[Source: China Weather Network] China Weather Network News Today (August 20), the sky in Beijing is cloudy, and there may be showers. The maximum temperature is 28°C. Tomorrow and the next two days, Beijing will return to sunny weather, which is more suitable for outdoor activiti

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[Source: China Weather Network]

China Weather Network News Today (August 20), there are more clouds in the sky in Beijing, and there may be showers. The maximum temperature is 28°C. Tomorrow and the next two days, Beijing will return to sunny weather, which is more suitable for outdoor activities. However, the ultraviolet rays are strong during the day and the body feels hot. The public should pay attention to heatstroke and sun protection.

Yesterday, Beijing was mainly cloudy, with rainfall occurring in most areas. Monitoring showed that from 9:00 to 22:00, the city's average precipitation was 4.1 mm. The maximum precipitation occurred in Fangshan Simagou, which was 73.6 mm, reaching the level of heavy rain. .

[Source: China Weather Network] China Weather Network News Today (August 20), the sky in Beijing is cloudy, and there may be showers. The maximum temperature is 28°C. Tomorrow and the next two days, Beijing will return to sunny weather, which is more suitable for outdoor activiti - Lujuba

This morning, Beijing’s blue sky and white clouds are online. (Photo/China Weather Network Wang Xiao)

The Beijing Meteorological Observatory predicts that it will be cloudy during the day with scattered showers, northeasterly winds of level 2, 3 to 4, and a maximum temperature of 28°C; it will be cloudy at night, with showers turning cloudy in the eastern region. North wind level 1 or 2, with a minimum temperature of 23°C.

Tomorrow and the next two days, Beijing will be mainly cloudy or sunny, and the maximum temperature will rise to 32°C. Ultraviolet rays are strong during the day and the body feels hot. The public should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and sun protection.

The meteorological department reminded that due to the influence of the low vortex peripheral cloud system, the sky in Beijing will be cloudy today and there will still be showers. Due to the hysteresis of geological disasters, it is recommended that everyone be cautious when going to hidden danger areas such as mountainous areas and rivers.

[Source: China Weather Network]

China Weather Network News Today (August 20), there are more clouds in the sky in Beijing, and there may be showers. The maximum temperature is 28°C. Tomorrow and the next two days, Beijing will return to sunny weather, which is more suitable for outdoor activities. However, the ultraviolet rays are strong during the day and the body feels hot. The public should pay attention to heatstroke and sun protection.

Yesterday, Beijing was mainly cloudy, with rainfall occurring in most areas. Monitoring showed that from 9:00 to 22:00, the city's average precipitation was 4.1 mm. The maximum precipitation occurred in Fangshan Simagou, which was 73.6 mm, reaching the level of heavy rain. .

[Source: China Weather Network] China Weather Network News Today (August 20), the sky in Beijing is cloudy, and there may be showers. The maximum temperature is 28°C. Tomorrow and the next two days, Beijing will return to sunny weather, which is more suitable for outdoor activiti - Lujuba

This morning, Beijing’s blue sky and white clouds are online. (Photo/China Weather Network Wang Xiao)

The Beijing Meteorological Observatory predicts that it will be cloudy during the day with scattered showers, northeasterly winds of level 2, 3 to 4, and a maximum temperature of 28°C; it will be cloudy at night, with showers turning cloudy in the eastern region. North wind level 1 or 2, with a minimum temperature of 23°C.

Tomorrow and the next two days, Beijing will be mainly cloudy or sunny, and the maximum temperature will rise to 32°C. Ultraviolet rays are strong during the day and the body feels hot. The public should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and sun protection.

The meteorological department reminded that due to the influence of the low vortex peripheral cloud system, the sky in Beijing will be cloudy today and there will still be showers. Due to the hysteresis of geological disasters, it is recommended that everyone be cautious when going to hidden danger areas such as mountainous areas and rivers.

Tags: entertainment