As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un

entertainment 8407℃

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... ..

But unfortunately, Trump’s Twitter was later officially blocked for inciting the Capitol Hill incident. After that, he ran away angrily and created his own social platform, Truth Social (although no one used it), where he continued to spray. The great cause of the National People's Congress, the grand scene of "Ruling the country by Twitter" is no longer there.

During this period, Twitter was sold to Musk. Although the latter helped Trump lift the ban, Trump proudly stated that he would not return to Twitter. Since then, his account has remained silent, with the only exception being August last year. When he was imprisoned on the 25th, he posted a photo calling on the public to support him.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(the only tweet Trump sent during this period)

However, things took a turn for the better - Trump returned to Twitter on the 12th and posted 10 updates in just 20 hours, which was almost the same as in previous years. Shengjing" is exactly the same...

Twitter finally welcomed back its loyal understanding king...

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Now make twitter great again)

To put it bluntly, the reason why Trump returned to Twitter , the biggest possibility is that opponent Harris is gaining momentum.

Since Biden announced his withdrawal from the candidacy, Harris' campaign team has been frantically building momentum for him, creating many memes, which have been overwhelmingly popular on social media. It seems that Trump has become the role of Biden before - an old stubborn who does not conform to the trend.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Recent meme about Harris)

According to the latest poll, Harris’s approval rating has now surpassed Trump’s, reaching 45.9%; while Trump’s side is mediocre and has never seen any improvement.

Therefore, the current situation does not allow Trump to continue to be willful and stay in his truth social that no one uses.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(recent poll data)

But Trump is Trump after all, and his first move will be a bombshell: his return to Twitter will start with a conversation between him and Musk.

These two people are the two largest traffic trees in the American media. Once the two powerful forces join forces, will they destroy Twitter?

Yes, Twitter is really broken.

The conversation between the two was originally scheduled to start at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, but Twitter’s server could not catch this huge wave of traffic. For a while, the entire Twitter trending search was “unable” and “crashed” )", "Twitter blockout" and other tags.

The live link for the conversation sent by Trump’s account has been clicked more than 11 million times, but most people can’t squeeze in and can only see the “details not available” prompt.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(link cannot be clicked)

More than ten minutes later, Musk seemed to be aware of the problem and declared:

"x may have suffered a large-scale DDoS attack, and we are working hard to shut it down."

"The worst case scenario is this : Let’s reduce the number of live listeners, continue the conversation, and upload the entire conversation recording later.”

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Musk’s original text)

Someone in the comments later said, “It must be the Democrats who are ‘saving’ democracy again,” implying ddos. The attack was carried out by the Democratic Party, and Musk replied "yeah", shifting the blame to the Democratic Party...

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Musk's original text)

But later, the well-known foreign technology media Verge found two people inside Twitter. One of the informants,

, clearly stated that "no DDoS attack actually occurred";

, another was more direct, saying that the possibility of Musk lying about the DDoS attack was "as high as 99%."

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Verge informant’s original words)

In addition, another media BBC also found an expert, who also said that Musk’s so-called “attack” was unlikely.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Original words from BBC experts)

What to say, this kind of "internal information" is often true or false, and cannot be regarded as a reliable source;

However, Musk's past integrity record is indeed unflattering. Everyone has different opinions. Let’s hear some gossip...

In short, the so-called "DDoS attack" finally subsided after 40 minutes, and the conversation between the two finally continued - said it was a conversation, but in fact most of the time it was Sichuan. Pu Zai talks about on his own, which is far from the "interview" we imagined.

Moreover, the conversation between the two people did not have a particularly clear context. The atmosphere was relatively relaxed. In fact, it is more appropriate to call it "chat".

There are even many media comments that Trump was "mumbling" and "chattering" throughout the whole process, and I don't know what he wanted to say...

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

("Trump muttered, vaguely said all the way")

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

("Trump mumbled and kept lying")

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

("Trump and Musk’s muttering conversation was full of glitches and very strange")

In fact, Trump’s usual speeches are probably like this, Xu Xu There is no clear theme for the chatter about the car...

After eliminating the essentials, the remaining essence is probably the following:

1. Blaming Harris and Biden

Chatting for about two hours Trump repeatedly insulted Harris, calling her a "third rate", "incompetent", a "leftist lunatic", a "San Francisco liberal" and so on.

What is very strange is that although Trump devalued her as worthless, he also praised Harris's appearance.

Because Harris recently appeared on the cover of "Time" magazine, Trump commented on her:

"She looks like the most beautiful actress in history."

"It is a painting, in fact, she looks very Like a great first lady, Melania (his own wife)"

In the last sentence, he was particularly stupefied: "She looks, she looks, she doesn't look like Camilla."

This is another mistake. Harris’s name Kamala was pronounced as camilla, and it was transferred to the Queen of England...

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Harris appeared in Time Magazine)

Of course, he also humiliated his old rivals. Biden. Although Biden has withdrawn from the election, Trump is still reluctant to give up:

"He is almost in a vegetative state. It looks so bad, it has reached a ridiculous level."

"He can't even lift a handful. The chair, that chair only weighs 3 ounces. This whole thing is so crazy, we basically don’t have a president.”

2. Spraying immigrants

As we all know, Trump is obsessed with building a wall, and he is unequivocally opposed to immigration. This time is no exception.

He told Musk that countries such as Venezuela are sending "unproductive people" as well as "criminals", "murderers" and "rapists" to the United States.

"Here's the thing: crime rates are going down all over the world. When you get the data in our hands, you will know that these are crimes committed by immigrants."

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Trump's cherished wall)

3. Spraying Climate

Trump believes that climate change, global warming and other environmental issues are "not real". He thinks that rising sea levels are indifferent:

"The biggest threat? Not global warming. In the next 400 years, sea levels will be A rise of 1/8 inch will only create more ocean view rooms at best."

This is actually consistent with his consistent views. During the California wildfires in 2020, Trump openly questioned the scientific nature of climate change.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(report at the time)

The California Minister of Natural Resources explained the relationship between science and climate change at length. After mentioning the importance, Trump replied:

"The weather will get colder and colder, just watch it."

The minister was speechless and replied: "I hope science can agree with you." "

Trump: "Actually, I don't think science knows either. "

4. Praising Musk

After spraying the whole world with nonsense, Trump finally praised one person - Musk opposite him.

Trump praised Musk as "the greatest layoffist". This It refers to Musk’s large-scale layoffs at Tesla, Twitter and other companies.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba


At that time, there was a lot of criticism of Musk. Twitter’s previous large-scale layoffs had exposed a lot of negative information. This year. Tesla laid off employees in May, and some foreign media described Tesla's layoffs as "cruel" and "anti-union."

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(The inside story of Tesla's brutal layoffs)

But Trump doesn't care about this, he said. :

“I won’t name the specific companies, but they all went on strike, and then you said, ‘OK, you all go, you all go’. Everyone is gone and you are the best one. "

" You will be great. Oh, you'll love it. (You would be very good. oh, you would love it.)"

It is indeed as those foreign media commented. Trump's speech has always been either vague or unclear. You have to make up for the above two sentences. You can only understand what he wants to say by using his gestures and expressions...

There were many similar performances in this conversation. For example, when he complained about the immigration issue, he turned around and said back to Harris: " We can't use her, she's incompetent - she's just as bad as Biden. "

Therefore, the contents worth mentioning are probably the above, and the others are too fragmentary, so I will not expand on them.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(schematic diagram)

Of course, although Trump has criticized many people, his confrontation with Musk this time It’s hard to say how successful the talk was, after all, it lasted more than 40 minutes.

In response, Harris’ campaign team specifically retweeted a Trump blog post on truth social:

“Wow! DeSantis (actually desantis, he spelled his name wrong again) Twitter launch was a disaster! His entire campaign is going to be a disaster, just watch! "

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Harris campaign team retweeted Trump's old blog post)

DeSantis is a Republican and once a strong opponent of Trump. In May last year, he launched a campaign on Twitter, but suffered an embarrassing technical failure. , exactly the same as Trump.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(DeSantis, schematic diagram)

More than a year later, the Harris team deliberately revealed this matter, and the intention is self-evident:

How did you evaluate DeSantis, now I will How do I evaluate you?

Trump’s various random comments later can hardly be called presenting facts and making sense.

cnn took a look at Trump’s original words today and found at least 20 errors...

For example, when he talked about sea level rise, the sea level is actually rising by more than one-eighth of an inch every year, let alone the next 400 years.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(CNN takes stock of errors and omissions in Trump's words)

However, Trump. His usual style is actually to export emotions like this - even if he doesn't care about presenting facts and making sense, he is still the traffic king.

No, the top spots on today’s hot searches in the US are all related to Trump Musk:

First, elon; second, ddos; fourth, “Trump is back x”

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - LujubaAs we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba


Of course, the news of Trump’s return has received mixed reactions from the public. Most Sichuan fans who love him have a posture of “Welcome the King of Understanding to return” and have prepared “support” pictures.

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

("support picture" made by netizens using AI)

And people who hate him still hate him as always. Because Trump always mumbles and sounds a bit like a duck, some people gave him a nickname, It's called "Sichuan Old Duck", and the tag is also on the hot search in the United States...

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(actually Donald Duck in English is donald duck)

As we all know, Trump has many eccentricities. For example, when he was in the White House, there was a button on his desk, and someone would bring him Diet Coke when he pressed it. Another example is that he likes to eat McDonald's and loves to scroll through Twitter... . But un - Lujuba

(Sichuan Old Duck)

has dominated the hot search since its return. It is worthy of the United States. Traffic password x2...

Can we see the grand scene of "Twitter governing the country" again in the future?

I’m looking forward to it....

Tags: entertainment