holding her son, had a face full of happiness, and her brother in her arms was so happy that he flew into the air. The same goes for Luo Zhongqian, who is holding his daughter on the side. The smile on his face is so eye-catching. Baby Pearl showed the same sweet smile as her father, and the family of four shared a warm and cozy scene. They were indeed bursting with happiness. And from this close-up family photo, we can see that Pearl does look like her mother, while her younger brother looks like a copy and paste of his father!

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

The family of four also took two group photos with a great sense of atmosphere. One is a cute picture of Yang Yi and Luo Zhongqian watching the babies eating ice cream, and the other is a warm moment of the family facing the sea. Every frame combines them The happiness and warmth of the family of four are vividly displayed, making others envious.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi and Luo Zhongqian usually like to share their children's growth. Just a few days ago, Yang Yi posted photos of taking the children to the Doraemon Exhibition. At that time, Pearl's elder sister was full of energy throughout the whole process, and she accompanied her younger brother in all kinds of fun, which was great.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi also took several loving photos with her children. The old mother smiled brightly throughout the whole process, and she was really infected by the happiness of their family through the screen.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi and her husband Luo Zhongqian have always been very loving until they got married. The couple often spread their dog food in public, living up to the title of "model couple".

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of taking a family portrait with her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children. Yang Yi also posted a long post lamenting that her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Later, Luo Zhongqian retweeted his beloved wife's updates and attached three love emoticons, which vividly showed the warmth and happiness of a family of four.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi revealed that this was the first time for the two babies to take a photo shoot. Although the weather was very hot, the babies were very cooperative and the whole shooting process went very smoothly. I have to say, Pearl and her brother are both great!

In the picture below, our pearl baby is super cute. Xiao Nizi has perfectly inherited the good-looking genes from her parents. Her big eyes are so beautiful. She also wears cute little hairpins and a beautiful look. She is really cute to a new level. Little Pearl looks more like her mother Yang Yi, especially when she smiles, she looks like "little Yang Yi". The more she looks at her, the more beautiful she becomes. When she grows up, she will be just like her mother, a super beauty.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

My younger brother has medium-long hair with some curls at the end, which is very cute. The little guy is wearing overalls and carrying a small bag. The overall look is full of cuteness and is so adorable.

The younger brother and older sister both inherited the big eyes from their parents, but the younger brother's facial features are more similar to those of his father, Luo Zhongqian. When facing the camera, his younger brother smiled innocently, and his smile looked very much like his father Luo Zhongqian. Therefore, Pearl and her brother are like their mother and their father. They are really perfect.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Pearl and her brother took cute group photos at different scenic spots. Xiao Nizi’s camera sense is very good, and her expressions and movements are also adorable. Just because the weather was too hot, Pearl's bangs were soaked with sweat and stuck to her forehead. Fortunately, Xiao Nizi didn't care at all and was still immersed in taking beautiful photos.

Compared to the quirkiness of my sister, my brother is a bit younger after all, and his expression is not as good as my sister’s. This cute look is really cute no matter how you look at it. The two siblings have the same style and good looks, one is more eye-catching than the other.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

As soon as the screen changed, Pearl and her brother started playing wildly with airplane toys again. Both siblings had a great time. Pearl and her brother smiled so brightly, one looked like "little Yang Yi", and the other looked like a mini version of Luo Zhongqian. Both siblings were so grown-up.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Pearl holds her brother's little hand with her little hand, and the two siblings run forward. This picture is indeed very loving. Yang Yi and her husband Luo Zhongqian quietly "hided" behind. Although the camera was a bit blurry, the happy smiles on the couple's faces could not be hidden. The family of four was extremely happy.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

"Daughter Slave" Luo Zhongqian braved the scorching sun to play with his daughter's airplane toys. The happiness on the old father's face was so eye-catching. Pearl was having so much fun with her dad, and she was so adorable running and smiling.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi and her husband Luo Zhongqian each held a baby and smiled brightly at the camera. They were a family of four. They were really very loving. Yang Yi, who was holding her son, had a face full of happiness, and her brother in her arms was so happy that he flew into the air. The same goes for Luo Zhongqian, who is holding his daughter on the side. The smile on his face is so eye-catching. Baby Pearl showed the same sweet smile as her father, and the family of four shared a warm and cozy scene. They were indeed bursting with happiness. And from this close-up family photo, we can see that Pearl does look like her mother, while her younger brother looks like a copy and paste of his father!

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

The family of four also took two group photos with a great sense of atmosphere. One is a cute picture of Yang Yi and Luo Zhongqian watching the babies eating ice cream, and the other is a warm moment of the family facing the sea. Every frame combines them The happiness and warmth of the family of four are vividly displayed, making others envious.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi and Luo Zhongqian usually like to share their children's growth. Just a few days ago, Yang Yi posted photos of taking the children to the Doraemon Exhibition. At that time, Pearl's elder sister was full of energy throughout the whole process, and she accompanied her younger brother in all kinds of fun, which was great.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi also took several loving photos with her children. The old mother smiled brightly throughout the whole process, and she was really infected by the happiness of their family through the screen.

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

Yang Yi and her husband Luo Zhongqian have always been very loving until they got married. The couple often spread their dog food in public, living up to the title of "model couple".Now that the two precious children have grown up, their love is still as sweet as ever, which is indeed very enviable!

On August 20, actor Yang Yi shared a group of photos on her personal social platform of her husband Luo Zhongqian and their children taking a family portrait. Yang Yi also posted a long post with laments. Her words were full of happiness and sweetness, making others envious. Late - Lujuba

pictures come from the Internet

Tags: entertainment