On September 28, 2022 local time, gas leaked from the "Nord Stream" No. 2 natural gas pipeline in the Swedish Economic Zone in the Baltic Sea was being released. Visual China Data Map After Germany issued its first arrest warrant for the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipeline explosi

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On September 28, 2022 local time, gas leaked from the 'Nord Stream' No. 2 natural gas pipeline in the Swedish Economic Zone in the Baltic Sea was being released. Visual China Data Map After Germany issued its first arrest warrant for the 'Nord Stream' natural gas pipeline explosi - Lujuba

On September 28, 2022 local time, gas leaked from the "Nord Stream" No. 2 natural gas pipeline in the Swedish Economic Zone in the Baltic Sea was being released. Visual China Data Map

After Germany issued its first arrest warrant for the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipeline explosion two years ago, and Poland confirmed on August 14 that a suspect had crossed the border and returned to Ukraine, more details are being disclosed.

Some media recently broke the news that Zaluzhny, the former commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, was the culprit of the "Nord Stream" pipeline explosion that shocked the world. Ukrainian President Zelensky once called off the attack with the intervention of the United States, but Zaluzhny refused to obey the order and insisted on advancing the attack plan.

html On August 15, CCTV News reported that Ukrainian officials responded that Ukraine had nothing to do with the explosion of the "Nord Stream" pipeline.

The "Wall Street Journal" reported on the 14th that the plan to attack the "Nord Stream" pipeline was born in a drinking party between senior Ukrainian military officers and businessmen in May 2022. Zelensky approved the plan within days and assigned then-Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Zaluzhny to lead it. All of Zelensky's deployments were made verbally, leaving no written records. The following month, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) learned of the incident through the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service (MIVD). Subsequently, after being warned by the CIA, Zelensky decided to halt the attack plan.

reported that Zaluzhny did not follow Zelensky's instructions, but insisted on continuing the attack and made adjustments to the original plan. He told Zelensky that any contact with the operation team could jeopardize the operation, so once they were dispatched they would be cut off from the outside world and the attack could not be called off.

In the early morning of September 26, four months after the plan emerged, a crew of six carried out the attack on a small yacht. The crew is a mix of experienced active-duty soldiers and civilians with maritime expertise, including one active-duty officer, four deep-sea divers, and a female civilian with diving training. Her involvement allegedly made it easier for the action group to pretend to be a group of friends. According to people familiar with the matter, the four divers worked in pairs and were tasked with setting up a powerful explosive called HMX. The explosive is attached to a timer-controlled detonator and only a small amount is enough to blow open a high-pressure pipeline.

According to Xinhua News Agency's report on the 14th, the Polish prosecutor's office confirmed on the same day that Poland had received a "European Arrest Warrant" from Germany, requesting Poland to help arrest a Ukrainian suspected of participating in sabotaging the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipeline in 2022. Citizen "Vladimir z", but this person is no longer in Poland.

The "Wall Street Journal" reported that "Vladimir Z" was one of the six crew members involved in the attack on the "Nord Stream" pipeline. He is a diving instructor and lives with his family near Warsaw, Poland. In 2022, he was caught on a German speed camera entering Germany from Poland in a van. It is believed that the man and other suspects in the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline have received information and will avoid traveling outside Ukraine. Since Ukraine does not extradite its own citizens, this is a blow to German investigators. In the past two years, German police have investigated evidence such as fingerprints and DNA samples, emails, mobile phone and satellite phone communication records of suspected gang members. However, the German investigation did not directly point the finger at Zelensky.

Zaluzhny took up the post of Ukraine's ambassador to the UK earlier this year. After the German arrest warrant was issued, the Wall Street Journal reported that Zaluzhne said in a text message that he had no knowledge of any such action and that any suggestion was a "pure provocation" and that Ukraine's armed forces were not authorized to do so. On an overseas mission so he wouldn't be involved. A senior official from Ukraine's National Security Service also denied that the Ukrainian government had anything to do with the sabotage.

According to a CCTV News report on August 15, Podolak, chief advisor to the Ukrainian President's Office, said in an interview with the media that Ukraine had nothing to do with the explosion of the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipeline.

Podoljak said that the destruction of the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipeline can only be carried out if it has a large amount of technical and financial resources, and the only country with these resources at the time of the explosion was Russia.

analysis believes that the current investigation results of the "North Stream" incident may subvert the relationship between Kiev and Berlin. Germany has provided a large amount of funds and military equipment to Ukraine and is the second largest aid donor after the United States. A senior German official familiar with the findings said: "An attack of this magnitude is enough to trigger NATO's collective defense clause. But what destroys our critical infrastructure is a country that receives large amounts of our weapons and billions in cash aid." ."

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