Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play "Tiangong Kaiwu" directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft

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Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly...

html On the evening of August 9, the stage play "Tiangong Kaiwu" directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craftsmen and the earth presented by "Ming-made aesthetics" was intoxicating. The spiritual character conveyed by the exquisite dance moved the audience.

Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play 'Tiangong Kaiwu' directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft - Lujuba


Showing the spiritual world of Song Yingxing

"Tiangong Kaiwu" written by Song Yingxing is an encyclopedia recording ancient science and technology before the middle of the Ming Dynasty in China. The stage play uses Song Yingxing and his book "Tiangong Kaiwu" as the theme. Through chapters such as "rushing for exams", "writing books", and "mountains and rivers", it reproduces Song Yingxing's failure in the scientific examinations six times and his ultimate obsession with the Chinese working people. Wisdom and creativity, a complete investigation and combing of science and technology before the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and finally the story of "Tiangong Kaiwu".

Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play 'Tiangong Kaiwu' directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft - Lujuba

The performance scene of "Tiangong Kaiwu"

The stage play closely follows the aesthetic characteristics of traditional Chinese art, combines the presentation methods of modern scientific and technological devices, and uses artistic techniques to demonstrate the charm of "Tiangong Kaiwu" and the magnificent spiritual world of Song Yingxing. .

Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play 'Tiangong Kaiwu' directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft - Lujuba

Stills of "Tiangong Kaiwu"

At the performance site, when the lights gradually turned on, and as the white-drawn embroidery portrait of "Tiangong Kaiwu" slowly unfolded on the stage, the audience seemed to have traveled back to more than three hundred years ago, when the scientist Song Yingxing was about to create this The era of China's great scientific and technological works.

In the chapter "Running for the Examination", Song Yingxing was deeply attracted by the farming, wine-making and other scenes he encountered on the way, and he initially awakened to scientific knowledge; in the "Grand Examination", Song Yingxing suffered a series of setbacks on the road to the imperial examination, but was fortunate to have the warmth of his family to accompany him; in "The Final Examination" In the chapter "Book", Song Yingxing went deep into the field workshop, and the process of writing the book was full of hardships and perseverance; in "Mountains and Rivers", his eldest brother and best friend died for his country, Song Yingxing secluded himself in troubled times, and devoted himself to writing books... At the end, Song Yingxing wrote a book... To sail and sail across the world, the immortality and greatness of the scientific spirit leap out at this moment.

Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play 'Tiangong Kaiwu' directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft - Lujuba

Stills of "Tiangong Kaiwu"

The play closely follows the world's science and technology masterpiece "Tiangong Kaiwu" in terms of choreography, narration, music, stage design and other aspects. It uses important chapters and vivid illustrations of the book as various elements of the dance drama. The theme of the chapter and the clues of emotional advancement are combined with lyrical and narrative techniques, and scenes such as Song Yingxing writing a book in the room and group portraits of people working are integrated into the choreography.

The audience was deeply moved by the actors' performances

Previously, some media commented that if the dance dramas "Only Green", "Dream of Red Mansions", "Wing Chun" and "Li Bai" make people more intoxicated with the beauty of art, culture and tradition The beauty of... Then, the dance drama "Tiangong Kaiwu" allows people to appreciate the beauty of material, technology and humanity like never before.

Audiences who watched this dance drama in Chengdu also felt this way. Ms. Zhang, an audience member, said that she has always been interested in dance dramas. She has watched classic dance dramas such as "Li Bai", "The Eternal Wave" and "Dream of Red Mansions" that were previously performed in Chengdu. Watching it live, she was not disappointed by "Tiangong Kaiwu" this time. Both the stage design and the actors' performances were very exciting.

Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play 'Tiangong Kaiwu' directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft - Lujuba

Stills of "Tiangong Kaiwu"

During the performance, the audience continued to applaud. The first half of the play was light-hearted and humorous, and laughter could be heard from time to time in the audience. After the intermission, the tone changed from bright to dark, and six failures were entangled like a nightmare. From excitement, loss, and anger to disappointment and numbness, the completely different changes of emotions took the audience deeply into Song Yingxing's struggle and awakening.

Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play 'Tiangong Kaiwu' directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft - Lujuba

Stills of "Tiangong Kaiwu"

Director Lu Chuan once said that "Tiangong Kaiwu" is an encyclopedia. It seems cold, scientific and rational, but it contains a hot spirit. He said: "Song Yingxing as a The 'rebels' of an era shoulder the heavy responsibility of a nation and culture. This is the spirit that we should learn and carry forward. We hope to use images to set off that magnificent inner world, and we also hope that parents will bring their children. Take a look at how such a scholar decided his own life path more than 300 years ago."

Huge manuscripts fell from the sky, and the giant ship of words came slowly... On the evening of August 9, the stage play 'Tiangong Kaiwu' directed by the famous director Lu Chuan premiered at the Sichuan Grand Theater. On the stage, the beauty of technology, installations, craft - Lujuba

It is reported that the play will continue to be performed at the Sichuan Grand Theater on August 10.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao intern Li Jinjie editor Zeng Qi

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