In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of "The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West", no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage. B

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In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories: Journey to the West", no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.

But don’t be too anxious, you might as well focus on the dramas to be broadcast.

Among them, the criminal investigation suspense masterpiece "Above Dark Clouds" starring Sun Li partner Luo Jin is full of expectations. As soon as the trailer was released, I couldn't take my eyes away. The large-scale picture is obviously what the audience has longed for. " Hard food"!

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

and actor Zhang Yi have two criminal investigation masterpieces, "In the Name of the Law" and "Nine Prosecutors". Just looking at the subject matter is enough to attract people, and watching the trailers is even more exciting.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

It’s a pity that the above-mentioned dramas will take some time to meet the audience. On the contrary, another new drama can’t wait to take the lead.

The urban crime suspense drama "Her and Her Them" was launched on Taochang. After its first 6 episodes, it immediately took the first place on the soaring list. It can beat "Lone Boat" starring Zhang Songwen . What is the potential of this new drama? What charm?

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

The story is nested layer by layer, full of suspense

"She and Her They" tells the story of actor Zhou Yunqi (played by Jia Qing) who was bizarrely raped and murdered at home. Based on clues, the police locked the suspect in Li Xudong (played by Hu Jun ) and other 7 people.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

If a suspense drama wants to be successful, the plot must capture the hearts of the audience in the first second. The two highlights of "Her and Her Them" make people fall deeply into it.

The biggest highlight: Is everyone the murderer?

Late at night, actress Zhou Yunqi returned home alone. As soon as she came out of the shower, she saw a mysterious man sitting on the sofa.

Immediately afterwards, the other party rushed over with a knife. The camera was fixed on Zhou Yunqi's panicked face, and the scene stopped abruptly.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

In the early morning, Zhou Yunqi's best friend Leng Meizhen (played by He Dujuan) came to inquire about the situation because she could not get through the other party's phone. When she opened the door, what was waiting for her was Zhou Yunqi's cold and bloody corpse.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

After calling the police, the police quickly arrived at the scene. After multiple inspections and verification, Zhou Yunqi showed signs of rape.

When the police identified the murderer through layers of investigations, Leng Meizhen's boyfriend Chen Ziang (played by Zheng Jiabin), Leng Meizhen excused him at every turn.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

The bloody murder weapon was found in Chen Ziang's wardrobe. On the other hand, the police found that the surveillance video used by Li Xudong to prove his alibi was also fake.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

As clues continued to be uncovered, the police discovered that six neighbors and friends who were closely related to Zhou Yunqi in the entire building were suspected of killing Zhou Yunqi.

From their confessions, the police also noticed various clues.

html Each of the 16 suspects hides a secret. Li Xudong, who wanted to stab Chen Ziang one second, can tell the police that they are good friends the next second.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

The case is full of mystery, and everyone looks like a murderer. This "scripted murder" drama with all villains is too interesting to watch.

The second most interesting point: the mystery of human nature.

Suspense dramas are indispensable for complex interpersonal relationships, and in the new drama, there are inextricable emotional connections between the deceased and the six suspects.

Derailment, betrayal, love triangle, the ugliness of human nature is exposed to the sun after the stories are revealed one by one.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

It can be said that the screenwriter is playing a big game. He uses clues that seem unrelated but are actually connected to each other to firmly grasp the audience's attention.

seems to be about a murder case, but in fact it is a discussion of the moral bottom line and human nature. Such a suspenseful and far-reaching drama is worth savoring.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

Powerful actors compete on the same stage

In addition to the wonderful story, "Her and Her Them" also has another highlight, which is the gathering of powerful actors.

Judging from the episodes broadcast so far, there are 5 actors whose performances are quite outstanding.

ranks first, Hu Jun.

As the "backbone" of the entire drama, Li Xudong played by Hu Jun plays a very important role.

When he saw his beloved lying on the ground, turning into a cold corpse, Li Xudong rushed to the scene after learning the news. His disbelief and grief instantly brought the audience into the drama.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

There is not a single line. From his eyes to his expressions to his movements, Hu Jun vividly displays the character's emotions of being shocked to the point of losing consciousness.

When he learned that the younger brother he had always talked about before his death was Chen Ziang, whom he suspected of being the murderer, Li Xudong returned to the store and pounded the meat pie in despair, as if the hammer was hitting a person's chest.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

Hu Jun's acting skills have such charm. Even if there are no lines, the audience can feel the character's dignified and self-blaming psychological activities. His acting skills are amazing.

ranked second, Zheng Jiabin.

Chen Ziang, played by Zheng Jiabin, is also interesting. When

was arrested and questioned by the police, Chen Ziang looked calm and seemed not to take the interrogation seriously at all, portraying the character's arrogant attitude to the core.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

When Chen Jiajia (played by Jiang Fangting) spoke harshly and said that there was no comparison between the other party and Zhou Yunqi, Chen Ziang looked contemptuous and disdainful, and his vicious eyes were full of anger.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

The role of Chen Ziang is fierce and explosive, and it was unexpectedly suitable for him to be played by Zheng Jiabin.

is third, Jia Qing.

As a heroine who "goes offline" immediately after her appearance, Zhou Yunqi, played by Jia Qing, is really a person with different faces. When

had a "soul" dialogue with detective Zhao Entropy ( Xiao Shunyao), Zhou Yunqi was intellectual, elegant and generous, with a deep sense of story in his eyes, exuding amorous feelings in his calm expression.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

In Zheng Jiabin’s memories, Zhou Yunqi was the ill-tempered Royal Sister.

Faced with Zheng Jiabin's hands and feet, Jia Qing took off his coat and threw it on the ground. Seeing Zheng Jiabin's sudden emotional outburst, his fierce expression looked like he was about to eat someone.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

Different people have different images of Zhou Yunqi. As the story progresses, the audience will see more Jia Qing with different images. We are looking forward to it.

ranked fourth, Xiao Shunyao.

The detective Zhao Entropy played by Xiao Shunyao is upright. When interrogating Chen Ziang, his eyes were fixed on the other party's expressions and movements, and his cold attitude perfectly captured the majestic aura of the police handling the case.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

When talking with people about clues about the case, Zhao Entropy's serious and responsible attitude also allowed the audience to see the professionalism of the police in handling cases. Xiao Shunyao's performance was remarkable.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

ranked fifth, Wang Daqi.

There are not many scenes of Wang Lei played by Wang Daqi in the new drama. His story is still waiting to be unlocked in the subsequent plot.

However, Wang Daqi's performance was quite down-to-earth. When he first saw Zhou Yunqi's body, he held up his mobile phone in surprise, his eyes moving aimlessly, and his sudden staggering added a bit of realism to the character.

looks forward to Wang Daqi’s wonderful performance in the subsequent plot.

In the current Chinese drama market, since the conclusion of 'The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West', no ruthless drama has been able to firmly capture the attention of the audience, and the TV drama market has ushered in a new round of drama shortage.      B - Lujuba

At the same time, Yuan Jiahuan, Jiang Fangting, Zhong Linyu and other actors all gave outstanding performances in the play. This suspenseful drama is so interesting.


In the past two years, suspense dramas have been all about you singing and me appearing, but many dramas with gorgeous lineups and good quality have failed.

In the final analysis, it is still limited by the quality of the script and does not have a good story.

"Her and Her Them" gives the suspense genre back its place. The plot of

has a strong attraction from the first second, and then the murder occurs, which is full of suspense. Each small story is unearthed, exaggerating the suspenseful atmosphere to the extreme.

Under the suspenseful appearance, "Her and Her Them" ultimately explores human nature. Every swing and change in people's hearts is what the director wants to convey through the lens.

This drama has a good opening. Whether it can be a hit depends on how the subsequent story is told.

Tags: entertainment