Shijiazhuang is competing for a bowl of noodles, Changzhou is changing its "painting style", and Shandong people are enjoying romance. Do you taste it? On July 30, the Shandong Provincial Government issued "Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the Steady E

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Shijiazhuang is competing for a bowl of noodles, Changzhou is changing its "painting style", and Shandong people are playing romance. Do you taste it?

html On July 30, the Shandong Provincial Government issued "Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the Steady Economic Improvement and Improve the Quality." In order to boost cultural and tourism consumption, measures such as "encouraging various regions to hold large-scale concerts and music festivals with more than 10,000 people" have been launched.

A major manufacturing province encourages large-scale concerts! ? What signal does this policy trend, which seems to deviate from Shandong's traditional "personal design", send?

1. With intensive incentives and subsidies, the cultural tourism industry has reached the C position.

Reporters noticed that the list of 40 policies issued by Shandong Province this time will also organize more than 3,000 business events in the second half of the year to tap cultural tourism consumption. For performances, "vacancy-tolerant pre-examination" will be implemented for large-scale commercial performances, and the approval time limit will be reduced from 25 working days to 10 working days.

This policy "gift package" has added fuel to the ever-expanding domestic concert market.

In Shandong, Qingdao has become a hot spot for concerts in China. Data from the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism shows that from January to July, Qingdao approved a total of 38 large-scale commercial performances with more than 5,000 people. In June, concerts by Deng Ziqi and Tao Zhe were held simultaneously in Chengyang District and Laoshan District, with 92,000 viewers watching, 70% of whom traveled across the city. According to ota platform data, in the days before and after the performance, the number of tourists visiting Qingdao increased by 87% month-on-month, and the amount of consumption increased by 82% month-on-month, fully reflecting the role of attracting traffic.

is regarded as the "walking GDP" concert economy, with its own traffic, carrying tens of thousands of people to eat, live, travel, travel, shop, and entertain, and its economic tentacles extend to multiple industries. In Shantou, a large-scale concert that brings together many Hong Kong and Taiwan singers introduces the "Business District Concert" model. The organizer cooperates with more than 200 merchants in the same city. Ticket purchases by the audience can be directly converted into consumption points for free. Among the cooperative merchants When cash is used, it stimulates consumption.

According to the "2023 Annual Insights on Large-scale Concerts in the Performance Market" report released by the China Performance Industry Association, Damai, Weibo, and Beacon Professional Edition, the number of concerts with more than 10,000 people in 2023 will triple compared with 2019; large-scale concerts will cross cities The proportion of people attending performances reached 68%, an increase of 7.4% year-on-year, reaching a record high. Among them, the proportion of non-local audiences for Nanjing's large-scale concerts reached 80%.

When cross-city performances become the new traffic code of the cultural tourism industry, cultural industries such as concerts have become "hot industries" that are rewarded and subsidized by the government.

reporters combed through online information and found that in 2023, Hainan will set up a special cultural and sports award subsidy fund with a total scale of 110 million yuan to subsidize enterprises based on the number of viewers. In 2024, organizers of large-scale concerts and music festivals will be held in Hainan. The amount of awards and subsidies The maximum amount is NT$3 million.

Shanxi, a province with major cultural tourism resources, is waiting hard for the opportunity to break out of the industry. In 2024, Shanxi's finance department will allocate 120 million special funds to fully ensure the promotion of Shanxi's cultural tourism resources. In April this year, Taiyuan implemented the "Several Measures to Support the Economic Development of Concerts (Trial)", providing incentives and subsidies to concert organizers with a single ticket sales volume of 7,000 or more people and a ticket sales revenue of no less than 5 million yuan. If the ticket sales volume of a single game is more than 30,000 people (inclusive) and the ticket sales revenue is not less than 20 million yuan, the single game bonus will be 800,000 yuan.

In June this year, Qingdao Shandong Jindong Digital Creative Co., Ltd. and Tsingtao Beer Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. were selected into a new batch of national cultural industry demonstration bases, and each received a 2 million yuan award and subsidy from Qingdao City. The intensive reward and subsidy policies of

point to the deployment of the cultural tourism industry in various places. At present, many provinces have upgraded the cultural and tourism industry to a "strategic pillar industry and people's livelihood and happiness industry." One of the major backgrounds that cannot be ignored is that as the country begins to promote consumption tax reform, the entire society is transforming into a consumption-driven economy. As a "major tourist attraction", the tourism industry has occupied the C position in the local industrial layout.

2. The consumption tax reform may trigger an urban revolution

Why is the consumption tax reform linked to the cultural tourism industry?

For a long time, the tourism industry has had the characteristic of “enriching the people but not the government”. Zibo, which was popular all year long last year, has a GDP growth rate of 5.5% in 2023, which does not reach the provincial average. In the first quarter of this year, the GDP growth rates of the Internet celebrity cities Harbin and Tianshui were lower than the average growth rate of the province, and even ranked last in the province.

Professor Bao Jigang’s team, deputy director of the Department of Economics and Management of Sun Yat-sen University and vice president of the China Tourism Association, once conducted a survey in Yangshuo, Guilin. Yangshuo tourism enterprises accounted for 44% of all registered industrial and commercial enterprises. Among the 7,345 tourism enterprises, the registered capital was 3 There are 6,278 enterprises with less than 10,000 yuan, accounting for 85%. Most of them are small and micro enterprises and basically do not need to pay taxes. In 2018, Yangshuo's urban per capita disposable income was 5,000 yuan higher than Guangxi, ranking second in Guilin; rural per capita disposable income was 4,000 yuan higher than Guangxi, ranking fifth in Guilin; the urban-rural disposable income ratio was 2.33, lower than Guangxi ( 2.69) and Guilin (2.44), it can be seen that tourism in Yangshuo enriches the people, but the tax is very low and does not enrich the government.

The same situation exists in Zibo, Harbin, and Tianshui. For example, the Zibo Eight Market, which has ranked first in the number of popular domestic tourist destinations for many times last year, is a vegetable market filled with small businesses and hawkers. How can it contribute tax revenue?

Professor Bao Jigang believes that consumption tax reform may solve the development dilemma of "enriching the people but not the government" in tourist destinations.

In my country, consumption tax is mainly paid in the production process by the tax authorities in charge of the location of the producer, and the revenue belongs to the central government. There are currently 15 tax items, with tax rates ranging from 1% to 56%, including tobacco, refined oil, automobiles, alcohol Revenue from these four tax items accounts for more than 90% of consumption tax revenue.

According to data from the Ministry of Finance, among the main tax revenues in the first half of 2024, value-added tax was 3.540 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.6%; corporate income tax was 2.5384 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.5%; consumption tax was 883.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.8%; personal income tax 735.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.7%. Consumption tax is the only one among the top four taxes that maintains positive growth.

At the same time, the budget revenue of local government funds in the first half of the year was 1,784.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 17.4%, of which revenue from the transfer of state-owned land use rights was 1,526.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 18.3%.

Land transfer revenue has shrunk significantly, how to supplement local tax sources needs to be solved urgently, and consumption tax reform has been put on the agenda. In many analytical articles discussing consumption tax reform, a consensus is that the important purpose of the country's consumption tax reform is to supplement local financial resources and guide local governments to promote the transformation of industrial structure.

is a production-based taxation mechanism. All cities must become productive cities and strive for industry; after the consumption tax reform, the collection link will be "moved backward" to the consumption link and assigned to local governments. In the past, production and generation will The tax authority where the processor is located pays the consumption tax, and then it is transferred to the wholesaler or retailer to pay the tax authority where it is located.

innovative tax system, local governments have new sources of tax collection so that they can profit from traffic. Through structural adjustments to the tax system, the state encourages local grassroots efforts to stimulate consumption. The research report "Strategic Implications of Consumption Tax Reform" released by Galaxy Securities in June this year estimated that the "backward shift" of consumption tax will have a negative impact on the tax revenue of major provinces such as Shanghai, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hubei, and Hunan, which are responsible for the production and processing of tobacco, alcohol, automobiles, and oil. It will make a positive contribution to the tax revenue of Guangdong, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang and other provinces with large population and consumption.

In May 2024, Shandong Province released the "Top Ten Innovations", "Top Ten Industries" and "Top Ten Demand Expansions" action plans (2024-2025). In the traditional consumption upgrading action plan, it was proposed to deeply explore household registration and permanent residence. The huge consumption potential contained in the population of "double over 100 million" will strive to drive the total retail sales of social consumer goods to an average annual growth of about 5%.

In 2023, Shandong's total retail sales will be 3,614.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.7%, which is 1.5 percentage points higher than the national level. The "Three-Year Action Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand in Shandong Province (2023-2025)" points out that the contribution rate of consumer spending in Shandong Province to economic growth will reach about 60% in 2025.

With the construction of a consumption-oriented society, the KPI of "consumption expenditure's contribution to economic growth" will have an increasingly higher weight.

From the perspective of industrial structure, Shandong is a typical manufacturing province. At the same time, Shandong is also a major economic province with a population of over 100 million, and has great potential for building a consumption-oriented society.

Under the expectation of consumption tax reform, how can the consumption tax directly drive local development? What strategies will the local government use to stimulate consumption in the future? How can the cultural tourism industry, a “big traffic player”, supplement local tax sources and form a positive cycle?

The answers to these questions are hidden in the questioning of a phenomenon-level hot spot: Why did "Yueshanhe" with Hui reach the peak after debut?

Times make heroes.

3. Why are they so popular?

This year, creating an upgraded version of the cultural tourism industry has become a top priority in various places.

In May this year, Shandong Province launched the "Top Ten Innovations", "Top Ten Industries" and "Top Ten Expanding Demands" action plans (2024-2025). Among them, the cultural and creative industry action plan proposes to promote the upgrading of cultural consumption and do a good job Innovation in consumption scenarios; the boutique tourism industry action plan proposes to cultivate 100 leading tourism companies in 2025, accelerate the cultivation of hundreds of billions of cultural tourism industry clusters, and invest an average of more than 50 billion yuan in major cultural tourism projects; upgrade homestay products, rural tourism Improve quality and efficiency, accelerate the upgrading of tourism public service facilities, etc.

Judging from these industrial policies, the cultural tourism industry must truly become a "strategic emerging industry". In the past, it was mainly home-grown, independent, and small and micro enterprises. Now it is necessary to cultivate leading enterprises, cultural tourism groups, and industrial clusters to become bigger and bigger. powerful.

Hunan Radio and Television is a model student in “improving quality and efficiency” in the cultural tourism industry. In 2023, Radio and Television Xiangjun will actively participate in the integration and operation of cultural tourism projects in Hunan Province, launching 7 projects in 6 cities and prefectures in Hunan Province in one year, with the goal of becoming the largest cultural tourism investment platform in Hunan Province. Dianguang Media, a listed company under Hunan Radio and Television, will achieve a net profit of 176 million in 2023. It relies on the mango ecology to create creative activities and drive its various scenic spots to become popular. In the first quarter of this year, TV and Radio Media achieved revenue of 898 million yuan and net profit of 27.67 million yuan, a year-on-year increase. Dianguang Media stated that it will accelerate the establishment of professional cultural technology companies based on the existing digital cultural tourism layout and continue to promote cultural tourism product innovation.

The strong growth of the market has driven the industry chain to be further segmented and expanded. According to data from the China Performance Industry Association, in the first half of 2024, there were 251,700 commercial performances nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 30.19%, and 79.1013 million audiences, a year-on-year increase of 27.10%. Data from Tianyancha shows that there are more than 1.05 million "performance"-related companies in the country. From January to July 2024, 78,000 new related companies were registered across the country.

promotes the growth of the cultural tourism industry, and innovation is the core.

At the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games, the operation of "Dream Paris" made people feel the extraordinary experience of immersing themselves in the opening ceremony. In terms of "immersive" cultural tourism, the Chinese are now doing their job as smoothly as Paris.

Shijiazhuang is competing for a bowl of noodles, Changzhou is changing its 'painting style', and Shandong people are enjoying romance. Do you taste it?             On July 30, the Shandong Provincial Government issued 'Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the Steady E - Lujuba

The picture comes from Yantai Cultural Tourism

On May Day, Hua Chenyu’s concert in Yantai became popular; in summer, Jinan’s Pineapple Mountain concert became popular; last week, Dunhuang’s Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring concert became popular. Concerts are being held all over the country, why are they so popular?

Shijiazhuang is competing for a bowl of noodles, Changzhou is changing its 'painting style', and Shandong people are enjoying romance. Do you taste it?             On July 30, the Shandong Provincial Government issued 'Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the Steady E - Lujuba

Pictures come from Dunhuang Cultural Tourism

Dunhuang represents the desert starry sky; Yantai represents the romantic sunrise; Jinan represents the relaxation of the city. In the end, what everyone strives for is innovation. In the second half of the year, Shandong will organize more than 3,000 commercial performances. With such a magnitude and scale, how to spend money to generate traffic and still make money requires careful planning.

4. Shijiazhuang is competing for a bowl of noodles, Changzhou has changed its style, and Shandong people are playing romance

City marketing is getting more and more popular.

Last year, Shijiazhuang promoted the banner of "Rock City". After the song "Kill That Shijiazhuang Man" was played for a while, there was no more content; recently, the mayor of Shijiazhuang personally stood up and officially announced the name "Shijiazhuang Beef Pan Noodles" The public brand competed with Anhui for beef noodles.

It is not enough for Changzhou to become a "City of New Energy Vehicles", it must also develop the city's business card of "Changzhou". In 2023, Changzhou issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Integrated Development of Culture, Business and Tourism", which will provide a 1% operating income subsidy for large-scale commercial performances within the city.

Changzhou is changing its "painting style".Nowadays, in Changzhou, wild concerts come as night falls, grassroots singers selling pancakes take the stage, and music buses carry on-board bands to play all the way, connecting Changzhou urban landmarks... Data shows that in 2023, Changzhou held a total of large-scale music festivals There were 22 concerts, with an average of nearly 30,000 attendees per game, attracting a total of more than 600,000 music fans, and driving comprehensive consumption of nearly 6 billion yuan in surrounding attractions, hotels, transportation, etc.

reporters noticed that the above-mentioned action plan in Shandong mentioned that it would accelerate the construction of immersive experience projects such as "Taishan Sunrise", "Yellow River Enters the Sea", "Langya Storm", Weishan Lake Cultural Tourism Island, etc., and expand digital cultural tourism. Consumption space, promote the application of digital technologies such as 5g, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence in the cultural tourism industry.

In vernacular terms, China leads the world in the application of digital technologies. If we integrate them into unique natural + humanistic and historical landscapes such as "Sunrise on Mount Tai" and "Yellow River Entering the Sea", what kind of scene will be created?

People in Shandong are so romantic that they don’t care about other people! Looking forward to this day.

In the Shandong Emerging Consumption Expansion Action Plan (2024-2025), it is mentioned that research and support for consumer-grade drones and other smart products to create new consumption scenarios are mentioned.

During the Paris Olympics, China’s drone performances amazed the world. In Qingdao, drone performances have become a standard feature of large-scale cultural and tourism activities in Qingdao, cultivating national high-tech enterprises such as Yuandu Intelligent Technology.

In the first half of this year, Qingdao’s total social retail sales reached 292.5 billion yuan, a growth rate of 5.6%, ranking fourth among the 26 trillion-dollar cities.

The country continues to release reform signals, and the cultural tourism industry has received unprecedented attention. The service industry has developed accordingly, attracting traffic and increasing the consumption of foreign population, thus increasing consumption and increasing local consumption tax sources. Such a picture shows a positive cycle in a consumer-oriented society.

Shandong is establishing a new "personality".

Source: Dazhong Newspaper·Qilu Yidian

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