Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read "Guomen Argument" should be familiar with the "old script" of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe

entertainment 4513℃

Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read 'Guomen Argument' should be familiar with the 'old script' of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe - Lujuba

Explain the law with cases

Enter the small legal classroom

Old friends who have often read "Guomen Jue"

should be familiar with

Twins using fraudulent documents

This "old script"


No matter how the editor reminds me repeatedly

There will always be A small number of people

have a sense of luck


today let me use another case

to review this knowledge point with you


Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read 'Guomen Argument' should be familiar with the 'old script' of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe - Lujuba

6 4th

At the port of Shanghai Pudong International Airport

A pair of twin brothers Song Moulin (brother) ), Song Mouxue (brother)

exchanged identities

attempted to enter the country in a disguised manner

and was seized on the spot by the immigration police

Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read 'Guomen Argument' should be familiar with the 'old script' of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe - Lujuba

The cause of the incident was that

Song Mouxue went abroad to participate in a competition

Invited his wife and brother Song Moulin to watch the competition

Song Mouxue Under the arrangement of his company,

purchased his own return ticket in advance.

A few days later,

Song Moulin and Song Mouxue’s wife

wanted to buy the same return ticket with Song Mouxue.

They found that the flight was sold out.

could only be purchased. On another flight with a similar time

Before the three of them left to return to China,

Song Xue's wife suggested:

"You two brothers, please exchange your documents and air tickets,

so that we can take the same flight!"

Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read 'Guomen Argument' should be familiar with the 'old script' of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe - Lujuba

"We are twins anyway. ,

It should not be discovered."

Song Moulin readily agreed

So the two brothers exchanged passports and air tickets

Holding each other's documents

The tickets boarded the return flight

After arriving at the entry hall of Pudong International Airport

Song Moulin. Lin failed to use the fast lane to clear customs

, which attracted the attention of the immigration police.

Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read 'Guomen Argument' should be familiar with the 'old script' of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe - Lujuba

Faced with the questioning of the immigration police, Song Moulin fully explained the fact that the two brothers exchanged passports and air tickets.

Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read 'Guomen Argument' should be familiar with the 'old script' of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe - Lujuba

Song Mouxue and his wife took another plane.

When the flight arrived

the immigration police who had been "waiting for a long time"

immediately invited the two people into the interrogation room

Realizing the seriousness of the matter

Song Mouxue's wife felt regretful for her ignorant suggestion

Interpret the law through the case and enter the small legal class. Old friends who often read 'Guomen Argument' should be familiar with the 'old script' of twins fraudulently using documents. However, no matter how many times the editor reminds me, there are always a small numbe - Lujuba

In the end

Shanghai Immigration Inspection Station Shanghai In accordance with the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, the airport border inspection station imposed an administrative penalty of 1,000 yuan on each of the two brothers and confiscated the documents involved in the case. Article 67: If a visa, foreigner's stay or residence permit and other exit and entry documents are damaged, lost, stolen or robbed, or the holder is found not to meet the issuance conditions after issuance, the issuing authority shall declare the exit and entry documents invalid.

Exit and entry documents that are forged, altered, fraudulently obtained, or declared invalid by the document-issuing authority are invalid.

The public security organs may cancel or confiscate the exit and entry documents specified in the preceding paragraph or used fraudulently by others.

Article 71: Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be fined not less than one thousand yuan but not more than five thousand yuan; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and may also be fined not less than two thousand yuan but not more than ten thousand yuan. :

(1) Using forged, altered or fraudulent exit and entry documents to exit and enter the country;

(2) Pretending to use other people’s exit and entry documents to exit and enter the country;

(3) Evading entry and exit border inspection;

(4) Entering and exiting the country illegally by other means.


The editor reminds all inbound and outbound passengers

Please consciously abide by entry and exit laws and regulations

Never try to take the law by yourself

Contributed by: Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection, Shanghai Airport Immigration Inspection Station

Author: Wang Danlin, Zhang Jie and Li Yuhang

Editor: Zhou Yaxiong

Preliminary review: Qi Xiuwen

Final review: National Immigration Administration News Center

Please indicate the source for reprinting: National Immigration Administration

Tags: entertainment