On August 16, the new "Alien" series movie "Alien: Death Ship" was officially released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. As everyone knows, on the day of the premiere, parents complained: It caused discomfort to their 8-year-old children to watch the film. The t

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htmlOn August 16, the new "Alien" series movie " Alien: Death Ship " was officially released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. As everyone knows, on the day of the premiere, parents complained: It caused discomfort to their 8-year-old children to watch the film. The topic of whether you should take your children to the theater to watch horror movies has once again sparked discussion. What do netizens think about this? What problems may be caused by children watching horror movies? How do the United States, Japan, etc. classify movies? A quick look in this article.

Who is right and who is wrong? What do netizens think?

After "Alien: Death Ship" was released, many fans said after watching the movie for the first time that it was indeed very scary, even scarier than some movies that focus on horror. , especially when you are immersed in watching in the cinema. People with poor mental endurance need to watch movies with caution. Film critics who gave positive reviews said that "Alien: Death Ship" allowed this decades-old film series to return to its roots of space horror.

On August 16, the new 'Alien' series movie 'Alien: Death Ship' was officially released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. As everyone knows, on the day of the premiere, parents complained: It caused discomfort to their 8-year-old children to watch the film. The t - Lujuba

Fixed-release poster

However, it is currently during the summer vacation, and some parents may take their children to watch the film without doing their homework in advance.

The "Customer Complaint Reporting Information" of a certain cinema shows: On August 16, a customer took his 8-year-old child to watch "Alien: Death Ship". During the screening, the child expressed discomfort and fear while watching the movie. Parents strongly condemned the movie theater for showing movies that children cannot watch, and asked the movie theater to refund tickets and compensate them. If the customer is not sure whether the child has any sequelae after being frightened, he needs to go to the hospital for examination and ask the cinema to pay for the examination.

On August 16, the new 'Alien' series movie 'Alien: Death Ship' was officially released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. As everyone knows, on the day of the premiere, parents complained: It caused discomfort to their 8-year-old children to watch the film. The t - Lujuba

Some media asked multiple theaters about the source of this complaint. Screenshot of the complaint posted online

Some netizens thought the customer was speechless: "Parents use their children as an excuse. You choose the movie yourself, and there are trailers, but you don't watch it! The movie genre is also written as science fiction, thriller, and horror. , the official also reminded, you don’t want to watch it! Are other movie theaters forcing you to take your children to watch it?” Some netizens believe that it is necessary to clarify the movie classification: “Just stipulate that children under 12 years old are prohibited from watching!” It is reported that " The official promotional materials for "Alien: Death Ship" have stated that "underage viewers should choose to watch with caution."

Regarding summer movie viewing, many theaters said that "Alien: Death Ship" has many horror elements and it is not recommended for parents to watch it with their children. Regarding whether there is a specific age limit for watching movies, some theater staff said that there is no hard requirement, but the theater will remind people under 18 to watch with caution. Some staff members also said that if parents want to take their children to watch a movie, and the child says they don’t want to watch it during the movie, the theater will not accept refunds after the movie starts.

Attention! These types of people should not watch horror movies

On August 16, the new 'Alien' series movie 'Alien: Death Ship' was officially released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. As everyone knows, on the day of the premiere, parents complained: It caused discomfort to their 8-year-old children to watch the film. The t - Lujuba


From a physiological point of view, watching horror movies is beneficial to physical and mental health in a certain sense. For example, it helps to vent emotions and release stress; it can temporarily strengthen the immune system and consume calories, etc. Although there are some benefits, the following people should not watch horror movies!

● It is best not for children to watch such videos. Children have strong imitation abilities but lack the ability to judge the violence in the play. Blind imitation may harm themselves and others.

● There are also some people who are susceptible to psychological suggestions, have rich imaginations, and have great mood swings. They find it difficult to regain their composure after watching the movie and are prone to random thoughts. Therefore, these people should also try to avoid watching.

●Excessive mood swings may lead to physical discomfort or more serious dangers, so people with heart disease, high blood pressure, pregnant women, etc. are best not to watch horror movies.

If you are timid and can't sleep after watching it, then it's best not to watch horror movies. People with poor mental endurance should not try it easily!

What problems may children watch horror movies cause?

For children, watching horror movies is definitely not a good idea.

Experts have previously said that the psychological pressure and damage caused by watching horror movies to teenagers is relatively obvious, which will cause defects in the personality characteristics of teenagers and children. Excessively violent and bloody films will have a negative impact on the character of children and adolescents, and will also skew society's understanding.Frequent exposure to too many bloody and violent things will cause children to be subtly influenced by such behaviors, establish wrong values, and mistakenly believe that violence is a normal social behavior. In fact, the descriptions in movies and TV shows are completely different from real life. of. Experts believe that people have the instinct to pursue stimulation. Benign stimulation can stimulate people's potential, and children are no exception. However, the minds of children are still very immature and lack the ability to discern, and different children have different levels of acceptance of fear.

Children's ability to distinguish right from wrong is relatively poor, but their ability to imitate is very strong. This psychological characteristic, when combined with horror movies, may lead to horrific results: In reality, there are children who, after watching horror movies, use knives. Injury to another child. Therefore, it is better not to take teenagers or even children to watch horror movies for excitement, as it can easily have a negative impact on children.

In addition, psychologist Liu Yun said that children watching horror movies usually cause negative emotions such as tension, uneasiness, fear, etc. These negative emotions may have an impact on their mental health. In addition, children's body immunity is not fully developed yet. Watching horror movies in daily life may cause the body's resistance to decrease and easily induce diseases. If a child feels scared because of watching a horror movie, parents should provide timely emotional guidance and comfort.

How do the United States, Japan, etc. classify movies?

"Alien: Death Ship" is rated R in North America (due to "bloody and violent content and foul language"), which is a restricted level. The classic scenes in the film, such as the alien bursting out of the chest, hugging the face and neck, and sulfuric acid blood, are indeed cruel and horrifying, with strong visual impact.

Different countries and regions adopt different ways of rating movies. The following will introduce to you the film rating systems of some countries and regions. Parents should pay attention to their choices when taking their children to watch movies.

Mainland China

On August 16, the new 'Alien' series movie 'Alien: Death Ship' was officially released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. As everyone knows, on the day of the premiere, parents complained: It caused discomfort to their 8-year-old children to watch the film. The t - Lujuba

Video screenshots

Mainland China does not implement a film rating system, but uses a censorship system. After the film is reviewed and approved by the provincial radio and television department, it can obtain the title of the "Film Release License" (i.e. the dragon mark) and be released in mainland China. Films in mainland China are censored. According to the Film Management Regulations, films are prohibited from containing the following content:

(1) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

(3) Leaking state secrets, endangering national security or damaging national honor and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, destroying ethnic unity, or infringing on ethnic customs and habits;

(5) Promoting cults and superstitions ;

(6) Disturbing social order and undermining social stability;

(7) Promoting obscenity, gambling, violence or instigating crimes;

(8) Insulting or slandering others and infringing upon others' legitimate rights and interests;

(9) Endangering society Public ethics or outstanding national cultural traditions;

(10) Contains other content prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and state regulations.

Hong Kong, China

According to the "Film Censorship Ordinance", Hong Kong, China divides movies into four levels:

Level I: suitable for people of any age.

Level II: Not suitable for children to watch.

Among them: (1) Level IIa: Not suitable for children - the content and processing techniques are not suitable for children to watch; the film may use mild bad language and a small amount of nudity, sexual violence and horror content, it is recommended to have parental guidance.

(2) Level IIb: Not suitable for teenagers and children - viewers should expect that the content of the film will be more inappropriate than Level IIa; parental guidance is strongly recommended; the film may contain some vulgar language and sexually-related subject words; it may Contains implicit depictions of sexual behavior and nudity in erotic scenes; film may contain moderate violence and horror.

Level III: Only people 18 years old (inclusive) and above are allowed to watch.

Among them, the i, iia, and iib levels only serve as reminders, and the iii level movies have a legally enforceable effect. All films must display a copy of the "Certificate of Approval of the Film Censorship Ordinance" (referred to as the "censorship paper") issued by the Television and Television Department.

Taiwan, China

0+ Universal level (referred to as "general" level): general audiences can watch.

6+ Protection level (referred to as "protection" level): Children under 6 years old are not allowed to watch. Children over 6 years old and under 12 years old must be accompanied by parents, teachers or adult relatives and friends to watch.

12+ Tutoring Level 12 (referred to as "Twelve Level"): children under 12 years old are not allowed to watch.

15+ Tutoring Level 15 (referred to as "Teaching Level 15"): People under the age of 15 are not allowed to watch.

18+ Restricted level (referred to as "restricted" level): People under the age of 18 are not allowed to watch.

United States

The American film rating system is organized by the Motion Picture Association of America ("MPAA"), a committee composed of parents, based on the film's theme, language, level of violence, nudity, sex scenes and Drug use scenes, etc., represent the opinions that most parents may give to the movie. Its purpose is to provide parents with movie-related information in advance and help them determine which movies are suitable for children of a specific age. Ratings have no bearing on the quality of a movie's content.

g level: public level, can be watched by all ages. The content of the movie at this level is acceptable to parents. There are no nudity or sex scenes, and there are very few scenes of drug use and violence. Conversation is also something that can often be encountered in daily life.

pg level: General tutorial level. Some content may not be suitable for children to watch, and some scenes may cause discomfort. It is recommended to watch it with parents. Movies of this level are generally free of sex, drug use, and nudity, and if they are, the scenes are short, and the horror and violence don't go beyond moderation.

pg -Level 13: Special tutorial level, not suitable for children under 13 years old. Children under 13 years old especially need to be accompanied by their parents to watch. Some contents are very inappropriate for children. Movies of this level do not have scenes of crude sustained violence, generally no nudity, and sometimes include scenes of drug use and profanity.

r level: Restricted level, those under 17 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to watch. Videos of this level contain adult content, including more sex, violence, drug use and other scenes as well as swear words. Parents are strongly urged to understand the film before deciding whether to watch it with their children.

nc -17 level: Specially restricted level, viewers 17 years old or younger are prohibited from watching. The video may contain strong violence, sex, drug use, or deviant content.

Japan and South Korea

South Korea stipulates that movies are divided into five levels: everyone, over 12 years old, over 15 years old, over 18 years old can watch and restricted screening (over 19 years old can watch). The rating of each film is determined by the "Image Rating Committee" composed of private citizens.

Japanese movies are divided into four levels.

g level: no restrictions.

pg12: People under 12 years old must be accompanied by a parent to watch. Movies that contain sex, violence, horror, and inappropriate behavior that children may imitate.

r15+: No entry allowed for children under 15 years of age. Movies with plots that include a relatively deep level of sex, violence, horror, group exclusion, and bad behavior that teenagers may imitate.

r18+: No entry allowed for those under 18 years of age. Movies with plots that contain in-depth sex, violence, horror, bad behavior that teenagers may imitate, scenes that encourage drug use, and anti-social behavior.


In January 2002, the British Film Classification Board adjusted the classification categories and suggestions for consumers as follows:

On August 16, the new 'Alien' series movie 'Alien: Death Ship' was officially released simultaneously in mainland China and North America. As everyone knows, on the day of the premiere, parents complained: It caused discomfort to their 8-year-old children to watch the film. The t - Lujuba

Picture/China Film Screenwriting Research Institute

Beijing News comment: ""Alien" is too scary!" Parents cannot ignore the viewing Film reminder

To protect minors, producers, theaters, and parents need to perform their respective duties when choosing films suitable for children. For films that underage children cannot watch, theaters must prohibit minors from entering; minors must have For movies that can only be viewed with the presence of parents or guardians, theaters must check whether there is a guardian accompanying them, and remind guardians to choose carefully and fulfill their guardianship responsibilities.

It is worth noting that although the film producer stated on the poster that "underage viewers watch with caution", this lacks clarity compared to the requirement that "under 17 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to watch" an R-rated film performance and operability.The latter does not allow children under the age of 17 to watch without their parents or guardians, while the former allows minors to choose carefully when they are not accompanied by their parents or guardians. Underage viewers, especially children under the age of 14, may not necessarily have the ability to choose carefully.

The parents who complained this time probably didn't see the relevant reminder, or maybe they didn't pay attention. They mistakenly thought that anyone could watch the movie as long as it was publicly screened in the cinema, so they took their children there. After all, it was rare for children to be "scared" by movies before. This is actually another reminder to all parties involved.

On the one hand, film producers and theaters need to further clarify that "underage audiences watch with caution". They must not only indicate it on promotional posters, but also need to further remind them during movie screenings to effectively prevent minors from being exposed to violence, Pornographic and other film and television content.

At the same time, we can also learn from the handling of the film when it is screened abroad, and clearly require minors to be accompanied by their parents and guardians before they can buy tickets and enter the theater to watch. If minors buy movie tickets or enter cinemas on their own, they should be promptly discouraged and prohibited.

On the other hand, parents and guardians should take seriously the reminders for minors to watch movies, and even take the initiative to learn about movie-related situations.

First of all, parents should follow the reminders of the producer and the cinema and take into account the child's situation, do homework and make careful choices so that the child can be mentally prepared for watching the movie; secondly, when the child is watching the movie, they should pay attention to supervision and guidance, and give them understanding Children with insufficient abilities should explain the plots of movies and TV shows to avoid negative effects on children from watching movies.

In other words, for films that "underage audiences watch with caution", producers and cinemas should fulfill their obligations to inform, remind and supervise, and parents should also fulfill their guardianship and guidance responsibilities so that they can work together to prevent their children from being "scared" by the film. , and also implement the protection of minors. Details>>>

Data sources: Beijing Dongcheng Procuratorate's "Window of Uninspection", Guangdong Science Popularization, Hangzhou Shangcheng District Science and Technology Association, Beijing News, Yangtze Evening News, Yangcheng Evening News, Chongqing Daily, China Film Screenwriter Research Institute, " Liu Yi: Film censorship or film classification? ——Research on the Perspective of Sino-US Comparative Law", "Film and Video Censorship in Contemporary Britain", Qingdao Film Academy Student Union, Jida Chemical Institute New Media Public Account

Editor Ai Zheng Proofreading Li Lijun

Tags: entertainment