Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market. The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili

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Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing

Editor | Nan Feng

It was promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no ruthless product has appeared in the domestic drama market. The lineup of

is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili, and Tong Dawei all went into battle and fought together.

"White Night Chase 2", which had finally made news, saw that the summer season was over, and it was once again in limbo.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

So, is it really out of stock?

is definitely impossible.

"Bianshui Past" has been officially announced and will be released online on the 16th to meet the audience.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Both the production team and the cast are extremely strong, and the film is based in Myanmar. It is said that the scale is amazing, and it is not easy to pass the review.

This time, let’s take a first step to see how many brushes "Bianshui Past" actually has-

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

The story line of "Bianshui Past" mainly revolves around the two protagonists.

One is Shen Xing (played by Guo Qilin ), a young man who accidentally migrated to Myanmar to work.

The other one is Uncle Chai (played by Wu Zhenyu ), a peacemaker in Sanbipo.

A young man was deceived into Myanmar. He had no choice but to stay here to work. Later, he got into big trouble and met Uncle Guai.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Judging from the trailer, the drama is only 16 episodes long, but it vividly depicts the turbulent situation in northern Myanmar.

Most of what we know is that telecommunications fraud is so rampant. In fact, it is a paradise for almost all criminals.

The "Bianshui" in the title of the drama means delivering living supplies to drug dealers in the mountains. It is said that they are non-toxic, but in fact it is hard to say what they are.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Since it is the base camp of drug dealers, drugs are definitely indispensable. Their drug trafficking channels, drug addicts trying to steal items, and various capitals are naturally involved.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

This is not the end. What is more common in Myanmar is "picking up stones".

This small stone contains tens of millions or even billions of value.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

just for such a stone.

If you bet correctly, you will become famous and become rich overnight. However, it is common in this industry to lose everything.

Even paying one's life for it is nothing new.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

In fact, viewers who understand Cao Baoping's style can also predict the narrative techniques and lens language of "Bianshui Past".

His works such as " Crossing the Angry Sea", " The Heart-Scorching Sun", " Dog Thirteen" and " Li Mi's Conjecture" etc., even if the themes are different, they can all be captured accurately. The audience felt pain and stabbed them hard.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

In addition to Cao Baoping's escort, "Bianshui Past" also has a strong director joining the cast.

even participated in directing the phenomenon-level hit " begins ". He can always make the suspense line more full and three-dimensional within the limited space for play.

Therefore, "Once Upon a Time on the Edge of Water" not only has a breakthrough in scale, but also definitely adds a lot of suspenseful atmosphere to the storytelling technique, and the visual impact is self-evident.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

What I am most curious about is how Shen Xing survived in Myanmar.

There are not many such themes in domestic dramas. Being able to clearly lay out the chaotic crime lines there and show them in front of the audience can also be regarded as a warning to the public.

From picking up stones to running along the water, he experienced a car accident and was framed for his life. With his life hanging by a thread, how did he escape alive from a criminal gang full of traps? What role does Uncle Guai play in it?

Even more exciting ones are yet to come.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Web dramas that rely on plot to win are so big that they are on the verge of passing review. As long as there are no popular stars in the lineup, the audience will already be at ease.

However, the moment they saw Guo Qilin’s name, I believe many people were still not satisfied.

However, after clicking on the trailer, I felt that the role of Shen Xing and Guo Qilin were a perfect match.

As soon as he appeared, one word popped into my mind when I saw the male protagonist -


Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Don’t mention it, it’s this “popular” energy that makes Guo Qilin more consistent with the style of the entire drama.

does not have any aura as a male protagonist, nor does he pretend to be a bad guy. He looks like a coward who will be deceived, but he still has some small calculations in his heart.

I still remember Zhang Yixing’s ultimate secret to turning around his reputation in " All or Nothing " is to "get beaten", and the same is true for Guo Qilin.

The criminal group over there is unimaginably cruel, and it is common for Shen Xing to be beaten.

Good guy, I couldn’t bear to look at the abuse Guo Qilin suffered in the movie through the screen.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

What is more surprising is that even in scenes with no highlights, Guo Qilin can completely interpret the panic and confusion of the characters in danger.

This guy has something.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Pairing young actors with old actors is a common configuration in various themes nowadays, and Wu Zhenyu is the acting master in "Once Upon a Time on the Edge of Water".

All words are nonsense when it comes to Wu Zhenyu, his performance is really spot on.

You don’t even need to show your face, every frame is in the character. Henjue and Chengfu interpret it vividly through that face, just like a "smiling tiger".

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

In addition to the two male protagonists above, the appearance of other supporting characters also made my eyes shine.

For example, You Yongzhi, a national first-class actor.

According to my guess, You Yongzhi will most likely play a stone picker on the northern border of Myanmar. He may also be implicated in a criminal gang. The specific plot will have to wait for the feature film to be revealed.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

Another example is Jiang Qiming .

Jiang Qiming can make the audience smile every time he appears.

From "Dear Child" to "The Long Season" and "My Altay", it is surprising that a young actor's shaping performance is so high.

This time, he seems to be playing a "gangster" again. Judging from the trailer, he should have many scenes opposite Guo Qilin.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng promised that this year would be the first year of criminal investigation dramas, but as a result, more than half a year has passed, and no one has appeared in the domestic drama market.      The lineup is indeed good. Zhang Songwen, Ma Yili - Lujuba

These actors usually don’t have much in common, so it’s quite magical that they were chosen to be together.

Although the drama team has not yet revealed the characters they will be assigned to, these people are all capable actors with good reputations and should create many famous scenes for "Once Upon a Time on the Edge of Water".


Criminal investigation drama, the audience is really watching it.

However, taking the perspective outside the country and even showing the crimes in Myanmar in detail on the screen is a rare sight in the entire TV drama market.

Cao Baoping has always been breaking through the standards of film and television dramas, and he can always find "shortcuts" in passing the review.

No wonder, when the news of the release of "White Night 2" spread, "Once Upon a Time" was able to be air-scheduled and squeezed out the drama that the audience had been waiting for for seven years. It must be that it was promoted in such a hurry.

This year’s suspense dramas have yet to see anyone break through. Once “Once Upon a Time on the Edge of Water” becomes the last hit of the summer season, I think both Guo Qilin and the director will be able to achieve immediate promotion.

I wonder if you are looking forward to this drama?


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