The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, starring Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming. This drama is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist, as the female protagonist's boss, secretly falls in love in the company. We also wa

entertainment 9225℃

The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, starring Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming. This drama is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist, as the female protagonist's boss, secretly falls in love in the company. We also wa - Lujuba

The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming co-star. In this drama, it is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist serves as the female protagonist’s boss and works in the company. While secretly falling in love, they also have to prevent other colleagues from knowing. Zhang Jianing's role in the play can be said to interpret what is meant by "hiding everywhere."

For fear of being discovered accidentally, the male and female protagonists' views on love here can be said to be very clear to the audience. I have learned a good lesson and successfully established a new "view on love" and "healthy love relationship". Different from the previous brainless sweet dramas, this drama not only has no plot development nor does it treat the audience as " "Idiot", respecting the audience's "intelligence" very much. In one of the plots, when the scumbag ex came back to seek reconciliation, a passerby next to him said "forgive him", but unexpectedly he was directly shouted back by the onlookers, which vividly explained " Reject moral kidnapping. "

The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, starring Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming. This drama is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist, as the female protagonist's boss, secretly falls in love in the company. We also wa - Lujuba

At the same time, this drama also contributes how to save yourself when the elevator breaks down. Why not follow such a good drama full of surprises?

01 Zhang Jianing

Everyone first became familiar with Zhang Jianing because her character Lin Beixing in " Twinkle Twinkle Star " instantly captured the audience's attention. When filming this drama, Zhang Jianing had a huge problem for her. In front of the audience, she was already 32 years old at the time, but the role she played was indeed 18 years old. If she couldn't control it, she would definitely ruin the role. At the same time, she would also be scolded by the audience for "pretending to be young", but she used her strength to beat those guys hard. human face.

The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, starring Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming. This drama is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist, as the female protagonist's boss, secretly falls in love in the company. We also wa - Lujuba

Not only does the high school student she plays not have the slightest violation, it even adds a different feeling to the character itself. The crying scenes in this drama can be described as "textbook level". Every time I see Lin Beixing crying, even the audience It felt like my heart had been severely "beaten". This shows how amazing Zhang Jianing's acting skills are. She can successfully control different types of roles. She has her own understanding of roles such as high school students, mothers, etc., and will not let the audience down at all. What kind of new image will be presented to the audience in "Secret Romance"?

02 Wei Zheming

In this drama, he can be said to have contributed a sense of déjà vu as a "perfect boyfriend". He has created one classic role after another. Although his performance as Ba Zong is extremely suitable, as if the paper man has come into reality, the most amazing thing is the small supporting role played by Chang in "The Next Stop Is Happiness". Are you surprised?

The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, starring Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming. This drama is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist, as the female protagonist's boss, secretly falls in love in the company. We also wa - Lujuba

uses the most handsome face to talk about the relationship between love and being loved so clearly. Although he plays an inconspicuous secret admirer, he has a clear will. This fully proves "I love you very much, but I should love myself first." This view of love should be placed in our love life today, and we should not be ignorant "love brains".

03 Wang Zhener

Wang Zhener may be the actor of "I know this person, but I just can't name him", but the audience clearly remembers this face. In the play, Wang Zhener's cry The play is so contagious. You can feel her sadness through the screen. It can be said that the sense of immersion is so strong that the audience can't let go for a long time after watching it. The villain in "Detective Chinatown Web Drama" is extremely explosive. When faced with During the interrogation, he vividly changed himself from a victim to a victim, and even felt the shock through the screen, so Wang Zhener really spoke with his strength.

The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, starring Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming. This drama is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist, as the female protagonist's boss, secretly falls in love in the company. We also wa - Lujuba

04 Zhou Chengao

should be a young boy in the new era, but he has also participated in many dramas, such as " Only Thirty " and "Hanglang" are all familiar TV dramas, but if you say that he relies on his face to make a living, Then I want to say that it is really not the case. In the new drama "Anti-Liar Police", the undercover agent he played really managed to fake it.

's efforts to infiltrate the underworld are heartbreaking. First, he was imprisoned in a small dark room with only a bottle of water and a computer. He only ate a bowl of instant noodles a day. In order to gain trust, he decided to "fight fire with fire" while reciting it loudly. He started dancing crazily. This state was so real that even the co-stars were frightened. This kind of dramatic acting was really impressive.

The much-anticipated workplace love drama is coming, starring Zhang Jianing and Wei Zheming. This drama is different from the previous workplace love routines. In this drama, the male protagonist, as the female protagonist's boss, secretly falls in love in the company. We also wa - Lujuba

All in all, there are not a lot of settings in this drama. Ordinary romance drama audiences are already tired of it, but if you add marriage first, love later, "secret love for ten years, planning for ten years", then this will be It's completely different. When I first started watching this drama, I thought that the male and female protagonists would just have a very ordinary flash marriage, and they would fall in love with each other slowly after the marriage.

As a result, I didn’t expect that the male protagonist had a crush on the female protagonist as early as his teenage years. He had been secretly in love with the female protagonist for ten years. This marriage was a long-planned marriage by the male protagonist. He had already confessed his secret love to the female protagonist’s parents before the marriage. He told his basic situation very responsibly. Who could not love such a sincere setting? He treasured the umbrella that the heroine held for him ten years ago. Who can really love this kind of affectionate setting? Can you love it or not? If you like it, you can hurry up and chase it.

Tags: entertainment