On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's

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htmlOn August 16, the graduation ceremony of the more than three-month Beijing People's Art Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's Art to jointly cultivate screenwriters and directors based on extensive solicitation from the society. It is reported that the 15 trainees come from the Central Academy of Drama, Shanghai Theater Academy, Peking University, Tianjin People's Art Theater and other institutions and troupes, with an average age of only 28 years old.

On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's  - Lujuba

Students’ on-the-spot photos taken in Beijing. The pictures in this article were all taken by Li Chunguang.

Wang Wenguang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing People's Arts, Dean Feng Yuanzheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Zhou Tong, Vice Dean Qin Xinchun, Vice Dean Zhang Peng, as well as expert representatives of the Beijing People's Arts Committee, members of the teaching team, and all students attended the graduation ceremony. ceremony. At the event, Feng Yuanzheng congratulated the trainees on their successful graduation and expressed the hope that the trainees would take what they learned from their studies in humanities and arts into their lives and create more outstanding works that reflect the spirit of the times and people's lives. "I hope that everyone will not only have more cooperation with Renyi in the future, but also exert greater energy on their respective professional stages and add strength to the development of the entire drama industry."

On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's  - Lujuba

Graduation ceremony group photo

Since May 8 this year Wu Tong, the head teacher of the training class, remembers every moment in the 101 days since the class started. She said that the training is generally divided into two stages. The first stage is intensive teaching, which lasts for 30 days and includes 126 hours of lectures. 42 experts, scholars and critics from the fields of screenwriter, director, stage design, performance and other fields from inside and outside the Beijing People's Art Institute will teach students professional courses. And share valuable creative experience; the second stage is artistic practice. The students are divided into four groups in the form of screenwriters and directors, putting the professional theories they learned into practice, and finally creating four original works on the stage. and classic adaptations. During the training process, Beijing People's Arts also arranged observation and on-the-spot collecting activities in Shijingshan Shougang Park, the banks of the Tongzhou Grand Canal and other places, allowing the trainees to come into contact with more fresh life materials.

On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's  - Lujuba

Wu Tong, head teacher of the training class

"This study is different from school study. We emphasize starting from practice." Tang Ye, head of Beijing People's Art Creation Studio and member of the training class teaching team, said, hoping that the students can pass such Curriculum setting and creative methods, learn to truly enter life and create based on life.

On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's  - Lujuba

Tang Ye, head of the Beijing People's Art Creation Studio and member of the training class teaching team

The 15 students in this screenwriter and director talent training class finally created four works: "The Memory Is Not Over", "Night Shift Bus C49" and "Tomorrow" , Another Tomorrow" and "Madman and Kafkas" were put on the stage of Beijing People's Art Theater with the help of the professional performance team of People's Art Theater. Before the graduation ceremony officially started that day, students Zhang Qian, Tan Junyuan and Li Jiaqiu's work "Madman and Kafka" was reported and performed in the small theater.

It only took two months from the beginning of the creation of "Madmen and Kafkas" to the time it was put on the stage by young actors from the theater. The pressure to present an original work on the stage in such a short period of time is understandable. Under "high pressure", the students not only showed their extraordinary creative abilities, but also realized the high standards and strict requirements of Renyi for a work. During the creation process, Beijing People's Art Institute provided support with the whole school's efforts. In addition to the teachers in the teaching group to check the work, various art production departments also participated in it to complete the whole process of Beijing People's Art creation practice.

On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's  - Lujuba

Students Zhang Qian, Tan Junyuan and Li Jiaqiu took a group photo with the cast and crew of "Madman and Kafkas"

In the view of Dean Feng, the significance of such a display of works is not just the creation itself, but the The creative style, creative attitude and creative methods of Beijing People's Art Theater are passed on to the students, so that they can not only understand Beijing People's Art Theater, but also experience the "one vegetable" spirit of full cooperation and seamless connection between all departments of the theater, and also be able to use their own Creativity and imagination bring new perspectives and vitality to Beijing People's Art Institute's artistic creation. "The results we have achieved are not just the present, the real results are the future. Through intensive training, 15 trainees successfully graduated.At the same time, Beijing People's Art Institute has also built a bridge with young creative talents through this attempt, which will open up more possibilities in the future. "Feng Yuanzheng said.

On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's  - Lujuba

Feng Yuanzheng, President of Beijing People's Art Theater

And the students also experienced a lot from it. They all said, "These 100 days may be the busiest and most meaningful for each of us in our lives. , the most memorable journey. In the future, no matter whether we are lucky enough to interact with Beijing People's Art Theater again, we will walk on the road of drama and life with a certain "people's art spirit". To complete their respective works and start a new journey. ”

On August 16, the graduation ceremony of Beijing People's Art 2024 Screenwriter and Director Talent Training Course, which lasted for more than three months, was held at the People's Art Theater. This training class is the first professional training project for Beijing People's  - Lujuba

training course student representative Zhang Qian

Tags: entertainment