A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ

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A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organizing Committee and hosted by the Futian District Educational Science Research Institute. Science fiction literature for teenagers. During this week, they embarked on a science fiction journey in Shenzhen, a city of science and technology and a city of dreams.

Among these young science fiction authors, the youngest is only 9 years old. They explored science fiction creation under the guidance of senior writers; they also went into high-tech enterprises to explore the cutting-edge development trends of today's science and technology, opened up their creative perspectives, and enriched their creative materials; they also conducted heated debates and discussions around the pioneering topics of science and technology ethics. How do science fiction works "break the circle"... They "use their brains, mouths, legs and pens", leaving many memorable moments and outputting many amazing golden sentences.

"Maybe the young Liu Cixin is in our camp." This is the expectation of Lin Junfen, director of the Shenzhen Futian District Education Science Research Institute, for the campers on the first day of the camp. After seven days of immersive learning in this summer camp that gathered knowledge, wisdom and enthusiasm, the students ushered in a new, transformed self. They have accumulated more science fiction elements in their minds, their creative ideas are taking shape day by day, and they have gained creative knowledge and wisdom far beyond their own age.

A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ - Lujuba

In seven days, the science fiction boy grew up rapidly through listening, thinking, and walking research.

In the past week, the students of the "Kunpeng" summer camp spent a special seven days. They first listened to the earnest teachings of experts and senior writers.

For example, Ma Yuepeng, founder and director-general of the Science and Fantasy Growth Fund, encouraged students to learn from Clark, the well-known British science fiction novelist, and cultivate the ability to use science fiction works to predict the future. Zhang Jingtao, executive vice president of

Knowledge Publishing House, mentioned that summer camp campers receive out-of-the-box guidance in literature, technology, and business within seven days. These campers have surpassed their peers in terms of literary literacy, science fiction awareness, and imagination ability. potential.

Ma Chuansi, a science fiction writer and winner of the National Outstanding Children's Literature Award, guided the students that science fiction works must construct a self-consistent "game rule." "The rules of this game may be the relationship between the natural environment and people, or it may be the relationship between different classes or different populations." Ma Guobin, founder and chairman of the

Science and Fantasy Growth Fund, proposed that classic works can generate "secondary creations" from readers: "Excellent science fiction novels can always inspire readers to continue writing or create fan fiction. Many excellent science fiction novels can always inspire readers to continue writing or create fan fiction. Fan creation also has the effect of 'completing' the imaginary world."

Wang Kedong, a professor at Southern University of Science and Technology, started from several classic physics phenomena and reminded students that science fiction creation needs to follow basic laws of physical science and hopes that young authors will. Develop imagination based on a deep understanding of scientific laws.

In addition, during the summer camp, Yin Chuanhong, vice chairman of the Chinese Science Writers Association, Chen Fan, a science fiction writer, Chao Xia, a famous science fiction education teacher, Wan Fuyou, president of the Shenzhen Children's Literature Society, and young writers Li Chuhan and Huang Zizhen were also using different methods to contribute to science fiction. The creative “empowerment” of young people.

In addition to listening and thinking, the teenagers also need to walk and research. In the past few days, the campers have visited the Vans Future Museum, the BGI Space-Time Center, and the DJI Product Experience Center, experiencing the historical development trajectory of life sciences, genetic science, and automation technology, and enriching their own creative materials. This group of sci-fi literature teenagers with avant-garde concepts, pioneering consciousness, and very sensitive to the development trends of new things are also the first users to pay attention to, use and experience AI creation. They are also trying to control AI in their own way and make AI an auxiliary creation. powerful tool.

During the seven days, the students reached the frontiers and boundaries of scientific theory, science fiction creation, and technological development. They also brainstormed and exchanged ideas on the ethics and techniques of science fiction creation... These experiences also provided them with a final release. Creative potential, brewing top works, and laying a solid step towards realizing literary dreams.

A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ - Lujuba
A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ - Lujuba
A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ - Lujuba

Deeply planted in fertile soil, promotes the cultivation of scientific and technological innovation talents with popular science and science fiction education

This summer camp is a high-level immersive learning and project-based learning, during which the challenging completion of new cross-school age, cross-region, and cross-disciplinary The summer camp formation model also allows like-minded teenagers to organize a "learning community". Expert lectures, sharing by famous experts, creative exchanges among young talents, high-tech on-site visit experiences, and continuous sharing and exchanges among campers... are all new course combinations that break through traditional methods and provide students with rare opportunities in their academic careers. profound experience. The cutting-edge knowledge, observational experiences, and ways of thinking gained in the summer camp will also become lifelong qualities for the students.

In 2021, as the first domestic Kunpeng Youth Science Fiction Literature Award specifically for teenagers under the age of 25, it took root in Futian, providing an experimental ground for teenagers to try cutting-edge writing in natural sciences and humanities. Its significance is not only to cultivate a The purpose of recruiting leaders in the field of science fiction writing is to cultivate students' scientific literacy through science fiction writing competitions, so that the imagination and creativity of science fiction can have a positive impact on students' future growth, outlook on life, and world view.

As a summer training activity for the fourth "Kunpeng" Award, Zhao Meng, deputy director of the Shenzhen Futian District Education Bureau, fully affirmed the significance of this summer camp. He said at the closing ceremony: "In these days of activities, The campers showed off their talents in the writing workshop and drew inspiration while visiting science and technology museums and high-tech enterprises, which fully reflected the in-depth exchanges between science fiction literature and future technology. This science fiction journey will definitely leave a deep memory for the students. , is also a useful exploration for Futian to develop students’ scientific literacy in practice and promote the integration of science and education.”

Zhao Meng revealed that Futian Education will continue to provide the most fertile ground for the vigorous development of the Kunpeng Award, and insist on cultivating innovative talents that adapt to future development. The goal is to adhere to the integration of resources, curriculum integration, space coordination, and activity convergence to form a full-field, all-time and space education model for science education, science and technology popularization, and innovative talent training, and promote the cultivation of scientific and technological innovation talents with popular science and science fiction education.

A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ - Lujuba
A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ - Lujuba
A wonderful feast of science fiction and literature led by teenagers comes to an end. Starting from August 12, the one-week 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp was launched, hosted by the 'Kunpeng' Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Organ - Lujuba

Refresh your understanding and absorb the nutrition of science fiction and literature through immersive exploration

The students formed their new understanding of science fiction creation in the summer camp. "Telling a good story and adding exciting science fiction elements may not necessarily make a good science fiction novel. Just the right creativity and careful arrangement and design can make the work more outstanding." Zhu Sida, a student at Guangdong University of Technology, is conceiving a new novel As a science fiction novel, the plan is to focus on stories between people, supplemented by science fiction. He hopes that this work will have more considerable social effects.

"Science fiction creation requires courage, the courage to break conventions, and constant innovation. The experience of this summer camp made me understand that every science fiction writer is an explorer. They sail in the ocean of words, looking for those who can touch people's hearts. Story." Luo Ge, from the High-tech Campus of Longhua District Foreign Languages ​​School, believes that the value of science fiction literature lies in its ability to stimulate people's imagination, expand the boundaries of our thinking, and allow us to experience unlimited possibilities in reading.

"In the past week, we had a full schedule every day. We shuttled through various imaginative lectures, film appreciation and field trips, like a sponge absorbing the nutrition of science fiction and literature." Nanshan, Shenzhen Lei Xinye, Nantou Primary School of District Nanshan Experimental Education Group, said with emotion.

"Science fiction is essentially a combination of literature and technology, which highlights the crazy imagination and outstanding creativity of human beings. It prompts me to rethink today's life, and also triggers my vision and hope for the future. Although the summer camp only has In just seven days, the growth that came with it will be with me for the rest of my life." Li Bochen, a student at Hanlin School of Shenzhen Futian District Experimental Education Group, believes that the stories that happened here may be forgotten by him, but the insights and thoughts that came from it. The memory is indelible."The combination of technology and the universe makes science fiction the driving force for humankind's continuous exploration. We will all find new growth points, chop waves and sail toward the sea of ​​stars in our minds."

Huang Hai, a student from Haikou Middle School in Haikou City, wants to find new creative points in the interaction between "people" and "technology". "We pay more attention to the ideals of characters in science fiction creation, rather than just the display of technology, so that our works can appear more meaningful and be interpreted by more readers."

Facing the future, continue to write new Chinese stories with the brush of "science fiction"

With the rise of China's comprehensive national power, more and more Chinese science fiction authors have become famous in the world. Science fiction creation with "Chinese characteristics" has also become an ascendant trend. From "national trend", "national comics" to "national fantasy", cultural confidence has become the greatest confidence of the "post-00s" in the new era. In this summer camp, young authors also issued a call that "the future of Chinese science fiction depends on us."

Sci-fi literary works with Chinese characteristics, you can find creative inspiration from Chinese games. "For example, a game skin of Honor of Kings may contain elements of science fiction and can become a prototype for science fiction creation and provide a basic source of motivation for creation." Young writer Huang Zizhen encouraged young authors.

looks for creative materials and motivations for science fiction from fantasy stories and classic myths in Chinese history, allowing classic images of Chinese history and culture to be reproduced in the form of "science fiction" and finding a new balance between traditional culture and science fiction creation. It is also worth looking forward to creative direction. "We can draw from China's rich history, set the background of the story in a certain period or period of Chinese history, speculate on history in the form of science fiction, and open up a world full of imagination on the basis of rigorous historical materials. In addition, we You can also draw nourishment from China's rich mythology and historical stories, and add elements of Chinese culture to science fiction works. For example, the science fiction game "Nine Sols" uses ancient Chinese mythology as the background to interpret a game. An imaginative science fiction story between apes (human beings) and sun people (gods)." Li Bochen said that as a science fiction writer born in China, he should use the treasure house of Chinese culture to open up a new world of science fiction literature and write stories with Chinese characteristics. Science fiction story.

In the historical process of building "Chinese-style modernization", China's science and technology, which is changing and developing rapidly, can also become a "rich mine" for science fiction creation. Sunzi Xuan, a student at the Hanlin School of the Experimental Education Group in Shenzhen Futian District, said that the phenomena of the times such as "Chinese Spring Festival Transport" and "Chinese Reunion" will definitely have a more romantic presentation in the depiction of "science fiction" brushes. "For example, will there be 'capsule trains', 'flying cars' and other means of transportation in the future to support the Spring Festival? Will there be holographic projection equipment in the future to satisfy the homesickness of homesick travelers?" He is already imagining the future empowered by modern technology. Chinese society and incorporate these elements into his works.

The "Kunpeng" Literature Award Summer Camp is just the beginning, not the end. The journey of science fiction creation will never stop. The " Kunpeng " Award Organizing Committee hopes that the authors and works cultivated by " Kunpeng " can go to a wider world. Next, while doing a good job in soliciting submissions, the organizing committee will also launch the " Kunpeng overseas " plan, and select the winning works of the first three " Kunpeng " awards for translation and promotion. Perform visual processing and produce short videos to further expand the international influence of the " Kunpeng " award. At the same time, we will continue to track the creation of summer campers. Currently, the fourth " Kunpeng " Youth Science Fiction Literature Award is soliciting submissions through the public account " Kunpeng Youth Science Fiction Literature Award " . Teenagers aged 25 and under can actively submit submissions.

Written and written by: Nandu reporter Zhou Zhengyang, correspondent Zhu Jinye

Tags: entertainment