Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market. Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major

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Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Copywriting | Fourteen North

Editor | Nanfeng

Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.

Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation of this summer's summer season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone the major TV stations.

data has no splash at all, and it is useless for anyone to come. Yin Tao , Guo Jingfei plus Zhang Songwen are also helpless.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

At this time, only CCTV was still strong. " Happy Grass " was launched in a low-key manner. The ratings of the two episodes released on the first day exceeded 1.3, winning the national championship and directly beating the audience.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Looking at the lineup, there is really nothing to look forward to.

does not have any top-notch support, and does not even have some veteran national actors, but it still comes out on top.

If you want to ask why it is so arrogant, I can only say that this is the power of the drama.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Do you still remember the movie "Mountains and Seas" that opened the door to domestic dramas on poverty alleviation?

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

The prototype of Professor Ling in "Mountains and Seas" is Academician Lin Zhanxi, the inventor of Juncao technology. When the drama was on the air, Academician Lin Zhanxi once said in a CCTV interview that "We must work hard to make Juncao a happy grass that benefits the world." .

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

No, "Happiness Grass" based on Lin Zhanxi has made its debut.

begins with the male protagonist Li Changhuan ( Guo Tao ) and his team working to alleviate poverty in Ningxia.

There is no financial support, and the unfinished research cannot be recognized by the villagers. Some people even say that Lao Li is an "academic liar."

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

From the inside out, it is really thankless.

Lao Li, who was already very old, let out a long sigh. This institute was on the verge of bankruptcy. His two students had suffered so much and had begun to give up. How can

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

be fixed? It can only be withdrawn.

The investor wants to run away, and my wife has had a heart attack and had surgery. What do I want to do after spending most of my busy life?

After having a drink with two students and gritting his teeth after a gulp of wine, he finally decided to retire.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Hearing the news, Lao Li’s family was certainly relieved.

The eldest daughter went to work in a foreign country, and the younger daughter and his wife followed him around and could not see each other all year round.

After so many years, the family can finally be reunited.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

However, just after he made his decision, a more important task came again.

This time, it’s really not a big deal.

The province decided to directly approve the funding of one million yuan and send it to the research institute in five installments. They will go to Barama to support and share technology, and at the same time, scientific researchers can receive subsidies.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Although the work is the same, there will definitely be more difficult problems in different regions.

However, once the one million is received, the institute will come back to life, and local villagers will also have hope in poverty alleviation work.

to go or not to go?

It’s the same time for a drink, but this time Lao Li is not so melancholy, he must go!

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

But the eldest daughter wants to buy a house for the couple in Singapore, and the travel plan has been agreed upon. How should Lao Li explain it to his family?

Don’t worry, people have their own excuses.

"The mission of the tourist resort" and "I will go to investigate the situation first" are all "fraud tricks" that the family is familiar with.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Although the atmosphere is relaxed and the tone is humorous, it still feels extremely sad no matter how you watch it.

has been striving for scientific research all his life, and his family has been together less and more apart. Once again, he has gone back on his word, and his wife and daughter have become accustomed to it.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

And when Lao Li really took people to a foreign country, the more difficult things were yet to come.

Different cultural environments require them to improve their technology, but at the same time there are also problems such as language barriers and acclimatization.

How will they solve the many difficulties this time? Why did Lao Li's eldest daughter put down her burdens and go to help her father? I am already looking forward to the plot behind


Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

After 33 years in the industry, Guo Tao has also contributed many god-level works.

From the movies " Never Lost My Love ", " Crazy Stone ", " The Sun Burns the Heart ", to the TV series " Parents Love ", "Two Families in Wenzhou", " Meritorious Service " and many other high-reputation masterpieces, Guo Tao is everywhere.

But he didn’t even have a talent award close to him, and he just passed by the Best Actor and Best Actor.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Even if it is a small-budget drama like "Happiness Grass", Guo Tao can completely handle it by himself.

In him, I can really see the simplicity and fatigue of the old academician.

It has no pretensions, is completely rooted in the grassroots, is full of scientific research and poverty alleviation, and has no selfish sincerity.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Guo Tao did not deliberately highlight the aura of the character. Instead, he was extremely relaxed in his performance, and even had a little humor in his language.

But even so, the audience can still feel the unspeakable fatigue of the male protagonist.

Tired, really tired.

His eyes were almost swollen to the point of slits, and the ravines on his face were clearly visible. He was dressed so plainly, but he felt energetic all over his body.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Guo Tao is always able to create extremely down-to-earth characters. There is no need for grand performances at all. As soon as he appears on the scene, he makes the characters stand out.

It’s not that there are no good actors among old students, but I dare say that except for Li Xuejian, no one can play a conscientious and unpretentious scientist better than Guo Tao.

If the "scientist who looks most like a farmer" is put in a movie or TV series, wouldn't it be Guo Tao's face?

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

Except for Guo Tao, the other actors in the play are quite inferior in quality, but their acting skills are not inferior at all.

The appearance of Han Dong really made my eyes light up.

Most of the roles he plays are relatively exaggerated or exaggerated. This time he turned into the male protagonist's student, which made me a little uncomfortable.

With his small glasses and white shirt, he looks really like that when he looks up. Who can tell that this guy is already 43 years old.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba

and Tang Zeng.

Han Dong and Tang Zeng seem to be typical representatives of different types of agricultural researchers in the play.

Han Dong looks like an intellectual at first glance, he is also stubborn and loves to get into trouble.

Tang Zeng, at first glance, was from an agricultural background.

He and Guo Tao are in the same frame, there is no sense of incompatibility at all, it really doesn’t look like acting.

Copywriter | Fourteen North Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, the main drama is the eternal god in the TV drama market.      Under the impact of the Olympic Games, the situation in this summer's season is really unspeakable. Even the Mesozoic can't bring up the data, let alone major - Lujuba


Although the theme and lineup of "Happiness Grass" are not very pleasing, the quality is average and superior in the entire TV drama market.

The plot comes slowly, the conflicts are smooth but not sharp, the characters are extremely full-bodied, and there are passionate performances by powerful actors. No wonder it has received a lot of praise and the data is rising rapidly.

Although the layout is not as good as "Mountains and Seas", it perfectly takes over the baton of poverty alleviation themes. The foreign aid plot added to it is also more novel and unique, breaking the traditional old routines.

Although the prototype is a scientist, there is no preaching or special emphasis on suffering. The style of "The Spring Breeze" is also more eye-catching. No matter how you look at it, it is a masterpiece.

After two episodes, Lao Li will take his team to Parama. We will wait and see what plot will happen later!


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